Playing The Hero

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Playing The Hero Page 3

by K. Sterling

  “You kind of look like a young Clint Eastwood.” Reid whispered as he brushed the hair back, away from Carter’s eyes. “But you’re eyes are bigger. I’ve never seen eyes like yours. They’re so blue, they’re almost purple.” Reid brushed his lips gently against Carter’s as he slid his hand around his jaw. Carter turned his body so that their chests were pressed together and his hand slid around Reid’s back and began to scratch between Reid’s shoulder blades. It was heaven.

  “I love your eyes. They’re mostly grey but sometimes they’re a little blue. But right now, they look more green.” Carter’s thumb slid gently beneath Reid’s eye before he tilted his head forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Reid’s lips.

  They stayed intertwined on the couch, talking and kissing for hours. Carter asked Reid about his childhood, college, his recent move to Northlake and his family and friends. Reid learned that Carter was an only child and his parents lived on the other side of Northlake, in the historic part of town. They owned a hardware store on Main Street and Carter’s mom operated the small Post Office window in the back. Carter studied writing at Northwestern and was supporting himself as a freelance journalist until he buckled down and wrote the first Thunderstone book after the birthday breakup. Eventually, they fell asleep, their foreheads pressed together and their breaths huffing gently against the other’s lips. Now and then, Reid would approach consciousness and he’d pull Carter closer and sigh happily as the smell of Carter’s warm body filled him.

  Chapter 3

  It took Carter a moment to pull it all together. His lips were pressed against warm, smooth skin and his body was tightly wrapped in strong, heavy arms and his leg was locked around a hard thigh. Carter carefully raised his head and his eyes flared when they focused on Reid’s sleep softened face. Oh, no… What did you do? Carter clenched his jaw to stifle a groan. This could be bad. But it was so good. Carter lowered his head, back into the hot corner of Reid’s neck and inhaled. He smelled so warm and soft. Carter wanted to nuzzle in closer, to wrap himself in the rich smell of sandalwood and expensive soap and the solid heat of Reid’s body.

  Unfortunately, Carter’s bladder had taken sides with his common sense. He sighed as he carefully twisted and slid, trying to untangle himself from Reid without waking him. One cashmere covered, steel band wrapped tighter around Carter’s shoulders and his leg was pulled higher around Reid’s thigh.

  “No. Stay.” Reid slurred drowsily as his cheek rubbed against Carter’s. He released Carter’s thigh and slid his arm around Carter’s waist and squeezed. Carter gasped as his bladder protested.

  “Let me up.” He tapped Reid on the back gently and Reid shook his head and his lips slid along Carter’s skin to his ear.

  “Don’t go.” He murmured, hot and damp against Carter’s ear before he kissed Carter’s earlobe and released a soft sigh, sending more moist heat into Carter’s ear. Carter shivered and it only made matters more urgent. He tapped Reid again.

  “I really have to pee.” He whispered. Reid grumbled incoherently but released Carter. Oddly disappointed, Carter carefully extricated himself and slid off the couch.

  After he was done giggling in relief and euphoria, Carter flushed and went to the fridge for a bottle of water. It was a little after 3 a.m. and Carter couldn’t make up his mind as he leaned against the dining room table and watched Reid sleep. If he was smart, he’d go upstairs to his bed and go back to sleep. That way, Reid would know that Carter wasn’t getting carried away and it would prevent any awkwardness when they woke up. If Reid wanted to, he could quietly slip out of the house without having to make any excuses. But Carter wanted back in. He’d scoured high and low for the perfect couch. It was the softest, thickest leather and huge. It was perfect for naps and those nights when Carter worked too long and was too lazy to go upstairs. Now, Reid’s beautiful, warm, richly scented body was stretched out on Carter’s perfect couch and the whole thing was… perfect.

  Clearly, he wasn’t smart. Carter sighed in defeat as he crossed the room and set the bottle of water on the table before he gently sat on the couch and stretched out next to Reid. He hesitantly pressed his hand against Reid’s chest and leaned closer. Reid hummed and it was deep and content as his arms closed around Carter and pulled him back in. Carter couldn’t help the goofy tilting of his lips as he slid his hand around Reid’s waist, under his ridiculously soft cardigan. Carter decided that if possible, he was stealing it. If Reid left enough of his scent on the couch and Carter had this lush little bit of him, his happy place would be heaven. Carter burrowed his face into the center of Reid’s chest and a soft moan tickled his throat as Reid’s hand slid into Carter’s hair. Warmth bloomed in Carter’s chest and he did his best to ignore it, worried that it would soon be replaced by the burning ache of disappointment. Instead, Carter melted into the solid, intoxicating heat of Reid’s body and yawned as sleep pulled him back under.

