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The Bear's Reluctant Mate (Uncontrollable Shift Book Three)

Page 10

by R. E. Butler

  “Cruz,” she said in a husky tone.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he said, grinning as she pulled her legs slowly apart and bent her knees. Her core was on display for him, and he drank his fill, her pink center glistening and beckoning him.

  He put a knee on the bed and leaned forward, inhaling her sweet scent, his mouth watering at how perfect she smelled, how very much his. She was clean-shaven, her clit peeking from between the folds of her sex, and he’d honestly never seen anything sexier in his life. He teased her with his finger, lightly playing it up and down her lips as he looked up the length of her body and watched her gaze darken. He pushed a little deeper with each pass until he was circling her clit and dipping inside.

  Her hips rocked and he lowered his head, finding her clit with his tongue as he inserted his finger into her heat. She gasped, tangling her fingers in his hair once more and anchoring him to her pussy. He grinned and wiggled his tongue on her clit, adding a second finger and slowly fucking her. Sucking on her clit lightly, he played his tongue over it and curled his fingers inside her to find her sweet spot. His sensitive hearing picked up the hitch in her breath and her soft groan, and he knew he’d found the spot.

  As he worked his fingers against that spot, he licked and sucked her clit. He sensed her orgasm approaching, her pussy heating and contracting around his fingers, her sweet scent deepening. She arched under him with a sharp cry, and he planted his arm over her stomach and pushed her gently back to the bed, fingering her until she crested another wave of pleasure. As her whole body flushed and his name fell from her lips like a chant, he moved up the bed between the cradle of her hips, his cock seeking out her heat like it had a mind of its own. He thrust into her, slipping his arms around her and holding her close. Her hands curled against his back, her fingers scraping his skin as he rode through her pleasure to his own. He kissed her, nipping her chin and neck before burying his face in her shoulder and biting gently.

  Her hand slid down his body and cupped his ass and she spread her thighs wider, meeting his thrusts with her own until they moved together as if they’d been mated for years. His bear roared his pleasure, the sound spilling from Cruz’s mouth as he came, his body jerking at the sweet rush of pleasure and knowing that they were well and truly mated.

  When his body stopped spasming and the haze of pleasure eased away to a contented bliss, he kissed her once more and then eased away from her. After he lifted her gently up the bed and moved the covers out of the way, he settled on his back and curled her into his side, stroking her back and listening to their heartbeats as they slowed to normal.

  He tipped her chin until she looked at him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “You’re okay with us getting mated during the fall equinox, in front of the clan?”

  “Yes.” She moved against him until she was resting her chin on his chest. “But we’re mated now, right?”

  “Definitely. The ceremony is... well it’s kind of for show. A way to involve the clan and make it a celebration for everyone. We could have the ceremony tomorrow morning, but I like the idea of waiting for this special time of year.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Your family can come. I obviously want to meet them ahead of time, but they’re welcome to join us for the ceremony. Even though our mating is stronger than a marriage, we could do a dual ceremony. One of the clan members is an ordained minister and could marry us that same morning.”

  “Really? That would be cool.”

  “I’ll ask you properly to be my wife, of course. I don’t want you to think I’m taking anything for granted.”

  “I don’t. I want to be yours in every way.”

  He rolled over, pushing her to her back and looking down at her. “You will be, sweetheart. You’ve got every part of me – my heart, my soul, my body. I’m yours from head to toe.”

  She spread her legs under him and pulled him to her lips. As they joined together once more, she moaned and lifted from his mouth. “I’m yours, too. Every inch of me. Forever.”

  He’d never been happier, and it was all because this glorious female had been curious enough about their people to reach out. Even though things had started off rocky and he hadn’t been thrilled to invite her to the club, once he’d met her his whole life had changed. She was perfect for him, a sweet and feisty female who wasn’t afraid to stand up for their relationship and her place in his life and the clan. Even if he was as creative as Juliette, he couldn’t have imagined a more suitable mate for himself. She was everything he’d ever wanted and so much more, and he would be forever grateful to her editor friend who suggested she talk to a real shifter for some insight into their kind.

  Juliette was his whole world, and with her by his side, he knew they could accomplish anything.

  Chapter Twelve

  One Month Later

  Juliette sat in her office and waited for the video call app to connect. Outside, the clan was preparing for her and Cruz’s mating ceremony, and in twelve short hours, she and her bear were going to be one hundred percent mated. The last month had gone by so quickly that most everything was a blur. The only place where time felt like it slowed down was when Cruz was rocking her world in the bedroom. She couldn’t get enough of her sexy man and he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her, either.

  Kaylie’s face appeared on the screen. “Hey lady!”

  “Hi, how’s it going?” Juliette asked, sitting back and taking a sip of iced tea.

  “So fab,” she said. “Kyle and I are leaving tomorrow morning for our beach trip and I’m so excited. I’m bummed I’m missing your mating ceremony, though.”

  “Me, too. But you two deserve to go on vacation, especially after having to cancel a second time because of his work.”

