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Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01

Page 14

by D. R. Rosier

  Katia got up, and rounded my desk, I wondered if she was going to slap me, but she had a conflicted look on her face, as she bent down and kissed me. Her lips were soft, and searching, as we both explored our feelings with that kiss, the possibilities. Or at least, I did. It was bittersweet, and I sighed into her mouth as she wrapped her arms around me and straddled me.

  The kiss grew in passion, and my heart was on fire, even while I was confused. I didn’t deserve her kisses, I didn’t deserve her love, could she really handle this? Could she share me, and still love me?

  Katia was so wet as she kissed him hungrily.

  She’d come in here to give him a piece of her mind, to hear from his own lips what a piece of shit cheating bastard stupid fucker that he’d become.

  Instead, she’d found her Andrew. He was the same man, power, warlock, fucking those two other woman or not, he was still the same good man she’d fallen for so long ago. She knew he wasn’t perfect, and that he was enjoying his new power, as well as the sex. But… he still loved her, she could see it in his eyes, that he would still be only hers, if it were possible. The final straw had been the doubtful look in his eyes while talking about heirs, the compassion in his eyes when thinking of women in dire straits, she knew he’d rather help them or avoid it if he could.

  He was pushed into it, and she’d melted a little inside as she saw the man she loved.

  She’d been turned on, and had circled the desk to kiss him as a test. She wanted to know if she could kiss him, without being overwhelmed by feelings of betrayal. A simple test, to see if she could be a part of his new world. She loved him, and didn’t want to close the book on this chapter of her life without even trying to see if it would work.

  She needed to know if her conflicted feelings would destroy what they had.

  Or at least, that had been her original intention.

  Now she was lost in the kiss, and the lust his well known and loved touch engendered in her. She moaned softly into his mouth, and opened up eagerly to his tongue’s request as he slid it across her lips. She gasped, and felt her core heat, coil, and moisten as she felt his hardness against her.

  She wanted him, she wanted to be consumed in the passion that was both familiar and out of control. She wanted to ride him slowly, feel his cock deep inside of her. She wanted him so badly she shivered in anticipation.

  She wanted his baby, his heir. A surge of lust went through her at the idea.

  She froze at that thought, and pulled her head back and slid out of the chair, confused, horny, wet, and horrified at herself. A victim of her own passions and love, but her self-respect, and the darkness of jealousy had brought her up short.

  “I…” she trailed off.

  She couldn’t even tell him she loved him, and she wanted his baby? What the fuck was wrong with her, he had two sluts in his bed right now, she reminded herself sharply.

  She backed away, and left a confused and very worked up Andrew behind as she made it to her chair on the other side of the desk, and collapsed into it. She couldn’t look at him right now, both because of the anger, and because of her insane need of him. It was crazy, all of it.

  She shook her head, “I’m sorry Andrew, I love you but, how can I share you?”

  He frowned, “I don’t deserve to keep you, but the only way it could possibly work is if we share them as well.”

  She smirked, “You’d like that wouldn’t you, watching us all together, fucking men are such perverts.”

  So would she, like it that is, but she wasn’t going to admit it. She’d been a little bi-curious in her first two years of college, but had dropped it when she’d met and started dating Andrew. Lilith and Julia were very attractive.

  He shrugged, “I can’t argue that point.”

  She giggled, “You mean like a group love thing, in all directions. I don’t know if I could do that.”

  He nodded, “I get that. But it’s the only way to short circuit the competition of jealousy, if you cared for them too, separate from me, like you said, love in all directions, that could work, maybe. If your just with me, the jealousy would tear you apart. The other way, the others would be support and another source of love, instead of a source of competition.”

  She said, “I get the theory, but that sort of arrangement doesn’t work for everyone, and I’m not a sharer. I want you to be all mine, or at least a part of me does. I’m, deeply conflicted. I love you Andrew, I really do, and there’s a part of me, I think, that would enjoy it, for a while at least, but ultimately it wouldn’t work. I’d age faster than the rest of you, and that little kernel of jealousy would poison things eventually.”

