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Scout, Atticus, & Boo

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by Mary McDonagh Murphy

  No other twentieth-century American novel is more widely read. Even British librarians, who were polled in 2006 and asked, “Which book should every adult read before they die?” voted To Kill a Mockingbird number one. The Bible was number two. Why? What is it about this novel, I asked everyone I interviewed. “I think people want to read something substantial,” answered novelist Lee Smith, author of The Last Girls and eleven other books. “They want to have something to believe in, and To Kill a Mockingbird manages to do that without being too preachy.”

  Until she retired from North Carolina State University, Smith taught To Kill a Mockingbird for twenty-five years. “Students are reading it today with the same responses we all had in the sixties,” she said. “It still has a galvanizing effect on a young reader. This is a novel which endures, as opposed to other classics which don’t appeal as much to readers today. The Sun Also Rises is a good example, because students just say, ‘Who are all these people drinking in Spain? What is this about?’ You never get that reaction to To Kill a Mockingbird. It remains as relevant today as it was the day it was written. It never ages. It’s a story of maturing, certainly, and initiation, but told in such beautifully specific terms that it never seems generic.”

  Novelist Wally Lamb, author of I Know This Much Is True and The Hour I First Believed, told me he did not enjoy reading in high school. Then he found To Kill a Mockingbird in his sister’s room. “I flipped it open and read the first couple of sentences and…two days later I, the pokiest reader I knew, had finished the book. It was the first time in my life that a book had captured me. That was exciting. I didn’t realize that literature could do that.” And when Lamb went on to teach high school in Connecticut, he saw his students respond the same way. “It was a book they read because they wanted to, not because they had to. It cast the same spell for my students as it had for me.”

  Winfrey was a young girl living with her mother in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when a librarian recommended To Kill a Mockingbird. She remembered “just devouring it,” and climbing right aboard the Scout bandwagon. “I wanted to be Scout, I thought I was Scout. I wanted an accent like Scout and a father like Atticus.”

  Who doesn’t want a father like Atticus? Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist Richard Russo did. “Atticus Finch was the father maybe that I longed for,” he said.

  Beyond being an ideal father, Atticus Finch is a folk hero to lawyers. When Scott Turow, a lawyer who became famous for writing novels about lawyers, read To Kill a Mockingbird as a student in Chicago, “I promised myself that when I grew up and I was a man, I would try to do things just as good and noble as what Atticus had done for Tom Robinson.”

  Lest we forget, Atticus also is the best shot in the county. An understanding single father, an honest and humble lawyer, a respectful neighbor, Atticus is a paragon but never a caricature. “People want to believe in an idealized world, and that has an instructive moral function,” Turow said. “It’s true that there aren’t many human beings in the world like Atticus Finch—perhaps none—but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth striving to be like him.”

  Boo Radley loomed large in all my conversations. The house, and the mystery and suspense built up around it, was familiar territory.

  “Boo Radley cannot be overestimated as an important factor in this book,” Smith said. “Every neighborhood has that house that’s overgrown and those neighbors that are weird or that you never ever, ever see. And stories grow up about them. That figure always occupies a place in a child’s imagination. And to demystify that—to make us see that people so radically different from us are OK, and can be helpful and wonderful—this is so important.”

  “Boo Radley is now a phrase in the language, [as in] the block’s Boo Radley,” said Gurganus. “Many people who haven’t read To Kill a Mockingbird have that phrase in their lingo.” Indeed, Boo Radley has entered not only our vernacular but also our yellow pages. Novelty stores, bars, and antiques dealers bear his name: Boo Radley’s Store in Spokane; Boo Radley’s Bar in Mobile, Boo Radley’s Antiques in Los Angeles.


  All of this despite an author who has done nothing to publicize her book for more than forty-five years. In 1993, Harper Lee wrote to her agent, “Although Mockingbird will be thirty-three this year, it has never been out of print and I am still alive, although very quiet.” The same can be said seventeen years later. Still among us, at eighty-four, Nelle Harper Lee, who dropped her first name when she published, was born in the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, and moved to New York around 1948. She has divided her time between the two cities ever since. In 1964, Lee gave an interview to Roy Newquist of WQXR, a New York radio station, and said she was working on a second novel “and it goes slowly, ever so slowly.” Since then, she has not given another full interview or published another book, only adding to her mystique.

  Reverend Thomas Lane Butts, the former pastor of Monroeville’s First United Methodist Church, has been a friend of Lee’s for more than twenty-five years. “Being famous and a celebrity is probably a lot of fun the first two or three months, but after you’ve been a celebrity for fifty years it gets old, I’m quite sure,” he said. “She has controlled her own destiny. She doesn’t have a PR person. She doesn’t need one. I think she has led a happier life and certainly [a] more contented life because she has chosen how she has related to the public.”

