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Succumbing (Sinful Submissions Book 3)

Page 9

by Ed Bemand

  She might have been intimidating but she was a sexy girl who wanted him to fuck her. He didn’t have it in him to say no.

  Jen was in considerably better shape than he was and had abdominal muscles that were just a bit too well defined to suit most girls. She didn’t seem interested in his brand of foreplay. She pressed her hands to the back of his head, holding his mouth tight against her pussy. She ground it against him, forcing him to give her the sensations that she wanted. It was the same when they fucked. She held his cock in her hands and stroked it to full hardness with swift movements of her fingers. She took her time putting the condom on him, unrolling it down his shaft and making sure it was correctly positioned. She took contraception very seriously when she was with guys. The last thing she wanted to do was get pregnant from some random encounter. Or catch a disease.

  Jen knew how to angle her hips to hold Chris deep inside her pussy so that his cock applied extra stimulation to her g spot. She was so used to being in complete control of the movements of the rubber cock that supplied her with many of her orgasms that it didn’t really occur to her that cocks attached to men might need to be treated differently.

  When she wanted him to cum she grabbed his balls and squeezed sharply. He cried out in surprise at the sudden stimulation but it did the trick and he shot himself deep into her.

  He was lying on the bed feeling slightly worn out and trying to get his breath back when she presented him with the dildo. Plenty of the girls he knew had them so he wasn’t exactly squeamish, though the neon pink monstrosity that Jen was attached to was not a subtle member.

  “Bend over and give me your arse.”


  “I want to fuck you.”

  “I think I’m done already.” He lifted his cock slightly with a finger and then let it flop back.

  “That’s fine. You won’t need it.”


  She stroked her neon cock. He didn’t look keen.

  “It’s only fair. You fucked me, now I want to fuck you.”

  He resisted, but only weakly. She rolled him over and had her way with him.

  “You like that don’t you?”

  His grunted response wasn’t really a word. She pushed the tool deeper into him, her hand resting on his shoulder and driving his face deeper into the pillow.

  “How does it feel? You like my cock inside you, don’t you?”

  His reluctance to respond led her to pound him harder.

  It was all very intense but a bit weird.

  When Jen was finished she lay back and rolled a joint. By the time she had smoked half of it she was obviously wondering what he was still doing there.

  Him staying the night in her bed was simply not an option. She had felt horny, they’d had sex, she had cum. Now it was time for him to go so that she could enjoy the afterglow without having to have its pleasure diminished by him actually being around.

  Now, almost two years later, she wanted to find him again. She happened upon him in a bar and approached him.

  “Hi Chris.”

  “Jen. What’s up?” They had barely spoken since that night, just inane pleasantries when they ran into each other socially and certainly no mention of what had happened between them. Chris had been left feeling used by the sensation and the memories were guiltily pleasurable to him.

  “Do you know Hannah?”

  “Your girlfriend Hannah? Vaguely.”

  “She wants to have sex with a man.”


  “You’re going to do it.”

  “Why am I going to do it?”

  “Don’t you want to?”

  “Can’t you just fuck her with that toy of yours?”

  “They know each other well but she wants to try a cock that comes with a guy on the other end of it.”

  Chris found it funny but he didn’t want to tease Jen about her not being man enough for Hannah. He was sure that if he did she would find a way to get her own back on him. It was hard to say no to her so a few days later he visited them at the flat the girls had lived in together for the past year.

  Jen answered the door looking rather dishevelled.

  “She’s in the bedroom.”

  More specifically, Hannah was in the bed. She was flat out on top of the bedding wearing a black silk slip that had ridden up around her waist. She moved to try and cover herself when she saw him but Jen stopped her.

  “Hannah, this is Chris.”

  “Hi Chris.”

  Having Jen there helped make Hannah less nervous but no matter what she had done with Jen, this was still the first time that she had been intimate with a man. Jen’s presence was making Chris considerably more nervous but at least it meant he didn’t have to worry about what he was supposed to be doing, Jen was all too happy to guide his movements closely.

  “You don’t need to worry about the warm up. I’ve already taken care of it.”

  “So I can see. What about my... ah, warm up?”

  Jen rolled her eyes and pushed her hand inside Chris’ trousers, her practised fingers squeezing and tugging on him as she undid his fly with her other hand. It didn’t take a lot to get him hard enough. Jen told him to strip and carefully unrolled a condom down the length of his cock. Jen even went so far as to be perched behind Chris as he mounted Hannah. She reached between his legs with one hand, grabbing the head of his cock and guiding it between the lips of Hannah’s pussy.

  “Go easy on her. I love her pussy just the way it is and I don’t want you ruining it.”

  Jen seemed to want to do most of the work. Chris felt like he was being treated as just a slightly different kind of sex toy by Jen, though rather than being worn strapped to her crotch like her usual cock she was posing him and telling him what to do.

  Hannah did feel rather lovely to be inside and Chris couldn’t blame Jen for being over-protective. He had seen her in passing a few times before. She seemed shy but was very pretty. Now, she was too aroused to hide her emotions but she was looking at Jen as much as she was looking at him. She had a lovely body though and it would have been nice if he’d had a bit more chance to get to know her at leisure, but that clearly wasn’t an option.

