Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1) Page 10

by Nicole Dykes

  I pull my shoes off and toss them to the floor. I slip my t-shirt off and then shed my jeans too until I’m wearing just my boxer briefs. I flip through the channels and settle on a marathon of Flipping Vegas. For some reason, since I’ve started working with King Construction, I actually enjoy these kinds of shows.

  I watch a few episodes until I hear a light knock on my door. Jade. I welcome her in and ask if she got Casey home okay.

  “Yeah. She was pretty wasted,” she answers.

  “I noticed.”

  Jade crosses the room and takes a seat on my bed. “So you mean to tell me you didn’t like it when she was flirting with you?” I cock my eyebrows at her. “When she was brushing up against you and sticking her ass out for you?”

  “Jade…” I come to her and sit beside her. “I’m not interested in Casey.”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful.” I counter.

  “This is crazy,” she laughs. “I got jealous of my own best friend. I know she didn’t mean anything by it. She didn’t even know what she was doing. She was just being herself.”

  I lean over and turn Jade’s face towards mine. I dip my head and pull her into a kiss. The heat that’s always there begins to rage and consume us. My skin heats and my cock surges to life.

  I reach for Jade’s shirt and pull it over her head. When I see that she’s braless, she gives me a sheepish grin.

  “Let’s get you out of these too.” I whisper and unbutton her jeans. I stand up and divulge her of her shoes and pants. Jade lies back on the bed, letting me view her in only her red lace thong.

  I trail kisses down her stomach and nip the edge of the thong with my teeth. I look up at her and she watches me as I tug it down with my teeth. I walk my fingers back up her legs and thighs.

  “Open your legs for me, Jade.” I encourage her. I can feel her trembling with need as she drops her legs open. “So pretty and wet for me.”

  I push my underwear to the floor and crawl onto the bed with her. I brace myself on one elbow and then reach my free hand down between her legs. I drag my fingers up her slit and then dip one inside. Jade lets out a gasp.

  As I ease a second finger in, I ask, “Are you going to come, Jade?”

  I stroke her clit with my thumb and she licks her lips. Her hands grip my wrist and she nods. She bites her bottom lip and moans as she comes.

  I withdraw my fingers from her warmth and rest on my elbows above her. “Do you really think I want someone else when I have you?”

  She opens her eyes and stares up at me. “What about…what about the woman in Dallas?”

  I look down at Jade’s lips and back up at the eyes that I’ve thought about since I met her. When Amelia has crept into my mind, Jade’s been there too. Lately, it’s only been Jade.

  “What woman in Dallas?” I ask with a smirk. I position my cock at Jade’s entrance and glide forward, sheathing myself in her warmth. “Is this okay?” I ask, knowing that I’m not wearing protection.

  “Yes.” she whispers. “Everything is perfect.”

  Chapter 25


  I roll onto my side and open my eyes, already knowing the sight that will be before me. Madden. His eyes are still closed and his breathing is steady. I look over at the clock and see it’s almost five in the morning. Why I woke up already I have no idea. His alarm will go off soon.

  I’m not sure what is going on with us, but it’s been nice. I know I probably shouldn’t trust him as much as I do, but there is a familiarity with Madden I’ve never shared with anyone else before. I felt it from day one.

  It feels like so long ago, but it’s barely been a month. Last night when he slipped inside of me with no condom, I didn’t panic. It just felt right. I’ve been on the pill since I was fourteen years old, when my stepfather insisted my mother ‘get that slut on birth control’, so I wasn’t worried about getting pregnant.

  I trust him.

  This isn’t permanent though, my brain screams at me. My damn brain has been attacking me lately every time my heart starts to make me think it could work out.

  I look at the alarm clock that sits next to the television. One minute. I lean up so I can whisper in Madden’s ear, “Madden, your alarm is about to go off.” He grins in his sleep, only stirring a little and mumbles something I can’t make out. So, I place my hand on his bare chest and shake, slightly, “It’s time to wake up.”

