Book Read Free

My Almost

Page 2

by Kelsey Cheyenne

A lot of people want classic black Friday sales and storm out when I don’t have any to offer them. Still, the rest of the early morning passes fast since people buy a lot of things, helping the time pass with a steady swiftness.

  Around seven, Aiden arrives for his shift. He’s an incredible salesperson which pisses me off. He can talk to customers with ease and sell them a bunch of crap they wouldn’t buy on a normal day. It’s super annoying.

  He and I haven’t warmed up to each other since he started last month.

  What really pisses me off about him, though, is how he shamelessly steals sales from other employees, namely me.

  If I’m helping someone out, it’s my customer. We work pretty much on a first-come, first-serve basis. But for whatever reason, Mr. Holier-Than-Though thinks it’s okay to help the people I got to first. Then he offers to ring up the sales, but puts it under his name. He gets all the credit and all the money. Pet fucking peeve.

  Most people wouldn’t guess that little ol’ me would have a temper equivalent to The Hulk, yet here I am.

  “Could you not steal my sales? Thanks.” I scoff as I bypass him in the stockroom. I’m fed up with him acting like he’s better than everyone else…even if he is. Someone has to put him in his place and I’m not afraid to do it.

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to.” I wasn’t expecting a response, especially not an apology. I almost believe him. Almost.

  “Seems that way to me. Just stay on your side of the store, okay?” I brush past him back onto the sales floor to help my customers. I hope he listens.

  Around noon the customers all but vanish. The mall is still busy but our store is barren of customers. What a let-down.

  A big yawn erupts from my mouth and I lean against the folding table at the front of the store. “Chelsea.” I spin around looking for Seth, and find him standing by the stockroom door.

  My feet drag as I cross the store and squeak when I hit the laminate wood. “What’s up?”

  “You can go home. It’s dead. No reason to keep you.” I’m literally dragging as is, so I don’t complain about the cut hours. The money I made in commission today will make up for it, anyway.

  From here on out work will be busy. Since I yelled at Aiden, I’m hoping he’ll be easier to work with. But I won’t hold my breath.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I wake up disoriented. It’s dark out and I’m starving. I check my phone and see it’s almost six at night. My sleep schedule will be so messed up. I have a text from Dan I need to answer, but first I need sustenance.

  I make a sandwich from Thanksgiving leftovers and open the message from Daniel. He sent it a few hours ago, probably thinking I was still at work and would’ve responded by now.

  Sleepover tonight?

  Sorry I just woke up. When should I come over?

  My parents are pretty lax on the rules and even let me stay over at my boyfriend’s house.


  Sometimes I wonder why I’m still with Dan. I was ready to break up with him last month before my birthday, but he made such an ordeal about it that I held off. He spent a ridiculous amount of money on a diamond necklace for me and I felt too guilty after the fact to dump him.

  I drive the ten minutes it takes for me to get to his place and park in the cul-de-sac. I see his best friend Shane’s car parked in the driveway.

  I’m here.

  I text him while I’m waiting at the front door and when he doesn’t respond right away I ring the bell. His parents are strict with me coming and going because they’re religious, but I respect them so much. They’re incredible, kind people.

  Come in my parents aren’t home.

  I do as I’m told and head down toward the basement where Dan and Shane are hanging out. The smell of weed permeates my senses and loud car sounds practically blow out my eardrums.

  I descend the final steps and see the two guys playing a racecar game on X-box. “Hey.”

  “Hey. Come sit.” As if I was going to just stand on the steps all night.

  I lean in to kiss his cheek and he brushes me away. “I need to focus. The game is almost over then you’ll have my full attention.” I roll my eyes and pull out my phone.

  When I open the Facebook app, I see a little notification indicating a friend request. Aiden Venturi wants to be your friend. What the hell?

  I confirm the request and resort to stalking. Why did he friend request me when he loathes me? My phone vibrates in my hand and I see a message from freaking Aiden. What. The. Hell?

  Aiden: Hey.

  Chelsea: Hey.