  He said, “The age thing wouldn’t be an issue, I can make sure you grow older with me, but for the other I don’t have an answer. I don’t even have the right to ask, but I hope you’ll consider trying it. I love you Katia.”

  She nodded, “Let me think about it, I…”

  She wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet, but she couldn’t see a solution for them to stay together either. Her negative answer seemed inevitable, she just couldn’t get it out of her mouth.

  He said, “We’re going out for a few hours this morning, please don’t leave before we get back. I’m sorry.”

  She sighed, and got up.

  “I won’t leave without saying goodbye first, promise.”

  She circled the desk again, and gave him a soft loving kiss that didn’t have any of the heat from earlier. It was filled with all the soft emotions, and in a way, she felt like she was saying goodbye with it. Tears started to fill her eyes as she broke it, and she left his study without another word, and retreated to the guest bedroom. She was so tired of crying.

  She had no choice, she knew what she had to do, but it was too hard to do it…

  Chapter Nineteen

  Joseph wasn’t happy when he woke up and went to work the next morning. Carmine still hadn’t gotten back to him, and he felt his sense of control over things weaken the longer this went on. All the shifters in his packs would be watching and waiting, they knew the slut had run for the city, and that somehow, she’d gotten away, had evaded his reach, and was still alive.

  It wasn’t acceptable. It had to be dealt with, and soon.

  About the only good thing was they’d found the lost hikers late yesterday, damned college kids without a lick of sense, or a GPS receiver among them. Not that he gave a shit the humans had been saved, but it was something that he’d been able to control.

  The problem was he knew they were screwed, whoever was helping her, a warlock or not, must’ve had very strong wards against scrying and detection. Unless, Carmine was just fucking with him, but he didn’t think the wolf alpha had the balls to cross him. He was also sure the wolves had lost a team of four enforcers, which supported Carmine’s story.

  Still, he wouldn’t put it past the bastard to kill his own people in some kind of plot to take power. Carmine was a weasel, but he was also a sadistic ambitious bastard. He’d kill him if he found any proof that he was a traitor.

  He needed stress relief again, and not a hunt. Maybe he’d go visit the sluts for his lunch break…

  Carlos Antoine, head councilor of the council of mages, frowned at the update in his hands. There was no longer a question about it, there was a new warlock in town.

  He had a few of the security mages look into the reports the mage outside of Seattle had sent in, and it seemed to be valid. He looked around the room, there were only a few others here besides the nine councilors. Today was a slow day, or at least this early in the morning it was.

  The room was set up with a long wooden and curved table upon a dais, for the nine councilors to sit behind, and there was a decent amount of seating facing them for mages with requests for the community.

  He cleared his throat, “We have confirmation of a new warlock in town. Right now, he seems to be embroiled in an internal shifter conflict. He’s also behind wards and we haven’t been able to locate him, or at least the shifter he is
hiding from the head alpha is behind wards. Any suggestions on how to proceed with this issue?”

  He wasn’t too worried, warlocks were all alike, and the new one would make a mistake. Chances were, the shifters would take him out before he could become a nuisance to any of the mages and their businesses in Seattle. Of course, he was a water mage, which tended to inform his views quite a bit. He didn’t stress things all that much.

  That attitude was why they weren’t constant embroiled in wars, he was more than happy to let Arthur claim the city for vampires, and Joseph the surrounding area. The mages just stayed out of their way, and flourished by doing so.

  He also knew warlocks were a hot button issue for some, and he wasn’t surprised at all that it was Edith Graves who spoke up first. She was a fire mage, and her personality very much matched her element. Mages were like that.

  Edith said, “We need to put an investigator on it, find the warlock before he can become a problem, at the very least to keep an eye on him. Maybe even work with the shifters on it so he’s taken out quickly.”

  He frowned, the problem would take care of itself if they just left it alone, if not the shifters, the vampires would probably take him out. Still, he was head councilor, not a dictator.

  “I suggest we wait it out, let the shifters take care of it. Until the warlock impugns on our interests, we should leave him be. The shifters, or maybe the vampires, will take care of it. Anyone else want to comment before we vote?”