  It wasn’t how Hannah imagined her first time with a guy would be. She had always assumed there would be something romantic about it and that it would happen with someone that she cared about. Now, she was losing it to a guy she had barely said two words to before and his swollen cock was being tightly gripped and pushed into place by her clearly rather jealous lesbian lover.

  Jen stayed in tight control of the situation and she seemed to know just how hard and where to touch Chris to push him back from the brink of orgasm whenever he got close. At the time it was mostly just annoying but he couldn’t deny that what Jen did meant that by the time she let him cum both he and Hannah were ready to explode.

  Her grip tightened on his balls, the nails biting into his flesh when she wanted him to slow down. When Hannah was starting to orgasm, Jen pushed hard with one fingertip against Chris’ anus, sending him over the edge, letting Hannah feel the sensation of his twitching orgasmic cock. Hannah and Chris both cried out, carried away by their climaxes.

  When they were finished Jen was keen to get rid of Chris. Hannah was half asleep and he was too dazed to resist as Jen bundled up his clothes and pushed him out the door with them. She shut the door behind him and went back to bed, intending to gain her own satisfaction. Hannah was already asleep. Jen fucked herself with her dildo angrily for more than an hour but it wasn’t working. Climax eluded her. She cried.

  Things were difficult after that. Jen was jealous of Hannah for what had happened. Having allowed herself to love someone, she was possessive of her. She didn’t want to let anyone else touch her ever again.

  Hannah loved being fucked by Jen. She had such strength and passion and confidence. When she was being fucked by Jen orgasms seemed compulsory, like she didn’t have a choice about it. It was going to happen. The feeling of th
e rubber protuberance that Jen so enjoyed wearing, rammed inside Hannah’s still tight pussy was certainly pleasurable, but... but... it just wasn’t quite real. She had felt the wonderful living feeling of a cock wriggling and twitching inside her pussy as it spat forth its load and it had been beautiful and true. She had felt the moment when a man emptied his soul into her. Somehow the simulacrum that Jen had to offer her just wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to feel real cocks inside of her.

  Of course Hannah loved Jen, but it was adoration. She loved her for her strength and conviction. She loved her for the power of her femininity because it was what she wanted to be. It wasn’t the love that she wanted to give herself to. Not that Chris was either. He was just a way for her to experience something and it had been enough that she knew now that she wanted to keep looking, to find that something special in a different way that Jen couldn’t offer her.

  They both cried when she told Jen it was over. Hannah wanted other people as well and Jen who had always preferred being free to do what she wanted now wanted Hannah all to herself and could have given up everyone else just to have her.

  Jen looked hurt and even disgusted that Hannah could even think about choosing men over her. However much Jen had always sworn her own independence and freedom she was unable to stop herself from relishing the feeling of being adored by Hannah. She felt angry at Chris. It was his cock that had ruined everything.

  She hurled her own prosthetic cock away from herself. The heavy rubber rod cracked a mirror and fell unwanted to the floor.

  Jen went back to the way things had been before. She vented her emotions on a succession of near strangers. She was told more than once that she was too rough. She didn’t care. In those wild, invariably intoxicated moments she found herself drawing as much satisfaction from the pain she caused as the pleasure.

  Hannah had been changed by her time with Jen. She still couldn’t imagine ever being as sure of herself as Jen was, but she didn’t feel like she had to hide as much anymore. She knew who she was a little more. She had a few boyfriends, a couple of girlfriends. She fell in love, had her heart broken. Over the years she matured and grew, becoming stronger and more comfortable with herself.

  The years helped to give her perspective. Jen was a crucial element of her development into the person that she was, and she always loved her for that. She couldn’t forget Jen. She couldn’t imagine ever being able to have found herself without her help. She was always grateful to Jen for the way that she had helped her to grow and sad that she had hurt her. Hannah could never regret the times that she spent with Jen, even though she wished that the ending of their affair could have been sweeter.

  Ten: Pleasure & Poison

  That one man’s meat is another man’s poison is a simple reality but the extent to which people’s pleasures can deviate from our own can seem hard to understand. To consider this further it is perhaps appropriate that we return to the castle where poor Emily met her end to ponder further the nature of the pleasures that were enjoyed by those that lived there.

  As should already be apparent, young Emily was by no means the first innocent to suffer at the hands of the Lord and his Lady.

  It was one of the Lady’s foibles that she increasingly preferred her maidservants be scarred or disfigured in some way, though this was seemingly not enough to quell the Lord’s ardour for them. Admittedly, she had before had reason to comment that he was the kind of man who would fuck a keyhole if there were no woman to receive him and he had never felt any need to disprove her belief.

  Lady Annabel’s continuing infertility was a source of great frustration to her and she was well known for taking it out on those around her, hence her use of castration as a punishment for the men in her employ.

  There was no doubt that Lord Arthur himself was capable of siring children and those of the servants unfortunate enough to bear witness to the fact knew better than to talk of it or expect compensation from him for what had happened. Dr. LeConte was very skilled at dispelling that first flicker of life and scarcely needed to hurt the mother in the process unless he was so inclined.

