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Lesson For Lox (Marco's MMA Boys)

Page 2

by Sm Donaldson

  Mitch nudges my shoulder. “Sounds good, girl, just be careful and keep us up to date.”

  I light a cigarette and take a deep drag. “I should be fine,” I say, getting in my car. They both nod as Mitch hits the button for me to pull out of the warehouse.

  Driving back to the shit-tastic apartment I’m having to live in, I look up and notice the same set of headlights have been following me from just outside of the gated area of the warehouse. Yep, it’s time to switch up a little. I may just be paranoid but in my world, being paranoid is necessary. I turn on a street without signaling. Watching in my rearview mirror, I see that the car doesn’t follow me. Figures. My cover here is solid, it goes deep. Even if they run a background check on me, it’s solid. Well, Zanne’s background is anyway, it’s just sketchy enough not to cause suspicion. Finally pulling up to the crappy apartment, I get out with my keys in hand and quickly let myself in. After a nice long shower, I lie naked across the bed. The sexy stranger with beautiful eyes from tonight takes over my thoughts. Not being able to go to sleep, I find the only boyfriend who doesn’t talk back. Prepping myself with my finger and picturing the lean fighter, I place B.O.B. at my entrance. I keep going until my toes curl and I’m moaning out the word Storm. As per usual, that helps me doze off rather quickly.


  Waking up to my phone chirping isn’t unusual, but what is unusual is I’m excited about it for some reason when I see it’s from Lox.

  He’s letting me know what time to meet up with them at the arena this afternoon. Reaching into the false bottom desk drawer, I pull out my agency laptop and fire it up. I’m always careful about what I leave lying around in this apartment. If anyone broke in, it would be my ass on the line if they found something they shouldn’t. I log into our database and do a search for Lox Storm.

  Loxley Michael Storm, A.K.A. Lox Storm

  He’s twenty-three, never really been into trouble, just some stuff when he was a juvenile. Works for a shipping company full-time, as well as being an amateur fighter. Raised by a single mom, she’s been a nurse most of his life.

  He doesn’t seem like the type to get involved with drugs. He’s much too steady for that.

  Shutting the computer down, I put it back in the drawer and get up to start the day with a little promise for the afternoon. Maybe a little roll with him is just what I need to clear my head. No strings attached, he’ll leave on Sunday and I won’t have to deal with it again.


  “So what time is that girl from last night gonna meet up with you?” Huck asks as he pounds on the bag, until he stops to hold it for me.

  As I start, I don’t even look at him. “She’s gonna be here a few hours before the fight.” I’m so busy remembering her naked body, the way she worked the stage, I don’t even notice Sly come in.

  He slaps my shoulder as he walks in the room. “So are you gonna hit that?”

  I roll my eyes, focusing my attention back on the bag. “If I do, I’m not telling your ass. That’s just a jackass thing to do.”

  Sly laughs, “Oh, because you are such a gentleman, Lox.” He makes a sound while rolling his eyes. “I’ve watched you fuck someone before.”

  I shake my head. “Only because you walked in as we were too heavy into it to stop. Also, you’re a really sick fuck.”

  Huck sticks his fist out for me to bump it. “You got that right.”

  Sly pops my ass with a towel as he walks out. “Whatever.”

  My phone pings and I pick it up to read the text.

  ZANNE: Is it okay if I come on by now? I’d like to hang out before the fight.

  I grin, staring at the phone.

  ME: Sure come on. I’d like that too.

  “I’m gonna go shower real quick so she and I can hang out,” I call out as I leave the room.

  “Good, get rid of some of that tension!” Huck yells as I leave.

  Oh, I intend to.


  “Oh god, right there, don’t stop. Fuck me harder, Storm!” She’s against a vanity in our locker room.

  We both come to a sudden stop when we hear a noise. She looks at me panicked. “What was that?” she whispers.

  “I don’t know.” I try to peer around the corner while still inside of her.

  “Did you lock the door?” she whispers again.

  I get a little aggravated. “Yes, I locked the fucking door. I’m not an idiot.” I don’t see anything or anyone. “It was nothing.”

  I lean down and take her breast into my mouth. It doesn’t take us long to get right back where we were.

