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Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01

Page 9

by D. R. Rosier

  Her face was flawless, fully healed, again she was confused, she couldn’t have been out for more than a few hours. Her skin was bare of any blemishes, contusions, or scrapes. It was like the fight never happened. She felt… really good, and well rested.

  She put her hands in the pack to grab a change of clothes, but then stopped. She looked back in the mirror, the semi-sheer light blue nightgown felt really good against her skin, sinfully good, and she felt beautiful in it, she hadn’t worn anything this nice in a long time.

  She hadn’t wanted to.

  She bit her lip as she considered it, she was horny right now, she hadn’t had sex since early this morning, and her host had dressed her in this. Maybe it would be an advantage to keep it on, or maybe she was fooling herself. But, it wasn’t that revealing, the material was multilayered, and hid her assets better than a pair of shorts and half shirt would, and it was undeniably sexy on her, and clung lightly to her hips, teasingly revealing partial curves underneath.

  What if he was just like the others though? Did she want to leave this on? Before she could make a decision, which was an impossible one because she didn’t know if he was her captor or savior, someone knocked on the outer door. That short circuited the decision, silk nightgown stays on, and she walked out of the bathroom and cautiously opened the door.

  He was even more handsome than she remembered, granted she’d been drugged, in pain, and fighting unconsciousness at the time. His face had a tentative smile, and she relaxed slightly as she realized he was nervous. His scent gave away his intense attraction for her, as well as a stubbornness, which was reflected in the fact that he hadn’t looked below her neckline yet. Usually men can’t resist at least a peak. She blushed, as she realized he’d already gotten a lot more than a peak if he’d dressed and washed her.

  “I’m Andrew, I was… join us for dinner? We can talk over some food?”

  “Us? Oh, and thank you for this,” she waved her hand at her own body, indicating the nightgown.

  He blushed, which she thought was cute.

  “You’re welcome, Lilith took care of that though. This way?”

  She nodded, and followed him out and down the hallway. She was also feeling a lot more confident, his blush had told her a lot about him. By his scent, he obviously wanted her badly, and he hadn’t taken advantage of her being knocked out, not even for a simple look. She smirked, and suppressed her natural inclinations. She already wanted to seduce him, he was a well-built man, and not at all like the ones she’d been forced to deal with the last ten years.

  Although, there was still a part of her that was nervous, he obviously wanted something from her, besides sex that is. Why else would he have saved her, and taken her… wherever here was. Yes, she’d enjoy sex with him, but that was because of her nature. She needed it at least once a day, preferably more, and despite that she was still choosy by nature, it had been Joseph that had forced her to accept any shifter male sent her way.

  She was done with that.

  This man, Andrew he said his name was, was the kind of man she’d normally choose on her own, but that didn’t mean she knew him, or would like him, he was just really well built to scratch her itch.

  She looked around the living room when she got to the end of the hall, and sighed as she took in the beauty of the Seattle skyline and night lights.

  “Why did you help me?” she asked curiously, and then grimaced at herself, her voice couldn’t have been smokier if she’d tried. She’d gotten used to trying to suppress her pheromones and seductive nature for years, the last thing she wanted to do was seduce a bunch of rapists. Even before Joseph had sent the worst to her the last two months, she’d never had a choice. She’d always hated it, but had done what she had to do, in order to survive.

  Just because of her nature, it didn’t truly make cat shifters sluts, because they could be very choosy about who they lavished their affections on. Or at least, that’s how it was until ten years ago, but rape hardly made them sluts, it made them victims.

  Still, Andrew made her feel… she wasn’t sure. She liked his scent though, it was filled with lust yes, but also self-control or stubbornness, concern, and guilt? Why guilt? Was it this Lilith person? Maybe he was resisting his lust because they were together, and monogamous? She shook her head, better to avoid speculation until she found a foothold in this situation.

  He hesitated for a moment, “I want to make you an offer, one that may work out well for both of us, but we should eat first.”

  She could scent his nervousness, but he didn’t reveal it in his voice or carriage.

  “Alright, what’s for dinner?”

  The walked into the kitchen and her nose told her it was steak, baked potato, asparagus in a garlic butter sauce, and fresh rolls, it made her mouth water. Her body needed more than sex, she hadn’t realized how hungry she was until that moment.

  Standing by the table was a woman she guessed to be Lilith. Lilith had an innocent attractive look to her. The woman had a human scent too, but she doubted her senses, she knew Andrew had magic of some kind, and guessed she might as well. She felt a bit off balance being in the dark, but she didn’t feel threatened.

  Lilith smiled faintly, “Hello Julia, welcome to our home. Take a seat and dig in.”

  As we ate, Andrew told her a little about himself, and asked a few questions about her.

  She learned he was establishing himself in the city, and was very new to the supernatural world. The biggest shock was that he was a warlock, but she found it hard to hold it against him. He didn’t feel evil to her, nor did his patron demoness, who seemed more like an innocent Suzy homemaker type to her. Of course, she knew Lilith was more than that, much more, but the point was that she didn’t feel threatened.

