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A Lady Pays Her Penalties

Page 25

by Ashley Zacharias

  When he started the engine, she threw the passenger door open and jumped into the car.

  “Good choice, ma’am. Now, about that fare, it’s pay in advance. We want to get the messy business part out of the way first, don’t we? So we can enjoy the ride.”

  She was crying freely as she held the money out to him.

  He took it and put it in his pocket. “Thank you, ma’am. Doing business with you once more is a whole new pleasure.”

  She wept all the way back to the house. What was she going to do now? Leroy had told her that she couldn’t return unless she had a hundred dollars to give him. She didn’t dare show up without it. She had been punished terribly already. Her cunt was still burning like hell and her back was aching with bruises from shoulders to knees and her feet were throbbing. She couldn’t go through that again.

  * * *

  When he parked in the driveway, she said, “Look, mister. I’d sure like to earn another hundred dollars. You know how good I am at sucking cock. But, like I told you before, I’m just as good when I’m taking it up the ass. That’s a special treat that not every woman will do for a man. I bet your wife would never allow you to do it to her. Why don’t you treat yourself to the ultimate gourmet experience and fuck my ass like it’s never been fucked before. You won’t believe how hot and tight it is. In fact, I’ll do something for you that no woman will ever do for you again. No woman. I’ll let you fuck my ass without any lube at all. That’ll make it tighter and more pleasurable than ever. Any woman who lets a man fuck her ass without lube is a fool because she’s risking permanent damage but I’ll let you do it anyway. I’m so good that I can handle it.” She was lying a little. She could still feel some of the olive oil in her crack. It wasn’t much, but it might just be enough to make a dry ass fucking possible. Especially since she had been pre-loosened by that mighty cucumber.

  “Gosh. That sure sounds like a treat all right, but I don’t think that I can manage that. You were so good at sucking cock that I’m as empty and relaxed as I can be. There just ain’t no spunk left in me.”

  He was probably right.

  Then she had an inspiration. “Okay, then. I guess I’m just too good for my own good. But I can offer you something else. Something even more exotic.”

  “Yeah? Well, I don’t think that there’s anything that you can offer me that would be exotic enough to make me hard again. Not until tomorrow, anyway.”

  “No. It’s not that. There’s some things that will give a man deep pleasure that don’t require him to get a hard on or cum. They just feel good on their own. One of those things is a long, deep rim job.”

  “Rim job?”

  “That’s when I lick your asshole clean. Not just the outside. I’ll get my tongue so far into you that it’ll feel like I’m licking the back of your balls. I know that your wife won’t do that for you, but I’ll do it for a hundred bucks. You’ll feel so good when I’m finished that you won’t care whether you came or not.”

  The john smiled. “Little lady, I think you’ve talked me into a – what’d you call it? Oh, yeah – a rim job. You want to drive back up into the hills to do it?”

  “No thanks. It’ll feel much better for you if we do it right here in my house. I’ve got to have proper furniture give a man a proper rim job. Come on inside. Nobody is home but you and me.”

  He followed her into the house.

  “Now, you give me the money and we’ll get started.”

  “Okay.” He handed her the money.

  This was the third time that she was earning the same hundred-dollar bill. She wanted to scream in frustration at the unfairness of it all but she held her tongue and accepted it meekly.

  “This better be done right or I’m going to be angry with you,” he said. “I don’t let anyone cheat me.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give you exactly what I promised.” She put the money in a drawer and then threw off her dress. She would never wear that ragged mess again.

  For the seventh time since the previous morning, she helped The John get undressed. She needed only his ass bare but she took all his clothes off to make sure that he’d be able to spread his knees apart without getting any shirttails dangling in her way.

  Then she draped him across the back of the easy chair in the living room and spread his legs apart as far as was comfortable. She knelt between his feet and began licking his ass crack from taint to tailbone, spreading his cheeks apart and working her way in deeper with every stroke. She tried not to taste what she was licking. When she was finished, he was going to as clean as any man had ever been.

  When she finally got down to his puckered bud, he began groaning with pleasure.

  To control her disgust, she tried to imagine that she was licking a piece of steak as she worked her tongue into him. There was no joy in this act for her. She would rather have a cucumber shoved up her own ass any day. But she would rather do this than be abandoned in the hills, half naked and almost crippled.

  She told herself that this was the final part of her punishment and licked him out for all she was worth. She kept at it until her tongue was exhausted and her jaw was aching. All the time, she was fighting to keep her gag reflex under control. She told herself that she loved this man so much that it was worth every lick.

  He kept moaning and groaning throughout.

  She could not avoid tasting what was inside his asshole, but she kept licking and swallowing until she could no longer taste anything but her own saliva. When she was sure that he was as clean as he was going to get, she withdrew her tongue, gave him a final, wet kiss on his anus, and said, “All done. I hope you enjoyed your rim job.”

  He stood up and began re-dressing. “Yes, ma’am. I have to say that was the most pleasurable experience that I’ve had for some time. I look forward to repeating that experience some time in the near future.”

