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The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Tarrah Anders

  “Very nice to meet you son. It’s a nice place you have here. I apologize for my wife, she doesn’t meet many… people. We tend to keep her tied up in the dungeon.” My dad says with a smile to Max.

  Max looks to me as I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

  “Mom, Dad would you like something to drink? We don’t carry alcohol in the house, but we have plenty of other selections.” I offer bringing them closer inside the house.

  “I would love a vodka cranberry.” My mother rights herself and takes her eyes off of Max to address me, however steals glances at Max.

  “We don’t have any vodka, but we do have cranberry.” I answer her getting annoyed. It’s too early in the night to lose my cool. Too early.

  “No vodka? Oh dear.” My mother fakes a faint.

  “I’m pregnant, remember. I shouldn’t be drinking.” I point to my stomach.

  “I drank with you.” She supplies.

  “That explains so much.” I mutter turning to the kitchen as the doorbell rings again.

  Suddenly, Davis and Katrina run into the kitchen.

  “What the hell?” I turn around. “Did you seriously ring the doorbell?”

  “My mom is one minute away, I wanted to prepare you. She’s going to hang all over every last word you say and she’s going to hug the shit out of you! She kept saying that it has been too long. ” Davis whisper yells.

  “Um okay.” I have no idea what to say.

  “Just a warning, She’s been flying off the walls all week since Max’s dinner invite.”

  The front door opens again and sure enough a tall very attractive older woman walks into the kitchen and settles her eyes on me. She looked worried at first, then she relaxed and held out her arms to me. The tension in the kitchen, you could cut with a knife until I walked into her embrace.

  She breathes deeply and I can feel her smiling against my shoulder.

  “You are ravishing.” She inhales and pulls back, still grasping my arms.

  Max is standing behind her with a smile on his face. “I see mom found you, she basically walked in the door saying your name, didn’t even acknowledge her son.” He says in the entrance.

  Our parents seemed to get along great, my mother kept most of her smart comments to herself, I notice her staring at Max quite a number of times. Max’s mother, true to Davis’s warning, would gaze longingly at me when I would be speaking. At first it was creepy, but I felt flattered after a while. We are all in the backyard enjoying the warm summer night. I had Max’s mother sitting beside me on my right and Max on my left. My mother took a seat beside Max and was enamored with his depiction of the past several months. I’ve never seen her so enthralled in a story about me before, perhaps it was the storyteller.

  I had excused myself to refresh drinks, and Max’s mom offered to join me. We’re in the kitchen refilling the water pitcher.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you guys were having a dinner. Your parents are…”

  “Special.” I interrupt, finishing her sentence in the nicest of ways.

  “I was going with eccentric. How are you dear?”

  “I’m good. Tired more so than the first trimester, ready for the babe to vacate it’s current spot and scared, really scared.” I admit. I haven’t voiced that out loud, not even to Max.

  “Oh honey, I think that’s run of the mill standard feelings for every new parent. You guys will do great as parents. Plus, I’m so close, that I’m only a phone call away if you need anything, even to vent.” She offers.

  “Well, speaking of which. Max and I were talking the other night. He should probably be asking you this but, meh why not. Would you be interested in watching the baby a few days a week after I go back to work?” I nervously wring my fingers together.

  “Only a few days? I could do all week if you want?” She offers.

  “Really? You would? Really?” I’m speechless and tears have started to fall. I’m such an emotional blubbering mess.

  “Oh honey, of course.” She places the cup of water she was holding on the kitchen counter and hugged me. “I would love nothing more than to spend my days with my grandbaby.”

  “Oh I’m so glad. Thank you.” I say sniffling and hugging her back.

  A cleared throat behind us startles me and I pull away from Max’s mom, and Max is standing there looking between the both of us with a concerned look.

  “You guys were in here for awhile, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright, is it?” He asks tentatively looking back and forth between us.

  “I’m going to be spending my days with your daughter, so I’d say everything is perfect!” His mom exclaims.

  Max’s face relaxes as he walks over to me.

  “Thanks mom. That means a lot to us. Um, Tate… your mom started rubbing my leg. I think she needs to sit on opposite sides of the room from me from here on out.” He smiles sliding his arm around my waist.

  “She does seem to be crushing on you.” I smile looking at him.

  “I’m a two woman man, and my woman is standing next to me and the other is in her belly.” He says as he leans down and kisses me briefly.

  His mom gushes and clasps her hands together causing a distraction and for us to remember that she’s standing within reach of the both of us.

  “I’m so glad you found each other! Thank you for brining my boy back Tatum.” His mom hugs us both, grabs the water pitcher and returns to the backyard.

  “Um?” I look at him.

  “You know that I wasn’t all this in love sappy hunk of a man that you see in front of you today.” He jokes.

  “Yeah, I’m glad I could assist in turning you into mush.” I retort.

  “Your mom is seriously creeping me out.” He says as we start walking back to the backyard to join our families.

  “Yeah, she has that effect on people.” I mutter as we step outside.