  Hours later, Carter felt Reid stirring and kept his body limp and his breathing even. His eyes remained shut and his face relaxed as he pretended to be asleep. Reid carefully slid around Carter’s body and rose from the couch. Carter remained still and listened as Reid found the bathroom, pissed for an eternity and washed his hands. Carter held his breath when Reid walked back into the living room and waited. Part of him prayed that Reid wouldn’t leave, that he’d return to the couch and wrap Carter in his hard, furnace body. Another part of Carter was a little terrified of that and hoped that Reid would do what Carter had failed to do. He hoped that Reid would take a step back because it might feel a little like things were moving too fast and a little out of control if they woke up together.

  The couch cushions dipped as Reid sat. Carter heard Reid drink about half the bottle of water before he shrugged out of his cardigan and tossed it away. Then, Reid’s body covered Carter’s as he settled back onto the couch. Reid buried his face in the corner of Carter’s neck as he slid one arm behind Carter’s head and another around his waist as Reid rolled onto his side. Carter was partially pinned beneath Reid and cocooned in the seductive comfort of his body. He waited, testing his emotions and felt joy and anticipation bubbling within him. Carter sighed drowsily, dreamily, as he wrapped his arms around Reid and pulled him closer. Carter knew he was well and truly fucked but couldn’t summon the energy to worry as he drifted off to sleep again.

  Chapter 4

  What was it about mornings? Reid’s cock always ached and felt like it was made of lead when he woke up. When he woke up with a body in his bed (or in this case, a couch belonging to one very gorgeous and unconscious Carter), it was like trying to stop a charging bull. Reid’s body wasn't concerned with good intentions or romance. There was just a lot of need, hunger and energy. Reid needed to taste Carter and get off.

  His lips were already at Carter’s throat, so Reid started there. He slid his tongue along Carter’s skin and he groaned. There was the hint of salt and soap and something soft that made Reid’s balls throb. He gently dug his teeth into Carter’s neck and let them drag. A weak moan rattled in Carter’s throat and his arm tightened around Reid but he continued to sleep. Reid leaned and gently rolled Carter onto his back and rose above him on his elbow. Reid slid his hand under Carter’s shirt and pushed it up his chest, marveling at the feel of smooth, hot ridges beneath his hand as he dropped his head and traced Carter’s lips with his tongue.

  Carter hummed softly and his hips rocked reflexively against Reid as Carter started to wake. Reid settled between Carter’s thighs as his hand splayed against Carter’s chest and slowly glided down. Reid growled softly at the feel of Carter’s hard cock pressing against his as he sucked on Carter’s lower lip. He saw Carter’s eyes flutter open and they were wide as Reid’s fingers flicked the buttons at the fly of his jeans. Carter moaned and his hands wrapped around Reid’s head as his tongue surged into Reid’s mouth, probing hungrily. Reid pried the last button free and slid his hand down the front of Carter’s boxer briefs. This time, Reid’s eyes widened as his
hand closed around Carter’s thick erection and slid down what felt like feet of solid length. Reid raised his head and rose on his knees as he looked down. His head snapped back up and he smiled wickedly at Carter’s slightly groggy, concerned expression.

  “Want to get married?” He teased as he pushed Carter’s shirt up. Carter snorted as he lifted his shoulders and pulled his shirt over his head. Fuck, he was gorgeous.

  “Funny enough, you’re not the first person to say that.” He murmured as he reached for Reid’s lips and pressed a brief, clinging kiss before he fell back on the couch. Reid raised a brow as he stared down at Carter.

  “Really?” He drawled as he lowered his head and licked Carter’s shoulder. Carter sighed as he sifted his fingers through Reid’s hair.

  “If they didn’t run away screaming, they proposed. Then, it was all about dick on demand until they found someone that was more than just a fuck toy.” Carter explained as Reid’s tongue traced his nipple. Reid frowned up at Carter.

  “Wait. You’re complaining about being used for sex?” Reid asked incredulously. Carter laughed softly and shrugged.

