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Bet Me (Finding My Way)

Page 3

by Burnett, R. S

  “Great” I mutter to myself and help her down as she climbs over the bar with a tray of shot glasses, a bottle of tequila and then hands me two jugs of beer and stack of glasses.

  “Don’t hold back baby girl” Will calls to me over the bar. I wink at him and head over to the table where everyone stands to greet me a happy birthday.

  “What’s the plan?” Jamie asks once we’re all seated.

  “The plan is to get the Birthday girl wrecked!” Andrew shouts and everyone at the table cheers.

  “We’re going to play ‘I never’” Mel announces to the table. “Rules are simple we all have to take turns to say something we have never done, if anyone at the table has ever done it they take a shot” she explains unnecessarily while handing us all out shot glasses and then filling them. “Birthday girl goes first”

  “I have never woken up naked on a train” I announce then burst out laughing when Andrew empties his shot glass. “That is so random”.

  “I have never had sex with a man” he says smirking as all us girls throw our shots back.

  “I’ve never kissed a girl” Lucy smirks at the boys then drops her jaw as I throw my shot back.

  “Something you wanna tell us Brooke?” Andrew grins down at me.

  “I had an eventful university life” I shrug.

  “Is this something you witnessed?” he asks Tucker seriously, hoping for a good story. I glare over at Tucker but he ignores it.

  “If I remember correctly it was straight after she finished her pole dance” he chuckles when gasps of “no way” go up around out table making me roll my eyes.

  “You’ve been holding out on me Brooke?” Andrew asks looking me over.

  “You hardly know me” I wink at him.

  “Oh, I know you” He winks back

  “You couldn’t handle me at my best” I smirk at him.

  “I’ve never danced on a bar” Cam interrupts us, chuckling as I take my shot then pout at the table.

  “Come on guys, you’re killing me, I won’t be able to walk after twenty minutes of this” I complain.

  “I’ll help you out Brooke,” Jess assures me “I’ve never made a sex tape”

  Everyone watches the table, when no one takes their shot and then Andrew clears his throat and looks pointedly to my shot glass.

  I growl but then take my shot. Everyone stares at me open mouthed.

  “You have not made a sex tape!” Lucy shrieks at me making me blush.

  “Oh, she has,” Andrew grins “How do you think Dan has seen her naked?”

  “You made a sex tape with Dan” Lucy, Mel and Jess all scream at me simultaneously.

  “No I didn’t, he found it” I grimaced remembering all the weeks of torment I went through after that.

  “So, who was it with?” Lucy leans forward.

  I look around the table but avoid everyone’s eyes

  “No one, it was just me. I forgot about the camera I had set up in the spare bedroom” I snap embarrassed.

  The girls all burst out laughing and the boys swap hi fives between saying “I gotta get a copy of that”, “Fucking hell”, “that’s so hot” and “Jesus, Brooke” the last one from Tucker with a look of awe in his eyes.

  “You lot think you know me but we’ll see” I roll my eyes at them “I’ve never been caught having sex by my mother, while doing it on the washing machine, in her kitchen, on Christmas day” I say happily glancing at Mel when she takes her shot.

  “I’ve never drunk dialled three people and threatened to kill them, in the same night” She smiles at me as I take my shot.

  “I’ve never gone out in public wearing odd shoes” I say looking over to Derek.

  “What neither have I” he asks confused, I raise an eyebrow at him and point under the table. Moments later everyone is laughing and he’s taking his shot.

  “I’ve never had five men pour jugs of water over me in front of a hundred people” he smiles back at me.

  “I’ve never” I say before taking my shot “asked my best friend to marry me” I smile over at Jess who shrugs.

  “I was drunk and you’re cute” she pokes her tongue out at me making me roll my eyes. “I’ve never been approached by a police officer and asked him if he was a stripper when he asked to see my driving license” she smirks at me and Tucker snorts.

  “I’ve never had sex with someone more then ten years older than me” I finish my shot and look over to Tucker who chuckles shaking his head and takes his shot as the boys all pat him on the back saying “Dude!”.

  “I’ve never stripped in front someone whilst breaking up with them” he raises an eyebrow at me and I wince remembering Jason.

  “Okay I get the point people, next game or I’m going to be on my ass in a minute” I complain feeling the beginnings of the alcohol taking affect.

  “So because it’ your twenty third birthday we get to ask you twenty three questions, no thinking about it first answer that comes into your head” Andrew informs me.

  “Okay, hit me” I say sinking into my chair as they all start firing questions at me so fast I can’t even tell who’s asking what.

  “Ever had a one night stand?”


  “Ever been arrested?”


  “Ever been in love?”


  “One person you love?”

  “My dad”

  “Have you slept with anyone who’s in the club tonight?”


  “Ever been proposed to by a boyfriend?”


  “Have you slept with Dan?”


  “Would you ever sleep with him?”


  “How many people at this table have you kissed?”


  “How many did you kiss properly, with tongue?”


  “What’s one thing you miss about being in a relationship?”

