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Celia Kyle - Battered Not Broken

Page 9

by Celia Kyle

  "Will you boys stop?” Ethel's smile belied her stern tone. “I swear, you three are like newborn cubs, just begging to play in the snow.” Shaking her head, she turned back toward the bedroom door, accepting defeat. Before stepping over the threshold, she turned back and issued a warning. “You let her rest, you hear? Your fathers and I are going into town to deal with the sheriff and I imagine we'll be bringing them back with us. They'll want to talk to her and the three of you, so relax and rebuild your strength."

  Ethel left them, her husbands trailing behind. For such large men, they seemed like meek puppy dogs in her presence. The thought brought bubbling laughter to the surface and she couldn't contain it. Chuckling, shaking against the three men, she laughed.

  "What's so funny?” Ronan growled, nipping her ear.

  "Your dads, I was thinking that they act like little puppy dogs with your mom."

  "Puppy dogs? No, I think of them as acting like newborn cubs following their momma.” Max weighed in, a twinkle in his eye.

  "Cubs? As in bears? What's with all the bear references in this family? Is it because you live on a mountain and they're all over the place?"

  "Yeah, that's it,” Conner answered, his mouth hovering over her toes. She held her breath, hoping, praying he'd taste her. For some reason, the desire to feel his mouth on her was nearly overwhelming.

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  Chapter Eleven

  Gillian nudged her foot closer to him, an involuntary action. Or was it? The cause didn't seem to matter, as the effect was Conner lowering his lips, opening his mouth and snaking his tongue out to flick between her toes. A rapid beat tapped out on the sensitive skin, like a hummingbird's wings. Eyes drifting close, she moaned as he slid his hands over her ankles and calves, the calluses scratching and waking her skin.

  The scent of hickory smoke and earthy musk teased her nostrils, distracting her from Conner's caresses. Seeking out the source, she nuzzled Max's groin, causing him to moan.

  "Shouldn't, Gilly,” Max groaned, her teeth found his cotton covered, hardened cock. “Really shouldn't."

  "Want to,” she whispered against his groin, exhaling her hot, moist breath against the aroused skin. With trembling hands, she fumbled with the waistband of his shorts, tugging at the elastic until Max relented and shucked the shorts himself before settling on the bed again.

  Mouth searching, her tongue flicked the newly formed drop of pre-come from the tip of his shaft. Max's essence held a lighter, sweeter flavor than Conner's and she wanted more. Shutting out the other two men, she focused solely on Max. Propping her body on one elbow, she leaned over his waist, sliding her mouth up and down his shaft, sucking the ridged skin.

  "Good. So good, Gilly,” Max praised her. And like Conner, he rested one hand on the side of her face, stroking his callused fingers over her skin, sending shivers through her body. She needed more, needed to be touched everywhere.

  As if reading her mind, sensing her desire, Ronan's hand slid from her hip to center over her hair-dusted mound. Shifting, she opened her legs for him, sending up a silent “thank you” that no one had bothered to redress her. Ronan's fingers sifted through her curls, delving between her lips and finding her clit with unerring accuracy. He began slowly, circling the tiny nub in time with her sucking of Max. If she increased her pace, he did. If she slowed, he followed her lead.

  Gillian's pussy clenched and ached, leaking juices, lubricating her body in preparation ... for what? Neither man had taken things further. She opened her eyes and sent a pleading look to Max.

  "Need more, Gilly?"

  She whimpered around his cock, wrapping her fingers around the base of his shaft, she prayed her understood her need.

  "Need to be fucked, Gilly?"

  Eye fluttering close, she moaned around his erection. He had understood and maybe she'd get what she needed. She'd almost lost her chance with the three men surrounding her and she wanted, needed to reconnect. Pussy weeping in anticipation, she didn't fight Ronan as he raised her leg, draping it over his thigh.

  When the tip of his cock probed her opening, she arched her back inviting him in. Ronan slid the tip into her heat, stretching her core with the tiny bit he'd given her. She knew the men were long and thick, she hadn't thought about what it would feel like to make love to all three of them at the same time. His girth stretched her wide, almost to the point of pain. He gripped her hip tight as he slid more of his length into her cunt. It rippled and clenched around him, she needed it all.