  Sara Cariole said, “I’m going to agree with Edith on this one. We shouldn’t go after him until he does something to us, but given what he’s doing already, it wouldn’t hurt to at least find him, and clue in the shifters to take care of it. We should avoid attacking him directly though, for now.”

  He nodded, not all that surprised the earth mage took that position. Still, it seemed like a waste of resources.

  “Vote, everyone for finding the warlock and colluding with the shifters?”

  Edith snapped, “Working with. Collusion gives an unsavory ring to it.”

  He shrugged, she was right, and it was how he felt. He didn’t approve of Joseph, last thing he wanted to do was work with him when he didn’t have to.

  “Fine, everyone for finding the warlock, and working with our good shifter friends?”

  Edith glared at him for his sarcasm, but let it pass.

  He looked around and sighed, five of the other eight councilors agreed to move forward. He decided to send their newest and rawest investigator. Mage investigators were the highest ranked mages outside the council, and powerful, but Samantha was… interesting to say the least. An air mage who was a bit too flighty for his tastes, but was so powerful no one wanted to argue with her.

  If they did, she might figure out she was strong enough to challenge over half the council for one of their positions, and the woman was just twenty-five years old.

  “Very well, we’ll assign Samantha Antonin to the case, and give her ten security mages to help her discover his location. Next order of business?”

  Arthur Sayville smirked at his mate Helen, and then turned back to Jason, his head of security.

  They were in the coven building, and secure in the privacy of his own quarters in the bottom sub-level. The room was warmly lit, and he was relaxed on the couch with his two most trusted vampires, his own turns.

  “A warlock, are you sure?”

  Jason replied, “Yes sire. It’s reported he’s hiding a shifter from the head alpha, who wants her dead over some kind of embarrassment.”

  Arthur shook his head, and didn’t understand the way the shifters lived. Authority came from the oldest, wisest, and most powerful in the vampire world. It was an orderly existence. Not… chaotic, and filled with challengers killing their elders to take over.

  Helen said, “Should we do anything about it?”

  Arthur laughed, “Why would we? Except maybe to give our thanks? Any thorn in the shifters’ sides should be left to fester, not excised by us.”

  Jason said, “Agreed sire, but shouldn’t we at least find him and keep an eye on him. What if he interferes with one of our business concerns?”

  Arthur doubted that would come up. They ran a few clubs and bars across Seattle, it was the best way to get blood after all. Dark rooms, loud music, and drunk clueless humans, it wasn’t even a challenge to feed right before the rest of the herd in those conditions. They also had a great number of investments, but he didn’t think a warlock would be interested in the former, or could possibly effect the latter. Still… Information and caution couldn’t hurt.

  “Alright, if you can find him, do so, and keep an eye on his activities, but otherwise leave him alone to embroil the shifters in problems. Things may change in the future, but right now he’s our unwitting ally against the animals. Who knows what kind of damage he’ll do to them before he meets his end. Also, if he takes an interest in what’s ours, warn him off first. Only if he persists, will we destroy him.”

  Jason said, “Understood sire, I’ll get my people on it.”

  He thought this might even be entertaining, and although it was wishful thinking, he hoped the warlock would take out that bastard Bennington…

  Julia came awake slowly, and pouted. His scent was all around her, but Andrew wasn’t with them anymore. She sighed softly, and enjoyed the feeling of Lilith’s embrace, and the feeling of Lilith’s breasts against her back, and the heat of her core against her ass. Lilith was a beautiful sexy woman, or at least, she thought so.

  Lilith’s arm was over her waist and resting on her stomach, and the succubus’s forearm was teasing the bottom of her breasts in a pleasant way that sent tingles straight to her pussy. She wanted Andrew inside her already, missed him, wanted to feel him stretch her out and pleasure her, but she was also curious about Lilith, the woman that she’d be sharing Andrew with for centuries. This seemed like a very good opportunity for the girls to play, so to speak.