  “I-I I’m gonna come!” she screams.

  Pulling back out, I slam into her three more times before she screams, tightening around my cock. “Fuck!” I yell as I come.

  I lean down and kiss her on the mouth. “Damn, girl. I should be plenty relaxed for my fight tonight.”

  She grins. “You are surely welcome. I needed to blow off a little steam myself.”

  “Happy to help. Hell, I’ll be happy to help you out again later tonight,” I say as I nibble her ear lobe.

  She whispers back in my ear, “Sounds like a plan.” She giggles. “But you better get cleaned up before we make a huge mess.”

  I slowly pull out, ridding myself of the condom and tossing it in the trash. “That’s not really how I intended to hang out with you this afternoon, but I can’t say I’m sorry I did.”

  Laughing, she cleans up and starts to put her clothes back on. “No big deal, I know you didn’t really plan that. I didn’t either.”

  “Hey, I just don’t want you to think that I was only concerned about sex with you. I’m not like that. I mean we both know this is just for this weekend, we’re adults, but normally I at least know a girl’s last name before I fuck her.”

  She smiles, sticking her hand out. “Zanne Kelly.” I grasp it with mine and it feels strong, but yet so small in comparison to mine. “Nice to meet you,” she flirts back.

  I grin, “The pleasure is all mine.” Trying to make conversation, I try to be casual. “So have you ever been to the fights before?”

  She shakes her head. “No. Never have time.” She leans back against the wall, taking a moment to catch her breath it seems. “Plus, most of the fighters around here are kind of a pain in the ass. You know I see them at the club on a regular basis.”

  I nod. “Yeah, I can see that. Some of them, especially that guy Trent. He seems like a tool. Your typical meathead fighter that gives the rest of us a bad name. We only hang out with those guys when we’re here or they come to our town. To be honest, I don’t really like them all that much.”

  She nods, “Yeah, I can see why.”

  Stopping, I turn back to her. “Do you think?” I shake my head. “Never mind.”

  She steps toward me. “What?”

  “I shouldn’t ask you this, but since you work at the club...are Mike’s guys part of the drug scene there?”

  Before she can answer, I hear someone beating on the door. “Lox, open up you whore!”

  Damn Sly. Once she’s dressed and I have a pair of gym shorts on, I swing the door open. “What, asshole?”

  “Marco says it’s time to go weigh in. He also said, and I repeat word for word, ‘Tell him to get his dick cleaned up and be ready in ten.’ I’m just repeating.” He puts his hands up in defense because he knows I’m pissed.

  I look over to Zanne, “Sorry.”

  Sly grins, “Hey, you shouldn’t be sorry, man. It sounded like you were giving her the ride of her life back here.”

  Fuck, we were loud. I’m not normally the one to act like this. I look apologetically at Zanne but she laughs it off. Looking over at Sly, she grins. “Yep, he did and I plan on taking that ride a couple of more times before you guys leave town.”

  Sly’s mouth drops open and I can tell he wants to say something back, but for the first time probably in his entire life...he’s speechless.

  She pats his cheek as she walks by and glances back at me, “See y
ou after your fight.”

  After she leaves the locker room, he looks over at me. “Holy shit, dude, I think I just fell in love.”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Shut up, dipshit.” I shove him in the head as I walk by.


  Why in the hell would he ask me about the drugs? That makes no fucking sense. He can’t be involved with these guys. He said he doesn’t like them. Maybe that’s just a cover. Maybe he’s just curious.

  Walking down the hall from the locker rooms, I run into the asshole from Mike’s Gym, Trent. He grins. “Hey girl, what are you doing here?” he says, getting into my personal space.

  I step back, trying to give off the signal that I want him to back off. “I was invited to come watch some friends fight.”

  He puts his hand to his chest. “I’m kinda hurt. I’ve asked you several times to come watch me fight and it’s always a no.”

  I give a polite smile. “Well, it just kind of worked out for tonight,” I say, trying to play anything he’s thinking off.

  I’m a pretty tough woman, but this guy makes me nervous. I think it’s because he’s so unpredictable. In the year I’ve been working this case, I’ve witnessed his temper at the club and it’s not pretty.