  In one final thrust, he seated his cock fully into her pussy, causing her to gasp around Max's cock, pulling it free of her mouth. “Fuck!"

  Breath panting, she worked her hand along Max's shaft as Ronan remained motionless inside of her.

  "So hot, so tight, Gilly,” Ronan gritted out between clenched teeth.

  Squeezing the cock in her hand, she enveloped Max again, now used to Ronan's invading cock and the way it stretched and filled her so completely. Sliding up and down, she felt the bed shift, but ignored it. With four bodies on a bed, there was no telling...

  A soft flicker. A butterfly's caress, wafted over her clit, causing her eyes to burst open again and meet Max's. “Just Conner getting a taste, Gilly."

  Conner licked her pussy from where Ronan thrust to her clit and back again. Gillian spread her legs further, opening her body to Ronan and Conner, silently pleading with them to love her. They obliged.

  Conner's tongue circled her clit, flicking the aroused nubbin, pulling her orgasm closer with each lick. Lazily, she continued to suck Max, but her mind remained focused on what was being done to her body. Max didn't seem to mind, his moans assuring her that even an unfocused blow job was enjoyable.

  Her arousal grew with each thrust of Ronan's cock into her pussy. Gillian's walls clasped around him, tightening with each deep thrust. Arching her back, she rocked her body with him, alternatively pressing her hips closer to Conner's mouth and Ronan's cock. More, she needed and craved more.

  A callused hand stroked her breast, tweaking one nipple. Max. She moaned her appreciation, earning her a gasp in return. He liked her moans.

  Ronan increased his pace, either sensing her need or approaching his own release, she didn't know. But she reveled in the added sensations. His breath came in harsh pants, fingers digging into her hip as he neared completion. God, her own orgasm was close. So close.

  Conner swirled his tongue around her nubbin before wrapping his lips around the small bit of nerve-filled flesh. He sucked the small protrusion, sending her screaming toward release. The thrusting of Ronan's cock combined with Conner's tongue and mouth sent her careening over the edge, coming in a series of spasms. Her pussy tightened around Ronan's cock, rippling with each wave of her orgasm as it washed over her, presumably triggering his own. He roared with his release, body tightening behind her as a few jerked thrusts pronounced the bursts of his seed from his body.

  Max wasn't far behind, as if their orgasms triggered his own, his seed flowed from the tip of his cock and down her throat. The musky sweet flavor burst on her taste buds as she swallowed every bit of seed he gifted her with, relishing in what she could draw from her men. But one of her men hadn't found his release, hadn't gained any pleasure while pleasuring her.

  Releasing Max's now flaccid cock with a soft plop, she licked the last evidence of his release from his skin before focusing her gaze on Conner, still nestled between her legs.

  Max rose on shaky legs and snatched his discarded shorts from the floor before settling on a nearby chair, leaving the area near her head free.

  "Conner?” Gillian tilted her head in invitation. With Ronan's cock still deeply embedded in her pussy, she couldn't exactly get up and crawl over to him. Besides, Ronan's cock was still half-hard within her. The feeling of being so completely filled sent a newly blooming arousal humming through her veins.

  Conner didn't answer, didn't move, at first. He rolled from the bed, stripping his body bare under her gaze, before crawlin
g to lie in front of her. She pressed forward, skimming his chest with her breasts, shivering at the touch of his steel cock against her stomach. His hand skimmed the skin of her hip, following her leg until his fingers grasped her knee. Shifting her leg to his desire, he dislodged Ronan's cock, quickly, with one large thrust, replacing it with his own.

  He rolled to his back, pulling her with him until she straddled his hips, his pulsing cock buried deep within her heat. Gillian froze, now the center of attention, she didn't know how to act, what to do.

  As if sensing her problem, Conner reassured her. “Ride me, poppet. Let them watch you ride me."

  Conner's hands slid along her thighs and he gripped the globes of her ass, running his fingertips along her crease. She rose, sliding up his cock, before sinking down again. Conner moaned, his body arching toward her. She did it again; rose and fell over him, smiling with each sound she pulled from him.

