Playing The Hero

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Playing The Hero Page 2

by K. Sterling

  After a quick shower, deciding what to wear was an unusually drawn-out exercise for Reid. He knew Carter was already in jeans and a t-shirt. Should he go uber casual and make it feel as little like a date as possible? Or, would Carter think that Reid didn’t think he was worth any effort? Reid didn’t own any graphic t-shirts, so he settled on a grey v-neck. Jeans were obvious. He grabbed a darker grey cardigan, thinking it would give him more of a cozy, gentle vibe. For a moment he debated, as he looked in the mirror. Was this a little bit Mr. Rogers? That might put Carter at ease but it might also take things in the wrong direction. You don’t want to get friend zoned because you tapped into the puppets and trains part of his subconscious, Reid warned. In the end, he kept it, erring on the side of relaxed and comfortable. He realized he was probably overthinking things after debating over shoes for ten minutes. Reid stepped into a pair of casual black, leather loafers and went to check his hair and brush his teeth before he left for Carter’s.

  By the time Reid knocked on Carter’s front door, the flutter had subsided. He’d admired the large craftsman home every time he drove by. Reid was curious to see if it was as well maintained on the inside as the outside. Being greeted by Carter’s guard hag before he could even knock was reassuring. A ferocious friend meant Carter was somewhat normal and probably a decent person. Flaming red hair and cutting green eyes swept Reid from head to toe as he smiled brightly on the doorstep. She crossed her arms over her chest and chewed her lip.

  “You’re a doctor?” She asked skeptically. Reid nodded.

  “A neurosurgeon, even.” He stated and her head tilted. She was starting to approve. Reid saw her eyes sweeping the street behind him.

  “Where’s your car?” She asked warily. Reid cringed and leaned on the doorframe.

  “It turns out, I live at the end of the street, six houses down.” He explained as he pointed toward his house. Her mouth fell open and she leaned out and looked down the street. She frowned as she looked back at Reid.

  “That could get awkward.” She mumbled. Reid shrugged and her eyes narrowed even more as she searched his face.

  “Abby!” Carter called from behind her. “Let him in!” He begged. Abby held up a hand, quieting Carter as she continued to study Reid. He knew what was up.

  “I never go more than two days without calling my mother.” Reid said and Abby’s eyes widened briefly and her lips tugged up at the corners but she fought off the smile. Reid leaned forward. “Rustic farm wedding with drinks served in Mason jars.” He stated and her eyes became very wide. Abby nodded and stepped aside. When Reid stepped into the house he had to pull his lips in to keep from laughing as Carter scowled at Abby.

  “Sorry, she decided to come over and…” Carter stopped when Reid laughed.

  “…make sure I wasn’t a serial killer or a creep.” Reid finished as his eyes swept around the house. The woodwork was beautiful and the royal blue walls popped against the warm wood tones. The living room was being used as an office and a large desk sat before the windows. There was a lot of really nice comic book art, mostly framed prints. Carter was a Marvel fan. Reid had been a DC fan back in the day. Hopefully that wouldn’t be too much of an issue. He grinned at Carter before he looked at Abby. “So, what was the plan? Was Abby going to tell me some terrible secret, like you’re into yiffing to scare me off or was she going to fabricate an emergency and lose her car keys?” Reid asked. Carter’s lips pulled tight and his eyes flicked to Abby’s. She grinned wickedly.

  “I was going to get obnoxiously drunk and have to crash on the couch. I was considering a tactical vomit in your lap.” Abby explained and Reid couldn’t help but be impressed.

  “Solid.” He said and Abby laughed. She grabbed her purse off the counter and kissed Carter on the cheek.

  “I’m out.” She announced and Carter’s brows rose in surprise. “You better not call me until late tomorrow morning.” Abby commanded as she went out the door. It shut behind her and Carter stared at it for a moment before turning to Reid.

  “Did I miss something?” Carter asked as he pointed at the door. Reid shrugged.