  “Oh,” he steps closer again. “Well, maybe we can hang out after the fights tonight. Since it worked out for you to be here tonight.” Lifting his hand, he brushes it down the side of my face and firmly wraps his hand around my arm. “I can smell your pussy, I know you want me.”

  I snatch my arm away from him. “You’re smelling the sex I just had with someone else. It damn sure wasn’t you and it’ll never be you.”

  His nostrils flare as he steps closer to grab my arm, but my instincts kick in and I thrust my palm up into his face, busting his nose. “Don’t touch me.”

  He screams out, “You fucking bitch!” He balls his fist up and I see it coming, but before it can reach me, he’s snatched back by a guy they call Patch.

  “You idiot. I swear to God, Trent, I’m tired of covering up your shit. Now you’re trying to beat up some damn stripper in the hallway of a damn arena. Get your shit together, bro. If you can’t fucking manage the candy, don’t do it.” He turns to me. “Sweet pants, I think you need to go.” He tilts his head toward the end of the hall.

  I nod and quickly make my way out of the building. I’m gonna run to that shit hole I live in and shower, since that asshole decided to make such a lovely comment.

  Unlocking the two dead bolts and knob lock, I make my way in. A note on my coffee table grabs my attention.

  Call your mother.


  Shit. Going into my room, I dig in the false bottom and pull out the agency cell.

  “Hello, Zanne dear,” Frank says in an elderly lady voice.

  I have to laugh. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Listen, we’ve watched a bunch of movement today. They’re cleaning out the warehouse, I think they know something’s up. Keep your eyes open. I know you’re going out with those fighters again tonight. You need to be ready to take anyone down that gets in the way,” he says heavily.

  “So you want me to carry my weapon?” I ask, a little confused. None of this is normal.

  “Yes, gun, badge, cuffs, the whole nine yards,” Frank deadpans.

  “This is a little different than usual.”

  “Well, this got hot quickly. We’d rather you be prepared. Just try to stay below the radar, but find out what you can.”

  “Well, the fighter, Storm, has a pretty clean record. Although, he did ask if I knew anything about Mike’s guys doing drugs, but I think it was only for his own curiosity.”

  “Hmm.” He sighs. “Well, keep a close eye on him. We’ve got a couple of guys attending the fight tonight in civies, just as backup. I’ve got a feeling about this kid and I don’t like it. Some shit’s just not adding up. You’ve been fine on this case for so damn long and now we’ve got chatter. Just watch your back.”

  “Got it. I’ll message you in the morning if everything goes as planned.”

  “I hope to hell it does,” he grumbles before hanging up.

  I rush through my shower and dress a little differently than I’d planned. I also throw together a little overnight bag. Once I’m ready to go, I double check to make sure I’ve put my agency laptop back in its hiding spot and throw my cell in my overnight bag. Hell, I have my badge in there so what does it matter if my cell is in there?

  I quickly lock the door on my way out and jump in the piece of shit Honda. WD-40.


  I’ve never really been to fights before. I’ve watched them on pay-per-view but this is completely different. I see blood and sweat flying off of hot bodies. People are screaming and chanting, it’s really intoxicating. Most of the fights don’t last that long but that one guy, Huck, his fight goes on for a little longer than most of the others. Storm quickly knocked out his opponent. It’s time for the final match up now. That asshole, Trent, and some guy from South Florida.

  Holy fuck! It’s brutal. The other guy just hit the mat and Trent is still on top of him, beating him. The officials try to stop him but they can’t. If someone doesn’t do something, he’s going to kill him. After what feels like forever, Patch runs into the cage and tackles Trent to the mat, giving the medics time to grab the other guy and take him away. Trent and Patch almost get into it until that Mike guy gets in there and yells at Trent. My seat is really close to the side of the cage so I can make out some of what Mike is saying to him and it isn’t pretty. Just as they’re about to pull him from the cage, he turns and catches my eye. He glares and mouths something to me, but I can’t make it out. Mike shoves him from behind to get out of the cage.

  A few minutes later, Storm shows up. “So did you enjoy the fights?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I actually did.”

  “Would you like to join us for dinner?”


