Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1) Page 12

by Nicole Dykes

  I look over at my best friend, who is standing there stunned by Madden’s comments. I know they stung, but her anger was misplaced, “Casey, what the hell was that all about?”

  She sits down on a bar stool, luckily we aren’t busy. “I’m sorry. I really am and I’ll apologize to Madden. I guess I’m a little jealous. I mean you and Madden seem to have a really great thing going on.”

  “Yeah, it’s so great that it’s only temporary.”

  She looks over at me, tears welling up in her eyes. I know that this break up with Caleb is killing her. She hasn’t even talked much about it. All she would tell me was that this bitch, Tori, from high school came into the bar the other day and told her she hooked up with Caleb. Tori has been an enemy of Casey’s for a long time though, so I’m not sure if she can trust what she’s saying.

  “It doesn’t seem temporary, Jade. You should see the way he looks at you.”

  That shouldn’t make me nearly as happy as it does, especially with my best friend about to cry. “If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I really want it to be temporary anymore. I mean, at first it was all about making Brady jealous, but now I don’t know.”

  She nods her head like she already knew that, “Have you told Madden that?”

  I shake my head, “Do you want to talk about Caleb? I feel bad sitting here talking to you about Madden when you have much bigger problems.”

  “No, look Caleb and I are done. It really is over, Jade.” She straightens up in her seat, “It makes me feel better to talk about you anyway.”

  We both laugh, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. When I’m with him it feels real. Like an actual relationship, but then I have to keep my heart in check and remind myself that this isn’t permanent.”

  “Why isn’t it?”

  “Because he’s going back to Dallas. You should have seen it there, Casey. His life, what he came from is more than you and I could ever dream of. Fancy cars, a big beautiful house, gorgeous family, all put together and neat. They were all so classy and I’m just….” I look down at my jeans and Jack’s Bar and Grill tee, “Me. Plain and boring from a poor, trailer trash background. This isn’t a fairy tale and I’m not Cinderella.”

  She laughs at that and shakes her head at the same time, “Jade, you are anything, but plain and boring. You ever think that maybe you’re his rescuer? He ran away for a reason and right to you.”

  That gets my attention. What if she’s right? “Damn. I forgot you are really good with words.”

  She winks at me, “So go get him.”

  I laugh, “I don’t think it’s that simple.”

  She stands up and walks over to me, giving me a big hug before saying, “It should be. Something in this life, in this fucking dying town, should be simple.”

  I think about her words for the rest of the shift and then nervously walk up the stairs to Madden’s apartment. It’s eleven and I know he has to be up early tomorrow for work, but I have to see him.

  I knock on the door and he answers it, only in a pair of boxer briefs. Damn. He smirks at me, catching me staring at him, “You know you’ve seen me fully naked several times, right?”

  I laugh, “It never gets old. Can I come in?”

  He gestures for me to walk in and I do. We stand there for a minute, neither one breaking the silence. Finally, I say, “I’m so sorry about Casey. You know that wasn’t about you, right?”

  He grins, “Yeah, I figured that out. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so harsh.”

  I shake my head, “No, it’s okay. She kinda deserved it, but I had to stay and talk to her. She’s in hell right now. Of course, she didn’t talk to me much about that anyway.”

  He takes my hand and leads me over to the bed, where we both sit on the edge. “No?”

  “No, she mostly wanted to call me out on you.”

  Way to be blunt, Jade. He turns his head to face me, his expression darkening a little. “Is that why you are here? To end this thing between us?”

  “What? No, that’s the last thing I want.”

  He nods his head, relief showing on his handsome face. “Good.”

  Just say it Jade. “I don’t think I care about making Brady jealous anymore. In fact, I know that I don’t.”

  He places his large hand on the side of my face, looking into my eyes. “Really?”

  “Really.” My voice is almost a whisper. “Madden, I don’t care about him. Not like I used to.”

  “After this trip, I realized I don’t have as strong of feelings for Amelia as I thought I did.” he admits.