  “It takes a kind of courage that almost nobody has in this country, where celebrity has replaced religion for a lot of people, to turn away from the church of publicity and say, ‘I’m not going to pray there, I’m not going to appear there,’” Mark Childress said. “It’s a kind of blasphemy in this society that she commits by refusing to participate in the publicity machine.”

  Occasionally, Lee has made public appearances, usually to pick up awards. In 2007, she was at the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her picture has been taken, but she does not speak to the press. “A lot of people think that she’s a recluse,” said Reverend Butts, “and that is absolutely untrue. She’s a person who enjoys her privacy like any other citizen would.”

  Albeit a citizen who wrote a book that has made—and continues to make—a difference to generations of readers. Oprah Winfrey once met Harper Lee for lunch in New York, hoping to coax the author onto her talk show. “I knew twenty minutes into the conversation that I would never be able to convince her to do an interview,” she recalled. Nevertheless, “we were like instant girlfriends,” she said. “It was just wonderful, and I loved being with her.”

  In 2002, Jon Meacham, the editor of Newsweek and Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer of Andrew Jackson, had a chance to talk with Lee when she accepted an honorary degree at the University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee, Meacham’s alma mater. “I found her to be completely unassuming,” he said, “and therefore all the more powerful for it.”

  Harper Lee, flanked by C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the president of Liberia, recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, November 5, 2007.

  Courtesy of Alex Wong/Getty Images News.


  When I began filming interviews with writers and readers, I asked everyone to read aloud a favorite passage from the novel. In twenty-six interviews, only two passages were chosen more than once. Reverend Butts, Childress, Meacham, and Winfrey all chose the passage in which Atticus leaves the courtroom. He has lost the case but is honored in defeat by the black community relegated to the balcony. Scout is among them, and Reverend Sykes instructs her, “Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passing.”

  As she read, Oprah had tears in her eyes.

  James McBride, the memoirist and novelist, and Rick Bragg, a Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter and memoirist, chose to read from the book’s beginning:

  When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being able to play footb
all were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn’t have cared less, so long as he could pass and punt.

  When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading up to his accident. I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before that. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out.

  McBride told me he read that passage repeatedly when he was writing his memoir, The Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother. “This paragraph sets up the whole book,” he said of Lee’s opening. “It sets up the whole story. By speaking to the specific, the story of how her brother broke his arm, she speaks to the general problem of four hundred years of racism, slavery, socioeconomic classism, problems between classes, problems between people who have, people who don’t, the courage of the working class, the isolation of the South, the identity crises of a young girl, and the coming out of a neighborhood recluse. All that in the story of her brother, who, when he was nearly thirteen, broke his arm.”

  McBride’s memoir began, “When I was fourteen, my mother took up two new hobbies: riding a bicycle and playing the piano.” I read that as an homage to the first sentence of To Kill a Mockingbird.

  Bragg, who wrote All Over but the Shoutin’, a tribute to his mother, grew up dirt-poor in Possum Trout, a tiny community in northern Alabama. He zeroed in on Lee’s sentence “I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before that.” Bragg said, “Southern writers are always saying stuff to be profound, like that’s a quintessentially Southern phrase. But the truth is, down here, everything started long before that. That’s just the way it is.”


  Each time another person agreed to be interviewed, I wondered if there was anything new to be said. Invariably, there was.

  “Stories that deal with injustice are really powerful [in America],” suggested novelist James Patterson, who lists To Kill a Mockingbird as one of the only two books he enjoyed reading during high school in Newburgh, New York. “I think we have more of a sense of that than they do in some places where injustice is more a fact of life.”

  Rosanne Cash, the singer/songwriter and memoirist, thought the novel should be read as a parenting manual: “There’s just this beautiful naturalness that [Atticus] has and sense of confidence in his own skill as a parent. And respect for the child, that mutual respect.”

  To Kill a Mockingbird’s small-town setting is what stuck with NBC’s Tom Brokaw, who grew up in small towns throughout South Dakota and knew “not just the pressures that [Atticus] was under, but the magnifying glass that he lived in. This all takes place in a very small environment. People who live in big cities don’t have any idea of what the pressures can be like in a small town when there’s something controversial going on.”

  When Allan Gurganus read To Kill a Mockingbird, he “felt the permission to write about small-town life and the permission to feel that huge international drama, all the circumstances of truth, justice, and the American way, could be played out in a town of two thousand souls and could be played out by a single just man who stands up to be counted.”

  Meacham was impressed by the “moral ambiguity” of the novel’s ending. “I think the courageous thing that Miss Lee did was end it on a tragic note. You would think in a novel like this, that’s achieved this kind of status, it would be a very melodramatic tale of good and evil. Instead, it’s a tale of good and evil that ends on a note of gray, which is where most of us live.”

