Catch You if I Can

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Catch You if I Can Page 7

by Marian Tee

  Alex smirked at the look of surprise on Ianne’s face, which was so lovely it tempted him to kiss her.

  And why shouldn’t he?

  Before he could second-guess himself, Alex bent down, bracing one arm on each side of Ianne. Her gasp made him smile slightly, but he didn’t speak, her nervousness only making him want her even more.

  Ianne didn’t know what to think, finding herself suddenly locked inside Alex’s arms. When he only kept looking at her, Ianne began to squirm.

  Alex’s entire body tensed at the way she fidgeted in the circle in his arms, finding her embarrassment cute…and arousing.

  When he still didn’t say anything but instead only looking at her in a way that just made her squirm even more, she whispered, “What is it?”

  He answered by cupping her chin, raising her face as he lowered his.

  Maybe she should have expected it, but she didn’t, Alex’s deep kiss shocking her so much that it turned her into stone. Was he really kissing her? In broad daylight? And in school? Where anyone could see them?

  But then Alex’s tongue slipped in between her lips, and she forgot all her worries, her arms going around his neck as she moved close and kissed him back.

  When he lifted his head and stepped back, Alex smiled at her, a sexy crooked smile that had her senses swimming.

  Gorgeous. So gorgeous. Like, really gorgeous. Oh my God. Gorgeous.

  “Forgive me for being late in finding you?” he teased.

  She blushed. “I thought you were my friends.” She started to stand as well but then she remembered her problem with balance whenever Alex was too close. Sitting back down, Ianne patted the space next to her instead. “Sit?”

  When he smirked, she turned red, realizing that she was treating him like a dog. Sit? Had she really told him that? What was next? Play dead? Roll over?

  Thankfully, Alex didn’t seem to mind, sitting down next to her. He had seated himself close enough for their sides to brush against each other, and it had her holding her breath.

  But when Alex put his arm around her the next second, Ianne completely stopped breathing. Was this really happening? Was she really seated this close to Alex? And didn’t he notice how the few players and other students on the field were throwing them interested glances?

  “People are looking,” she whispered while keeping her gaze straight ahead.

  “Let them.”

  “They might think we’re…”


  Turning to him, Ianne tried to say the words but only ended up cringing instead.

  Alex raised a brow. “We’re what?”

  She looked like she was about to cry.

  He demanded quietly, “We’re what, Ianne?”

  Again, his commanding tone got to her. It was something she had never heard him use with anyone else, and knowing that made her feel special. She said helplessly, “They might think t-that we’re dating.”

  Instead of answering, Alex casually curled his arm around her waist, his fingers caressing her side in a seemingly absent-minded movement. Every cell of her body was focused on those little taps of his fingers. Her back had gone ramrod straight, Ianne feeling like if she slouched just the slightest bit, Alex would end up touching the undersides of her breasts. Which she was so not ready for.

  Or at least not in public.

  And then she felt it, Alex’s fingers slowly crawling up. For a second, she simply went still, unable to believe that the always-gentlemanly Alex Rockford was trying to feel her up—

  When his fingers actually grazed the skin below her breast, she jerked away from him, face flaming as she looked at him in horror. His smirk right away told Ianne that he had only been waiting for her to react. “Alex!”

  Alex laughed, and the sound was rare enough to have lots of heads turning towards them. And most of them were girls, Ianne couldn’t help noticing in dismay.

  He teased her quietly, “Jealous?”

  Pride made Ianne lift her chin and lie, “Noooope.” She hen pinched her cheeks, hoping he’d mistake it as the reason why her face was on fire. Oh, Lord. Would she never run out of reasons for blushing whenever she was with Alex?

  “That’s too bad,” Alex murmured in a regretful tone that was belied by the dark glint in his emerald gaze. “Because I was kinda thinking if you were jealous, then I’d tell you there’s no reason for it.”

  “There isn’t?”

  He answered simply, “There isn’t because we are dating.”