  “It got old. Quick hand jobs or blow jobs to get me hard, then being told to mount up and get to work…” Carter sighed as his hands wrapped around Reid’s shoulders and began to knead absently. Reid was sure Carter didn’t even realize he was doing it but it was divine. “Most of the time, they’d be gone as soon as they got off.” He became quiet and Reid felt a little guilty. He was having some very one-sided fantasies featuring Carter’s cock. Reid could empathize though, he was pretty large and was usually cast as the top during sex. But Carter was every bottom’s dream. No wonder Carter hadn’t had a lot of experience receiving.

  “You’ve got an incredible cock, Carter.” Reid admitted as he pushed Carter’s jeans and underwear down as Carter lifted his hips as his eyes searched Reid’s. He smiled as he lowered his head, holding Carter’s gaze as his tongue stretched past his lips and flicked Carter’s nipple. Carter hissed and his hips bucked off the couch. “But I want all of you and I’m planning to fuck you until you’re bowlegged.” Reid warned before his lips closed around Carter’s nipple. He sucked hard and Carter squeaked. Reid loved that he could feel Carter’s heart pounding beneath his lips.

  “Now?” Carter’s voice cracked as he rose on his elbows and stared down at Reid. Reid chuckled and shook his head.

  “No. I told you, I’m going to wait until you ask for it.” Reid breathed the words as his lips trailed down Carter’s stomach. “Right now, I just want to taste you and hear you scream my name.” He whispered before he dipped his tongue into Carter’s navel. Carter’s head fell back and all the air left his body in a long, slow sigh.

  “I thought you said you just wanted to talk and kiss.” He said weakly. Reid slid down and inhaled, letting the smell of Carter’s body fill him. He smelled like soap, fabric softener and need and it drove Reid wild.

  “That was last night.” Reid growled, he was beyond caring about anything else but the feel of Carter’s thighs beneath his hands and the large, glistening, straining cock that was teasing his lips. Reid pressed his tongue to the base of Carter’s erection and let it glide slowly toward the tip. Carter gasped and his hips tried to buck off the couch but Reid held him down. His tongue swept over the head and the slippery sweetness of Carter’s pre-cum coated Reid’s tongue and he moaned in delight as he started licking up and down the shaft greedily. Carter’s cock tasted like soap and barely salty skin, it made Reid ravenous. Carter’s breath had been hissing through his teeth and he clenched his jaw to stifle a shriek as Reid rose on his knees and just as he was about to close his lips around the head of Carter’s cock, an idea came to him. Reid smiled up at Carter.

  “Hey. I want to take you out tonight.” He said firmly. Carter blinked rapidly at Reid.

  “Jesus, Reid! Now?” He whimpered. Reid grinned cockily and nodded.

  “I think I have a better chance of getting you to agree now.” He pointed out. Carter’s mouth fell open.

  “That’s… not fair.” He argued as he licked his lips. Reid felt a wave of lust roll through him and he was even more determined.

  “Life is rarely fair, Carter.” Reid let his mouth hover over Carter, letting him feel his breath against his straining erection.

  “Come on, Reid! I told you, I don’t date.” Carter gasped when Reid blew up the length of Carter’s shaft. “Oh… fuck!” Carter screeched. Reid chuckled softly.

  “I think we’ve put the cart before the horse. We just spent the night together and I’m about to show you the inside of your brain. Why are you fighting with me about going on a date? It’s just dinner and drinks someplace nice.” He saw a drop of pre-cum dribble from the head and he flicked his tongue out to collect it. Reid purred happily and Carter groaned as he pushed his hands through his hair.

  “It’s not though!” He insisted. “All of this, last night and this morning wasn’t meant to happen. It just did.” Carter panted and Reid shook his head softly as he teased the slit, producing another drop. Carter sighed raggedly. “Shit.” Carter pulled at his hair as he squirmed. “You’re kind of evil, did you know that?” He whined. Reid nodded as he blew against the head. Carter ground his jaw and pulled a frantic breath through his nose. “A date is deliberate.” He tried to explain and Reid raised a brow. Carter whimpered. “And there’s pressure and worrying. What if I mess it up and you don’t want to go out again? What if you don’t call me after? What if I’m supposed to call you and I don’t call you soon enough? What if I call you too soon?” He was babbling again and Reid could feel heat pouring off of him as he became more nervous. Reid knew he had to bring him back down but he wanted Carter to agree first.

