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The Irresistible Connection: A Billionaire Bad Boy Second Chance Mystery Romance (The Billionaire League Series Book 1)

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by Alexa McLean

  With this thought in mind, I went back to gathering firewood. Once I had gathered a decent amount, I made my way back home.

  I stopped. When I bent over, there was a piece of jade in the ground. Tina had walked right over it and hadn’t even noticed. I chuckled, running the smooth stone through my fingers. Around here, jade was easy to come by. Financially speaking, it doesn’t usually go for a high price. Nowhere near the price of diamonds or opals but, dress it up nicely and it’ll bring you a pretty penny.

  Plus, green has always been my favorite color. Maybe that’s why I’ve given jade preferential treatment.

  I dropped my load and rounded toward the eastern side of my property. There, I followed a path down to a ravine. The water bubbled and trickled against the rocks before disappearing into a thicket of trees.

  With a confident step, I crossed over the body of water and onto the other side. The ground was soft. My foot sunk into the mud but I didn’t care. I wasn’t emotionally attached to these shoes. I wasn’t emotionally attached to much these days.

  Eventually, I arrived at a large mound. It was covered in moss. A giant tree stood watch overhead, its roots decorating the landscape. They had been cut away to make an entrance. Using the light from my phone, I walked inside.

  It was a cave.

  Filled with Jade.

  My jade.

  If the state of California had been smart, they would have kept this land for themselves instead of selling it to me. They would have made a bigger profit that way. But, instead, they took the short-term lump sum instead of waiting for the heftier long-term gain. Most people made this mistake. People don’t particularly like to wait.

  I ran my fingers along the wall. Dirt crumpled to the ground. Veins of green seemed to glow.

  The further I ventured into the mine shaft, the more jade I discovered. The stones ranged from tiny to massive. All of them profit.

  I smiled to myself. This was my well-kept secret.

  Only, it wasn’t much of a secret anymore. First Kylie and then my wife. If word got out about this place, I was doomed. People were sure to get their hands on this somehow.

  “Heighten security on the shaft. People are getting way too close for comfort. And get rid of that wind chime.” I texted security.

  “On it.” They responded immediately.

  Feeling assured that they would keep everything safe for me, I headed back to the house. Besides, I hardly wanted Kylie to be out there on her own with those two goons walking about. There was no telling what they would do to her.

  Just the thought filled me with rage. I didn’t want anyone to lay a finger on her. If they did, oh boy, would they rue the day.

  Before I left the shaft, I grabbed a large piece of jade and placed it in my pocket. Maybe, if she proved herself to me, I would give it to her as a little gift. And from there, who knows, maybe we could turn a new page and start fresh.

  I smiled to myself.

  I’ll admit that I’ve been alone for way too long. I’ve yearned for a meaningful relationship and I have a bad habit of gravitating toward girls that want nothing more than to sink their claws into me.

  But, for some reason, Kylie feels different. My head is telling me no but deep down, I want to say yes.

  Maybe it’s just another mistake but she’s a mistake I’m willing to take.

  Unfortunately, I could no longer find my pile of firewood by the time I returned to the western side of the property. I’ve never been much of a navigator. So, I had to start all over again, wasting even more time.

  At this rate, Kylie probably thought I had ditched her or something.


  My phone went off in my pocket.

  I grabbed it.

  Tina Powell has sent you a message.

  I laughed. I wonder what she could possibly want. I ignored it.

  So, what did she do? Call me.

  Up for a good laugh, I decided to answer it.


  “Oh! Roy! You’re still up?”

  “I answered the phone, didn’t I?”

  I could imagine the look of disapproval on her face. She had never been a fan of my sarcasm. Not many people were.

  “So, I was thinking, it’s been a while...” Oh, what fabulous little lie is she going to try to weave? “... and I’ve been thinking of you...”

  I nearly laughed out loud. “Yeah?” I answered, feigning interest. “Do you miss me as much as I miss you?”

  “Oh, yes.” Her voice was thick and sultry. She was obviously trying to seduce me but unfortunately for her that hadn’t worked in the past five years.

  But it was fun to see her struggle.

  Chapter 7 (Kylie)

  With a little bit of kindling, I managed to start a fire, fueled by nearby twigs. I held out my hands against the flames, warming them. It was an unusually chilly night. Goosebumps rippled along my skin. Hopefully, Roy would return with the firewood soon.

  I dropped down onto a nearby rock, hands on my knees.

  Well, what was I supposed to do now?

  I leaned back and gazed at the stars. Free of light pollution, they twinkled brilliantly. With the tip of my finger, I traced the constellations.

  Buzz, buzz.

  My phone vibrated inside my pocket. I grabbed it.


  You still alive? He texted.

  Yep. And you wouldn’t believe who I ran into. I responded.


  Roy Butler.

  You mean, the Roy Butler? Billionaire jewelry designer?

  The one.

  Didn’t he almost bust you for stealing one time? Billy asked even though I had told him the story a million times. I swear, that boy never listens to a word I say.

  Yes. The one.