  “Oral sex”


  “Because I like to give my boyfriend a blowjob every morning, to see that he has a good day”

  “Are you real?”


  “How do you like your men in bed?”


  “Have you always sucked at bets?”

  “Yes … no wait! I don’t suck!”

  “Apparently you do … have you always been sarcastic or is it just since you moved here?”


  “Do you have a tattoo?”


  “One thing that turns you on?”


  “What’s do you mean?”

  “Just a tongue, it can be in my mouth, on my hand, on my neck, anywhere just the feel of a tongue.

  “One thing that is guaranteed to make you come, during sex?”

  “Sucking my neck”

  “What underwear are you wearing right now?”

  “White lace thong”

  “What bra?”

  “I’m not wearing one. Have you not noticed my strapless dress?”

  “Are you still a whore?” the last question is whispered in my ear. I jump up out of my chair screaming and hug Sophie who’s just crept up behind me.

  I laugh at her question “What are you doing here?”

  “Didn’t think we’d miss your birthday did you?” she laughs as she releases me and Matt immediately pulls me into a hug.

  “I love you guys,” I sigh as I pull out two more chairs for them at our table. “You know everyone right?” I ask before pouring them both a drink to which they nod and greet everyone.

  “What have we missed?” Sophie asks settling into the group like she’s known them all years.

  “I have a few questions about some of your answers” Lucy grins at me.

  “Oh no” I groan.

  “Let’s see. The tats for one” She says still grinning at me.

  “I was wondering ab
out them, considering what you were wearing the other night there isn’t too many places other two can be” Derek points out.

  “Tats? As in plural? I thought you only had one” Sophie asks intrigued.

  “I have three” I stand and turn pulling my hair away from the back of my neck where there is a simple script reading Sine Virtus, Sine Laus across the back of my neck.

  “What does it mean?” Mel asks staring at the tattoo.

  “It’s Latin it means no courage, no glory” I reply sitting back down.

  “The other one?” Jamie asks raising an eyebrow.

  “I’m not going to be showing any of you my other one”

  “The two people at the table you have kissed?” Jess asks.

  “Andrew and Tucker” I reply when everyone looks between me and the two men.

  “The person or people in the club that you have had sex with?” Lucy asks

  “I’m not answering that” I reply

  “Okay anyone at the table?” She asks looking at Andrew and Tucker who are both watching each other.

  “Enough questions, you had more than you’re twenty three” I plead not answering the question.

  Everyone at the table heads over to the dance floor leaving me with Sophie and Matt.

  “So Tuckers here” Sophie notes.

  “Yeap and you didn’t tell me” I turn my most accusing look on her.

  “You seem to be getting on fine” she shrugs

  “It would have been nice to be prepared. You know the first time we bumped into each other, I was wearing a pair of shorts and a bikini top while dancing on the bar” I stress

  “Sorry, I didn’t want you to freak out,” she apologizes once her laughter is under control. “How is it between you two?” she asks seriously now.

  I shrug “Fine I guess”

  She sighs “Brooke, it can’t be fine, the last time you two spoke … he hurt you ... you told him you loved him … you were both so angry” she struggles to fit a sentence together.

  “We haven’t mentioned that” I explain

  “What? How can you have not talked about it?” She demands slapping her hand on the table causing everyone to look at us even the band. I turn to her.

  “We just haven’t, that’s part of my past and in case you haven’t noticed I left all that crap behind me when I left. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m a different person now and I hope he is too”

  “Bull, have you been with anyone since him?” She demands

  “I’ve had boyfriends” I defend feebly

  “Have you slept with any of them?” she pushes

  “Only one since him” I shrug “I haven’t met anyone that you know…” I trail off unable to explain it.

  “I know Brooke but two years? I know you’re a different person now and I’m so happy for you but you either have to talk to him or get over him”

  “I am over him; I have been for a long time”

  “Okay fine, so you’ve noticed how him and Mel keep staring at each other and flirting with each other. They are probably going to have sex tonight, how does that make you feel?”

  “Sick” I admit looking down at the table.

  “See, you still have feelings for him” she insists softly.

  “And we all know how well that worked out the last time. In fact, if my memory is right, half the university saw how well that worked out last time” I snap.

  “That was two years ago, feelings that last this long when you haven’t even spoken to or seen him and after what he did are strong Brooke”

  “I can’t trust him again Soph”

  “He saved your life Brooke”

  “Yeah so he could tick another box on his list” I practically growl at her.

  “That’s not the reason he did it and you know it” she says while rubbing my arm.

  “I never would have been in that position if it wasn’t for him in the first place” I tell her getting both her and Matt’s full attention

  “What do you mean?” Matt asks looking slightly sick.