  “She likes me and I passed.” He explained. Carter looked even more confused as he leaned against the counter that divided the dining area from the kitchen. Reid stepped closer and felt the flutters return. “I call my mom four or five times a week. Women put a lot of stock in how a man treats his mother. And my dream wedding is romantic and informal. I have a dream wedding. I’m clearly interested in more than a one night stand.” Reid explained as he watched Carter’s lips open and close as he tried to decide on his next question.

  “How can you be so sure you’ll want more than a one night stand?” Carter asked carefully.

  Reid didn’t bother to drag his eyes from Carter’s lips. He reached for Carter’s neck as he stepped closer and pulled Carter’s mouth to his. Reid’s lips brushed back and forth, slowly across Carter’s. They were warm and soft and Reid felt Carter’s chest expand and lock as he held his breath. Reid hummed as he teased Carter’s lower lip and a gasping exhale poured into Reid’s mouth as his tongue swept between Carter’s lips. Carter tasted crisp, slightly bitter and clean. A gin and tonic. Reid moaned as he wrapped his hands around Carter’s face and angled his head, lapping at Carter’s tongue. He felt Carter’s hand twisting the back of his cardigan as he pulled Reid closer and his tongue tangled with Reid’s. I should probably go to church on Sunday, Reid thought as he fought against some very wicked urges. He withdrew hesitantly, letting his lips cling to Carter’s as he groaned. Reid could have stayed there for the rest of the day. He blinked rapidly and Carter’s eyes were heavy as Reid released him.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for weeks, Carter. One night isn't going to be enough.” Reid whispered. Carter nodded faintly.

  “Ok.” He mumbled as he stared at Reid. He was silent for several moments before he looked around, as if he was trying to remember where he was. “Can I make you a drink? I don’t have a lot to choose from, I mostly drink gin and tonics and the occasional beer.” Carter explained as he slid around the counter and went to the fridge. Reid smiled as he went to a stool and sat.

  “The gin and tonic tasted divine. I’ll have one of those.” He said and Carter froze for a moment. A blush creeped up his neck and his lips twisted as he pulled out a bowl of sliced cucumbers.

  Reid watched as Carter filled a tall glass with ice and two slices of cucumber before pouring a very liberal amount of gin and then Schwepp’s tonic water. Reid raised a brow as Carter pushed the drink across the counter. Carter shrugged.

  “It’s not like you have to drive home.” He said as he made himself another. Reid grinned as he raised the glass to his lips.

  “At the time, the proximity to the hospital was this neighborhood’s biggest selling point.” He winked as he took a sip. It was perfect. Carter rolled his eyes as he turned on the oven and pulled the tray of prepared apples out of the fridge. Reid frowned. “I was hoping I’d get to help.” He said and Carter shrugged again.

  “They took about five minutes. Dinner won’t be too long either.” He said as he pulled the foil off a plate of grilled chicken. Reid nodded and stood.

  “This is a great house.” He said as he wandered around the dining room then into the living room area. Reid was impressed. Most of the furniture appeared to be Stickley and the comic book art worked really well in the space.

  “The woodwork is all original. I had it cleaned and restained when I bought the house. I updated the bathrooms and the kitchen but otherwise, the house was in perfect condition.” Carter explained as he sliced the french bread. Reid’s eyes swept along the moldings, banister and the large fireplace appreciatively before they fell on three boxes of books and a bookshelf. He moved closer and saw that the shelf was dedicated to various versions of The Thunderstone Birthright books and merchandise. The boxes were filled with hardback copies of each book in the series.

  “You’re really into this Thunderstone stuff
.” Reid observed as he picked up an action figure. He heard Carter laugh softly.

  “You could say that. I wrote it. I’m W.E. Carter.” He said as he set their salads on the table. Reid’s eyes flared as he set the toy down and went to the table.

  “Those books are huge! Aren’t they working on a movie?” Reid asked as he sat down. Carter nodded as he placed the bread between them and sat.

  “It’s in the early phases, so I’m told.” He said as he started poking at his plate. Reid looked around the house again.

  “So… you’re probably…” He picked up a fork and waved it in front of him and looked at Carter expectantly.

  “Pretty much retired. After this last book, I don’t have to work again.” He said before he took a large bite of his salad. Reid nodded as he stabbed at his plate.