  Don’t tell me you’re at it again.

  No. My stealing days are over.

  Good. But if you find a piece of jade during your hikes, bring it back home! I need some dough for this new video game that’s coming out this week.

  I shook my head. That’s all Billy ever thought about. Those stupid games. It was a miracle he ever got any work done.

  With the text conversation over, I slipped the phone back into my pocket.

  “Hmm, he’s been gone for a while,” I whispered to myself. “I hope he’s not lost.” I got up and walked over to the tree line. While the stars were bright, the moon was just a sliver in the sky. A dull light blanketed the forest but it wasn’t nearly enough. Even as I squinted, I couldn’t see jack. “I hope he was smart enough to bring a flashlight with him.”

  The wind picked up, blowing through my hair. It moaned against the trees, like a spirit trying to whisper a warning. The sound caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand on edge. I was getting a bad feeling about this...

  For a split second, the worst-case scenario skirted through my mind. Roy face to face with a bear. The bear rises onto his hind legs and takes a swipe at the billionaire. Game over.

  My heart ached just thinking about it. “Please, be okay.” I prayed aloud.

  The forest answered me with silence. With no other alternative, I returned to the fire, throwing it a couple more twigs. If he didn’t come back soon, the fire wasn’t going to last for very long.

  My stomach growled. And I was bound to starve to death.

  Wait, I have some granola in my bag, I thought to myself.

  So, I grabbed my pack off the ground and settled it into my lap. I paused, eyes widening. This wasn’t my bag!

  It was similar sure but this was way too new. Mine had been through hell and back, littered with stains and rips.

  Had I grabbed the wrong bag at the airport?

  Just my luck. Well, there goes my laptop and everything else I needed to make this a successful expedition.

  I grabbed my phone and dialed Billy’s number.


  “Billy. I’ve got a problem.”

  “Me too, I’ve been stuck on this same level for the last hour.
I’m about ready to throw my controller at the TV.”

  “Now’s not the time, Billy.” I snapped, teeth grinding together. Nervous energy flowed through my veins. I couldn’t keep still so I rose to my feet and started to pace back and forth.

  “Alright, alright, there’s no need to bite my face off. So, what’s the big deal, anyway?”

  “I picked up the wrong bag at the airport.”


  “I grabbed the wrong bag,” I repeated.

  “Well, did you open it yet? How do you know it’s not yours?”

  “You idiot! Don’t you think I would know what my own bag looks like?” Sometimes, Billy really knew how to push my buttons.

  “Hey, don’t get mad at me. You’re the one that made the mistake.”

  “Oh, you’re asking for it.”

  “What are you going to do?” Billy taunted.

  “You’re so lucky that I can’t physically punch you right now.”

  He chuckled. “Will you open the bag already?”

  I hung up the call. He was so useless. I honestly don’t know what I thought I would accomplish by calling him.

  Shaking my head, I bent down and unzipped the bag. It was filled with... blankets.

  I pulled out one and then another and yet another. This was starting to feel like some sort of clown act. I piled them beside the fire. “What is this...?” Still, I continued to pull out more and more blanket until I grabbed one that was significantly heavier than all the rest.

  The blanket was wrapped around something.


  Slowly, I uncovered what it was and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. It was an insanely huge piece of jade.

  My heart stopped. I immediately looked around, half expecting Roy to jump out of the bushes and accuse me of stealing. I checked the perimeter of the house, making sure there were no security cameras pointed my way.


  I was all alone, with a valuable piece of jade that didn’t belong to me. This was bad. Very bad.


  I looked up and my worst nightmare came to life.


  Quickly, I shoved the jade back into the bag, along with all the other blankets.

  “Is everything alright?” He called out. “What are you doing?”

  “It was getting a little chilly,” I said, trying to keep the suspicion from my voice. “So, I was just grabbing a blanket.”

  “I see.” He smiled. “Well, I’m sorry I took so long but I managed to grab us a nice bundle of firewood. Think this will be enough?”

  “Plenty.” I could feel the beads of sweat forming along the back of my neck.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem kind of jumpy.”

  “Yes. Yes. I’m okay. Are you okay? What took you so long anyway?” I occupied myself by tossing wood into the fire. My fingers were shaking but hopefully, Roy wouldn’t notice. God, why was he standing so close? Hasn’t he ever heard of something called personal space?

  My heart felt like it was going to beat straight out of my chest.

  He leaned over and grabbed a piece of wood. Doing so, our hands accidentally brushed together. Sparks seemed to fly from his skin onto mine. They shot through my arm and right into my soul. The world stopped as our eyes locked.


  He flashed a charming smile that made my knees weak. I don’t remember him being this painfully handsome the last time we met.

  “Sorry.” Somehow, he managed to make that simple, two-syllable word sound extremely sexy. His voice was as thick and sweet as honey. It seeped through my ears and echoed through my skull, turning my mind to mush.

  Gently, he pinned a strand of hair behind my ear.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “I don’t understand how girls function with such long hair. It always seems to get in the way.”

  “Yeah...” I stammered like an idiot.