  “We’re going on a date tonight and I promise I’m going to call you tomorrow.” He said soothingly. Reid watched as Carter’s jaw twitched and his chest heaved. Finally, he nodded. “Good. Now, relax.” Reid commanded before his tongue washed around the head of Carter’s cock. Carter sighed in relief and fell back on the couch.

  Reid moaned in agreement as he took Carter’s thick length as deep as he could. He relaxed his throat and let the head rub against the back and caressed the shaft by sliding his tongue around it as he swallowed. Carter panted and his legs shifted and stretched restlessly. Reid tightened his lips around Carter’s cock and raised his head slowly causing Carter to arch against the couch. Just as Carter’s cock was about to slip out of Reid’s mouth, his tongue swirled around the tip before Reid let his head fall, taking Carter deep into his throat again. Reid repeated the motion, steadily increasing the pace until his head was bouncing over Carter’s groin. Carter moaned rapturously when Reid started to tug gently at his saliva soaked balls as he sucked hungrily.

  Carter gripped at the cushions of the couch and his chanting of Reid’s name became desperate. Reid knew Carter was close. Part of him wanted to draw it out, so he could keep Carter in his hands and mouth, so he could keep tasting his beautiful cock while he listened to his name pour from Carter’s lips. The rest of Reid was desperate to taste Carter’s come. Reid wanted to drink him in and make Carter scream. Reid sucked harder and used his hand to stroke Carter firmly in time with the rise and fall of his head. Carter was incoherent and babbling as he thrashed on the couch beneath Reid.

  “Oh, my God!” Carter gasped as his head lolled on the sofa. “It feels… it’s been so long…” He moaned as he clutched at Reid’s shoulders. “It’s too much, I can’t take it!” Carter clenched his jaw as his body twisted. Reid knew that Carter was trying to fight his release, that it was overwhelming him. He didn’t stand a chance. Reid sucked hard as he raised his head and looked up at Carter. He trapped Carter’s eyes as his lips clung to the head of Carter’s cock.

  “Let it happen, Carter.” Reid murmured against the tender, silk smooth skin and Carter sobbed as Reid stroked the shaft firmly while squeezing Carter’s sack. “Let me taste you.” Reid commanded before his lips closed around the head
and he took Carter deep in his throat again, sucking ruthlessly. Carter swore breathlessly and his hands closed around Reid’s head. I’ve got you now, Reid crowed silently.

  “Christ, Reeeeid!” Carter moaned. “Your mouth, it’s so good! I can’t… Oh, God, I’m…” Then, Carter clawed at the couch and twisted and his body locked.

  Reid felt Carter’s balls pull tight and his cock contracted before it started to pulse. Carter screamed like a wounded animal as come burst from the end of his cock, deep into Reid’s throat. Reid’s eyes flared as stream after stream of Carter’s come filled his mouth. He swallowed frantically, not wanting to lose one drop of Carter. He tasted salty and crisp with a slight sweetness, almost like unripe berries. Reid groaned as his balls throbbed angrily and his erection strained painfully inside his jeans. He swore as he pushed off the couch and sat back on his heels.

  “I can’t stand it, Carter!” Reid whispered urgently as he attacked the front of his jeans. “You were so hot when you came and you taste so good.” He moaned as he pulled his cock free and began to stroke. Carter’s eyes flashed and he rose on his knees and pushed Reid back onto the couch roughly before he dove at his groin. Reid released a shuddering groan as Carter’s hands wrapped around his pulsing shaft and sack.

  “Jesus! Your cock, it’s so…” Carter inhaled as his lips slid down Reid’s length and he pressed his nose and mouth into Reid’s sack. Reid nodded drunkenly.

  “I know, it’s great. I’m not hung like you but I’ve never had any complaints.” He joked and Carter’s hand shot up and closed over Reid’s mouth.

  “It’s perfect and I don’t want to hear about your past.” Carter ground out before he took another deep breath. “God, I love the way you smell!” He gasped.

  Carter pulled his hand from Reid’s mouth and jerked Reid’s pants down. Reid laughed. He’d always been pretty confident and he rarely ran across anyone larger. He was kind of tickled at the awe in Carter’s voice and his enthusiasm. The laugh turned into a yelp when Carter pulled one of Reid’s balls into his mouth and sucked greedily. Reid’s shoulders came off the couch when Carter’s hand wrapped tight around his erection and began to stroke firmly as he lapped at his sack. Heat and pressure flooded his groin and his cock started to pulse.


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