  They didn’t match any of the horror stories she’d heard about warlocks, and she knew he didn’t have a sadistic bone in his body. The same couldn’t be said for many in her own race, too many shifters she’d known were that way. Far from all of course, but enough to make the last ten years of her life a living hell.

  She’d reciprocated a bit, talked about her home and her alpha, she even explained why she was on the run, and what had been going on the last ten years.

  Finally, when dinner was finished he got to the point, what he wanted from her.

  He explained, “One of the things I owe Lilith is an heir, to take over when I’m gone, and I also need a protector. A person to protect me for however long I remain alive, and someone to lead my heir to the truth, and a choice to be my successor or not. Possibly more than one, if the first passes. I need someone who will be loyal to me and my family, a strong person who will look out for me both physically and intellectually. That person I seek will, and I resist using the word, but they will be a servant to my line, and obey my orders, or my successors, without fail or exception.”

  She bit her lip and thought about that. It appealed on a couple of levels, she’d always wanted to be valued for something outside of sex and stress relief for the people in her life. She was more than that. Serving as a loyal bodyguard and advisor to Andrew was more tempting for her than he probably understood. That kind of duty or job was like a pink elephant for cat shifters, the thought was there but no one ever expected to see it actually happen. Even before Joseph’s fucked up takeover, they’d been seen as little more than hot women to get in the sack if they could manage it. So, for this offer, she’d gladly give him her loyalty to serve in such a manner.

  It also appealed because she’d have him as a steady sexual outlet, she might not even have to sleep around anymore, especially if Lilith would be willing to tide her over on occasion if he wasn’t available. She couldn’t live without cock, but she was attracted to woman as well, and it would slightly take the edge off.

  Who knew, maybe one day it could even be more than that. Which was another pink elephant to the cat shifters, usually unless they mated another cat shifter male, love and respect wasn’t really possible. Their cross shifter species
mates saw them as little better than a trophy wife and a sexual outlet. Cruel, but true, and at least better than nothing. But… if he valued her for her intellect and ability to fight and guard him, who knows what would be possible?

  The downside of course was that she really didn’t know him. She could be signing up for who knows how many years, possibly centuries, of abuse, if he ever started to abuse that servant thing. She didn’t think he was the type, shifters were good judges of character, but people changed over time, and she didn’t know him hardly at all, just an hour or so which limited her to a first impression. How could she make that kind of commitment based on that?

  Then again, if he hadn’t saved her, she’d have been trussed up, tortured for days, and executed. Didn’t she already owe her life to him?

  He must have estimated she had enough time to think about it, since he started talking again.

  “In return for your service, you’d have access to accounts, and would be fully trusted. You’d be by my side at all times when we leave this home. I can handle myself, but you’d be watching for the threats I might miss and not see, and be acting as you saw fit. You’d also be welcome in our bed as well, but that would not be part of the deal. Neither I nor Lilith would ever order you to perform in that way, and I’ll make it part of the contract, an exception of sorts. That will always be your choice. Neither will we ever hurt you, torture you, or demean you for our amusement. I can put that in the contract as well, if it will help speed up the trust between us. I don’t want to forfeit my nice cushy afterlife, no more than you would.

  “The thing there is, when we make a pact for you to take up being a guardian for my family line, it will be swearing on our souls, so if you ever broke it, or if I did, the one who did would be forfeiting their soul. It isn’t something to be done lightly. Also, there’s the matter of payment. What do you want, and what do you think is fair, for becoming my bodyguard and servant for life?”

  She smiled, he’d anticipated her worries, and greatest objections to the idea, which meant he must have given it a lot of thought from her point of view. He’d also included sex, and made it her decision, which made her want to cry. It was ridiculous, having the free will to choose her sexual partner shouldn’t have had that much of an effect on her, except the last ten years had shown her just how precious that right was, when she’d lost it.

  She suppressed the immediate and irrational urge to suck his dick out of gratefulness, and got her thoughts back on track.

  What did she want for that, for a job that she’d have killed to have? To be useful past spreading her legs was a dream come true for her, something he’d never understand, at least not on the same visceral level. She’d willingly serve him, just for the respect he offered, but she wasn’t dumb enough to give that fact away. She tried not to give away just how much she’d love to have the job, because what she wanted for it was huge.

  “I want my pride, my sisters, to be safe, and in control of their own lives again. I suppose that means I want enough power to destroy the head alpha, and take down his sick and twisted regime. Can you give me that?”

  She bit her lip, wondering if she’d gotten too greedy, and would lose her chance, but in truth it was all she wanted. She loved her sisters, and her alpha, she wanted the old ways back, before that sick twisted bastard took the head alpha position. It wasn’t perfect, but at least they’d the right to choose, and turn away those they didn’t like.

  He exchanged glances with Lilith, who shrugged at him, and then turned back to her.

  “How about this. We’ll try, and if within the first year of our contract I give up, the contract will be void. I am planning to give you power, quite possibly enough to handle it yourself, but I can’t guarantee that either, you might need my help. We have to be very careful to word it right, so if we fail we don’t damn our souls.”

  She nodded, “Good plan. What power?”