  Ianne almost fell off her seat. “W-we are?”

  Alex raised a brow. “You don’t want to?”

  “I want to!” And then she pinched her cheeks again because she realized she had practically shouted the words out.

  Alex smirked. This was what he had always loved most about Ianne. She was so genuine, nothing at all like Zelda, with how her every word and action had turned out to be calculated. She might have been dumb in many ways, but she had very much excelled in twisting men around her little finger.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he murmured. Alex expected her to blush even more or deny his words but he was puzzled and more than a little concerned when her smile faded instead at his words. She was doing her best not to show her unease, but it was no use. One day, she’d realize there was no point doing that. He was always hypersensitive when it came to her, to the point that he never had a problem finding her even in the largest crowds. Certainly, he was even more adept at gauging her emotions, and right now she was extremely troubled.

  Alex ordered gently, “Tell me.”

  Ianne shook her head.

  “Ianne, the last time I didn’t ask you what was wrong even though I knew something damn well was, I ended up with another girl and we didn’t speak for years. I’m not going to let history repeat itself.” His arm around her waist tightened, his hold no different from an unbending chain.

  To anyone looking at them – and there were many, Ianne knew – the message behind Alex Rockford’s action was simple. He was not going to let her go, and he would damn well not let anyone take her away from him either.

  It took her breath away, Alex’s possessiveness still something she found surreal. In high school, he had always respected not just her boundaries but in many ways he had erected his own, too. He had always acted like a friend or even a big brother to him, and remembering those days might be one of the reasons why she just found it so incredibly hard to believe that he had really wanted her all these years.

  Ianne blurted out, “Why?” When he raised a brow at her again, she explained awkwardly, “Why would you want to date me?”

  At first, he thought he hadn’t heard her correctly. But then looking at her more closely, Alex realized how serious she was. “Are you truly asking me that?” he demanded incredulously. “I’ve always liked you. Shouldn’t you know that by now?”

  “But you made Zelda your girlfriend so easily,” she whispered.

  He flinched. “I told you. It was because I misunderstood…”

  “But I misunderstood too and I didn’t—”

  “Am I interrupting something?”


  Oh God, somebody had to tell her friend that she had the worst timing ever. Her friend’s intrusion had instantly ruined the mood between them, and Ianne knew there was no going back at least for now. Alex’s face had shuttered close, turning into a beautiful but impassive mask.

  Before Ianne could speak, another person answered Middy, saying thoughtfully, “I think we did.”

  Ianne almost groaned. Train was here, too?

  Alex slowly released her. “Hello, Middy, Train.” He got to his feet and helped Ianne up.

  Her friends alternated between giving them crazy knowing grins and slyly suggestive looks. Ianne was torn between wanting to kill herself or them, and the urge became even stronger when a slightly bemused frown marred Alex’s forehead.

  She started to pull away from Alex, but his fingers suddenly wrapped around her wrist, stopping her. �

  Alex was stunned when he realized that he was actually chaining Ianne to him again. It had been a reflex action, as if part of himself always needed her to be close to him. He mentally shook his head with self-disgust. What the hell was wrong with him? He was turning into a possessive bear, and he had no idea how to put a stop to it. The last time he had become like this, it had ended…badly. And that was a great understatement.

  Forcing to keep his voice even, Alex asked, “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Umm, yeah, but we’re just going to eat out.”

  He didn’t wait for an invitation, asking instead, “May I come with you?”

  Ah, dammit. Why did he have to ask her that now? Before Ianne could answer, Middy was already shaking her head, saying, “Sorry. We have a rule – bitches before boys.” With a bright smile, she said airily, “So, gotta go, see you next time!”

  Before Ianne knew what was happening, her friends were already dragging her away from Alex. When they got to Middy’s car, Ianne exclaimed, “What the hell was that?”

  Train and Middy were grim-faced.

  “That was us, saving your ass,” Middy said.


