Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1) Page 11

by Nicole Dykes

“I brought a friend. I hope it’s not too much trouble to set another place at the table.” I inform her.

  “Of course, it’s not!” she laughs. “You’re mother really out did herself with this menu.” she brags. “Salmon and shrimp scampi.”

  “Sounds delicious.” I smile, knowing my mother didn’t lift a finger to actually cook any of it.

  I’m still talking to Carmella when Amelia and Jade walk in laughing. Amelia’s arms are full of bags while Jade carries just one bag.

  “I love this girl, Madden!” Amelia smiles. I approach the two of them and give Jade a light kiss on the lips. “Don’t show him the dress until the day of the wedding.” Amelia warns and heads off to put her bags up.

  “You okay?” I ask and she nods.

  “She’s really nice.” she says and leans up to give me another kiss. I put my hands on her hips and let the kiss deepen, enjoying the feel of her fingertips on my arms. Her grip tightens when I slip my tongue into her mouth and let it dance with hers.

  “Excuse me.” my mother’s voice cuts through the moment. “I didn’t realize you brought a guest. I’ll have to change my entire seating arrangements.”

  “I’ve already informed Carmella, mom. It’s fine.” I tell her as I turn to face her. “This is Jade.”

  Jade steps forward with her hand extended. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Steele.”

  My mother looks down at Jade’s outstretched hand with disdain before turning and walking away, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. I put my hands on Jade’s shoulders and apologize for my mom’s behavior.

  “Told you my family was awful.”

  “Just a couple hours for dinner. We can make it through this.” she says, positively, but I don’t know who she’s trying to convince.

  I lead Jade into the dining room and hear a small gasp escape from her mouth. Her eyes are wide as she stares up at the crystal chandelier hanging above the dining table. They wander over the mahogany wood table at the fine china plates and real silver serving dishes.

  I give her a light nudge toward the empty seats beside Keegan and Amelia. I can tell by the look on her face when she sits down that she’s stumped by the amount of silverware in front of her.

  I lean over and whisper in her ear, “You’ll use that one first.”

  Her face heats a deep shade of red so I grip her hand under the table, giving her the assurance that I’m right here with her as Carmella begins serving.

  “Jade Bowen, is that correct?” my father asks.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What do you do for a living?” he continues. “Do you have a career?”

  Jade swallows and then answers. “I currently work at a bar, but I’m saving my money so I can go to college.”

  “You haven’t attended college yet? How old are you?” he persists.

  “I’m twenty-one. I’ve almost saved enough so I plan to start next year.” Jade answers, confidently. “Madden tells me you own Steele Industries. You specialize in the production of oil?”

  “I’m certain what my company does would be way over your head, Jade.”

  “That’s enough.” I cut in. Silence falls over the table as I give my father an icy stare. His gaze matches mine and I realize in that moment that I hate how much I look like him.

  “Elizabeth, the bridesmaid dresses have turned out to be beautiful.” Amelia changes the subject and shifts the conversation to wedding talk.

  Jade and I manage to make it through the dinner without any more questions or badgering. I know she’s just as relieved as I am.

  “I suppose we’ll be back in a couple of weeks.” I inform them and stand from the table. “Let Carmella know dinner was great.”

  “Madden, where you are going?” my mother asks, feigning disapproval that I’m leaving so quickly.

  “Jade and I are staying at a hotel tonight and leaving in the morning. I made no promises that I was coming back to Dallas.” I explain, firmly.

  “You can’t stay at a hotel, Madden!” mom says, worry clear in her voice. “The Bells have already seen you here. If you stay at a hotel they’ll think we didn’t welcome you home. There’s plenty of room for you and…your friend to stay here tonight.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You’re upsetting your mother, son.” my father clips. “Look at the damage you are causing.”

  I look from him to my mother, who is now wiping her eyes with a napkin as though I’ve upset her enough to cause her to cry. I look down at Jade who looks up at me with a pleading look.

