Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)

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Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) Page 18

by Stephens, Amy

  While standing in the middle of the furniture store, I couldn’t keep my secret any longer. I made the announcement I was eight weeks pregnant and we were going to be having a baby. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him more excited.

  In the months that followed, Todd and I grew closer and closer together as a couple and as a family. Looking back, what I thought had been true love with Brian, was just infatuation. What I share with Todd is genuine love.

  On November 10th, I gave birth to a healthy 7lb. 6oz. baby girl. Chloe was so excited to finally be a big sister to a real life baby that she could finally hold. We named the new baby Lilly Elizabeth. Although we call her Lilly, Todd’s mom couldn’t be any prouder that we had chosen to name the baby after her. Beth had done a remarkable job with Chloe and I’m sure she’s going to do the same with Lilly.

  When Lilly turned one and Chloe was three I decided to go back to work at the pharmacy after taking the year off. Beth was able to enjoy a vacation with Rick during this time but she couldn’t wait to spend more time with her granddaughters.

  One morning, while driving in to town together, Todd announced he wanted to see about adopting Chloe as his own. We contacted an attorney to begin the process and prayed everything would go smoothly. In six months, everything was official and Chloe’s last name was changed to match that of the rest of her family. I enrolled Chloe for pre-k in the fall and stared at the pages of her enrollment forms as I printed the name Chloe Williams. It’s been several years now since I have heard anything from Brian and I hope to keep it that way.

  Just like any couple, we’ve had our ups and downs but there’s never been any regrets since becoming Mrs. Todd Williams. We are a happy family and nothing could be better. Todd, Jennifer, Chloe and Lilly Williams.

  Fall 2014

  Heart of the Matter

  A Novella in the Coming Home Series

  By Amy Stephens

  Ten Years Later …

  July 1, 2014

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Hello


  I realize I’m the last person you ever expected to hear from and I hope you will at least read what I have to say before you delete this message. I also want you to know I’m not trying to cause any trouble or make you feel threatened in any way. The last thing I want to do is upset you and your family.

  I’d like to start out by saying thank you for reading this far into my message. I honestly didn’t know if you would even open the email or just delete it. Second, I know many things have happened in both of our lives over the years, and I want you to know I am deeply sorry for all of the trouble I put you through. There are no words I can say to take away the pain and grief I caused you back then, but I honestly hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. You are a good woman and I was wrong.

  For many years I have wanted to contact you to beg for your forgiveness but I could never get enough courage to do so. I’ve even attended some therapy sessions just to try and help me cope with everything. I had hoped over time it would get easier to deal with the pain but it hasn’t. Thankfully, my wife has been very understanding and supportive. If it wasn’t for her, I’m not sure I would still be here today.

  When you left me all those years ago I made some pretty bad choices. I was hurt and angry and didn’t know how to deal with your leaving. You were the only positive thing I had going and I screwed that up. I couldn’t accept that you didn’t want to be with me. Rather than causing more turmoil, I should have been doing more to support you and the baby instead of being a deadbeat.

  I spent a couple of months in jail and realized there was so much more to life. I was a disappointment and disgrace to my family but I was the only one who could change that. I ended up back home with my parents and thank goodness they were willing to give me one final chance to turn my life around. At first I had a very hard time finding a job but eventually found one working at a construction site close to the beach. It was hard working out in the sun all day long, but I managed to stick it out. I made good money and was able to put a good bit into savings. Yes, you read that right. I started saving up my money and it felt good. At the end of summer when the job was completed, my supervisor offered me an opportunity to travel with his company to another site. I was hesitant at first but decided to take him up on his offer. If nothing else, my parents were able to see I was dedicated to the job.

  Eventually the work started dwindling down and I made the decision to move back home again. I had a decent amount of money saved up so I enrolled in a couple of classes at the university. I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself, but figured after taking some core classes I might find something to interest me. I made pretty decent grades and stayed out of trouble. You would be amazed at the person I had become. I also met someone that was patient and willing to help me with a lot of the personal frustrations I was going through. You see, after all that time, I still felt bad for the way our relationship had ended and knowing I had fathered a child that I knew nothing about.

  I decided to try my hand at teaching and graduated with a degree in education a few years ago. Yes, I am now a PE teacher and coach at the middle school I used to attend and would you believe I love it. I continued to see Grace, the girl I met when I first started taking classes, and we eventually got married. Grace has been a positive influence for me. She is also a teacher but has taken this year off to stay at home and raise our son Brady. I was very honest with Grace and told her all about you and our daughter. It wasn’t easy for her knowing I had a child already but together we are working through this. The hardest part was trying to talk about a daughter I didn’t know anything about. I couldn’t tell her one single thing.

  My intent for this email was not to brag or boast about my life but I needed you to know that I’ve changed. I’ve grown up and made something of myself but it still doesn’t excuse my behavior from all those years ago.

  A few months ago my father was diagnosed with cancer and hasn’t been given long to live. My mom stayed after him to find out why he kept feeling so bad, but by the time he decided to get checked out, the doctors informed him there really wasn’t much they could do for him. My mom was heartbroken because my dad had been so stubborn and waited too late to get help. She stays by his side but he is declining rapidly. We’ll be lucky if he makes it another couple of weeks.

  This leads me to the purpose of this email. Jennifer, you have to believe me when I tell you I’m not the same person you used to know. I worked out all of my problems with my dad and I’m proud to say our relationship now is better than it has ever been. But it’s hard knowing he’s not going to be around much longer.

  My parents enjoy spending time with Brady but I can’t help but feel so guilty because they have a granddaughter they don’t know exists. Hell, I don’t know anything about her and its eating me up inside.

  I hired a private investigator and it didn’t take him long to find you. After all these years, I had no idea you were only a couple of hours away. Please, don’t misinterpret my purpose for this message. I’ve thought long and hard before making the decision to finally send it to you. I know you are going to tell me no without giving it any thought, but I’m going to ask you to search deep within your heart. Is there some way we can arrange for my father to meet his granddaughter? I know her name is Chloe and based on the information from the investigator, your husband adopted her many years ago. Just by doing this tells me he is a good man.

  Jennifer, I’m begging you to please give this some thought. If there is any way possible, I really want my father to see our daughter before it’s too late.



  Amy Stephens is a new adult/contemporary romance author. Originally from Greenville, Alabama, she now lives in Robertsdale, Alabama, just minutes from the beautiful Alabama Gulf Coast beaches, with her husband and son. She is a graduate of Troy University with a Master’s in Human Resourc
e Management. She works in retail management full-time during the day and pursues her passion for writing in her down time.

  When she’s not working or writing, you will find her reading, watching her favorite football team, the Auburn Tigers, her favorite baseball team, the Atlanta Braves, or watching NASCAR. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

  Amy’s first book, Don’t Turn Back, was released in May 2014. Never Look Back is the second book in the Coming Home Series.

  For more information about me, please visit:

  [email protected]

  Table of Contents



  Part One

  Chapter 1 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 2 ~ Brian

  Chapter 3 ~ Todd

  Chapter 4 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 5 ~ Brian

  Chapter 6 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 7 ~ Todd

  Chapter 8 ~ Brian

  Chapter 9 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 10 ~ Todd

  Chapter 11 ~ Brian

  Part Two

  Chapter 12 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 13 ~ Todd

  Chapter 14 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 15 ~ Todd

  Chapter 16 ~ Jennifer

  Chapter 17 ~ Jennfer

  Coming Soon ~ Heart of the Matter, a Coming Home novella

  About the Author




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