  His eyes slowly open and he pulls me closer to him with the arm that is still wrapped around me from last night. “Mornin’.”

  His voice comes out in a low, sexy Texas drawl that drives me wild. “Good mornin’. Your alarm is about to make a really obnoxious noise.”

  He chuckles at that and groans, kissing me on the temple before standing up and walking across the room to turn it off. I stare at his naked body as he walks back over to me. I’m so glad he sleeps naked. That’s a sight I never get sick of seeing.

  He sits on the edge of the bed, “Jade, can I ask you something?”

  I sit up, pulling the sheets up with my body, “Anything.”

  He turns around to face me, looking almost vulnerable, “My brother, Keegan called me. There is a fitting for my tux this Saturday and he wanted me to come.” My heart pounds. Will Amelia be there? He continues, “I’m actually thinking about going. Maybe staying a night in Dallas. I was hoping you would come with me.”

  I don’t think I can hide the shock on my face. He wants me to go with him to Dallas? Possibly meet his family.

  He must see the wheels in my brain turning. He’s great at reading me. “You’re my friend, Jade. It’s going to be hard to see them all again. I’d love to have you there for support.”

  I nod my head. It may not be the exact explanation I wanted, especially after last night, but he’s saying he needs me. “Of course. So, we’ll go Saturday?”

  He nods his head, “Do you have to work?”

  “I can ask Marlene to cover for me. She could probably use the hours. I’ll just have to be back by three on Sunday.”

  He grins and leans across the bed to give me a quick peck on the lips, “I’ll have you back by then for sure. Thank you, Jade.”

  I love the way he says my name in his deep baritone voice. “Are you nervous?”

  He laughs, “Are you kidding?” I’m expecting him to say ‘hell no’ or something confident, but he says, “I’m petrified. My family is certifiably insane. I can’t believe I’m going to subject you to them.”

  I laugh nervously at his extremely honest answer, “Well they can’t be as bad as my family.”

  His eyebrows raise, “Don’t bet on it. Remember I stole a shitload of money from my father.”

  Well, that’s a scary thought. I wonder how he’s going to react to seeing Amelia and his brother together. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be hurt by his jealousy. I know, I know he’s just passing through here. Nothing with us is permanent, but in this moment it feels like he is mine.

  He stands up, “I have to get ready for work. Caleb’s already pissed off as it is. I’m not going to give him a legitimate reason to be angry at me.”

  He goes into the bathroom and I lay back on the bed and groan. Shit. I forgot all about the Casey and Caleb drama. I love Casey to death. I like Caleb too, when he’s not being an asshole, but these two together is nothing but drama.

  They grew up together and first started dating in junior high. Since then they have broken up eight times. Yes, eight. They love each other, but they both have issues to overcome. This time may not be able to be fixed though.

  This time a line was crossed that I don’t think Casey will be able to get over, even if what Caleb says is true. Of course, the way they’re always on again, off again, I wouldn’t put it past them to be back together in a few weeks.

  Madden comes out, shortly after. He’s dressed and ready for work and I start to climb out of the bed. He stops me, “You can sleep in, hang out here until your shift starts. Only get three
channels though.”

  I smile mischievously, “You trust me here?”

  He laughs as he slips his work boots on, “Yes, Jade. I trust you.”

  I trust you too. I know I should probably pull back. I shouldn’t go to Dallas and try to hang onto a little bit of dignity, but I’m too damn stubborn for that. What if I end up hurt just like I did with Brady though? What if it’s even worse this time? I try to shake those thoughts and say, “I’m kind of excited to go to Dallas. I haven’t been for a while.”

  He finishes tying his boots, “We’ll get a suite in a nice hotel and I’ll make it a damn good trip for you. Room service and sheets with over a hundred-thread count. It’ll be great. I promise, okay?”

  A suite? “You don’t have to do that.”

  He gets up and walks around to my side of the bed. His face turns serious, “I want to. I think you deserve to be pampered a little.”