  Continuously, she rode him, moving along his erection, her arousal burning anew. Conner's juice slicked fingers teased her back entrance, rimming the tiny pucker, arousing her further. She'd never taken anyone there, but with three men and one woman ... It would be inevitable. The thought brought her orgasm closer, burning the edges of her consciousness as it ran rampant through her body.

  When he slid a finger into her anus, she cried out. The sensations of the never-touched nerve endings firing to life nearly burned her alive. She increased her tempo, chasing her release and demanding Conner's. Again, she'd come again with a man buried deep within her pussy. Not just any man, one of her men.

  Whimpering, focusing on achieving her orgasm, she didn't notice her other two men had moved. They'd joined them on the bed. Ronan teased her nipples, stroking her breasts, fondling the aching orbs as she rode his brother.

  Max slid his hand down Gillian's abdomen, resting above her mound. He applied additional pressure to her mound, just above her clit so with each descent, additional zings of pleasure shot through her body. These things combined pushed her closer to completion, but it was their words, which brought her closer to the edge.

  Ronan's husky growl echoed in her ears. “Fuck him. Fuck him good and hard and come on his cock, Gillian. Come for us, baby."

  She gasped, the words sinking through her body as she rode Conner.

  "Harder. Fuck that cock harder, Gilly. Come all over his cock. Want to hear you scream with it,” Max whispered in her ear.

  Eyes closing, she concentrated on the hands on her body, the cock within her heat. So close, so damn close. She'd never come more than once during sex, but she wanted to this time, needed to. Not just for herself, she wanted to gift her men, give them what they desired.

  Conner's voice, strained and tight, pushed her over the edge, throwing her headlong into her most powerful orgasm yet. “Come on my cock. Want to feel you come around me, poppet."

  "Fuck!” she screamed. As her pussy convulsed, tremors traveled through her body as every nerve snapped to life at once. The orgasm washed through her body in giant waves, her muscles tensing and releasing with each new surge. The brothers whispered words of approval, lost in the harsh pants.

  Conner stiffened beneath her, his hips surging toward her as he found his own release. Gripping him beneath her, she held fast, wanting every drop of his seed to remain locked within. As he relaxed into the bed, she did the same, resting her weight on Conner and leaning against Ronan's chest. Not wanting to leave Max out of their moment, she slid her hand down her abdomen and laced their fingers together.

  The sounds of their breathing slowed, to soft gasps as they each calmed, until silence reigned. Gillian was the first to break it.

  Pulling away from Ronan and releasing Max's hand, she braced her hands on Conner's chest, preparing to rise from his body.

  "Shower. Now."

  Ronan saved her the trouble of a slow, aching withdrawal; he scooped her into his arms and leapt from the bed, laughing at her and Conner's groans. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, lazy bones, outta bed. I can't believe you made our woman do all the work."

  Laughing, she draped her arms around Ronan's neck, inhaling his musky scent. She wondered what he would taste like. Would he have the same musky flavor with a hint of hickory or would he be darker? Accepting that the men were three parts of one whole, she knew they would all be similar, yet different and she couldn't wait to discern the differences between them.

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  Chapter Twelve

  Dressed after their shower, Gillian, followed by her three men proceeded to the living room where Ethel, her husbands, and the police awaited. As she settled in a chair, her men to either side and behind, surrounding her. Touching their hands in reassurance, she answered each question posed by the police, cooperating fully.

  Gillian detailed each instance of abuse she suffered at Kyle's hands before finally running in her desperation to get away from him. After running for days, he'd always managed to find her. The last time he found her, just before she'd stumbled upon the Bearclaws’ cabin, he'd nearly choked her to death. She pulled her turtleneck sweater aside, revealing the still healing angry, purple bruises his hands had left.

  Gillian's story jumped to Kyle's arrival at the Bearclaw cabin via breaking through a window and surprising her in the bathroom. He'd forced her, at gunpoint, to leave the house, urging her toward the river. At some point, beatings began and her memory became fuzzy. The one clear thought she had was of jumping into the river, in a desperate attempt to escape him.

  The men added their bits and pieces to the story then, explaining their confrontation with Kyle and finding Gillian, bruised and unconscious downriver.

