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Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01

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by D. R. Rosier

  Warlock’s Son

  Andrew Moore Novel 01

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2017. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description


  The throne room was hot, and glowed with red and orange light from the bright fires in each of the twelve fireplaces along the side walls. The thirteenth was a four-sided fireplace in the center of the room. There were sounds of pleasure around her, and of despair, as Lilith brooded on her throne. She was out of sorts, had been out of sorts, for years now.

  Ever since the fall, her and her sister Malina had contested for souls, and the size of their demesnes in hell were directly proportional to the amount of souls they had claimed. They were immortal, the only ones of their kind. Originally angels of the host, now greater demons, succubae, and rulers over the souls they’d collected since time immemorial. Though the competition between them was fierce, in truth she loved her sister very much, but she hated to lose.

  All other succubae, and most demon kind were truly the creation of pure evil, but the fallen were different, they still retained the full spectrum of emotions, and capacity for mercy, as well as horrific cruelty. They weren’t the only fallen of course, but they were the only two that had fallen to become succubae.

  For uncounted millennia, she and Malina had struggled to outdo each other, and for over that time sometimes she’d pulled ahead, and sometimes she fell behind. They were very much equal in power and cunning, but chance and chaos always played a part.

  Then, things had changed. The Moore line of warlocks were unique in the supernatural world, and solidly tied to her bitch of a sister. Since Malina had formed a pact with that family line, she’d quickly outperformed Lilith’s efforts consistently for over a thousand years now.

  The last Moore, Shawn Moore, was an even bigger success than his predecessors, not more powerful personally, but he had many very powerful allies. So powerful in fact, that for the last twenty years she hasn’t even tried to sabotage her sister’s success once.

  Most warlocks had a short shelf life, they made their deals, and burned out quickly in overambitious stupidity and arrogance. At least, most of the ones that managed to summon her for a contract the last millennia or so. The Moore line was different, they lasted for centuries usually, before eventually succumbing to madness, or falling to their inevitable rise of ambition when their arrogance grew too strong.

  More than that though, they always have a hidden heir set up, usually more than one, ready to take over the family contract with Malina.

  So, Lilith brooded. She missed the old days. She was successful, but she was still losing to her sister, and may never catch up thanks to the blasted Moore line.

  One of her servants approached the throne, holding her hand up to shield her eyes.

  With an act of will, Lilith lessened the white glow of her being, she may have been fallen, but she was still an angel. The minor succubus before her looked frightened and she rolled her eyes impatiently.

  “What is it?”

  The succubus replied in a shaky voice, “You told us to inform you if your sister’s demesne grows again.”

  Lilith screamed in frustration, and the Succubus was struck down and held beneath her anger and will. It didn’t make her feel better, on the contrary, it made her feel foolish for losing her temper. She caressed the weak demoness with her power, and soothed her with a burst of lust and pleasure. That should confuse her servant quite a bit, and keep all her other underlings guessing. The lesser succubus shook like a leaf as she stood up, both from confusion, and from the wracking orgasm she’d just experienced. Lilith watched her tremble and waited patiently for her to regain her breath and for her eyes to clear.

  Lilith asked calmly, “What other news?”

  “Nothing in Chicago related to your sister. Moore’s slut wife is pregnant again, and I believe we’ve found one of his hidden heirs, we could kill him?”

  Lilith sighed in disgust, what would be the point? Moore must have handfuls of heirs in hiding, not to mention the three sons he’s had with his harem, who are all guarded by two beings that actually had the power to kill Lilith, she wasn’t suicidal. What she really needed to do was… her mind started to spin in a different direction altogether. She smiled widely, which seemed to scare the little sex demoness in front of her. If she couldn’t beat her sister, then…

  “Are you sure?”

  The lesser succubus said, “As sure as we can be, there is no contact, but the young man looks just like his sire, and he has a single mother who came into a lot of money when she had him. The one who spied him also said he has the potential to wield the infernal.”

  Lilith’s eyes narrowed in thought, “His name?”

  “Andrew Stewart, he’s twenty-one, and is about to graduate college.”

  Lilith smiled, she couldn’t go to the mortal plane without being summoned. It would take a lot of her power, and weaken her for a short time, but she could send a few demons to the mortal plane, a few weak ones that is, if she had to. But as plans went, her idea was kind of delicious. The best part was it would drive her sister crazy.

  “Alright, pay attention, here’s what I want you to do…”

  Chapter One

  The sunlight through the bathroom window was obnoxiously bright, and my mouth tasted like a brewery gone wrong. I ran the water and grabbed my toothbrush, and then put it back down long enough to grab two aspirin, and washed them down my parched throat.

  I groaned, and looked in the mirror.

  “Idiot,” I accused.