  “But, like retired and driving a golf cart in Florida, retired? Or, retiring on your private island, retired?” He asked. Carter grinned as he swallowed.

  “I’m not private island rich yet. Somewhere in between.” He said. Reid shook his head in disbelief.

  “That’s incredible. Congratulations.” He pointed at his plate with his fork. “This is delicious.” Reid announced and Carter nodded.

  “Thanks. So, you’re an actual brain surgeon?” He asked and took a long drink. Reid laughed.

  “Brain, spine, nervous system…” He explained and Carter’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward.

  “What does the brain feel like?” Carter whispered. Reid grinned mischievously.

  “Raw chicken breast.” He whispered back. Carter’s lips twisted as he considered. Then, his eyes flicked down to his salad. He looked very thoughtful for a moment before he nodded and hooked a piece of chicken with his fork and ate it. Reid laughed and shook his head. “I get asked that question all the time and people usually complain that I’ve put them off of chicken.” He said and Carter shook his head gently.

  “I’ve eaten brain before. Not a human’s. But, I’m not squeamish about food and I don’t have a weak stomach.” He explained and his eyes lingered. “Can I ask you another question?” Carter asked softly. Reid nodded and took a drink.

  “Sure.” He said as he set his glass down. Carter bit his lip before he exhaled loudly.

  “Why aren’t you in a relationship? You seem like you’re perfect and you want to get married and settle down. Why haven’t you?” He asked. Reid cringed as he traced a line through the condensation on the outside of his glass.

  “On a good week, I work about fifty hours. On a really good week, I can work about eighty.” Reid said carefully. He had hoped to sell himself and get a real date, not confess his worst faults as a boyfriend right out of the gate. “It doesn’t take long for schedules to start conflicting and my hours to become annoying. I’m perfect for a handful of dates and then someone more available comes along and it just isn't worth the hassle of dating me.” Reid admitted. Carter frowned as he pushed a piece of lettuce across his plate.

  “I don’t have any sort of schedule that would conflict with yours. I just work whenever I want. Right now, I work all the time because everything’s flowing and I don’t have anything else to do.” Carter’s voice was low, almost as if he was talking to himself. Reid felt another flutter and he angled his head so he could find Carter’s eyes.

  “So, we’re perfect for each other?” Reid offered. Carter’s eyes flicked up and he looked dubious.

  “Until someone hotter or more interesting comes along or you realize you’re out of my league.” Carter mumbled. Reid’s brows pulled together and his mouth fell open.

  “I am not out of your league.” Reid insisted. “And whoever you dated before, they were morons if they think they found someone hotter or more interesting.” He said gently and Carter started to blush. Carter shook his head softly as he dabbed a chunk of bread in the dressing on his plate.

  “What do you do when you’re not working?” Carter asked.

  “Mostly watch old movies and I work out a lot.” Reid said. Carter chuckled as his eyes slid down Reid’s chest leaving warmth in their wake. Reid shifted in his seat and took a long drink.

  “I wouldn’t have guessed.” Carter teased. Reid smiled and enjoyed how loose his face and body were starting to feel.

  “It’s my outlet. Work gets pretty stressful and there’s a lot of paperwork.” He explained. “You’re in really good shape. You look like you work out.” Reid finished his drink and Carter grabbed their plates and Reid’s glass to refill it.

  “Abby got me into yoga a few years ago and one of my first splurges was to have an endless pool put in so I can swim laps. I swim whenever I’m stuck or working through dialog.”

  Carter pulled the apples out of the oven and served them with vanilla ice cream and Reid almost wept.

  “Baby Jesus. You’re never going to get rid of me.” He murmured before shoveling a large bite of apple, goat cheese, sauce and ice cream into his mouth.

  Carter hummed as he licked his spoon and Reid groaned as heat pooled in his groin. Carter must have thought Reid was referring to the baked apples because he nodded in agreement. After dessert, Reid insisted on doing the dishes. Carter watched and they discussed Reid’s work at the hospital until they moved to the couch in the living room with their drinks.

