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The Resolute Suitor: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Page 15

by Don Miller

  As they walked into the salon, everyone looked at them expectantly. Neither Darcy nor Elizabeth said anything immediately, but Elizabeth, with a big smile on her face, held up her left hand, displaying the ring on her finger. “I would guess, Mr. Darcy, you asked my niece for her hand in marriage and she accepted,” said Mr. Gardiner.

  “You are correct, Mr. Gardiner, and before you stands one of the happiest and most fortunate men in the world.”

  Georgiana, not being able to contain herself any longer, leaped up and hurried over to Elizabeth to hug her tightly. “You cannot know how long I have dreamed about this, Lizzie. I have always wished for a sister and I cannot imagine anyone in England I would rather have as a sister than you.”

  After Mrs. Gardiner had given her congratulations and expressed her happiness they had finally recognized what a perfect pair they were, Elizabeth said, “It is going to be very difficult to take off this beautiful ring for the ball tonight. It will go so well with the green gown I am wearing.”

  “Actually,” said Mr. Gardiner, “you do not have to take it off. I assume you think you need to take it off because you first have to get your father’s approval of the engagement.”

  When Elizabeth acknowledged what he said was true, he continued, “You and Jane were never told, but two years ago, when your mother badgered your father into sending both of you here for the Season, hoping that somehow your aunt and I could find you husbands among the wealthy merchants we knew, your father wrote me a letter giving me the authority, if we were fortunate enough to find you eligible suitors any time you were staying with us, to approve a courtship or even an engagement. However, he retained the right to decide when and where the marriage was to take place. His thought was, of course, if he did not like the man, he could make him wait an unacceptable time for the marriage and the man would call it off. I can, therefore, approve the engagement and you can wear the ring. However, you may have to wait until Elizabeth is 21 next March to be married if Bennet happens not to approve. I think that unlikely, but it could happen.”

  Mr. Gardiner’s news put big smiles on both Elizabeth and Darcy. Darcy, to the astonishment of all, turned and picked Elizabeth up and swung her around. “Elizabeth, it is official. We are engaged and we can tell the entire world. This is the greatest day of my life.”

  Elizabeth, who was surprised and pleased by his impromptu expression of joy, stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss when he set her down. “You surprise me every day, Will Darcy, but you are right; it is indeed a wonderful day.” She went over to her uncle and kissed the top of his head. “Thank you, thank you, Uncle Edward. You have made this day even more joyous. Now I can hardly wait to go to the ball.”

  Mr. Gardiner, in a teasing voice said, “You do realize if he takes you to the ball, you should have a chaperone or you will be compromised?”

  “Oh dear. I had not thought of that. I suppose I will just have to make him marry me.”

  During tea they talked about Darcy, Elizabeth, and Georgiana going to Hertfordshire on Saturday to inform the Bennets of the engagement and then about how they could get Elizabeth to Pemberley to see where she was going to live and to meet the staff. As they were finishing their tea, Mrs. Gardiner said, “Miss Darcy, I assume you will be alone tonight while your brother attends the ball.” When Georgiana acknowledged she would, Mrs. Gardiner said, “May I suggest you stay here for dinner and the night with us? We would love to have you and then you could talk to Lizzie about the ball in the morning. When your brother comes to pick Lizzie up this evening, he can bring your maid and she can bring your night clothes along with whatever you want to wear in the coming days.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Will, would you mind? I know you will have to go home to change and would have to eat alone, but I would like to stay and talk to Lizzie more and meet the Gardiner children.”

  “Of course you can stay, Georgie. Thank you, Mrs. Gardiner, that is a very kind invitation and I am sure that Georgiana will enjoy herself. But, now I have to go, because I have to go by Matlock House and tell them they do not have to send a carriage for Elizabeth tonight as I will be escorting her, which of course will lead to a discussion of our engagement. I am anxious to get their reaction.”