  “We heard some pretty disturbing rumors, Ianne. It seems like someone’s been telling everyone that you stole Alex away from Zelda and now you’re his rebound girlfriend.”

  Ianne protested shakily, “I don’t believe you.” The word ‘rebound’ was sickening to hear, and she just couldn’t bear to think that after all these years, after everything she did to change herself, she was still going to end up second best to Zelda…again.

  “You don’t have to,” Train said in her usual pragmatic way. “But we still told you ‘coz we want you to be careful. And wiser. It’s not bad to be a rebound thing. You can still be his girlfriend and eventually the girl he loves. It’s just a case of convincing him that you don’t have to remain his rebound—”

  “I’m not his rebound.” She sounded so foolishly stubborn even to herself, but Ianne didn’t care. She had waited for Alex for so long. It would kill her if it turned out that she meant so little to him Alex only saw her as some sort of emotional plaster for his heartache.

  Chapter Eight

  Alex was on his way out of school the next day when Zelda popped out of nowhere, causing him to almost run into her. The hallway they were in was unfortunately empty, and Alex knew Zelda had timed their meeting to take advantage of their being alone together.

  His face cold, he said, “Get out of my damn way, Zelda.”

  She didn’t appear insulted, but then why should he be surprised? She always did have a thick skin. Zelda simply said reproachfully, “You didn’t used to be so rude.”

  “That’s because I didn’t used to know what a bitch you are.”

  Zelda only laughed. Other men might have called her exquisite at that instance, but ever since they had broken up and she had shown him her true colors, Alex’s attraction to her had died an instant and permanent death.

  Looking at her now, he was only disgusted and not with her but with himself. Why the hell he had ever thought it was a good idea to hook up with Zelda was definitely his most idiotic idea.

  Knowing she would not leave him alone until she had her say, he asked, “What do you want?”


  He laughed humorlessly. “I’m flattered but no thanks.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re still holding a grudge?” Zelda’s eyes widened. “You are, aren’t you?”

  Alex didn’t speak.

  Her soft laugh might be music to other people, but to his ears it sounded like something that came from hell, reminding him of his worst mistakes. “Let bygones be bygones, my sweet beautiful Alex.” Zelda closed the distance between them. “Don’t you miss us being together? We could rule this school again, you and I.”

  “I don’t want to rule anything.”

  Zelda’s smile became contemptuous. “Yes, you probably mean that. After all, you’ve always been her slave, haven’t you?” She reached for his face, slowly raking her nails on his cheek. “But you need to be very careful, darling. She’s a cheerleader now, too. Whatever problems you had with me, do you really think you won’t have the same problem with her?”

  Alex didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to. Zelda knew just by seeing his shuttered expression that her remark had hit home. She hid a smile, her thoughts becoming happy as she imagined the events she was hoping for unfolding.

  Only matter of time now, Zelda thought. She only had to wait and Ianne would soon fall. And when she did, Zelda was going to make sure the other girl wouldn’t be able to get back up again.


  Rebound. The word echoed in her mind like a broken record the next day, and Ianne was so bothered by it she was in zombie mode as she attended all her classes.

  Common sense told her that it wasn’t possible. That she couldn’t be a rebound thing since after what Alex told her about his relationship with Zelda, there wasn’t any reason she’d be his rebound since he hadn’t loved Zelda in the first place. Right?

  He had hooked up with Zelda because he thought he had no chance with her – Ianne. And even if they had been together for two years, it was just Alex trying to do the best of a situation. Just that. Right?

  So I can’t be his rebound, Ianne told herself furiously as she stalked to the gardens at the back of the school. As she camped out under one of the large trees, armed only with her energy drink and sandwich, Ianne took out her phone and scrolled down on various unread messages.

  She replied to Train and Middy, lying about a meeting with her classmates in Algebra. But when she saw Alex asking her where she was, Ianne hesitated a moment before telling the truth.