  Chapter 36 – Max

  “If you would have asked me this time last year what my life would be like, I would have not had a clear answer because I had nothing in my life that made me happy, or at least what would constitute as a really happy. I had work, sex and booze. I was not in control of anything, and had no desire to have the control either. I was a walking corpse most days, with erratic behaviors which didn’t make me a pleasure to be around and I’m forever thankful that I was able to pull my head out of my ass, for that I am grateful for my best friend, I’m thankful to my brother and most of all thankful to the woman who I share my life with.

  If I didn’t have the come to Jesus moment, I would not have been prepared for my girlfriend to enter my life when she did. Regardless, that she actually entered my life while I was my suffering within a downward spiral. During my downward spiral, I drank like a fish and figuratively entertained multiple women on a daily basis. I’m not proud of it, but I would have never met the person who completes me without this period. I’m going to have a baby girl here in a month and I’m scared shitless. But I’m also so excited to start on this new journey with open and clear eyes. With no tainted blood running through my system and a clear conscience. I don’t condone any of my past behavior, I know where it stemmed from and no, I’m not making excuses or saying it was okay, and for all I’ve done, the pain inflicted on others, I’m not proud. But I am proud of who I am today, that with the love and support of my peers, my friends and my family – I am who I am. Today, I celebrate 7 months of being sober today, 7 months filled with strawberry milkshakes, pineapples and a new life.” The people sitting in the hall go from wearing chicken costumes to wearing their normal, but my eyes automatically locate Tatum at the back of the hall, and I take a deep breath and smile. The hall erupts in applause.

  I take my seat in between Dane and Tatum. Her hand takes its place on my mid-thigh and Dane clasps my shoulder and leans in.

  “I’m proud of ya buddy.” He whispers.

  I nod my head in acknowledgement. Behind me, Mike grabs my shoulders and gives them a shake then there’s a sli
ght slap on the back of my head, I turn around and Davis is smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up. I didn’t think that this was something that everyone in my life had to be at, however as I look down the aisle and behind me, I’m surrounded by friends and family. I return my attention to the podium up at the front of the hall and notice that Leo is sitting in the front row with his leg bouncing, he’s speaking next and he’s nervous. Leo is introduced and is now wiping his hands on his pants and standing.

  “Much like the speaker before me, I too am an alcoholic. Like the speaker before me, I am a new man….” Leo starts.


  One agenda item down for this week, next up is the baby shower that Sterling and Sammie are throwing for us this afternoon. It’s a co-ed shower so I was told to make sure that we had BBQ items and to make sure that our backyard was clean as well to make sure to leave Tatum plenty of energy to enjoy herself comfortably. She has been exhausted lately, it looks like it hurts when she walks, sits down, lays down or gets up, so basically any movement. However, her sex drive exceeds mine, which is quite amazing.

  It's mid-January and the air is crisp. I rented a few space heaters to place around the deck and I just made sure we have enough propane for today’s festivities. While I shower, Sterling and Sammie had shown up and transformed our backyard. It looks like the jungle and baby animals threw up in various parts, I snuck up on Tatum from behind and wrapped my arms around her, my lips pressed to her neck and I could see the goose bumps erupt all over her skin.

  “People are starting to arrive, but all I want to do is take you into the bedroom and lock us away.” I whisper.

  “There’s plenty of time for that later.” She smiles patting my hand that is atop her belly.


  She was right, later we had plenty of time. Tatum had started on maternity leave right after the baby shower. Every morning, she woke me up with sex in some shape or form for the next two weeks. I’ve been working my ass off with the strip mall job, making sure that I am as caught up as I could be. I make all the notes available on our server at the office in case I need to take time off.

  We have roughly a week to go before Tatum delivers the baby and we’re lying in bed together after some slow love making.

  I lay on my side with my palm over her belly, my ear is against her warm skin and our daughter is kicking me in the cheek.

  “People keep asking me if we have chosen a name, and I realized that we have never discussed it.” I murmur against her skin.

  “I haven’t really thought about it much, I always figured that could come later, but we are a few weeks away. What would you like to name our daughter?” She asks softly with her fingers running through my hair.

  “I don’t want her to have a geezer name like ‘Esther’.”

  She laughs. “Those names are making a comeback, just so you know.

  “Yeah, but my grandma’s name was Esther and all her friends had those names. I can’t look endearingly at my daughter when she has a name that my gran and her friends had.”

  “What about Betsy?” Tatum says after a moment.

  My breath hitches. I look at her, she’s smiling and I feel like I can see my soul within her eyes. I don’t think I’m breathing, but I have no words to say.

  “Max? Did I lose you?” She whispers licking her lips.

  “You would want to name our daughter after my ex?”

  “I know how much Betsy meant to you, and in a way I think it would be good to carry on her name in some way.”

  “You are amazing.” I lean in to kiss her softly.

  “So you would approve of that name?” She asks hesitantly.

  “I don’t want you to feel obligated to choose that as a name. This is our life together, I want it to be a name that you love as well. Just the offer alone, has me falling in love with you all over again. But we don’t need to name our baby after Betsy.”