  Before Darcy left, Georgiana asked Mrs. Gardiner if she could show her where she could write down what she needed her maid to bring. She did not trust her brother to remember all she wanted. Mrs. Gardiner agreed and they went off to the study, not returning for over ten minutes. When they did return, Georgiana handed a folded piece of paper to Darcy and made him promise he would ensure everything she asked for was brought. He stuck the paper in his pocket, said his goodbyes, and Elizabeth and Georgiana walked him out to his carriage.

  When Darcy arrived at Matlock House, he was pleased to discover Lord and Lady Matlock had not yet returned from their afternoon activity and only Alicia was there. When she came in the sitting room to greet him, he said, “Alicia, I am the deliverer of a message from Miss Elizabeth, whom I saw at her uncle’s bookstore today. She asked me to inform your parents she was going to go to the ball with one of her friends tonight and they would not have to send a carriage for her.”

  “Alright, I can do that. With whom is she going?”

  “I cannot say.”

  Alicia looked at him as if she did not believe him. She felt he was holding something back. “Cannot or will not?”

  “I am only telling you what I was instructed to say.”

  “Fitzwilliam Darcy, you are a terrible liar. It is a good thing my parents are not here, because mother would know immediately you are not telling all you know. Come on. Out with it. If you do not want them to know, I will not tell them.”

  He was about to deny it again and then asked himself why he should not tell her. He knew she would not tell and he was fairly certain she would be happy about the engagement.

  “She does not need a ride because she is going to the ball with me.”

  “With you?” And then she grinned, believing she knew what he was implying. “Does that mean what I think it means?”


  She threw her arms around Darcy. “Oh Will. I am so happy for you both. I knew you two were eventually going to reach an understanding. Tell me all about it. I will love seeing my parents faces when you arrive together at the ball tonight.”

  He told her all that had happened at the bookstore and at the Gardiners and was happy he had told her. He had been bursting to tell someone and being able to tell Alicia, who was so happy for them, and still surprise his aunt and uncle at the ball, was going to make the day even better.

  After he arrived at Darcy House, he called for Ellie, Georgiana’s maid, and handed her the list Georgiana had given him. “Georgiana is staying at the Gardiner’s tonight and we will be going to Hertfordshire tomorrow for a few days. You and I will be going there about 8 o’clock, leaving here just before 7:30. She made me promise that you would bring everything on this paper.”

  Ellie took the paper and after reading it, said, “Mr. Darcy, have you not read this list?”

  Admitting he had not, she handed the list back to him and said, “I think you had better read it. It contains something that I believe requires your approval.”

  Frowning, wondering what Georgiana would want that would require his approval, he started reading the list. He soon started smiling and then shook his head and laughed. “My sister has become a delightful and devious young woman. I heartily approve of her suggestion. Why do you not make sure everything is ready to go? As soon as you are ready, I will send the carriage with you and all she requires to the Gardiner’s and then have the carriage return here to pick me up

  when I need to go.

  Chapter 18: Another Ball

  When Darcy was admitted into the Gardiner’s house shortly before 8 o’clock, he was met by a smiling Mr. Gardiner. “Good evening, Mr. Darcy. As you can imagine, your fiancée is not quite ready yet. Will you join me for a glass of por
t while you wait?”

  Darcy agreed and as they entered Mr. Gardiner’s study, Mr. Gardiner said, “Your sister is a very clever young lady, Mr. Darcy. You can well imagine how surprised Lizzie was when Ellie turned up with your engagement gift to her. Leila seems like a delightful young lady and Lizzie likes her very much. As a matter of fact, I think Leila is working on Lizzie’s hair as we speak. And in case you are concerned, my wife did give your sister permission while she was writing her list to you to have both Ellie and Leila stay here tonight and for Leila to stay on here as Lizzie’s maid. May I ask Leila’s background?”