  By the time the police left the cabin, they'd been satisfied that while Kyle had been guilty of numerous crimes, his death had been of his own making and Max was lucky to have gotten away with a simple gunshot wound to the shoulder. The search and rescue team found Kyle's body downstream, washed up on the bank. While Gillian was happy to be safe from him forever, she shivered at the memory of the freezing river. She wouldn't have wished such a death on anyone, even Kyle.

  * * * *

  After a few days, Ethel, whom she affectionately called “Mom” and her three husbands, “Dad", “Pop", and “Father", left the four of them to return home. But not before giving Gillian instructions on how to care for Max's shoulder and giving the three brothers strict instructions on how gentle and honest they needed to be with Gillian. Gentle, Gillian could understand, but honest? What was that all about?

  The moment Ethel and her husbands pulled out of the driveway, Gillian assumed they'd get back to the gentle touches and sexual exploration they'd started the week before. But they didn't. Instead, the brothers kept their distance. Confused, she assumed their reserved behavior resulted from their mother's warning. Brushing off their behavior, she had gone to bed, alone, but resolved to bring the four of them together again. The lovemaking they'd shared had been too monumental not to repeat.

  The following morning, after waking alone in the guest bedroom, Gillian found out the meaning behind Ethel's instructions on honesty. Padding into the kitchen, Max plopped a heaping pile of French toast in front of her. Inhaling the sweet, cinnamon fragrance, she picked up her fork, prepared to dig in.

  "Where are Ronan and Conner?” She shoved a forkful of the heated, egg-soaked bread into her mouth. It needed more syrup. Drizzling the sugary syrup on the slices, she topped it off with confectioner's sugar. Perfect.

  "They're, um, out.” Max turned from her and went to work cleaning the kitchen. Interesting, since she hadn't seen him cook or clean in the week and a half she'd known him. Make messes and not clean them up, sure. But never cook and clean up after himself. Something was going on.

  Snagging a piece of bacon from a nearby plate, she crunched the crispy meat, chewing as she debated her next move. What were they up to? Not wanting to ruin their plans, she figured she'd play along, for now.

  But she could still make him sweat, right? “When will they be back? Di
d they go to town?"

  Max froze at the stove, dropping one of the pans back onto a burner. Wiping his hands on his pants, he answered Gillian. “Um, no. They ... they just went out for a walk."

  "A walk, huh? Wow. It's awfully cold for a walk,” she deadpanned. Taking another bite of bacon, she washed it down with some orange juice, giving him a moment to formulate a response.

  "Yeah, you know, a walk. They wanted to take a look around the property. With some coffee and a jacket, it's not too cold.” He mumbled something else below his breath. She thought she heard the word “bear", but couldn't be sure.

  Poking the man a little, she replied. “A walk? Maybe we should join them. I can be dressed in no time and..."

  Max cut her off. “Perfect. Go get dressed and I'll get the coffee.” It seemed as if a great weight had lifted from his shoulders at her suggestion.

  Confused, she figured she'd continue to play along. What harm could it do? Finishing the remnants of her breakfast, she bounded from the chair, pressed a quick “thank you” kiss to Max's cheek and left him to get dressed.

  Minutes later, thermos in hand, they stepped onto the porch. A gust of wind enveloped them, burrowing through her layers with ease. Shivering, she changed her mind. Let the men wander the snow and cold, she'd stay warm in the house until they returned, thankyouverymuch.

  Opening her mouth to inform Max of her decision, she snapped it shut with a click of her teeth and mumbled through lips fear kept trapped together. “Bbbbear..."

  Oh, God! Not just one ... two! Two bears trundled from the forest and toward them. One slow, lumbering step at a time. Panicked, she dashed to the back door, anxious for the relative safety the cabin could provide. Max blocked her path, gripping her shoulders.

  "Bears, Max! Bears!” Idiot! Didn't he see them, how could he not? They had to weigh nearly a ton each and they drew closer with each passing second. They'd be upon them at any moment. She didn't live through Kyle's attack to end up being some wild animal's dinner. Beating on Max's chest, she pleaded. “Move! Max, the bears are coming. Move Max, please."


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