  Lord Arthur had long had a taste for despoiling the pure and tainting it with his caresses even if as has also been said before he gained more honest pleasure from coupling with woman of greater experience and deftness. His position and status gave him easy access to many women, from innocent virgins to sluts of the greatest experience. He had little time for those of normal appetites. Let them be the purest or the most degraded if they were to give him pleasure.

  Bearing in mind the vicious and intolerant treatment that was to be expected by those that his seed found fruit with, it is hardly a surprise that those who serviced him regularly favoured using their skills to satisfy his lusts in ways that minimised the risks to them. It was preferable to them that he had his way with their hands, mouths and arses than that they become pregnant and face the tender mercies of Dr. LeConte. Lord Arthur didn’t register the actual reason for this preference. He just interpreted it as a sign of the women being inventive and skilled.

  As to the maidens that he craved, it wasn’t even really the act of coupling with them that gave him pleasure. He had no patience for attending to their requirements and deemed it the woman’s problem to deal with if she was not suitably moistened and open to him when he wished to penetrate her. While not prodigious, his endowments were such that the tightness of a previously unopened pussy was restrictive around him, enough to cause him discomfort, though this was in part compensated for by the knowledge of the greater pain it must be causing them.

  So if not the sensory pleasure of the act, what drove him to plunder maidens even though they were likely to leave the skin of his cock reddened and chafed when he was done with them? It was the knowledge that in doing what he did, he was effecting a change in them that could never be undone. Even for those rare few that were able to escape from his attentions unseeded and facing the care of the physician, or those who invoked the ire of the Lord and Lady and were likely to leave the castle as a corpse in a sack or as was often Lady Annabel’s taste, scarred in such a way as to stand little chance of ever sharing a lover’s embrace in their life, they would forever be marked by him. No matter what they might later do or become in their lives, they would forever have been taken first by him.

  Lady Annabel was well aware of this facet of Lord Arthur’s tastes and though hardly approving of it did not attempt to impose on it. She herself gained pleasure from furthering the despoiling that he had started. He liked to see a maiden taken and used, her virtue torn and thrown away. She gained grim satisfaction from seeing those younger and prettier than herself brought down and made pitiable and hideous. Where once she had been satisfied to have a girl flogged or raped by her servants she had learned that cruelty could be more pleasing if it was more focussed. To see a once beautiful girl forced to confront the reality of living not only stripped of her virtue but also her nose gave the Lady far greater cause for arousal than she had ever known from a cock inside her. It thrilled her to pose the question, which would you rather give up, your beauty or your life? And then to wait and watch as the reality of the situation sank into them. It didn’t really matter which they chose, of course. She would call for whichever treatment appealed to her more. Watching people that were forced to make such agonising decisions was a fascinating experience for her, watching their mind’s process the fear and uncertainty as they slowly realised what they were faced with and then the moment when they accepted what life had chosen to be their fate.

  When one of the Lord’s favourite had the misfortune to become pregnant for a second time, having previously been obliged to visit the physician to remove an earlier gestation, the Lady became so irate with the girl that she ordered her stripped, then penetrated with a hot iron that she might never again be capable of receiving a man. Though her initial instructions had been that the girl was to be left alive from her ordeal, she had lost patience in the moment and had ordered the iron be plunged de
eper, deep enough that it pierced her bowels. The screams of the tortured girl were agonising enough that the Lady called for her to be silenced. The glittering edge of a scalpel opened her throat and her screams turned to red bubbles as she died.

  If the Lord disapproved of the cruelties that his Lady had carried out he did not object. After all, by the time that the Lady had the girls, he was already done with them.

  Once it had become apparent that no offspring would come from their joining there had seemed little reason for the Lord and Lady to share a bed. Anyway, he was happier having space and privacy to indulge his wants with the girls of the castle without being under her gaze constantly. The Lady was happy to live her own life without obligation to service him and as she grew to gain satisfaction through less orthodox acts of the flesh it was preferable for her to do so in seclusion. In many ways the couple were happy with each other as a mate. Fertility problems aside, they offered each other most of what they could have needed. Their marriage had initially been driven by pragmatism, she was the daughter of a rich merchant, and he had a title but little money. What could be better than to combine fortune with status for the betterment of both?

  Lord Arthur and Lady Annabel were not the only denizens of their castle to have vicious tastes and pleasures. They encouraged such things in their loyal retainers.

  Dr. LeConte had been in service to Lord Arthur and Lady Annabel as their physician for years and his own pleasures at the expense of his patients were well known to them. As long as he understood which of his patients were to be treated differently, it seemed irrelevant how often and in what manner he exploited his position. Why should anyone care if the sluts sent his way were exposed to further trivial indignities by him? Unlike the Lord and Lady, who gained pleasure from control solely of the living, their physician also enjoyed spending time with the dead.

  The Lord had made a rule that all bodies should be seen by the physician, nominally so that circumstances of death could be confirmed and warning could be taken of any diseases that might be present. In practise it was as a reward for the good doctor’s services, to keep him constantly supplied with fresh meat for his experiments and the satisfaction of his carnal appetites.


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