  “She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Reynolds, who has been the housekeeper at Pemberley as long as I can remember. She started as a young girl as a maid at Pemberley, but showed great talent in several of the capabilities needed by a good lady’s maid and started training for such a position at an early age. Mrs. Reynolds, of course, was grooming her to be the lady’s maid of my wife, whoever that may be. Last year Mrs. Reynolds asked if Leila could come to Darcy House to be the resident lady’s maid for female guests who did not bring their own maid, believing she would have more opportunity at Darcy House to meet the future Mrs. Darcy there than at Pemberley. I approved, but she has had little chance to undertake the duties for which she is trained and has been working as an upstairs maid. However, Ellie has been working with her to increase her abilities as a lady’s maid, and now that we know who Mrs. Darcy will be, it seems sensible that she should start her duties immediately. I assume you know I will pay for all expenses related to her staying with Elizabeth.”

  “I was not worried about it, Mr. Darcy. But is it not usual for the new mistress to choose her own lady’s maid through a series of interviews with prospects?”

  “It is and I told Leila that she was a probationary lady’s maid for Elizabeth—that Elizabeth could, if she decided she wanted a more experienced lady’s maid, interview other candidates. However, I think Elizabeth will quickly find Leila a very capable and pleasant maid. At least, Mrs. McGregor, my housekeeper at Darcy House, and Ellie think she is a wonderful and talented maid and that Elizabeth will be happy to have her. I trust their judgment.”

  There was a knock on the door and then Mrs. Gardiner stuck her head in the door. “I think you should come out into the foyer, Mr. Darcy. Your intended is about to come down and you will not want to miss it.”

  Mr. Gardiner and Darcy hurried out into the foyer and soon Georgiana came down and hugged her brother. “Will, you are not going to believe how good Lizzie looks. Leila did wonders with her hair and the gown the Gardiners had made for her is gorgeous. If Mrs. Gardiner did not have so many other things to do, she could be one of the best modistes in town.”

  As she was saying that, Elizabeth appeared at the top of the stairs and slowly descended, looking at Darcy and smiling all the way down, very much enjoying the look of wonder on his face and the expression of love in his eyes. “You take my breath away, Elizabeth. Every time I see you and think you cannot look more beautiful, I find I am wrong, because the next time you seem even more beautiful.”

  When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he stepped forward and brought a long, thin box from his pocket. He opened it and showed Elizabeth a beautiful emerald and ruby necklace designed to go with her ring. “My grandfather had this made for my grandmother on their tenth anniversary to go with the ring you are wearing. I hope you will not mind replacing the pendant you are wearing with this.”

  “Oh Will, you will completely spoil me. This is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen outside of the royal jewels. Please, put it on me.” And she turned her back to him, allowing him to unclasp the pendant she was wearing and replace it with his grandmother’s necklace.

  She turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I feel like a princess going to a royal ball. I am not sure I can stand or deserve such happiness. And thank you for Leila. She is wonderful. I am not sure providing me with a maid is an approved engagement gift, but it was very thoughtful of you and Georgiana and I do not think you have to worry about me wanting to replace her when we are married. She told me she was probationary, but I think her probation period will be very short.”

  The Willingham mansion was a palatial home of a size and magnificence befitting a Marquess. When Darcy and Elizabeth arrived, there were already many carriages parked in front of the mansion and theirs was the third in a line of carriages waiting to unload their passengers. When they finally disembarked, they entered into a three story entrance hall with a huge crystal chandelier providing sparkling lights on marble walls. Their outer wraps were taken and they were led by a footman to the double doors of the ballroom, where the footman whispered their names to the butler, who announced, in a loud voice, “Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet.” They then descended the stairway arm in arm.

  Lord Vollenbrook and Lady Penelope came forward to meet them. “Well, good evening you two. May I assume you came together?” asked Lord Vollenbrook.

  “Yes we did,” answered Darcy, with a smile on his face.

  Lady Penelope noticed the ring on Elizabeth’s finger and the matching necklace. “Oh my goodness, Miss Elizabeth, does this mean what I think it means?”

  “Yes, it does, my Lady.”

  “So much for you not being particularly interested in him as a husband. It seems you have had a significant change of heart since your debut.”