  Then I got back to the brushing my teeth plan, so my breath wasn’t dangerous to the people around me. I wasn’t usually a big drinker, but last night my girlfriend of over two years had dumped me.

  Right after sex too.

  Didn’t that seem like a douche guy move? Seriously, she screwed my brains out, came all over my cock like we were soul mates. The vixen had always had multiples when we were together, and was amazing in bed, then she coldly dumped my ass. No nice lines, no compassion, it was me, not her. What a bitch.

  I’d loved her for a long time, and thought we were doing so well. I’d had no idea anything was wrong, totally damned clueless, in love and blinded by it, obviously. So, I came home, found a bottle of whiskey, and drank what was left, which was about two thirds of the bottle.r />
  When I asked her why, and what happened, she’d said I wasn’t ambitious enough. She’d said I was a great guy, but she had needs, and now that college was over she needed to find a man that would support the lifestyle she expected in life. It was like I’d never met the bitch before, and I couldn’t figure out who she was. Seriously, before last night I’d have said she was a sweet loving woman, the one I’d spend the rest of my life with.

  I looked back up into the mirror, and studied my hazel eyes.

  Ambitious enough? I grunted.

  When I’d asked her why she’d stayed with me for so long if I didn’t have enough ambition, she’d said I was the best fuck she’d ever had, and she didn’t want to give it up, but now her priorities had changed. College and partying was over, and now it was time to build a life.

  Well, that was good to know, at least if I was interested, my future as a sex worker was in the bag. It also explained why we’d had one more sex marathon before she dumped me.

  What the fuck?

  I spat out the toothpaste, rinsed my mouth out, and started the shower. My head felt like a broken drum, that the drummer kept hitting anyway. I slipped under the hot water, and got cleaned up. I felt a little better, but I felt dehydrated, and after throwing on some jean shorts and a t-shirt, I went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water.

  No more alcohol for me. It would be a while before I got over my ex, the one I remembered of course, not the greedy money grubbing cock whore from last night. I’d usually feel guilty for thinking something like that, I usually respected women, but she’d kind of told me that’s what she was, didn’t she? My mother had raised me by herself, and I’d been taught to respect a woman, all women. But… my ex hadn’t made it easy last night, I felt more than contemptuous of her in that moment.

  I shook my head, swallowed down the water, and refilled it.

  Then I went and sat on the couch, and closed my eyes. I was sure the aspirin would kick in soon, and I took another sip of water.

  Not ambitious enough.

  I supposed that was even a fair estimate. I’d changed my major about four times in my first two years. I didn’t have a life plan, and while I was about to graduate college with an engineering degree, I didn’t know what I’d be doing with myself. I don’t know why, but I always felt like there was something missing. Something to discover about myself, a hidden potential that would change everything. It probably sounds crazy, but every time I picked a major, or thought seriously about a career, there was something inside me that said no, there’s something else out there. This isn’t for you.

  It made no sense, maybe I was unambitious, and a little touched in the head as well. Grand destinies didn’t exist, it was foolish. But… at least I was a good fuck, right?

  I’m not usually such a bitter person either, but it was all just too fresh in my mind. Even Katia said I was a great guy, while she ripped out my heart. My stomach turned, I wasn’t sure if it was the hangover, or from feeling like I’d lost a part of myself.

  My head snapped around as someone knocked on the door. Then I covered my mouth, moving my head that fast wasn’t a good idea at all. Maybe some toast would settle things a bit? The knock repeated.

  “One second!”

  I cringed at my own voice, too loud.

  I got up and walked over to the door, and looked through the peephole. There was a gorgeous redhead there, one I’d never seen before. She looked… really good. Okay, I’m usually respectful, and not bitter, and I’m also not shallow. Yet, even while feeling like shit my cock stirred as I gazed at the sexily dressed and shaped redhead outside. It was bizarre.

  I had the urge to open the door, pull her in, and fuck her brains out. Which, was really unlike me. I wasn’t a pig. I suppressed the odd urge, and wondered just how much Katia had screwed my head up.

  I opened the door up slowly, “Can I help you?”

  My hand gripped the doorknob tightly, so tightly it hurt, but that was about all that was preventing me from committing sexual assault. What the hell was this?

  The redhead smiled, and her voice dripped of sexual overtones that made my cock harden.

  “Hi Andy, can I call you Andy? I’m Celeste.”

  I was utterly captivated, and confused. Who was this woman, what was this woman? I was so captivated in fact, that I almost didn’t notice the very large man step into the doorway. My eyes narrowed in confusion, as the man reared his arm back. When the punch came at me, my mind was frozen. Luckily, my body knew what to do.

  I fell backwards into a sideways roll, but not fast enough. The large bastard clipped my temple and I felt dizzy when I got back to my feet. I grabbed the umbrella and took up a fighting stance.