  “Madden, please.” my mother says in a distressed voice.

  Although I know it’s all a show, I feel my resolve slipping. “Fine.” I grumble. “We’ll be in my room.”

  “Oh, goodness!” my mother exclaims.

  “We can’t have the two of you sleeping in the same room. It’s a scandal, son. Your friend can sleep in the guest room.” my father states.

  I open my mouth to protest, but Carmella comes in and leads Jade upstairs. I look to Keegan and Landon and both are shaking their heads. Amelia looks at me with a frown.

  I never should’ve come back.

  Chapter 27


  I slip out of my clothes and climb into the large, marble shower in the guest room. The guest room that is literally larger than my house. I stand under the spraying showerhead that is so powerful I swear my skin is going to come off.

  I turn down the water pressure a little as I use the fancy mint scented shampoo to wash my hair. Today was draining to say the least. Madden’s family is exactly how he described them, but I don’t think anything could prepare me for the reality of meeting them in person.

  His brothers seem nice enough, but his parents are really something else. I can tell neither one of them trust, nor like me. Normally I would say fuck them and move on, but for some reason I can’t put my finger on, it stings.

  The biggest surprise today was how much I liked Amelia. The woman I can’t help but be extremely jealous of. Every fiber in my being says I should dislike her. Madden’s in love with her. Not to mention she’s absolutely gorgeous and it’s obvious she comes from the same background as Madden. She’s the total opposite of me, she has a class to her that I will never have. I like her though. I can’t hate her no matter how much I want to.

  When we went dress shopping, she gushed about her fiancé, Madden’s brother and how excited she was to be marrying her best friend. It made me feel a little sorry for Madden while at the same time happy that her feelings for him are strictly platonic.

  She helped me find a drop dead gorgeous dress for her wedding and I didn’t feel like she was ever judging me. She made me feel like I was on the same level as her.

  I hop out of the shower and dry off, dressing in my usual nightly attire of a plain t-shirt and panties. Unless I stay the night with Madden, then my nights are spent sans clothing.

  Madden. I have no idea where his room is in this massive house. When Carmela, his housekeeper, showed me to the guest room we passed so many doors I lost count. Not that it matters anyway, it was very clear his mother does not want me near her son in her home. Or anywhere else.

  I go over to the large bed, complete with a fluffy cream colored comforter and matching pillows. So many pillows. I fold the covers back and feel the sheets with my hands. If I had to guess they are well over a hundred-thread count. I turn off the light switch by the door and make my way, slowly back over the bed.

  The room is dark, but I make it and climb into the large bed. I close my eyes, trying to will my mind to let me drift off to sleep. I freeze when I hear the subtle sound of my door creeping open.

  My body instantly relaxes when I feel familiar strong arms wrap around me as Madden climbs into the bed with me. “It’s just me.” He whispers in my ear.

  I keep my voice low, “Oh damn, I thought it was Landon.”

  He chuckles at my obvious joke, “Very funny.”

  I turn so I’m facing him, but can barely mak
e out his handsome face in the dark, “What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m not leaving you alone all night in this place.”

  I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face, but I say, “Your mother will lose it if she finds you in here.”

  He laughs. Actually, laughs at me. I’m completely serious. “My mother won’t be up before noon. Trust me on this one, we will be up long before she will. Did you see her eat dinner?”

  I shake my head, “No, actually it didn’t seem like she was eating.” I remember thinking it was odd that she made such a big fuss about it, but wasn’t enjoying it.

  “Exactly. My mother prefers to drink her dinner alone in her room.”

  That’s horribly sad. “What about your father? He’s not a fan of mine either.”

  Madden pulls me closer to his warm, shirtless body. He lips skim the bridge of my nose and find their way to my lips, giving me a very brief taste. “My father sleeps at his office quite a bit. I’m sure tonight will be one of those nights. And before you ask, my brothers couldn’t care less where I sleep.”