  “Remember that night I came back to the dorm after Beth slapped me and I stormed out?” They both nod silently “Well I went to my mom’s house and woke them all up by banging on the door. My mom answered and I barged in there to wind him up, but she went for me so I elbowed her. and then he came after me which is what I wanted and then I just lost it and attacked him. He tried tackling me but I moved and he fell into my mom and they both fell down, I grabbed a lamp and attacked him. I attacked him Soph and I couldn’t stop, he was bleeding out and I carried on. The only reason I stopped was because Phin was there and called my name. After that I knew he would try to kill me” I take a deep breath pushing back the memories of the night and trying to hold back the tears. “The point is, that if Tucker hadn’t hurt me in the first place, I never would have gone back there again”

  “He never meant to hurt you Brooke” Sophie says softly to me.

  “No so what about humiliating me, accusing me of cheating on him, using my past against me in an argument and calling me a whore. In front of everyone we knew? Because to me that isn’t something you do to someone you care about”

  “He was hurt Brooke” Matt insists.

  I snort “Yeah, so was I” I feel a stubborn tear roll down my cheek and quickly wipe it away. I remembered the look on his face when we were arguing. The hurtful things he said to me all come back at once as it if was happening now.

  I’m not even all that surprised…

  I should have known from the beginning…

  Play the abused quiet girl …

  Making me care for you and then what, what is this? Some sort of twisted lesson you are attempting to teach me? …

  Getting me back for all the girls that I slept with and never bothered with again? ...

  Is that it …

  Do you want to know why I did it? …

  I had never been with a virgin before, you were just something to cross off a list…

  Because you’re a whore?...

  I squeeze my eyes closed and breathe through the pain of my heart breaking all over again. The tears won’t stop coming. I shake my head to try and clear it as I push the memories back.

  “He loved you Brooke” Sophie whispers adamantly.

  “No!” I shout at her, not caring who’s watching us anymore. “Two years Soph!” I practically scream at her as I push my chair back roughly and stand up. “Two fucking years, that’s how long it’s been and do you know how I got through it? By not thinking about it!”

  “Brooke, sorry, just pretend I never said anything” She says starting to stand.

  “Forget it” I shake my head “I know exactly how to end this”

  I clean myself up in the bathroom and take the time to calm down.

  I just need to take my mind off it and the pain will fade away just like always.

  Running a few ideas through in my head, I take my place behind the bar.

  “Everything okay Brooke? You look pissed and not the type you should be, considering it’s your birthday” Will asks putting a protective arm around my shoulders.

  “I’ll be fine” I assure him patting his arm.

  “What you doing behind the bar on your birthday anyway, don’t even attempt to try and work tonight” he scolds making me giggle.

  “I was thinking about providing some entertainment actually” I wink up at him.

  “Just be careful” he says as he walks back into his office leaving me stood behind the bar watching the crowd.

  I mess about behind the bar and flirt with a few customers. I smile reassuringly at the curious glances from Lucy and Jess. I completely ignore Mel not able to get the picture of her and Tucker out of my mind, and I shake my head at Sophie every time she gets up to come over to me when she’s not watching me worriedly.

  I straddle the bar and laugh while a group of drunken students slur through singing ‘happy birthday’ to me.

  “I’ll buy you a tray of shots if you can i
mpress me in less than two minutes” one of the students grins up at me.

  “Are you sure?” I ask as I jump down from the bar and pour out the six shots that make up the trays we sell.

  “Yeah, I don’t think you can do it” He says smugly.

  I smirk at him and reach my hand under the bar next to me to grab a cherry, pulling the stem out I hold it up for him to see them slip it in my mouth. Ten seconds later I pull it out with a perfect knot in it.

  “Okay you win” he stutters amazed. I laugh and shake my head at him.

  “Want me to do it again?” I ask laughing when as soon as I’ve said it he calls a group of men over to watch. I stand on the bar and grab the microphone.

  “Hey Andrew!” I call into the mic trying to spot him through the crowd. I finally spot him dancing with Jess. “Get your sexy ass over and up here, I need ya. Don’t worry Jess you’ll get him back in one piece” I laugh.

  Zack our weekend bartender pokes me in the leg and I look down to see he is holding out a handful of cherry stems to me. I take them and one at a time put them in my mouth and tie them in knots them handing them down the guys stood at my feet.

  “What are you doing?” Andrews voice full of laughter comes over the speakers as he walks across the top of the bar watching me curiously.

  “Showing these very handsome men what I can do with my tongue” I reply grinning at him. “Wanna see?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  “Always” is all he replies and watches as I repeat the process and pass him the knotted stem. “Wow no wonder you’re so good at ...” I cut him off by smacking the top of his head making him grin and the crowd laugh.

  “Anytime baby” I sing into the mic at him.

  “So what did you call me up here for?” He asks cocking his head at me.

  “Well” I start as I turn to face the crowd. “As you all know it is my birthday” The crowd cheers and says happy birthday and I curtsey to them making them laugh “Anyway I thought what better way to celebrate than with … a little … bet?” I whisper the last word into the mic and turn to Andrew.

  “I’m up for that, what were you thinking?” he asks.

  I walk over and lower my mic as I whisper in his ear. “Well as it’s my birthday and I should celebrate, I was thinking you should pick the man I’m going to celebrate with, the bet being on if he is still with me in the morning”


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