  Get it together, Kylie, I told myself. He’s going to figure out that you’re hiding something if you keep acting like a buffoon.

  “Anyway, we should probably start cooking. The fire seems big enough now. Not to mention, gathering all that firewood, it really built up my appetite. I could eat a horse.”

  I nodded. My nerves had transformed my tongue into a boulder. It filled every inch of my mouth, making it impossible for me to speak a single word. So, I grabbed a skillet and placed a hunk of meat on the surface. It started to sizzle. A pleasant aroma wafted into the air.

  “So, where did you learn to cook?” He asked as he sat down on a nearby log. His features were illuminated by the flames as they danced along his chiseled jawline and his sharp nose. He looked threatening. The last thing I wanted to do was upset him because, this time around, I didn’t think he'd be so lenient.

  I wet my lips and attempted to speak but nothing coherent came out.

  He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting awfully strange.”

  I shook my head. “No. I think I’m just tired.”

  “Oh, I can imagine. You’ve been hiking all day, haven’t you?”


  Come on, Kylie, you’ll have to do better than that. You sound like an amateur actor flopping on the Broadway stage. I chided myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I noted the location of the backpack. Luckily, it was half hidden behind the rock I was sitting on earlier. Good. That way he wouldn’t be tempted to look at it and ask about it.

  With this thought in mind, I relaxed a bit. I flipped the steaks so they wouldn’t burn.

  “That smells nice.”


  God, this was becoming so awkward that I could practically choke on it.

  “You know, if you don’t feel like sleeping in a tent, you’re free to stay here for the night. I could probably do well with the company.”

  I shook my head. “You can’t be serious. Why would you let me do that? I’m sure you don’t exactly trust me after what I did.”

  He ran his hands along his legs and held my gaze. “I’m a firm believer that people change and that everyone deserves a second chance.” As he spoke, there was something in the way he looked at me that made me shiver. His eyes dropped down to my bust, devouring the sight with his lustful stare.

  Oh, he wanted something.

  And, deep down, I wanted something too. I mean, how could I not? This man was an absolute hunk. Even through his shirt, it was no mystery that he was packing muscle. For a moment, I undressed him with my mind, imagining a god of a man. Well-endowed and everything. Oh, if things were different, we’d have one hell of a time.

  But, I didn’t know if I’d be willing to take that sort of risk.

  “I’ll think about it.” I finally said. “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “You wouldn’t be a burden at all.” He smiled. “Like I said, I could probably do well with the company.”

  “That lonely, huh?” Carefully, I slid the food onto a couple of plates. I handed one over to him. He grabbed it and watched as I walked over to the rock I had been using as a stool. Adrenaline rushed through my veins just by being close to the bag.

  What would Roy do if he learned about the contents of the bag? Surely, he would think I had stolen from him.

  “Well, I was the one who made the decision to come to live out here all by myself and most nights, I’m glad I did. I couldn’t stand the hustle and bustle of a city. There are constantly people screaming or alarms blaring. Out here, I get a good night’s sleep every single night. Nothing bothers me.”

  “But, sometimes you wish you had someone to share it with?” I suggested. I often felt the same way whenever I went out on a hike. I’d see beautiful vistas and breathtaking animals but I never had anyone to share those memories with. Sometimes, it made me feel hollow like I’d always wonder the Earth by myself. “I know how you feel.”

  Our eyes locked and at that moment, I glimpsed our future together. Happiness. Laughter. A family.
br />   But, it was only a dream because a guy like Roy Butler would never – not even in a million years – go for a girl like me.

  It just wasn’t going to happen.

  Chapter 8 (Roy)

  I think it had something to do with the fire but all of a sudden, I was struck by this woman’s beauty. With the flames dancing against her porcelain skin, she looked absolutely stunning. The small distance between us seemed impossible to bear. All I wanted to do was jump over the fire and take her into my arms.

  But, instead, we just sat there, quietly eating our food. My taste buds exploded with every bite. “This is really good.” I complimented. “I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long, long time.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” The corners of her lips twitched into a shy little smile. Her cheeks glowed with a delicate blush. The rose color rose to her ears, painting them red.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” I asked.

  “Just kind of picked it up over the years. I got sick of ordering take out all the time so I started off by following internet recipes and now I just sort of throw things together. Most of the time, it works out the way I want it to.”

  I nodded, mouth too full to speak.

  The fire crackled, occupying the silence.

  I looked over at her, still blown away by her beauty. She had matured since I had last seen her. She was no longer a girl but a woman. Between my legs, my member twitched with desire. He wanted to come out and plunge into her sweet, sweet folds.

  But, I knew better than to let my lust guide me. It would only get me in trouble. Divorce was not a headache I wanted to experience a second time.

  And yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She was irresistible. Those green eyes, oh, to see them glaze over with pleasure while she screams my name...

  “It’s getting late. Maybe I should get going.” She put her plate down and grabbed her bag, hoisting it over her shoulder. For some reason, she held onto the bag incredibly tight – so tight, in fact, that her knuckles were turning white.


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