  I imagine my eyebrows are pulled so low they’re close to touching my nose. I’ll have permanent wrinkles from trying to decipher this man.

  Aiden: So I see you play soccer.

  If he would’ve taken five minutes to get to know me at work, he would’ve figured that out there too.

  Chelsea: Yup.

  I’m being short with him, but what does he expect? He’s been a royal ass hat to me at work and all of a sudden he wants to be buddies and make small talk?

  Aiden: I do too. What position are you?

  Chelsea: Defense. Preferably sweeper. How about you?

  Aiden: Forward. Sometimes midfield. I like to run.

  Of course you do, you freaking sociopath. Nobody in their right mind enjoys running.

  Chelsea: ew I hate running.

  “Who are you talking to?” I forgot I was with Dan for a second.

  “Just someone from work. We’re talking about our schedules.” Why did I lie? I’ve bitched about Aiden enough that Dan knows who he is. But I didn’t want him reading the conversation or asking questions. But it’s mundane and really freaking random.

  “Cool. Mind if we play another game?” I shrug. Whatever.

  Aiden: Running’s the best. Getting lost in your mind and feeling the burn is such a high. You should run with me sometime. I’ll make it fun for you.

  Did I fall into a twilight zone or something? Am I still on planet Earth? Has hell frozen over? Am I dead?

  Chelsea: Sure.

  Aiden: Good luck keeping up with me 

  Chelsea: If you’re offering to run with me the least you could do is keep pace with me. I already told you I hate it.

  Aiden: Maybe for you I will.

  Did the universe open up and swallow me whole? I’m still not sure what is going on. Does he know who he’s messaging? Did he all of a sudden decide not to hate me? I’m so confused.

  Aiden: Well good luck in your upcoming season.

  Chelsea: Thanks.

  That was the weirdest day of my existence so far. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and realize this has all been one fucked up dream. That’s the sole thing that would make sense right now.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I’m woken up with soft poking near my butt and a wandering hand. I crack open one eye to check the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. It’s twelve thirty in the morning and a dick is stabbing me in the back.

  If I hold still and keep my breathing steady, I won’t have to wake up and have sex with my boyfriend. It’s an awful thought… but so is the sex.

  “Chels. Are you up?” Why is he up? He gets up for his first job as a paperboy in three hours.

  Sex with Dan has made me question why people think the act is so great. The first many, many times were so painful I was tempted to stop having sex forever. The pain has since ceased but it hasn’t gotten any better and it’s over so quick I don’t see the point.

  It’s been almost a year and I’ve yet to have a freaking orgasm. Another thing to file under why the hell am I still dating this man?

  “Chelsea, wake up.” If I murder him right now would the authorities believe it was sleep-smothering?

  “What do you want?” Kind of a stupid question considering the appendage that is still poking at my rear. I roll over and away from his dick. He’s leaning on his forearm while the other hand is under the covers pumping with ease, rubbing his presumed erection.

  “I think
it’s a little obvious, isn’t it?” I scoff. Wow, he knows how to swoon me. He lifts his eyebrows as he lifts the covers. His dick is standing proud and unfortunately not-so-tall.

  I roll my eyes. Not really. That’s the smartass response I want to say, but I refrain. Men are touchy when it comes to the size of their members.

  “I’m tired and not in the mood right now.” Cliché excuse after cliché excuse.

  “If you weren’t ready for an adult relationship, you shouldn’t have jumped into bed with me.” My jaw drops and my fingers twitch, wanting to smack him.

  “I assume you’re talking metaphorically since you took my virginity in a fucking bathroom.” I’m sure he wasn’t expecting me to bring that up.

  “I said we could wait.” His words are snippy and angry. His impatience is showing.

  “Yeah, but it’s obvious you didn’t mean it. If it’s that important to you, then I’m not the right person for you.” I finally said the words. Now we can move on.

  He sighs, and it’s a deep, frustrated sound. “Chels, I’m sorry. Forget I said anything.”

  I lay on my back, my arms crossed over my chest. My heart pounds against my ribcage as the adrenaline of what I said passes through me. “No, Dan, I mean it. All we do is fight. I can’t keep on doing this.”