  Celeste laughed throatily, “Don’t fight us lover, I’m afraid your time is up. There’s no need to resist.”

  Time is up? I was also freaked out, despite the strangely threatening words, her voice had me so turned on and so hard, not to mention her appearance, that my cock ached in the confinement of the jean shorts. It wasn’t natural.

  The big bruiser took a step forward, and I swung the umbrella at his head, which he easily blocked, but my surprise kick to his nuts hit home. The bastard screamed, and fell to the floor as the blood drained from his face.

  He growled, “I’m going to kill you, and drag you to hell, you little shit.”

  I knew a little about martial arts, but hadn’t ever hurt anyone before, not seriously, but right now I was freaking out pretty hard, so I stomped the bastards face as hard as I could. There was a loud crunch and crack, and the guy was knocked out.

  Celeste laughed throatily again, and I took several steps back as she entered the condo.

  “You don’t want to hurt me, do you?”

  No… I really, really, really wanted to fuck her brains out, and possible worship at her feet. I was picking up her scent now, which was far more arousing and hypnotizing than her voice and appearance had been. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was a demon, a succubus.

  “I will if you don’t get the hell out.”

  I’d like to say I sounded confident, but really it sounded like I was begging her for it to be true. Hit her? I’d rather let her get my soul. Now I was sure I was insane, there was no such thing as demons.

  She laughed throatily again, then I saw a blur of blonde hair, and the light blue scrubs of a surgeon behind her.

  Celeste stiffened, and opened her mouth, but only blood came out, and a gasp, then she fell forward, a knife’s point sticking out of her chest.

  I looked up in disbelief at who’d just saved my life, by killing a… whatever she was.

  “Mom? What the hell?”

  Chapter Two

  My mother, Carolyn Stewart, was a surgeon. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and looked closer to thirty than her mid-forties. She’d raised me alone, and never really mentioned my father, who I got most of my looks from, including my brown hair, and hazel eyes. I’d never met him though, I didn’t even know his name, my mother wouldn’t talk about it.

  She was a doctor, and she’d just killed Celeste.

  I looked back down at the floor when I heard a clatter, and gasped. Celeste’s body was gone, and the knife was lying on the floor.


  She said, “Not now, go pack, we have to go, I’ll explain everything later.”

  “Pack?” my mind still going in circles. Had Celeste really been a succubus?

  She took a step toward the passed-out guy, and then picked up the knife and slit his throat.

  She glared at me, “We don’t have time for this, go pack Andrew, now!”

  Right, I turned and ran to my room, far too confused to do anything but obey my mother’s command right now. But what the hell was going on? Was this all a dream? Had that bitch Katia broken my mind? Everything seemed surreal, how could any of what just happened, be real?

  I pushed that down, I had other problems right now, like finding out what was going on, what did my mother know,
and when had she turned into a killer?

  I emptied out my backpack of school crap I didn’t need anymore, I was all but graduated, with only the ceremony remaining. I loaded it up with jeans, shorts, a bunch of t-shirts, socks, underwear, and went into the bathroom and threw in my personal hygiene stuff, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shaving cream… all that stuff.

  “Hurry up! More may come.” Mom yelled.

  More what? Demons? I giggled, and wondered if I was going crazy, I mean even if it was real, I thought I might be going around the bend. I was already feeling rather beat up from Katia’s break up and last night’s craziness. Now all this, which seemed a lot worse somehow.

  I ran back downstairs, and for some reason wasn’t surprised at all the man’s body had disappeared as well.

  “Where are we going?”

  She didn’t answer, she just gave me a mom look, and headed out the door. I followed…

  I trusted and loved my mother, but when I looked over at her I wondered who the hell she truly was. After we’d left the condo building, she’d driven us to the train station, where we’d ditched the car and taken a Metra line out to Mount Prospect. Then she’d gotten a cab and took us to a used car dealership, where she bought a new car.

  With a fake driver’s license. Who was this person? I hadn’t been able to get her to talk about it at all either. Not yet anyway. We’d gotten into the new car, which was an older Honda, and then drove to interstate ninety, and started going west. That was several hours ago.

  At least my headache was gone, and I didn’t feel like I was losing my mind anymore, I was just… confused. Really confused. Baffled even.


  She sighed impatiently, “I know you have a lot of questions. This all has to do with who your father is. Some of his enemies have found you, and well, they’re hunting you. I’ll explain it all when we get where we’re going, right now I have to concentrate on the road, and make sure we’re not being followed.”

  “My father?” I asked curiously, despite myself.

  She gave me a mom look, and twenty-one-year-old college graduate or not, I wasn’t messing with that. I put on my headphones, listened to music, and tried not to think. Either about Katia, or demons. I totally failed on both counts.


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