  “Yeah. I told him he wasn’t allowed to cancel again or I was going to go alone and flirt with cute cabana boys.”

  Juliette laughed. “I’m glad you were able to get a look at the new book before you took off. I promised Cruz I wouldn’t write for the whole week we’re on our honeymoon, and just knowing that I was able to finish it and get it to you has lowered my stress level by a lot.”

  Kaylie was silent for a moment and Juliette’s heart rate spiked. Did she not like the book?

  “So, I freaking. Love. This. Book.”

  Juliette’s shoulders slumped as she let out a relieved breath. “Damn woman, you sure do like dramatic pauses.”

  “Hey, Kyle says it’s important to have fun at your job, and it’s always fun to see you panic a little bit every time you turn in a new book.”

  “If I didn’t like you so much I’d be really mad. But I can’t be mad, because you love the book. Really? You really do?”

  “Absolutely, it’s a fresh take on shifters to do an alternate timeline and start from scratch with them. And it feels so freaking authentic, and that’s because you know your subject. I can’t tell you how much I like this book, and I can’t wait to read the other stories you’ll come up with for the series.”

  Relief slipped through Juliette like a caress and she relaxed, settling in the comfortable leather chair that Cruz had picked out for her. Giving her favorite pen a few clicks, she turned over a fresh piece of paper and listened as Kaylie talked about her general impression of the story, and where she thought it needed to be fleshed out and trimmed. Juliette made notes as she and her friend talked, and when they’d reached the end of the book, Kaylie gave her a sweet smile.

  “When are you planning to publish this?”

  “I was thinking in January. I’ve already plotted the next story, so I don’t want to rush this book out to readers before I get the other one done.”

  “I’ve got openings in November and December for edits, so just give me a poke when you think you’ll be finished and I’ll fit you in. Who are you giving the next book to? Is it Theo?”

  “Do you want me to ruin the surprise?”


  Juliette could
n’t help but chuckle. “It’s Rand.”

  “Oh, swoon! I wouldn’t have been disappointed in any of the brothers getting the next story.”

  She tapped the side of her head. “They’re all kind of clamoring in my brain demanding their mates.”

  “Does Cruz think you’re crazy yet?”

  “Nah, I just told him I have imaginary friends and instead of being kids, they’re grown adults.”

  “Cool. I’m so glad that things worked out the way they did for you. What happened between you and Cruz sounds like a romance novel plot.”

  “None of this would be possible without you telling me I needed to write a more realistic story. So thank you for always having my back with my books and not letting me get away with writing anything less than a great story.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  A timer beeped signaling the end of their time, and the two friends smiled.

  “I just emailed you the manuscript with my corrections and notes. After you have a chance to go through it after your honeymoon, shoot it back to me and I’ll give it another pass.”

  Juliette checked her email and saw the message from Kaylie. “Got it. Thanks again. Have a fun time at the beach.”

  “Congratulations again. I’m so very happy for you and Cruz, and know that Kyle and I are there in spirit clapping and cheering for your special day.”

  They said goodbye and ended the call. Juliette sat back in the chair and put her pen down on the notebook with a happy sigh. She could feel Cruz coming down the hallway even though he was walking softly. Whatever connection they had as mates allowed her to sense him in a way that was unique to anything she’d ever experienced before.

  “Door’s open,” she said.

  He opened it and gave her a curious smile. “I heard you say goodbye to Kaylie. Do you still need time to finish up?”

  She closed her email and shut the computer down, then swiveled in the chair to face her mate. “I’m done. I’m officially work-free for eight glorious days.”

  He strode into the office and bent, grasping the handles of the chair and leaning over her. She slid her hands up his arms and curled her fingers into his shirt sleeves, bracing herself for a kiss that started off slow and sweet, but ended with her whole body lighting up.

  He gave her bottom lip a little nibble as he eased from the kiss. “I love that you react to me like that. Makes my bear feel like a king.”

  She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Did my mom send you to get me?”

  He helped her to her feet and hugged her close. “Yep. But I told her that you’d be finished when you were finished. If you were still talking when I came up here, I wouldn’t have knocked.”

  “I could feel you come down the hallway. It’s pretty cool that even though I’m not a bear I can feel you like that.”

  “Mating connections grow stronger with time, too. My dad told me that he can pretty much tell where my mom is if he needs to, and if not the specific place he can sense the general direction.”

  “I love it.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Her stomach took that moment to rumble.

  “Good thing we’re about to have our rehearsal dinner soon. I’m pretty damn hungry myself.”

  They left the office and went down to the clearing at the back of the house where both their parents were working on decorating for the dual ceremony at dawn. First they’d be married by human standards, and then they’d be mated by bear traditions, their bodies lit by the rising sun as a way to signify the start of a new day and a new chapter in their lives.

  “Hey honey,” Millie, Juliette’s mother, said. “Are you finished working? We can’t head over to the dinner without you, and Tomlin said the bears are getting hungry and restless at the club.”

