Playing The Hero

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Playing The Hero Page 17

by K. Sterling

  “I love you.” Carter murmured against Reid’s lips. Reid slid his fingers into Carter’s hair and was about to suck on Carter’s lip when he remembered he had other needs.

  “Can I ask you something?” His lips pecked at Carter’s.

  “You just did.” Carter mumbled and Reid grinned.

  “What in God’s name am I smelling? It’s killing me.” He felt Carter’s lips spread and tilt and he laughed softly.

  “I snuck away for about fifteen minutes after you fell asleep and put the chicken in the oven. It should be ready to come out in a few minutes.” Carter explained and Reid’s stomach roared.

  “I don’t know what you did but it smells divine.” Reid said.

  “I stuffed it with onions and sage and draped it with bacon.” Carter laughed when Reid groaned impatiently.

  “I hope you don’t have big plans for presentation. I’m probably going to rip that thing apart with my bare hands and eat it like a savage.” Reid warned.

  And he did. Carter tried to cut it into civilized pieces before Reid pushed him out of the way and dove in with his fingers and started cramming bits of meat, skin and bacon into his mouth. Carter shook his head in resignation and grabbed a loaf of bread and they stood, naked in the kitchen, eating chicken and french bread with their bare hands. Like savages.

  Chapter 28

  “This is the last box and the truck should be here in an hour.” Carter said as he set the box on the coffee table. “Get up.” Carter ordered and Reid groaned and pushed himself off the couch.

  “Just put it on the driveway with the rest of them. I don’t care what’s in it.” He complained as he stood and rested his hands on his hips. Carter glared as he cut through the packing tape.

  “There might be more pictures or diplomas.” Carter suggested and Reid shook his head. Carter shrugged as he opened the box and pushed the packing paper out of the way. “Movies.” Carter sighed and handed a stack to Reid to go through.

  He’d limited Reid to keeping only BluRay movies and they were still completely overwhelmed. Every shelf and cabinet was full. If it weren’t for the staggering amount of money invested. Carter would have suggested donating those as well and just switching to digital copies. He’d put his foot down on the CD’s. Neither of them owned a CD player anymore and most of Reid’s music was terrible. Carter questioned everything he knew about Reid when he saw his AC/DC collection. The books were also a problem but Carter considered that a good problem. He’d allowed those to remain in boxes and called a contractor to see about adding more shelves. He eyed the space under the stairs, liking the idea of opening it up and having built-in shelves there.

  Aside from the movies, music and books, the only other belongings Reid had were more clothes (half of which were in the driveway), kitchen goods (all of which were from Ikea or Crate and Barrel, all waiting to be donated) and two boxes full of pictures, awards and diplomas (which Carter was anxiously looking forward to going through). Carter had insisted that everything be dealt with immediately, he didn’t want boxes taking up space in his basement if they were full of things they’d never need or want. After this last box, a truck would be picking up everything Reid wasn’t keeping for donation and he would be completely moved in.

  Carter had already hired an agent to sell Reid’s house, had landscapers fix the front yard and the interior had been staged. Given the location and condition of the house, it would be sold in no time. Reid kept a wary eye on Carter, looking for signs of a commitment meltdown. Carter couldn’t really blame Reid, given his history but he kept reassuring Reid that he was fine. He was better than fine. Carter was ecstatic and confident. And he had an even bigger surprise set in motion for Reid.

  “That’s it.” Reid exclaimed as he set a stack of movies on the table and shut the box. “I’m taking this outside and then I’m not getting off this couch for the rest of the day.” He declared as he picked up the box.

  Carter bit his lip as he watched Reid carry it out. His t-shirt clung to his back and those grey sweatpants… He forced the last of the movies into the cabinet and went to the kitchen to make celebratory cocktails. He opened the fridge and Reid’s ass in his sweatpants flashed before his eyes and Carter grinned as he reached for a bottle of Riesling instead of the tonic water. He was pulling the cork from the bottle when Reid’s arms slid around Carter’s waist and he growled softly as he rubbed his cheek against Carter’s.