  “Let me make it up to you.” He leans in to kiss my neck leaving a wet trail in his wake. He’s trying to arouse me but nothing about him is arousing.

  Still, he pushes his way into me but it’s okay because in about thirty seconds it’ll all be over.


  Young, Wild, and Free

  We have hired a bunch of new employees to combat the extra hours and business. Unfortunate for me that means I’m not the lone girl anymore. Worse than that, the two girls we hired sorely grate on my last nerve.

  Carly is edgy, with a Monroe piercing and crazily dyed hair. Plus, she’s super outgoing, bonding with everyone with ease, Aiden included. I think that’s the part about her that irritates me the most. How did she get on his good side right away when he still treats me like trash beneath his shoe?

  Tasha, on the other hand, is just plain annoying, and that’s putting it mildly. With long brown hair and tan skin, she could be pretty if she wasn’t so young and acts as such.

  She’s sixteen and ebullient, outrageously so. She’s clung to me like I’m her new best friend and I can’t get free of her. Her voice is high-pitched and strident. I want to plug my ears every time she bounces into the room.

  I’m hoping they’re both seasonal employees and won’t be sticking around for long.

  One new guy, Nate, has come back to work here for winter break and he’s already become one of my good friends. We hit it off from the moment we met, despite many of my coworkers disliking him. Seth even warned me that Nate can be a bit obnoxious, but I already look forward to every shift with him.

  Nate’s loud chortle reaches me before I even enter the store. “Chels!” I’m all but attacked the moment I walk over the threshold into The Starting Line.

  “Nate, you know I hate hugs.” I try to wiggle out of his grasp which makes him hug me tighter.

  “That’s why I always hug you.” He chuckles and walks with me back to grab my nametag.

  I clock in as Aiden brushes past us, glaring at the two of us. “What’s with the new guy?” Nate throws a thumb over his shoulder aimed at my nemesis.

  “You realize to me you’re the new guy, not him. And I’m just as new as him.” He cocks his head, crinkling his brows at my confusing sentence. “Nevermind. Uh, he’s all right, I guess.” I shrug noncommittally. For all I know, those two could be the best of friends, though I haven’t gotten that impression from either of them.

  “He seems like a major douche.”

  My mouth falls open and a laugh bubbles out from my chest. “That’s what I said.”

  “See I knew I liked you.” He throws an arm over my shoulder as we walk together to the front of the store.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re all right, too, bud.” We may have bonded and become good friends at lightning speed, but Nate is deep in the friend-zone. He’s taller than me by a hair’s breadth with sandy blond hair and a great sense of humor, but there’s zero attraction there at all.

  He’s dating someone, as am I, but even if we were both single it would never surpass the friendship stage.

  “I know, I know. I’m nothing compared to Reid in your eyes.” I turn to smack him but he dodges it. Seth has told everyone about my obsession with Reid. He thinks it’s hilarious, and all but introduces me to new employees saying, “Hi, this is Chelsea, she’s obsessed with Reid and we all like to gang up on her to make them both uncomfortable. Feel free to join the fun!”

  Now I hit on Reid myself because if anyone will take shots at me it’ll be my own damn self. Plus, when I make fun of myself it takes the fun away from everyone else. Win-win.

  “Look, I’m outta here. I’ll see you soon.” Nate’s done his shift for tonight, leaving me to close with Aiden and Seth.

  I’m cleaning up at the folding table at the front of the store, folding all the college sweatshirts we sell and returning them to their shelves.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” I glance around the store searching for the customer that must’ve just walked in, but I don’t see anyone.

  “Are you talking to me?” I turn to Aiden. He’s leaning against one of our many shoe displays, a large table holding a variety of men’s Nikes, with casual confidence oozing from his every pore.

  He chuckles. It’s a deep, throaty sound that glides over my skin like molten lava—slow and uncomfortable. But I also realize with vast swiftness that I like the sound and he has a nice smile.

  “Who else would I be talking to?” He leans in on a whisper, taunting me.