  He must have liked it a lot.

  She smiled. “Maybe you can talk your wife into doing that for you.”

  “Do you think?”

  She shrugged noncommittally. To herself, she thought, Not a chance in hell, Alex. Not a fucking chance in hell. Aloud, she said, “You better go. Someone is coming back soon. My business partner. And you don’t want to be here when he arrives.”

  “I understand.”

  He left.

  Five minutes later, Leroy was back. Funny thing, he was wearing exactly the same clothes as John and had exactly the same shit-eating grin on his face. Maybe that should be called a “shit-eaten grin” because getting his shit eaten was what put the grin there.

  She held the hundred dollars out to him, silently.

  Leroy took it and said, “That’s my girl. Looks like you made your quota after all. I knew you could do it. Better late than never. Next time, you do it when I tell you to do it and your life will be a whole lot easier.”

  She nodded, too sore and tired to come back with an answer. She felt a stray tear trickle down her cheek.

  Leroy nodded at the clock on the wall. “It’s noon. I got to get out of here. I’ll see you the next time you want to work a shift.”

  She looked at the clock. Damn, he was right. The original game specified that he was to punish her from eight until noon and that was exactly what he did. It was noon on the button and she felt wracked, mentally as well as physically.

  Alex returned a minute later, wearing the same clothes as John and Leroy, but now adding a frown of concern to his ensemble. “Are you all right, dear?”

  “I hurt pretty bad,” she replied. She was clutching her crotch. It was still burning like a wildfire in a Santa Ana wind.

  “We better do something about that. Come with me.”

  “What can you do about it?”

  “You’ll see.” He led her upstairs and lowered her into the empty bathtub. It was cool against her abused flesh and that didn’t feel bad. “Wait there. I’ll be right back.”

  She thought about turning on the water but didn’t have the energy.

p; He was back in a minute with a turkey baster, soup bowl, and a pint carton of heavy cream. “This is what the doctor ordered,” he said.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trust me,” he replied, pouring the cream into the bowl and then sucking it up into the turkey baster. “Now lie back and spread your legs.”

  Her punishment was supposed to be over, but she didn’t have the strength to argue any more.

  The cold, heavy cream douche didn’t feel bad at all. In fact, the burning in her vagina subsided immediately. He began running a slow stream of water into the tub and then a faster stream into the sink. He followed the cream douche with a warm water douche, and then gave her another cream douche. This time, he also poured cream over her outer lips and clit, soothing them, too. Finally, he rinsed her out with two more water douches, rinsed it all down the drain, and began filling the tub. He poured in a generous measure of bubble bath and stayed in the room until the water had risen to the level of her chin.

  “You soak there for a while. Call me when you’re ready to get out.”

  After fifteen minutes, the water was beginning to cool so she called him. Her voice was not loud, but he was waiting in the bedroom right outside the door and he came in immediately. “Lay your head back and let me wash your hair, first.”

  She let him lather her up and rinse all the shampoo back out. Then he pulled the plug and helped her from the tub.

  “We should get you into bed,” he said.

  “Give me a minute to brush my teeth and I’ll be right out.” She not only brushed her teeth twice and flossed, she also swished mouthwash into every corner of her mouth. Her breath had never felt so minty fresh. But, in her mind, her mouth still felt a little foul.

  When she came out of the room, she gave Alex a long wet kiss.

  He returned it with enthusiasm.

  There were clean sheets on the bed. She crawled into it naked and he tucked her in ever so gently. Her back was still aching from the brutal beating that Leroy had administered and her feet hurt terribly from walking on asphalt for miles. It would take days to heal. Other than that, she felt all right. It was such a relief to finally get the burning out of her crotch that she was willing to forgive the bruising.

  She was exhausted but not sleepy. “Why did the douche with the heavy cream feel so soothing?” she asked.

  “It’s a molecular thing. The burning is caused by an oil. The cream contains fat that binds to the oil molecules and carries them away. Water alone won’t do it because water and oil don’t mix. If you eat a hot pepper, you should drink milk, not water. I simply applied the same logic to the jalapeño that we used on you.”

  She smiled at his use of the plural pronoun. It was true that her letter suggested the pepper and that she had stocked the fridge but, as far as she was concerned, he was the one who used it on her. It had not been a joint decision.

  But he had been right. The rules specified punishment and the peeled pepper dildo had been an awful punishment. He deserved full credit for administering it to her and even more credit for knowing how to stop the pain when the punishment was over.

  In retrospect, he had administered her punishment brilliantly. She had outlined a procedure in her letter but he had tweaked it to the peak of perfection. Deserting her outside the city in the hacked-up dress had been exactly the right thing to do, particularly when he returned to play the john again, this time making her as fearful as a hooker should be when she lets a bad client get her in a vulnerable position.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Would you answer one question for me?”

  “What question?”