  I smile at that, “They both seemed very happy to see you today.”

  “It was good to see them too. They aren’t bad people.”

  “Landon is the oldest right?”

  Madden moves so he is lying on his back and pulls me so my head rests on his chest. I swear I could lay like this forever. “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “I didn’t see a girl on his arm today.”

  He chuckles at that. “Yeah, Landon doesn’t bring women home. Ever.”

  My hand lazily traces the ridges of his abs, they seem to be getting even more defined from the hard labor. “Why not?”

  “Landon doesn’t really date. He kind of gives definition to the word ‘player’.”

  I can see that. I only met him briefly, but he has an air of confidence about him. Sort of like Madden, but different. “And your parents don’t mind?”

  His shoulder goes up in a shrug, “Not really. They both sort of ignore it. Landon has always been the leader. He set the precedent in school and then after when he joined Steele Industries. He never wavered, did exactly what my father wanted for him without having to be told. So, my father doesn’t fuck with his love life. Just laughs about him being an eternal bachelor. I have a feeling though if he hits forty and isn’t married and about to pop some kids out, it won’t be okay anymore.”

  “He’ll want the oldest to have heirs.” Madden nods, “Wow, you guys really are royalty.” And I don’t fit in this lifestyle at all.

  “No. We were just born into a shitload of money. And I don’t care about any of it.”

  We lie in silence. How can he not care? He grew up this way and now he lives in a tiny apartment above a bar. Part of him has to miss this life of luxury.

  “Madden?” I say it quietly in case he has fallen asleep.


  “Are you going to move back here after the wedding? We both know Hollis isn’t exactly where you want to end up.”

  He’s quiet and I assume it’s because he’s thinking about his answer before he finally says, “I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do, Jade.” He covers my hand with his, “I’m just trying to live in the now.”

  I nod, but part of me is dying for a more substantial answer. After being around his family I can see why he would need a break, but he’s clearly fond of his brothers. This is where he grew up and all he really knows. How could he not come back to it?

  The next morning, I wake to the sunlight coming in through the windows and look to my right. The space on the bed next to me is empty. Madden must have gone back to his own room.

  I quickly shower and dress for the day and then make my way through the maze to the kitchen, hearing happy voices coming from there.

  When I open the door, I smile. All three brothers are sitting at the kitchen table. It’s much smaller than the dining room table we ate dinner at last night. Madden gets up from the table and greets me with a kiss, before leading me to an empty seat and scooting the chair in when I sit down. “Hungry?”

  I nod. “Yes, I’m starving.”

  He grins and Carmela brings a plate of breakfast over for me. I have never seen so much food on one plate and it’s all situated in a beautiful presentation for something that is going to be eaten. I thank her and she gives me a warm smile before pouring juice for me and leaving the kitchen. Madden rejoins the table and his brother, Keegan says, “We were just trying to talk Madden into a round of golf.”

  Madden rolls his eyes, smiling, “And I was just telling them we don’t have time for golf.”

  I feel guilty. I know that his brothers miss him so I say, “Madden, if you want I can take a bus to Redbud and I’m sure Casey will pick me up.”

  His eyes widen and I realized it’s because I gave his brother’s more detail about where he has been. At least I didn’t say Hollis. He then shakes his head, “No. We will both go back after breakfast.”

  I can’t tell if he’s mad at me and then Landon who is on the other side of me says in a very charming tone, “So Redbud huh? Is that where you are from, Jade?”

  He flashes a flawless smile at me that I’m sure has gotten him laid many times. He’s trying to get more information out of me, so I screw with him, “Actually, I’m from Houston.”

  His brow furrows and Madden snickers and pulls me to him, “You aren’t getting anything from Jade.”

  Landon laughs, “We will find your ass if we really need to.”

  Madden nods, “I have no doubt, but for now leave it alone.”