  “Literally anyone else, it seems. I didn’t think you liked me too much.” I shrug and return to my task.

  “No, that’s not it.” He mumbles under his breath and it’s almost inaudible to the point I’m unsure I even heard him. “Everyone else seems to think you’re cool, so I thought I’d give you a chance.” I turn to him again as I see him drag his gaze down my body.

  My skin is on fire under his scrutiny. Where is this coming from? He throws me a wink and my face heats. Thanks to my frequent blushing, my emotions are always on display for the world to see and he throws me a crooked grin, seeming to enjoy my discomfort.

  “Wow, thanks. Wish I could say the same for you.” I smile despite the insult. Thank God sarcasm is my first language and my quick wit allows me to keep up with him.

  A full, throaty belly laugh erupts out of his lips like he wasn’t expecting me to retort in that way. “You’re funny.”

  “Don’t act so surprised.” I raise an eyebrow and he rubs a hand over his slight scruff.

  He goes to walk away but I stop him. “What was with the messages the other night?” It’s something that’s been driving me insane because of how out-of-the-blue it was and, well, still is.

  “Like I said, just wanted to give you a chance. We’re both into soccer so it was an easy conversation.” He’s retreating, but I take the leap. He’s talking to me at last and even being quite nice.

  “What else are you into?” I don’t mean for it to come out sounding like a sexual innuendo, but sometimes I can’t help the way things come out of my mouth. His brows perk up and a sexy grin forms. “Not like that.” My face is warm again for an entirely different reason.

  “Do you follow soccer at all?” I shake my head.

  “Not really.”

  “My favorite player is Lionel Messi. Do you know who he is?” I roll my eyes.

  “Everyone knows who he is. My favorite player would have to be Cristiano Ronaldo.” Now it’s his turn to roll his eyes.

  “Of course it is. Okay, so, my favorite color is orange.” I think every pair of sneakers he has are orange or at least contain the color in some way. I could’ve guessed that in my sleep.

  “Mine’s red. Or blu
e. Sometimes it’s green or purple. Depends on the day.” I shrug and once again he laughs. Maybe he’s high, and that’s why he’s talking to me and laughing at everything I say.

  “Here’s something I bet you wouldn’t guess about me.” I’m awaiting this major bombshell of information with embarrassing eagerness. Now we’ll get into the juicy secrets, I can tell. “I’m super into the Cars movies. I saw Cars 3 in theaters.”

  Or not.

  “Wow. How on Earth can you trust me with his groundbreaking secret? I feel so honored.” I make my eyes go round as saucers as I stare at him with fake sincerity.

  “Fine… something real.” He adjusts his glasses, toying with the arm and wiggling it. “I’ve had sex with eight people.”

  I cough, unprepared for that tidbit of information. “Well, you got me beat by seven.”

  He scratches the back of his head and clears his throat. A customer walks in and he rushes to help them. It seems I threw him off, but he’s the one who started the sex talk.

  I stand here shocked. I’m surprised to find out Aiden is downright hilarious when you peel back the layers of his egomaniacal personality. He’s even easy to talk to. Working with him tonight has been… tolerable. I won’t go singing his praises just yet.

  Until tonight, he’s still been getting along with everyone else at work better than me. I don’t know what I did initially to make him dislike me with such ferocity. Day by day, it seems, those walls he put up to keep me out are breaking down.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Hey, Chels.” I walk into work with a huff. My head is down and I’m texting my ignorant, no-good boyfriend. I don’t catch who says hi to me. I saw Reid’s black BMW parked in the lot and Aiden’s navy blue Hyundai so they’re both working. The icing on the cake is that Reese is the manager tonight, meaning it will be one hell of a shift.

  I glance to my left and see Reid. I get too busy ogling him while I’m walking causing me to walk right into the stockroom door, hitting it with a bang. How embarrassing.

  I rub my head where I hit it and open the door, throwing my phone into my purse and tossing it to the side.

  I clock in and all three guys huddle around me like weirdos. “What’s up, Chels?” Aiden’s the first to ask me and it still shocks me how we’ve become friends, in a way.


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