  “Not truly. I just comprehended that at that time I was denying how I felt. It is a long story and I will tell you about it sometime.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “Darcy, you lucky devil. How did you manage this? This beautiful lady comes on the scene for the first time this year and Darcy, who seems to be oblivious to the charms of all the pretty young ladies of the ton, wins her hand almost immediately.” He turned to Elizabeth and took her hand. “Are you sure you know what you are getting into with this fellow? And do you know how many young ladies here tonight are not going to be pleased with you?”

  “My Lord, I believe I know perfectly well what I am getting into and could not be happier. And as for the young ladies, I may feel sorry for their loss, but I fear their opinion of me will in no way reduce my happiness.”

  “I can see it will not. Come and say hello to my parents and let us tell them the good news.”

  “Are my aunt and uncle here yet?” asked Darcy, as they started walking toward the side of the ballroom.

  Just he asked, he saw Lord and Lady Matlock coming through the crowd towards them, their faces exhibiting bewilderment. “Darcy, we were told by Alicia that Miss Elizabeth was coming with a friend, but we had no idea it was you. Was there no one else with you?”

  “No, uncle, there was not. We felt perfectly comfortable coming on our own.”

  Lady Matlock moved in front of Elizabeth, took a closer look at her necklace, and then took her left hand in hers to look at the ring. “If I am not mistaken that is Grandmother Darcy’s ring and her necklace around your neck.”

  “That is true my lady. But I am assured they are mine now.”

  Much to Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s pleasure, Lady Matlock got a big smile on her face and Lord Matlock shook his head and said, “This is another example of Lady Helen’s perceptiveness. She told me she expected the two of you would become engaged this summer and I told her you, Darcy, would not marry one of so little wealth and social standing. Clearly, I stand corrected and I offer my congratulations. My wife assures me it is a good match for you.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Robert, and thank you, Aunt Helen. It is nice to know you approve.”

  “As you know, I did have some concerns, Darcy, but I have discovered enough about Miss Elizabeth in the last few weeks to allay all my fears. In fact, I believe you are a very lucky man and you were right to wait until you found exactly what you needed. I assume you do not mind if we tell others.”

  “You may tell who you wish, Aunt Helen. My feelings are in uncharted territory since she agreed t
o be my wife. I almost feel like shouting it to the world and telling everyone I wish they could be as happy as I am right now.”

  Looking at Elizabeth, Lady Matlock said, “What have you done to my taciturn and serious nephew, Miss Elizabeth? I have never seen him like this in my life. Have you given him some kind of potion?”

  Elizabeth grabbed Darcy’s arm and said, “Only a promise of all my love and devotion.”

  “Oh my,” said Lady Penelope teasingly, “this is serious. Marrying for love and devotion—in the ton. This will never do. What will become of our society if everyone starts marrying for love and devotion? It would absolutely disintegrate. Brother, you need to take this man in hand and teach him his duty. What if this gets out and everyone starts looking for it?”

  Lord Vollenbrook laughed. “Fear not, sister. No one will ever believe it. It just does not happen in the ton. They will all be sure she somehow bewitched him. Now, Lord and Lady Matlock, may we drag your nephew and future niece away from you to take them to our parents? I think mother wants reassurance that Miss Elizabeth will perform during supper.”

  When they reached Lord and Lady Willingham, who were talking with General and Lady Marshall, Lady Willingham said, “Oh, there you are Miss Elizabeth. I am glad you made it because we are so counting on you and Miss Farnsworth performing tonight. You ladies are the hit of the season and we could hardly have our yearly grand ball without a performance by the two of you.”

  “I am happy to be here and to perform, Lady Willingham.”

  “Mother, do you notice anything unusual about Miss Elizabeth this evening?”

  Lady Willingham looked carefully at Elizabeth and then said, “It is certainly a stunning gown and I do like the way your hair is done.” She then noticed the necklace. “I have seen that necklace before.” She thought a moment. “Of course, that was Lady Genevieve Darcy’s necklace, the one we all admired so much that went with her engagement ring.” She then looked at Elizabeth’s hand. “My goodness, you are here with Mr. Darcy and wearing his grandmother’s ring. Are congratulations in order?”


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