  “I don’t feel obligated. Listen, the name is a feisty and fun name. It’s not like I’m settling for a name. I want the name to have meaning. In one way or another, Betsy has had a part in our relationship and who you are today, the man I love, the father of my child.”

  “How about this, we choose a few other names, keep Betsy as an option but when she is born, we choose the name that we feel best resembles her. I’ve heard that sometimes that’s how people do it. They just know once they hold the baby.”

  “So then we can put Esther on the table?” She smiles.

  I poke her in the side, where I know she’s ticklish as she folds into me. She kisses me on the cheek and moves to get off the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need some pineapples.” She walks out of the room.

  I lay on my back, fold my arms under my head and smile.

  Life couldn’t be better!

  Chapter 37 – Tatum

  All of a sudden I’m thrown into a pool, but it’s a warm pool and it feels like the water is thick as I catch my breath and pull to the surface. I start to wade through the water, but it’s endless and I don’t see an end anywhere. The palms of my hands trail over the surface as I still in my spot. Suddenly, arms are grasping mine and shaking. In the distance, I can hear my name being called by Max, he seems frantic almost manic. Suddenly, my eyes open and I realize that was all a dream. Well, most of it was. Max’s face is hovering over mine and his hands are on my arms.

  “Oh thank god. I think your water broke, or you just peed on my dick.” He says.

  I take a moment to return to my senses and I feel like I’m sitting in a tub, except I’m sitting in a puddle in our bed.

  “Oh gross! Great. My baby juice is all over the bed and it’s going to be so gross, ew!”

  “That’s what you’re worried about? The bed?” He asks getting out of bed and removing his wet boxers.

  He walks into the bathroom and grabs the hand towel and wipes his legs.

  “We were spooning when all of a sudden, wetness happened. I thought I had peed, but instead it was your baby juice.” He explains as I openly stare at him.

  I start to move to get up and suddenly Max is right in front of me stopping me.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Won’t the baby fall out if you stand up?” He asks so innocently.

  “Max, you read some of the books, you know that’s not how this works.” I smile, pushing him aside and removing my baby juice soaked shorts.

  “What do you want me to do?” He asks.

  “Call labor and delivery, the number is on the fridge. Let them know my water just broke, and they will let you know if there’s a room open.”

  “What if she comes before I get off the phone?”

  “Then she will, but I seriously doubt it. Sometimes it will still take hours for the actual labor part. I’m going to jump in the shower, and wash the baby juice off.” I smile.

  Max leaves the room as I turn on the water in the shower. I step under the spray and relish the moment of quietness. There won’t be too many of these soon. A moment later, Max comes into the bathroom.

  “They have a room, they said to check in within an hour, but we can take our time. You doing okay?” He asks as he pokes his head into the shower.

  “I am. Do you want to join me?” I ask trying to give him my most seductive voice.

  “I’m not fucking you right now Tate. I might hit the baby’s forehead.”

  “I’m not asking for sex silly. I just want to enjoy the last few moments where it’s just us. Where it’s quiet and where we can take a nice shower without having to clean throw up, milk or poop off of us.” I smile.

  “Poop? How would we get poop on us?” He asks as he removes the boxers he just put on.

  “Projectile poop. Or blowouts. I hear those are pretty crazy sometimes.” I know that I’m freaking Max out a little, so I continue. “Sometimes, its pee too. My mom used to say that even though I didn’t have a wiener that I would stream my pee like I did as soon as she took off my diapers.”

  “This sounds awesome. We might need to put puppy pads all around the house. Or just get rid of carpet all together and put plastic everywhere.” He says as he lathers himself and myself up with soap. His hands slowly run the length of my body, he started from the top and now he’s kneeling. He kisses my belly and moves his body back up.

  “I’m going to miss your pregnant belly.” He whispers as he kisses my neck.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Might have to knock you up real quick again. We can have like ten babies. That’s like over 10 years of pregnant belly.” He smiles as the spray of water washes all the soap off our bodies.

  “What am I, a mule?”

  “No, you’re much prettier!” He smiles, kisses me, and retreats from the shower. I can see his shadow as he dries off, and he gathers my towels and places them over the shower curtain. A moment later, I emerge from the bathroom. Max is sitting on the bed, back in his boxers just staring at the bathroom doorway, staring at me.

  “We’re going to be parents Tate, in hours.” He whispers.

  I stand directly in front of him and look down, my hands on his shoulders.

  “Are you going to be okay babe?” I ask.

  “I may be in shock. So, if I look out of it, just tell me what to do.” He admits.

  “I can do that. I’m going to make sure that I have everything I need in my hospital bag. Can you get our phone chargers and my eReader charger?”

  We arrive at the hospital 20 minutes later, after we’re lead back to our private delivery room, Max starts looking anxious again.

  “How you doing?” I ask him.

  “I’m fine. You? Stupid question, you’re going to have a baby… holy shit.”

  “The doctor said I was only 5 centimeters dilated, there might still be some time. I know it’s the middle of the night, but why don’t you call everyone. Let them know we’re here, and we’ll call or text with updates.”


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