  “I was going to grab a beer and see if you wanted to watch a movie but it looks like you’ve got plans for us.” Reid murmured. His teeth grazed Carter’s neck and he tilted his head, inviting Reid to continue.

  “I thought that as soon as the boxes were picked up we’d go upstairs and fuck so hard we wouldn’t be able to get out of bed for the rest of the weekend.” Carter felt Reid’s cock swell and press against the cleft of his ass.

  “I should probably go take a shower then, I’m soaked.” Reid’s tongue slid up Carter’s neck and goosebumps spilled down his back.

  “Nooo you shouldn’t.” Carter’s hand glided around Reid’s hip and wrapped around his ass. He squeezed and Reid’s breath huffed hot and damp in Carter’s ear making him shiver. “We can shower after. I want to lick every sweaty inch of your body before I ride you.” Carter hissed when Reid’s hand cupped his erection and stroked him through his track pants.

  “Do we have to wait? Can’t we just leave a note on the door or something?” Reid whispered as his hand slid under Carter’s shirt. Carter groaned and shook his head.

  “I’m pretty sure one of us has to sign something.” He said as he turned in Reid’s arms and teased his frown with his lips. “Be patient. We’ll drink a few glasses of wine and eat something while we wait. God knows we won’t want to later.” Carter turned and reached for the wine glasses and poured before he leaned on the counter and handed Reid a glass.

  “Fine.” Reid grumbled and pouted as he drank while Carter pretended he didn’t find it completely adorable.

  Chapter 29

  “It was really good pizza. I just don’t know that I would drive an hour to get to it.” Reid swiveled in his seat, checking all the windows. “We are literally in the middle of farm country right now. You weren’t kidding when you said we’d take the scenic route.” He looked back and Carter shrugged as he checked the map on his phone. As if he’d miss a turn any time soon.

  “The salad was excellent.” Carter smiled as he set his phone down and reached for Reid’s hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed his knuckles. Reid swallowed and swished his tongue inside his mouth.

  “Yeah but we’re going to reek of garlic for a week. Can you have a garlic hangover?” He asked and Carter laughed.

  “You’re the doctor.” He reminded. Reid twisted his lips as he considered.

  “I can’t recall reading anything in any journal but I wouldn’t be surprised.” Reid leaned close and was about to blow in Carter’s face when Carter flicked the turn signal and slowed down. Reid’s head swung around and he frowned. “What are you doing?” He asked as he turned back to Carter.

  “I want to show you something.” He grinned as he turned down a dirt road. Reid’s brows pulled together and he craned his head forward to try and see where they were going.

  “You know, it’s going to be dark soon. We’ll get lost out here once the sun sets.” He warned and Carter shrugged again.

  “Stop worrying. We’ve got GPS and I know where I am.” He nodded ahead and Reid saw a large, white farmhouse at the end of the road. Carter stopped the car in front of an open barn and Reid looked at him expectantly.

  “You want to show me a barn?” He asked dubiously and Carter reached for him and pulled him close.

  “Shut up and be patient.” Carter commanded before he pressed a quick kiss to Reid’s lips. “Come on.” He said as he pushed his door open and got out. Reid frowned as he stepped out of the car and looked around. There wasn’t a soul to be seen, it looked like they were completely alon
e in the middle of a Norman Rockwell painting. Minus the people.

  “Are we supposed to be here?” Reid asked as Carter grabbed his hand and tugged him toward a path on the far side of the barn.

  They walked under an arbor and Reid gasped when they passed the barn. A field of wildflowers spread before them and at the other side a large lake sparkled in bright shades of pinks, oranges and purple as the sun set. Carter pulled to get Reid’s feet in motion and they followed the path to a dock that extended out onto the lake. Carter guided Reid to the end and pulled him into his arms.

  “I didn’t bring you all the way out here for pizza.” Carter confessed as he nibbled at Reid’s lips. Reid sighed happily as he traced Carter’s lips with his tongue.