  I laugh, “Yeah, I don’t think I’m a pampered type.”

  He chuckles at that and kisses my forehead, “You’re definitely the badass type, but I think occasionally it’s okay to let yourself be spoiled. You deserve the good part of life.”

  I swallow hard. I know he’s talking about my past and all of the horrible details that he now knows. As much as I wish he didn’t know about that broken girl inside of me, I’m also kind of relieved. It’s hard to keep everything hidden all of the time.

  I do wonder if his family is as crazy as he made them out to be. What if they aren’t as understanding as Madden.

  What if they hate me?

  Chapter 26


  I’ve noticed that time flies when you’re having fun. Apparently, it also flies when you’re dreading something too. That’s how my week was because it’s Saturday now.

  I knock on Jade’s door, but don’t get an answer. I turn the knob and it’s unlocked so I go inside and call her name. I can hear noises coming from her bedroom. I swallow and feel a little uneasy.

  Is this one of those moments where I walk in and find her and Brady screwing?

  “Jade?” I call out again and push the door open to her room. The sight in front

  of me makes me chuckle. “What’s going on?”

  Jade is walking around her room in a pair of matching turquoise bra and panties and her cowboy boots. Clothes are strewn everywhere. The bed. The floor. The doorknob.

  “I can’t find anything to wear.” she complains. “I can’t…I can’t do this!”


  “I mean, look at you! You’re wearing slacks again.”

  I look down at my attire, black slacks and a slate gray button-up that’s been crisply ironed and neatly rolled up to my elbows. Exactly what my family would expect me to be wearing. No jeans. No t-shirt.

  “Anything you wear will be fine.” I assure her and pick up a light blue sundress from the bed. “This will be perfect. It’ll bring out your eyes.” I approach her and help her put it on. “See. You look great.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in for a kiss. Her tense body slowly relaxes against me. I know I’m asking a lot of her. Exposing her to my family. Subjecting her to an awkward night with Keegan and Amelia. She’s doing all of this and we’re not even together.

  “I won’t leave your side. I promise.” I tell her and she nods.

  Once we’re on the road, I decide I should fill her in on some details about my family. Hopefully, it’ll make her feel a little more comfortable when she meets them if she knows what to expect.

  “I’m the youngest of three, being twenty-four. Keegan is twenty-seven and Landon is twenty-nine. No sisters. Stanton, my father, only wanted sons and he lucked out with three of them. Keegan and I look like my father, dark hair and eyes, but Landon took after my mom, blonde hair and green eyes. My mom, Elizabeth, is your typical trophy wife. She does whatever my father tells her to do.”

  I look over at Jade and she is completely engrossed in my words. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m making her more nervous or because she’s truly interested in hearing about my family.

  “My father will probably be on his best behavior since you’re there. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for. He’s pretty pissed about the money. I didn’t really take that much, but he can’t stand not being in control.”

  “So he feels like he can’t control you right now?” she asks.

  “Exactly. I was supposed to start my position at Steele Industries right out of college.” I explain. “Only now I’m working a construction job in Hollis and he has no idea where I’m at. Keegan and Landon are both doing what they were supposed to do, but I’m not and he hates that.”

  Jade nods as if she understands and I feel like she does. She may not have grown up with money like I did, but I think she knows what it means to want independence.

  “We’re here.” I announce and see Jade take a deep breath. The busy Dallas street is normal for a Saturday afternoon in early August.

  I open Jade’s door and take her hand, leading her to Teddy’s Tuxedoes. I push the door open and the chatter ceases. My father and brothers all look at me in surprise before their gazes shift to Jade and where our hands are joined.

  “You made it.” Keegan says. He approaches me and folds me into a hug. I slip my free arm around his back and notice my father’s stern glare.

  “Yeah. Of course, I did.” I answer. Landon comes in next and I give him a quick hug too.

  “Who’s the blonde?” he grins and breaks the ice in only a way Landon can.