  “Marco and the guys, he always takes us out after nights like this. Especially when we’re out of town. It’s kinda like a family tradition."

  “Oh, well are you sure you want me to go?”

  He shrugs. “Yeah, the more the merrier.”

  I smile. “Well, okay then.”

  I follow him out of the arena and meet with the guy named Marco and the twins. Storm decides to ride with me.

  Sitting in the restaurant, I decide from the start that I like Marco. I can tell he’s a father figure to these guys and if I had a guess, I’d say he’s former military. Just the way he carries himself leads me to believe that. They respect him and even love him.

  Marco turns to me. “So Zanne, the boys tell me you dance at a club.”

  I feel the red creeping up on my face. “Yes, sir.”

  He brushes my embarrassment aside. “Don’t get all red faced about it. We all have a job to do. Hell, when I was in the service, I thoroughly enjoyed going to gentlemen’s clubs.”

  I laugh and snort, “I wouldn’t call many of the men who come in there gentlemen, but it’s not too bad. The money is okay.” I can’t tell him I HATE taking my clothes off and it makes me want to vomit when I see some of the customers. That it kills the cop in me to see the shit that goes down in the club and only be able to log it in my brain for later. I can’t arrest them on the spot. If I hadn’t been working almost a year at getting into the works of things around here, I’d tell them to stick it. I can’t do that now, with all I’ve gone through and given up to submerse myself in this case.

  He chuckles like an older man would. “That’s very true.” He takes a sip of the beer he’s been nursing. “Well, how in the world did these knuckleheads talk you into coming out with them?”

  I laugh and Sly acts like he’s offended. “Come on, Marco, we’re suave.”

  I shake my head. “Mr. Storm here asked me out,” I say, pointing to Storm. “He seems harmless enough.”

  Marco seems shocked that Storm is the one who asked me out. Huck laughs, “I know, Marco, totally ba
llsy for Loxie here.”

  Storm shakes his head. “You guys act like I’m some goodie goodie.”

  I give him a small wink, knowing that boy is anything but a goodie goodie. The rest of the evening in the restaurant goes about the same with the guys giving each other a hard time and Marco ribbing them. It’s crystal clear to me now that these guys are no way involved with this case.


  Spinning her around as we go into my hotel room, I back her against the wall. “Fuck, you’re sexy as hell.”

  She smiles. “Thanks, a girl always loves to hear that. Especially when you’re trying to get into her panties.” She pushes me back and winks. “If she were wearing any, that is.” Turning, she saunters over to the bed. She kicks the boots off she’s wearing and pulling her top over her head, she grins and motions for me to come to her.

  I snicker and walk over to her. “Are we playing?”

  She nods. “Oh yeah.” Pushing me down on the bed, she straddles me, slowly removing her bra and spinning around so her back is to me. Swaying her ass, it almost hypnotizes me. I can tell she’s unzipping her pants, then she slowly slides them down. Damn. She really isn’t wearing any panties. Turning around, she’s completely exposed to me. She leans down, unbuttoning my shirt slowly and pushing it from my shoulders. Once the shirt is gone, she runs her tongue down my bicep, kissing it and nibbling. Going back up, she runs her nose up my neck. “How hard are you right now? Huh, Storm?” She nibbles my ear.

  My dick is pressing against my zipper so damn hard, it’ll probably leave a damn scar. “Fuck.” That’s all I can manage to mumble out. I’m about to embarrass my damn self with a middle school moment in my pants.

  She reaches for the waist of my pants. As her hand goes into the waistband, she grins, “I see I’m not the only one who went commando.”

  Grabbing her arms, I flip her over and settle in between her legs. Her hands shove at my pants, pushing them down my hips. Reaching over to the nightstand, I grab a condom. Fumbling, I put it on and thrust into her. I throw her legs up over my shoulders and drive into her. “Ah, ah, ah, ah! Oh god! Harder! Jeez, fuck me!” She cries out as I fuck her. I know this is only for this weekend so I’m going to enjoy every minute of it that I can. At home I have to worry about girls getting clingy and thinking I want something with them that I don’t, but Zanne laid it out simple. Just this weekend. We’re just blowing off some steam.


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