  “This is totally worth the drive.” Reid admitted as he angled his head and moaned softly when Carter’s tongue slid between his lips and stroked lazily against Reid’s. The kissed remained tender and soothing until Carter raised his head and looked out on the lake. He pulled Reid back against his chest and wrapped his arms around him. Reid let his head fall back and kissed Carter’s cheek before he let his head rest against Carter’s shoulder to watch the sun set. They remained silent and content until the sky darkened and filled with stars. It was breathtaking. Reid stared up at the sky and felt chills when he saw a shooting star. “This is amazing. I’ve spent my whole life in cities, I forgot how beautiful the sky gets at night.” He turned to Carter and brushed his lips against his gently. “Thank you for bringing me here. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.” He kissed Carter and their lips clung as they held each other under a perfect sky. Reid was about to take Carter’s face in his hands and kiss him deeper when Carter pulled back and smiled.

  “I have more to show you.” He announced as he stepped back.

  Carter took Reid’s hand and led him up the dock and back to the path. As they drew closer to the barn, Reid became aware of a soft glow on the other side. When they came around the barn, the trees were lit with tiny white lights and a fire danced beneath the largest tree. Reid’s brows shot up and he looked at Carter in shock. Carter smiled as he gestured toward the barn. Reid turned and his confusion only grew. The ceiling was draped in more white lights and a large wrought iron chandelier with large, lit candles hung from the center. The entire space was clean and empty and clearly hadn’t been used for animals or farm equipment in some time. Reid turned to Carter and looked at him expectantly.

  “Let’s go sit.” He said as he towed Reid toward the fire. On the far side a blanket and heaps of pillows waited along with an ice bucket and champagne. Reid began to shake as Carter sat and pulled him down to the blanket with him.

  “What is all of this?” Reid’s voice trembled as he looked around. The farmhouse still looked deserted but candles glowed in the windows and the path to the door was lined with more strings of white lights. Fire flies sparked in the air around them and Reid was no longer sure he was awake.

  “It’s a bed and breakfast.” Carter explained. “We have reservations for the night. I rented the whole place so we’d be alone.” He took Reid’s hand in his as he leaned close and nipped at his lips. “I also made reservations for early May, if you’re available.” Carter whispered. His voice wavered and Reid swallowed before he nodded.

  “I can be available. What did you have in mind?” His voice was low and thin and he felt a little dizzy as Carter released his hand and reached under a pillow and pulled out a small box.

  “They usually set up long tables under these trees and a band or a DJ plays music in the barn. I was thinking we’d have them serve drinks in Mason jars and I’d marry you in front of the lake as the sun set.” Carter opened the box and Reid gasped when he saw a simple hand hammered band resting on velvet. “Will you marry me, Reid?” Carter whispered. Reid’s heart exploded and a torrent of tears burst from his eyes.

  “Oh, my God! Yes!” Reid wept as he threw his arms around Carter.

  “I love you so much.” Carter said as he pressed his forehead against Reid’s. “I’m so grateful for everything that’s happened in my life, even the really awful moments, because they all led me to you. All I need is you. All I want is to spend the rest of my life making you happy.” His eyes were darker and deeper than Reid had ever seen them and Reid wanted to fall into his eyes and never come out. If there was some way he could fit himself inside of Carter, he would never leave. Carter wiped the tears from Reid’s face and kissed him softly. A laugh burst from Reid’s lips and he let his fingers slide down Carter’s neck reverently.

  “You’re everything, Carter. I never knew that it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. Even if we live to be a hundred, it won’t be long enough. I’ll always want more time with you.” Reid’s hand shook as Carter took it and slid the ring over his finger. He raised it to his lips and kissed it as his eyes poured into Reid’s.

  “The owners left after they took our bags up. I thought it was probably a good idea if we were alone.” He grinned mischievously as he released Reid’s hand and pulled the champagne from the bucket. Reid looked around again and shook his head.

  “How did you arrange all of this without me knowing?” He asked and Carter laughed as he popped the cork.