  Juliette laughed, gave Cruz’s hand a squeeze, then joined her mom where she was placing pretty white bows on the backs of folding chairs. “Yep, I’m done until after our honeymoon. It looks great out here.”

  “Thank you.” She fussed with the bow a few times, and then smiled. “I never thought this is where your life would end up. If someone had told me a year ago that you’d be marrying an alpha bear who runs a nightclub, I would have said they were nuts. But you’re glowing, and Cruz is a wonderful man. I’m so very happy for you.”

  “Tell her about the babies,” Viola said as she helped Oscar stake the white runner between the two sections of chairs.

  Juliette arched a brow. “What babies?”

  Millie put her arm around Juliette’s shoulder. “Just that Vi and I are hoping you and Cruz will get right on starting a family. We’re both very excited to hold our grandbabies and we want a lot of them.”

  “Really, Mom? We’re not even officially mated yet and already you’re asking about babies?”

  “That’s what mothers do,” Millie said. “First we marry off our babies and then we urge them to have their own babies ASAP.”

  “It’s true,” Viola said. “Bear moms are the same way.”

  Juliette looked at Cruz who was talking to the two dads and he gave her an encouraging smile. They’d discussed having kids and decided not to use birth control. Whenever she got pregnant was the right time for them.

  “I promise that Cruz and I can’t wait to have a little one running around.”

  The two moms cheered and Juliette joined her mate. “I’m ready to head to the club.”

  “Me, too,” Cruz said. He called to the mothers, who finished the row of chairs they were decorating and joined them. Juliette’s mother suggested they walk to the club. Cruz texted Tomlin to let him know they were on the way.

  The clan was waiting for them at the club, which they’d closed for the night. A buffet with all their favorite foods was set up, and Tomlin, Felicity, and a few other clan members had handled the decorating. When they arrived at the club, the clan cheered for them, and Cruz gave Juliette a sweet kiss and then called for quiet.

  “Thank you all for joining us for our special day. After our rehearsal, we’ll open the buffet and the dance floor and get this party started.”

  “You only have me until midnight, don’t forget,” Juliette said. It was nearly seven, which meant that in five short hours, she and Cruz would be saying goodbye until dawn the next day.

  He made a face. “Have I told you how much I dislike this human idea of staying apart the night before?”

  “Hey, I have to get up at like four a.m. to get ready for this. The very least you could do is ensure I get a few hours of sleep beforehand. I know you’d want to sex me up after this and you know how much I love it when you do.”

  He gave her a gruff growl and squeezed her waist. “I always want to sex you up.”

  The rehearsal dinner was a new concept for the clan, but Cruz was certain that future couples were going to want to have what he referred to as a “pre-party.”

  Lionel, the ordained minister in the clan, called for them to start the rehearsal. After the run-through, where Cruz growled lustfully at Juliette and made her blush, they ran through their mating ceremony with Oscar officiating as a clan elder. Once the ceremonies were concluded, she, Cruz, and their parents hit the buffets and sat together in one of the padded booths, watching as the clan descended on the tables filled to overflowing with all of their favorites. Including a large blackberry tart for dessert, which Juliette couldn’t wait to dig into.

  While they ate, conversation flowed around the table, as they discussed the ceremonies, their honeymoon, her writing, and the club. In the last month, the club had taken an upturn in business thanks to two young female bears who loved to party and post to social media. Business had picked up swiftly after photos and videos of a birthday party for one of the female bears made the rounds of the social media circuits. Cruz had been stressed about the club, but thanks to the girls and a few fabulous parties, theme nights, and drink specials, business was good.

  Clan members stopped by to congratulate them on the upcoming ceremony. Becca and Myr
ian, the two social media butterflies, giggled their way over and smiled broadly.

  “We have an idea,” Myrian said, taking a sip from a colorful cocktail.

  “Oh?” Cruz asked.

  “We think you should offer to hold parties like this and rent the bar out,” Becca said. “Like a couple could rent out the club for the night and have their dress rehearsal here like you guys did.”

  Juliette hummed, considering this. “That’s a good idea.”

  “It is,” Cruz said. “We can work out the financial details and put it on the club’s website. You two could be party planners for us.”

  “Really? That would be cool,” Myrian said. “We had fun helping your moms organize things. We could totally take over.”

  “We’ll talk after the newly mated couple gets back from their honeymoon,” Tomlin interjected.

  “Of course,” Becca said. “Congrats.”

  Juliette thanked the girls and then looked at her mate. “The dance floor is calling.”

  He slipped from the booth and held out his hand to her. “Indeed it is.”

  They danced and partied into the night, until the clock was nearing midnight and they had to part ways. Cruz walked her home and stopped at the front door. “I hate being apart from you, but I’m also glad we’re including some of your traditions. Spending a few hours away from you is going to make my bear insane, so if you hear roaring from my aunt’s home you’ll know why.”

  She kissed him with a laugh. “I’ll miss you. The time will pass quickly.”

  “Not fast enough, though.”


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