  “In the Chocolate Lounge, the bartender said…” He paused, wondering if he really wanted to know the answer, then began to phrase his question differently, “That man you took up to your room. Did you… Did you really…”

  She smiled and put his mind to rest. “John was The Whore’s only client, my love. Just like I promised. If you slip a bartender twenty bucks, he’ll pass along almost any message to anyone. He doesn’t care if it’s true or not. And, if a pretty woman asks a man to escort her to the mezzanine floor because someone in a bar has been bothering her, he’ll be happy to do that much for her. But I thought that you might like thinking that you had a chance to fuck the most popular whore in town.”

  He kissed her brow. “You amaze me constantly,” he said. “Now, you rest, darling. I’m going to make a dinner that will amaze you right back. After you’ve had a chance to recover a little, you’re going to be ravenous.”

  She smiled to herself. He was right. All she had had to eat this morning was a small load of jism and a few licks of shit. Even a whore deserved a real meal sometimes.

  * * *

  After dinner, she raised the original issue that still had to be addressed. “We should talk about our marriage. A week ago, you said that you wanted more sex. I was willing to give you more sex than you could handle this weekend, but we need a more realistic long-term solution. What do you expect from our marriage?”

  He frowned. “I don’t need you to make love to me six times a day, that’s for sure. But two times a month simply isn’t enough.”

  “I understand that. I should have been more attentive to your needs. How about two times a week? Is that enough?”

  “How about every night? That would be enough.”

  “I think that would get a little tedious. How about three times a week?”

  “Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday?”

  She nodded. “I can do you four times a week.”

  “You’re going to make me the happiest man in the city.”

  “I hope so,” she smiled, “But you’re going to have to give me a few days to recover before I can start honoring our new agreement. I don’t think that I’ll be able to lie on my back on Tuesday.”

  “I can get by until next weekend. I’m kind of worn out myself.” There was a pause, then he said, “There’s another thing.”


  “Variety. If I learned one thing this weekend, it’s that you know how to have sex in a whole lot of different ways. I was astounded. How about if we have come of that variety in our married life?”

  “That’s a problem for me. I want to enjoy myself when I make love to you.”

  “You didn’t enjoy everything that you did on Saturday?” he looked genuinely surprised. “It sounded like you were having fun.”

  It was her turn to look surprised, and then she laughed. “I’ve got a news flash for you, Alex. When I’m Leslie and you’re making love to me and I start convulsing underneath you and moaning, I’m feeling genuine ecstasy. As your wife, I never put on an act. My husband deserves the real thing and I always give it to him, even if it’s not always perfect. But The Whore fakes it. She takes a certain cerebral enjoyment from manipulating her john, but she’s never lost in the throes of passion when she’s with him. If you think she is, then that’s a tribute to her acting ability. Do you want me to start treating you like a john and faking it?”

  “No. Never. I want you be honest about your emotions when you’re with me.” He paused and she let him think for a minute. Then he said, thoughtfully. “I really do want you to be a wife, not a whore.”

  “Good answer.” She smiled. “And I promise that I’ll never fake it with you. Not when I’m being your wife.”

  “So, we’re not going to have a lot of variety in bed.” He looked disappointed

  “Sure. We can have more variety in the future than I’ve been giving you up to now. Not as much as when we’re playing games, but I don’t mind a little oral action once in a while. As long as it’s not expected all the time. But you have to realize something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The Whore always gives; she never receives. If you want variety with your wife, that’s a two-way street. You better be ready to give as good as you get and you better learn how to do it right. Are you going to be an apt pupil?”

  He nod
ded slowly. “Okay. You’ll have to tell me what you want.”

  She thought that he was losing a little of his newfound enthusiasm for variety. Maybe he was seeing himself having to rim her asshole and realizing that there would be a lot less joy in giving than receiving that particular pleasure. “Don’t worry,” she said with a grin, “I won’t be shy about telling you what to do.” She predicted that he wasn’t going to want as much variety as he thought. Right about now, the missionary position was sounding pretty good to him.

  “So, that’s settled. Four times a week is enough for you. Not if one of us is sick or out of town, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “And not if you’re not in the mood,” she said. “You’re allowed to be tired or busy sometimes.”

  “Like that’s going to happen,” he laughed.

  “It could. And I’ll throw in the occasional blowjob as a special treat.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Good,” she replied. “And, to make sure that I keep my end of the bargain, this is for you. I expect that you’ll never have to open it.”

  She pulled a sealed envelope out of a pocket on her robe and handed him. On the outside, writing in her hand said, “How to Punish a Lazy Wife”.

  He looked at her in shock. “You mean it?”

  “I do love games. This is just another one. Call it the Wife-for-Life Game.”

  “I hope that you’re luckier with this one than with the Whore-for-a-Day Game.”

  “This is a lot easier game. I won’t lose it. But I almost won the Whore-for-a-Day Game, didn’t I?”

  “You played a hell of a game. A hell of a game. If that die hadn’t been a six, you would have won, hands down.”

  “Just my bad luck,” she said, her voice suddenly emotionless.

  “Yeah. You had terrible luck.” He felt badly for her.


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