  She gasped, and arched her back when Lilith’s hand reached up, and pinched her right nipple.

  Lilith whispered in a voice somehow both innocent and sultry at the same time, “I’ve been wondering myself Julia.”

  She tilted her neck for better access, as the demon seductress started to kiss the side of her neck, and she gasped and felt her pussy tighten as Lilith pinched and pulled on her left nipple. Not too hard, but very firmly, the perfect amount of pressure for her enjoyment. The mix of pain and pleasure shot down to her core like lightning, and she scented her own liquid arousal building quickly.

  She rolled in place, to face the other direction, and claimed a demanding kiss that got her heart racing. So soft, she loved the firm kisses and touch of a man, and she needed cock, but there was something intoxicating about the soft gentle kiss and touch of a woman that excited her. She’d missed her sisters for this, but Lilith could be her new sister, in their own pack of sorts, with Andrew as their master.

  She slowly explored Lilith’s body with her hands, as they continued to kiss in gentle exploration, learning the succubus’s hot spots, and enjoying it immensely as Lilith explored her own. She indulged herself in the slow build up of euphoria as she moved inevitably toward ecstasy.

  “You are so beautiful,” Lilith breathed into her ear as she kissed her neck and nibbled her earlobe.

  She gasped as the demoness found her sex with a soft touch of her fingertips, and she returned the favor. Blissful pleasure, and a hedonistic indulgence radiated out from her center in waves, filling her mind and body with a euphoria that was quite intense. Lilith played her body perfectly, like a lute, and she lost track of what her own hand was supposed to be doing as she rose higher and higher.

  Lilith said, “You’re so wet, and hot for me.”

  She gasped and thrust against Lilith’s hand as she slid two fingers past her labia, and curled them to brush and tap her g-spot.

  Lilith said seductively, “Julia… cum for me, I want to feel you squeeze my little fingers and bathe them in your ecstasy.”r />
  She gasped and keened in pleasure as her whole body exploded in ecstasy, as Lilith pushed down firmly on her clit, shoved a finger in her ass, and bit one of her nipples hard. She’d already been on the edge, and those three sensations, both dirty pleasure and delicious pain, didn’t just throw her over the edge, the shock of it rocketed her over the edge. She rode the blissful waves of pleasure and felt herself tighten around and soak Lilith’s fingers.

  The rapturous moment of euphoria seemed to last forever.

  She was breathing hard, and her heart was racing as she came down from her height. She kissed Lilith breathlessly, and then whispered, “My turn,” and started to kiss her way down the succubus’s hot body, she wanted to taste her, tease her, and finally please her…

  Chapter Twenty

  I’d been lost in my own world, studying hard and trying not to think about Katia. That kiss… she’d already all but said goodbye to me, she just hadn’t said the words yet. Regardless, I was shocked when I felt the ladies moving around with my detect magic, and looked at the time to see it was already past nine. I’d been so focused on learning new spells, and making sure I could make basic wards, that I’d lost track of the time.

  I got up from the chair, stretched, and then grabbed the folder I’d prepared for this morning. It had the wards in it I thought I could handle, and blank paper to draw up a treaty if Gina was amenable and we could find common ground.

  I headed toward the bedroom, and slipped inside, only to freeze. The ladies were in a sixty-nine, with Julia on top, and I closed the door and stared for a while. They were mesmerizingly beautiful and sexy, and the sounds of their pleasure from their mouths went straight to my cock. I started to undress.

  Julia said, “Don’t just stand there, stick that cock in me.”

  I walked toward the bed and crawled behind Julia, Lilith looked up at me from between her legs and winked, and pulled her finger out of Julia’s tight sexy ass, and lifted an eyebrow. Evil woman, and more tempting than I’d expected. Julia’s bubbled ass was a work of art, so sexy, and her tight little brown ring was slightly gaping. Plus, Lilith already had her mouth on the other hole, so it seemed quite reasonable to me. The taboo of it was exciting, and I couldn’t imagine anything hotter than pounding that sexy ass while they ate each other out in a sixty-nine. My cock was so hard it hurt.


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