  He cleared his throat nervously, “Umm, demon animal possession, so you’ll be a mix of vampire and shifter. We aren’t really sure what will happen, but it’s very likely you’ll survive and be a power to be reckoned with.”

  She tilted her head, “How likely?”

  He said, “Very. I don’t believe the magic would have considered you a good candidate if you couldn’t accept the power, and you’ll be strong enough to defend me, much faster, stronger, and you’ll most probably get the other pluses, like compulsion.”

  She sighed, “And drinking blood? Wait, you were already going to give me this power?”

  He smirked, “Maybe? But since you’ll be my servant you can’t leave my side, right? So the payment is still valid, not only will I give you leave to pursue it, but I’m going to help you with it. I don’t want to lose you right at the beginning.”

  She frowned, and then eventually nodded. He had a good point, she was just sore because she’d thought she’d outwitted him in the negotiation. Turns out things were a bit even, what he was offering to help her with was still huge. At the very least, it would expose his presence in the city to the other communities.

  “Alright, I’ll do it. Write it up?”

  It didn’t take long for him to write it out, and she reviewed it. It outlined things as they agreed, and made it clear his orders wouldn’t be including sex and harmful things related for his pleasure.

  “What now?”

  He smiled, and held out a hand, “The contract doesn’t mean shit, the paper I mean. The magic bonds our mutual understanding of the deal in our minds, the contract just makes sure we both understand it in the same way, make sense?”

  She nodded dubiously, and held out her hand. Then she felt magic rise around her, and her body started to tremble, her skin flushed, and her pussy flooded with liquid arousal.

  She gasped as the orgasm took her unawares, and transported her into unbelievable pleasure.

  When she came back from ecstasy, he was still holding her hand, and staring at her with his mouth open. She wondered what she’d looked like when she’d exploded like that.

  “What was that?” she asked, even though she didn’t think he’d expected it either.

  Lilith smirked, “I’m a succubus, making deals with my warlock has… certain side effects.”

  She felt hot, and was even more horny than she was earlier, as if the powerful orgasm had been merely an appetizer.

  “Andrew, take me to bed, you can have me possessed in the morning, but I want you now. Please?” she added sultrily. She was such a slut right now, for Andrew at least, she hadn’t been that blunt picking up a man since she was a teenager, but she wanted it so badly and the succubus’s magic had her on the edge.

  He just nodded, stood up, and led her to his room.

  She bit her lip as she read the desire in his eyes, as he finally gave into his desire and looked her up and down, before he stepped in close and kissed her.

  She sighed into his mouth, and aggressively melted her soft conforming body against his hard muscled one. She reached up and ran her hands over his shoulders and around the back of his neck, and into his hair as he kissed her demandingly. Her pussy clenched in need, and her sensitive hard nipples felt spoiled as they rubbed up against the soft silk between her body and his.

  He broke the kiss and stepped back, and lifted her nightgown over her head, revealing her naked body beneath.

  She bit her lip and smiled, as she enjoyed his hungry gaze as it raked up and down her body. In the meantime, she enjoyed watching him strip. His body was well defined, but not overly muscled. He obviously worked out and kept in shape despite being a magic user. She almost gasped at the sight of his cock. It wasn’t that it was overly long, it was a perfect eight inches, and she felt her mouth water in desire. It was also thick, and she knew it would fill her and stretch her out perfectly.

  She moved forward and kissed him hungrily, as her hand softly wrapped around his hardened but somehow still soft flesh, and slowly stroked him.

  She broke the kiss and looked up at him through
her eyelashes, “I want you in me, I need you in me.”

  He groaned in desire at her heated sultry words, as much because of the tone as the content.

  She lost herself to his demanding kiss, her own returning the passion as she felt his hands run down her back slowly, until he cupped her ass and squeezed lightly but firmly as he lifted her up. Her legs seemed to go around his waist of their own accord, and she ground her wet heat against his long hard cock, leaving some of her velvety liquid behind.

  He carried her over to the bed and dropped her in it, and then pulled her legs apart.

  She was at a fever pitch, and knew she’d be feeling his cock in her any second, but then he surprised her, and dove his head between her legs. She gasped and ground against his face, as his tongue dipped into her warm wet heat.

  “Fuck, Andrew!”

  She hadn’t had a man’s tongue in her in over ten years, only her fellow pride members. A man’s tongue was different, rougher, but still incredible if in a different way. She was losing her mind to the lust and pleasure, as he caressed her ass, and ate her out as if he was a starving man at a feast. She loved it, and she was also a little bit shocked he was doing it. She’d expected him to just spear her, not… oh god.

  “Andrew!” she screamed as she trembled and froze, and the pleasure coiled up in her center released and overwhelmed her senses, and wracked her body with intense bliss. She actually had tears in her eyes as she came down, it was so damned intense.

  Her whole body felt loose, and very well pleasured as he slowly kissed his way up her body. The feeling of his lips on her skin was rather decadent, and she gasped as he stopped at her breasts, and lavished attention on them for a while. She felt herself rising toward another orgasm, and all he was doing was playing with her tits. Quite well, perfectly really.

  She grabbed his hair, “Fuck me Andrew, please.”


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