  Historian McWhorter, who wrote Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution, said, “For a white person from the South to write a book like this in the late 1950s is really unusual—by its very existence an act of protest.”

  “It was an act of protest, but it was an act of humanity,” said Andrew Young, the former UN ambassador, mayor of Atlanta, and veteran of the civil rights movement, who worked with Martin Luther King. “It was saying that we’re not all like this. There are people who rise above their prejudices and even above the law.”

  Anna Quindlen, Lee Smith, and Adriana Trigiani, the novelist whose Big Stone Gap books are set in her Virginia hometown, all sang Scout’s praises, each in a different verse. So did Lizzie Skurnick, who blogs about young adult books for and is the author of Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading, and David Kipen, former director of literature for the National Endowment for the Arts and supervisor of the NEA’s Big Read program, which includes To Kill a Mockingbird.

  I don’t really give a rip about Atticus. He is fine, and he is a terrific dad. For me, this book is all about Scout. And I don’t really care about anybody else in the book that much, except to the extent that they are nice to Scout and make life easier for Scout.


  Here’s Scout, who believes in things, who is funny and curious and passionate and a tomboy. I think Scout has done more for Southern womanhood than any other character in literature.


  I craved the kind of life [Scout] had. She seemed to me to be fiercely independent; there seemed to be a streak of Pippi Longstocking in her, like she owned the town, and that appealed to me.


  Scout struggles with things in a very genuine way. The second half of the novel, those grand themes of justice, injustice, those are about how the world acts on us. But Scout is really about who we are in the world, how we decide that.


  She’s a scamp and hysterically funny, and no less funny as an adult looking back, although in a slightly more fermented and seasoned way. She’s just great company.


  Richard Russo realized that the relationship between Scout and Atticus was burrowed deep within him. “It aided me in writing all of my father/daughter stuff, all my family stuff, because that is a quintessential American family, even though it’s not typical.”

  As a young boy, Mark Childress read the novel on a porch in Monroeville, Alabama, where he, like Harper Lee, was born. “That was the first adult novel that I had ever read, and I was just about the age of Scout when I read it, and I was reading it in the setting where it happened. And it’s the reason I’m a writer today. Something about seeing that ugly little town, which at that point had been sort of stripped of all of its charms, transformed into this magical thing that was in my hands.”

  Wally Lamb found To Kill a Mockingbird to be “a great course in how to write a novel.” He pointed to Lee’s “gorgeous” description of the town:

  Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it. In rainy weather the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. Somehow it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer’s day; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square. Men’s stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon, after their three-o’clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum.

  Lamb said, “It is a one-paragraph course on writing, those tactile sensations, that’s real writing. That’s literature.”

  The “literature” question came up again, this time in the pages of the New Yorker in May 2006. In his review of Mockingbird, an unauthorized biography of Harper Lee by Charles Shields, Thomas Mallon dismissed Atticus as “a plaster saint” and Scout as “a highly constructed doll, feisty and cute on every subject from algebra to grown-ups.” Mallon allowed that, “Indisputably, much in the novel works,” but complained of “occasionally clumsy sentences,” and also wrote that Horton Foote’s screen adaptation wa
s “rather better than the original material.”

  When I asked McWhorter about Mallon’s essay, she responded directly to Mallon. “How many cities have read your books?” she asked.

  McBride was even more exercised about Mallon’s criticism. “Whoever this guy is, whatever this schmoo is, they’re not going to be reading his book in fifty years. People are going to be reading Harper Lee in this country as long as they draw oxygen. It is a great book now, it was a great book yesterday, and it will be a great book tomorrow.”

  Scott Turow was perplexed. “I just think the grace of the writing is substantial, and I am confounded by people who attack it as a work of literature. I think it is a beautifully written and structured book. Is it sentimental? Yes, it’s sentimental, but so was Steinbeck, and people still read Steinbeck.”

  Russo, a former professor at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, offered, “Back when I was teaching, I use to remind my students that masterpieces are masterpieces not because they are flawless but because they’ve tapped into something essential to us, at the heart of who we are and how we live.”

  By the time Mallon was asked if he would discuss any of this with me, his hate mail had piled up considerably. He said no, he was not going to be the skunk at that garden party.


  That garden party will go forever in To Kill a Mockingbird’s Maycomb, where Mrs. Dubose’s camellias are in bloom, Miss Maudie’s mimosas are as fragrant as ever, and wisteria drips all over the porch. Children roam freely, dewberry tarts are served, and aprons are starched. Confederate pistols are hidden, schools and churches are segregated, and Sundays are for visiting. The fictional Maycomb bears more than a passing resemblance to the landscape of the town where the novelist grew up during the Depression. “Monroevillians who read the book will see familiar names. Some events and situations are tinged with local color,” said an editorial in the Monroe Journal in June 1960.


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