  The silence in the area was later broken by the familiar sound of a girl giggling. When Ianne looked around curiously for the source, her jaw dropped in dismayed surprise at finding Zelda and Gordon flirting with each other at the other end of the garden.

  Zelda was cooing something to Gordon that had her boyfriend grinning and then flexing his muscles as he adopted various poses like he was Hulk Hogan at a photo shoot. It was disgusting enough to almost make Ianne puke.

  Was Zelda really so stupid that she’d choose this muscle head over Alex?

  “Why are you hiding all the way here?”

  Her head snapped to the other side, her heart beating madly as she saw Alex heading her way, an easy smile on his gorgeous face. Ianne quickly got to her feet and grabbed her backpack. Maybe if they left quickly enough, Alex wouldn’t notice who else was with them.

  Upon reaching her, Alex touched her nose lightly, affectionately. “You look beautiful.” His Texan drawl made his voice huskier and darker, and her toes immediately curled, her eyes becoming dazed at the way Alex was looking at her with such hot eyes.

  Ianne totally forgot everything about what she wanted to warn him about, which proved to be unfortunate just a few seconds later when a high-pitched voice exclaimed in a sugary sweet voice, “Alex? Ianne?”

  Ianne jumped away from Alex, feeling like she had been caught doing something wrong. She knew there was no reason for her to be guilty, but somehow all those warnings from Train and Middy made her feel very much like she was unfairly taking advantage of Alex and Zelda’s breakup.

  It took her a while to meet Zelda’s gaze. The other girl was thankfully alone, with no signs of Gordon being anywhere in the area.

  The other girl beamed. “Hey,” she greeted them perkily, breasts bouncing at the word.

  It made Ianne feel so self-conscious, and she automatically beamed back and responded with equal perkiness, “Hey.” Unfortunately, her breasts didn’t bounce with her word and Ianne had to clench her fists to avoid the temptation of holding her boobs and just bouncing them herself.

  Ianne saw Zelda glance at Alex expectantly, which he returned with a curt nod.

  Her heart sank. She would have felt more relieved if Alex had returned the smile or even chatted with Zelda pleas
antly. At least that meant he had moved on. Now, her being a rebound for Alex just became a more terrifyingly possible reality.

  The other girl didn’t seem to care, even go as far as teasing them, “You two seem to be together so often. You guys are making me think I totally kept you two from being together in high school.”

  Alex only shrugged, but the words sounded too uncomfortably close to her fears that Ianne said in a rush, “Of course not.”

  Zelda said good-naturedly, “It’s totally fine. I mean, who am I to stand in the way of true love, right? Alex and me, it just didn’t work out between the two of us. But you guys look really good together.” She winked at Alex. “Of course, you mustn’t be complacent. Don’t think you’re all that, Alex. So many little birds have been telling me about how popular Ianne is with the guys.”

  She blew them a kiss. “Anyway, it was nice seeing you guys.”

  It took Alex quite some time before he could regain control over his emotions. He knew Zelda’s parting shot had been intended for him, and it had taken everything in him not to reach for his ex and strangle her scrawny neck for her trouble-making ways.

  He was still looking at Zelda, Ianne realized painfully. Could this be proof that she was truly a rebound then? Was that why he had never said he loved her? She was so lost in her miserable thoughts Ianne practically jumped when Alex spoke.

  “How are you finding cheerleading so far?”

  She couldn’t believe he was asking her that. There were so many things for them to talk about right now, Zelda being the most important, and he was asking Ianne about her ability to hold pom-poms?

  “It’s great,” she finally said, forcing a bright smile.

  “People’s been saying Gee’s a hard taskmaster,” Alex murmured. “You know you can always quit if you want to, right?” He didn’t give a fuck if he sounded like he was encouraging her to do so. It was the truth anyway. Cheerleading might not have caused the rift between him and Zelda, but it had been what made things worse and, eventually, unbearable for Alex. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to him and Ianne.


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