  “This is Jade Bowen.” I inform them, not bothering with specific introductions. “Jade, these are my brothers, Keegan and Landon, and my father, Stanton.”

  Jade shakes hands with both Keegan and Landon, but my father keeps his distance, eyeing us both curiously. His cold, gray eyes linger on Jade a moment before focusing on me.

  “Glad you could make it, son.” he says, stiffly.

  I feel myself squeeze Jade’s hand and she gives me a soft squeeze back in return. The tension in the air is so thick it could be cut with a knife.

  “Are we ready to get started?” I ask, anxious to be finished so I can go check into a hotel.

  Landon nudges my arm. “We’re waiting on…”

  “Amelia!” Keegan says. “There are you, babe. Did you tell the man what you wanted?”

  Amelia steps in with the clerk and Keegan slips his arm around her waist. She nods and leans up to let Keegan press a kiss to her lips. I shift on my feet and look down at the floor.

  “Oh, he did make it!” Amelia says and I feel her body against mine, her arms around my neck. “Thank you,” she whispers against my ear, her lips brushing my ear lobe.

  “You’re welcome.” I whisper back and then clear my throat. “Amelia, this is Jade. Jade, this is Amelia Kensington, my brother’s fiancé.”

  “I’m so glad to see Madden with someone!” Amelia exclaims. “She’s gorgeous, Madden.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amelia.” Jade says, quietly.

  “Are you bringing her to the wedding?” Amelia asks, looking up at me with her big doe eyes.

  “I plan to.” I answer and glance at Jade.

  “Do you have a dress yet?” Amelia turns her focus back to Jade, who is still looking up at me.

  “We’re going shopping this afternoon.” I state, trying to read Jade’s expression.

  “She can come with me!” Amelia exclaims. “You don’t want to sit around here while these men get fitted for tuxes, do you?”

  I glare at Amelia, but I know she’s just trying to be friendly. Truthfully, Amelia doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She wants to make Jade feel welcome and she wants me to patch things up with my family. She thinks the only way I can do that is if I talk with them.

  “I think that’s an excellent idea, Amelia.” my father chimes in. “Just bring her to dinner with you tonight. Six p.m.”

  “No.” I protest. “We’re not able to stay for dinner.”

, son. Your mother has already made arrangements,” my father states with a finality I don’t argue with.

  I pull Jade a few feet to the side. “We don’t have to stay and you don’t have to go with her. We can just go back.”

  “Room service and high thread count sheets,” she reminds me with a grin.

  A few minutes later, I watch Jade leave with Amelia and despite her protests, my credit card. I prepare myself to be alone with my father and brothers. We’re taken to a back room where our measurements our taken.

  “Where’d you meet Jade?” Keegan asks.

  “Around.” I answer, vaguely, not falling for his attempt to get me to tell him where I’ve been.

  “She seems nice.” he comments and my father snorts.

  “She seems like a fucking gold digger.” my father snips. “By the way, did you bring my money?”

  “No, sir.”

  “I’m disappointed in you, Madden. It’s time you stopped playing this ridiculous game of yours. You have responsibilities,” he practically growls.

  I clench my jaw and let the seamstress continue to do her job. “I’ll bring the money when I come back for the wedding.”

  “And when do you plan to assume your job with the company?” he persists.

  “I don’t.” I can see that my answer isn’t what he or my brothers expected. Keegan looks torn, even heartbroken, while Landon looks like he’s fighting the urge to smile.

  We spend the rest of the time in silence. I don’t think anyone really knows what to say or how to act. I’m rebelling against my birthright. I’m telling my father to take his company and his money and shove it up his ass. He’s definitely not happy with me.

  As I pull up to my family’s estate, I know the night will only get worse. At least, I’ll be finishing it off inside Jade on expensive sheets with room service to greet us in the morning. That’ll make this trip worth it.

  I walk into the large mansion and I can already smell dinner. Carmella rushes around the corner and immediately scolds me for staying away for so long. Carmella has been our housekeeper since I was four years old.


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