  The two brothers nod their heads in agreement and then Keegan speaks up, “But you will be at the wedding?”

  Madden nods, “Yes, you have my word.” He swallows hard. Probably at the thought of watching his brother marry Amelia.

  After breakfast, Madden loads the truck and says goodbye to both of his brothers. He was right about neither of his parents being at breakfast. Neither of them are here now either. Landon holds his hand out for mine and I hand it to him. He kisses it briefly, “It was nice to meet you, Jade.”

  Yeah, they all have the same charisma that you are just born with. “It was nice to meet you too, Landon.”

  “If you ever get sick of slumming it with this guy come find me.” He winks and I laugh. Madden takes my hand from Landon’s and pats his shoulder roughly, “Don’t make me kick your ass.”

  “Yeah, dream on, little brother.”

  I say goodbye to Keegan and then we are back on the road to Hollis. Madden is extremely quiet this time. I’m sure this trip home was emotional for him and he’s not great at expressing his feelings.

  Not that I’m any better at it.

  Chapter 28


  “So when do I get to see the dress?” I ask and break the silence that’s been between us for over half the ride back to Hollis.

  Jade looks over at me and smiles, shaking her head. “The day of the wedding. You heard Amelia.”

  “And you’re going to stick to that?” I tease.

  “Yep.” she laughs. “You know, I can see why you love her.” she says, suddenly going quiet. I look over at her and her gaze is focused forward.

  “Seeing her with Keegan wasn’t as devastating as I thought it was going to be.” I admit. And it wasn’t. I know that’s because Jade was with me. She made it easier. I open my mouth to tell her that, but for some reason, I don’t.

  We pull up at Jack’s and I grab her hand before she gets out. “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “No problem.”

  We walk in the bar and Casey is already filling ketchup bottles and putting them on the tables in preparation for the night. Her mood seems just as sour as Caleb’s was all week so I assume they’ve yet to make up.

  Jade heads behind the bar and starts checking the shelves. She begins making a list of what she needs from the stock room.

  “You want some help?” I offer and she grins, handing me the list.

  “You can bring me that from the stock room if you don’t mind.” she says.

  I head to the back and I’m able to get the tequila and scotch she needs in one trip. I make a second trip for the rest. I’m putting the box on the bar when Casey walks up.

  “How was your night off?” she asks Jade, a slight hint of jealousy evident in her tone.

  “It was good.” Jade answers. “Was it crazy here?”

  “Not too bad. Caleb and Brady decided to have an impromptu pool tournament with a construction crew that was in town from Redbud.” Casey explains. “I really think Caleb just comes in here to piss me off. I should’ve nut punched him.”

  I laugh at her statement and she glares at me. “Maybe he’s really sorry for whatever he did.” I offer and this earns me a death stare. “Just saying.”

  “Has he served his purpose yet?” Casey asks, turning her attention to Jade and gesturing towards me.

  “Casey…” Jade starts.

  “I mean, I know he’s hot as hell, but I thought you were only screwing him to make Brady jealous. Mission accomplished, right?”

  It pisses me off that she’s talking about me like I’m not even here. “If this is how you treat your best friend, I’m sure Caleb had good reason to do whatever he did to you.” I comment and walk away before either of them can say a word.

  When I reach my apartment, I half expect to hear Jade knocking on my door, but I don’t. I know Casey’s right. Hell, it was my idea to make Brady jealous in the first place, but I thought we were past that at this point.

  Has Jade been going back to Casey and telling her everything that’s been happening between us? Has it all been in the hopes that her and Brady will get back together?

  As angry as I am, I tell myself it shouldn’t matter. Eventually, I’ll have to go back to Dallas and Jade will be here in Hollis. It’s not fair of me to pretend otherwise.

  I can’t lose sight of what our arrangement is and was from the very beginning.

  A way to get her back with Brady and very temporary. That hasn’t changed. Has it?

  Chapter 29



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