  “What’s your favorite movie?” Reid asked as he scooted close to Carter. They sat facing each other, their knees touching as their arms rested on the back of the couch. Reid rubbed his thumb over Carter’s knee as his eyes clung to Carter’s lips.

  “Seven Samurai.” He said as his finger brushed over Reid’s hand on the back of the couch. His guard was definitely down and his eyes looked almost drowsy. Reid felt as if his body was being pulled toward Carter’s and he leaned forward slightly.

  “I love that movie.” He said softly as he turned his hand under Carter's and caressed his palm with his fingers. “We should watch it sometime.” Reid resisted the urge to slide the hand at Carter’s knee higher. Carter licked his lips and Reid felt dizzy.

  “We could watch it now.” He offered and Reid shook his head.

  “I don’t want to watch a movie tonight.” He whispered and Carter’s eyes flicked to his. They were large and uncertain and he swallowed loudly. Reid shook his head softly. “We’re not going to have sex, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Reid murmured as he brought Carter’s hand to his lips and bushed them over Carter’s knuckles. Carter frowned.

  “I’m not worried, it’s just that…” Carter stopped when Reid’s tongue swept across his skin.

  “We will have sex, just not tonight. Tonight, I want to talk. And kiss you. You’re lips are killing me, Carter.” He admitted as he raised his hand and traced Carter’s lips with his thumb. Those lips pulled down and he looked skeptical.

  “You don’t want to have sex?” He asked and Reid nodded.

  “Of course I want to have sex. I want to fuck you so bad, I can barely think straight. But I want to get to know you first. I want you to trust me.” Reid explained. Carter’s frown grew and Reid’s head tilted as he waited.

  “I don’t usually… I’ve never really enjoyed…” He blushed and Reid laughed.

  “Being the bottom?” Reid offered and Carter bit his lip and nodded as he stared into his drink. Reid took Carter’s chin and forced his eyes up.

  “I think you’ve had some bad sex, Carter.” Reid announced. “I’m not going to push you. I’m going to wait until you ask for it.” He said and Carter’s brows rose.

  “I hope you won’t be too disappointed if I don’t.” Carter said under his breath. Reid grinned as his hand slowly slid down Carter’s neck.

  “Trust me, you’re going to ask for it. And you’ll love it.” Reid promised. Carter’s eyes were dark as they searched Reid’s. He pulled in a large breath and his hand shook slightly as he took a long drink.

  “So, what’s your favorite movie?” Carter asked shakily as he set his drink on the table. Reid pursed h
is lips as he considered. It changed from time to time but there was one he always went back to.

  “The Outlaw Josie Wales.” Reid said and Carter grinned.

  “That’s a great movie. Eastwood was fucking gorgeous in that.” He stated and Reid nodded enthusiastically.

  “He was! And one of my favorite speeches is in that movie, I say it when I’m prepping for surgery.” Reid saw Carter’s eyes narrow as he leaned closer.

  “‘Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.’” Carter delivered the speech in a thin, raspy voice and the hairs on Reid’s arms stood.

  “Holy shit.” Reid gasped as he dove at Carter and pushed him back on the couch. “That was so fucking hot!” He gasped as he lowered his head.

  His lips crashed into Carter’s and Reid growled as Carter’s hands slid into his hair. Their tongues slid around each other and swirled urgently. Carter tasted like gin and tonic and spiced apples, it made Reid’s head spin and his heart raced. He slid his hand between the couch and Carter’s back and cupped his ass. Their legs stretched along the couch and their hips ground against each other as the kiss deepened. Reid did his best to ignore his very hard and throbbing erection or the feel of Carter’s digging into his thigh and focused on the warm slide of Carter’s lips against his and the wet heat of Carter’s mouth. When he raised his head, Reid was lightheaded and on the verge of begging Carter to take him. Carter’s lips were red and swollen and his chest was rising and falling rapidly beneath Reid. He was so damned beautiful, Reid couldn’t remember wanting anyone so badly. He took a deep breath and rolled off of Carter, onto his side, next to Carter on the deep, oversized couch.


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