  “You leave me with a lot of time on my hands. I’ve been out here twice making sure that everything would be perfect.” Carter explained as he filled their glasses. He passed one to Reid and smiled as he tapped their glasses together. “To tonight and all the beautiful years we’ll have together.” Carter murmured before he winked and took a long sip. Reid drank as his eyes went back to the farmhouse.

  “And there’s no one here?” He asked incredulously. Carter nodded as he reclined and drained half of his glass.

  “They hid until we went to the lake. After everything was set up, they left. The house unlocked. They have another house about a mile away but I’m not so sure that will be far enough.” Carter mused as he drained his glass and reached for the bottle. Reid raised a brow in question.

  “Not far enough?” He asked as he settled on his side next to Carter and held out his glass for a refill. Carter slid him a wicked glance.

  “Champagne makes me so much sluttier than wine.”


  The phone rang and Carter dropped the spoon in the pot when he dove across the kitchen and reached over the counter.

  “Is it time?” Carter asked breathlessly. He heard Reid laugh and his nerves wound tight.

  “Yeah. She in suite 11B and she’s at three centimeters. You’d better hurry.” Reid warned. Carter pushed his hand through his hair and exhaled loudly.

  “Oh, my God. This is really happening.” He mumbled as he stared into space.

  “It is. Right now. You better hurry.” Reid repeated and Carter blinked rapidly as he tried to figure out how to move.

  “I’ll be there in about ten minutes.” Carter said as he dashed across the kitchen and shut off the stove and the oven.

  “Ok. I’ll be with Melissa.” Reid laughed again and it caused Carter’s stomach to flutter. “I love you.” He said and Carter sagged against the counter.

  “I love you too. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Carter whispered. His voice didn’t seem capable of more.

  “Ok, bye.” Reid whispered back before he hung up.

  Carter stood and looked around, stunned and more nervous than he’d ever been in his life. He walked into the living room and started to spin as his mind raced. Think! He fisted his hands at his sides and nodded stiffly. What are you going to need for the next day or so? Carter took a deep breath and considered. Wallet, keys, phone and charger. That’s it. Go. Carter nodded again and ran through the house grabbing those items and making sure nothing was left on in the kitchen before he locked up the house and rushed to his car.

  Carter and Reid had been completely flabbergasted when Melissa pulled them aside at their wedding and presented them with a card that read:

  My gift to you wi
ll be a perfect, precious and pure love to make your beautiful life together complete.

  When she explained that she was volunteering to be a surrogate mother for them, if they decided they wanted to have a child, they had both been too moved and blown away to decide at the time. For three months, Carter and Reid whispered, laughed and cried late into the night before they finally called Melissa and accepted her offer. After that, there were months of tests and procedures. They used an anonymous egg donor and Carter’s sperm. If they decided to have another child later, they would use Reid’s. Once Melissa was pregnant, there were more tests and doctor’s appointments as well as classes. Carter and Reid went to everything and spent hours reading books and looking at magazines. They agreed to wait to find out the sex of the baby so the nursery was decorated in white and pinks or blues would be added later.

  Carter parked the car and stumbled as he ran through the hospital parking lot. His legs were shaking and didn’t feel solid. He paced in the lobby as he waited for the elevator and he almost pulled his hair out as he waited for it to get to the fourth floor. As soon as the doors opened, Carter ran, his eyes scanning the plaques for Melissa’s room number. He heard her scream and he skidded as he tried to stop.

  “Jesus Christ, Reid! Can’t you do something?” She roared and Carter’s eyes grew wide. “I need that fucking epidural! Yesterday!” Melissa demanded and Carter looked back in the direction he’d just come and considered running.

  “Get in here, Carter!” Reid called. Shit. Too late. Carter rubbed the back of his neck and trudged into the delivery suite as Melissa shrieked his name.

  When Carter stepped into the room she was leaning over the bed and rocking from side to side. A long, deep moan poured from her and body shook violently. Her hair was plastered to her face and her jaw was clenched. Carter’s head pulled back and he looked at Reid, terrified and confused.


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