  My heart clenches. I didn’t expect to hear that and I slowly lean forward, letting our lips touch. Softly and ever so slowly his lips respond to mine. Our lips part and we take time to explore each other’s mouths. Not rushing. It’s unlike any kiss we have shared and I can feel my heart being handed over to this man.

  He lays me back on the bed, his lips still only on my lips. I move my hands up to his hair, pulling him into an even deeper kiss. His hands move down to the hem of my shirt and he pulls it up and off in one fluid motion, but then his lips are back on mine.

  It’s like neither of us can get enough of that kiss. I can feel his hardness pressed against me, but I’m happy we aren’t moving fast. It feels like we both are admitting we have time. There’s no need to rush.

  His lips trail along my neck, hitting that spot that makes me moan with pleasure every time. They go lower, down to my breasts. He unhooks my bra and removes it effortlessly, spending time sucking each nipple into his mouth and massaging the other one with his hands. It feels insanely good. I never want this to end.

  His tongue moves along my stomach that is now trembling with anticipation. When he reaches my jeans, he unfastens them and pulls them down and I kick them off the bed. He takes in my body, slowly skimming from my head all the way down. “You’re so beautiful, Jade.”

  He’s certainly making me feel beautiful. He removes my panties and slowly spreads my legs with his arms, leaning between them. I lay my head back, the need for him feels crippling. I feel his tongue on me and suck in an intense breath. He slowly moves down my slit, opening me. I moan his name and run my fingers through his thick, dark hair.

  His tongue finds my clit and I clench my fingers tighter. “Madden, please don’t stop.”

  I feel his finger enter me and his tongue stays focused on my center. It doesn’t take long for me to explode with pleasure, moaning his name and arching my back.

  All I want now is for him to be inside of me. He slowly climbs up my body and meets my mouth with his again. The intensity and passion I feel in his kiss is overwhelming.

  He’s removed his pants and is positioned, but doesn’t move. “Jade.” He whispers.

  I’m not sure if he was going to say something else or not, but finally I feel him slide inside of me. I move my hips with his, guiding him in and out. Loving every stroke, perfect rhythm.

  I can feel him grow even harder inside of me and I know he’s close. I arch my back pressing my breasts into him as I feel the pressure building deep within me again. “Let go, baby.” I hear him say and I do.

  I kiss him deeply as I come and soon after, he lets go finishing inside of me. That was amazing, but I don’t want it to be over. I hold onto him and he stays there, unmoving on top of me.

  If only we could stay like this forever.

  Chapter 30


  I stack another pancake onto the plate and drizzle a generous amount of syrup on top. I grab the tray and head into Jade’s bedroom. She’s still sleeping soundlessly. One bare leg is kicked out from under the covers. Her blonde curls cascade down her exposed back.

  The bed dips under me as I sit down. “Jade, wake up.”

  She stirs and grumbles, “Five more minutes.”

  It takes less than that time for the smell of the food to reach her nose. She starts stirring and rolls over with a smile on her face. She clutches the blanket to her chest and sits up.

ou made me breakfast in bed?” she asks as she grabs a piece of bacon.

  “Well, it’s Saturday. I try to be nice on Saturdays.” I joke. Jade leans in for a kiss and I happily oblige.

  “You’re always nice.”

  “According to my father’s last message, I’m a selfish prick who needs to grow the fuck up and bring his money back.” I inform her. “Do I really have to see him in a week?”

  “You can’t back out. You promised Keegan.”

  I promised Keegan. He actually made me say those words out loud when I spoke to him Wednesday. I’m sure he thinks I’ll back out and not show up, but I won’t do that. Even if the days seem to be getting shorter as the wedding gets closer.

  “Finish eating. We’re going to Redbud.”

  “What? Why?” Jade asks, her mouth full of pancake.

  “To buy Keegan and Amelia a wedding present.” I explain. “You have syrup here…”

  I close my mouth over hers and then grin as I lick the syrup off her chin. Jade giggles as I make my way down her neck. “And here…and here.”

  I take the tray and sit it on her nightstand. I scoop her body under mine and trail lazy kisses over her breasts.

  “I thought we were going to Redbud.” she sighs.

  “We have time for a detour.”

  Once we’ve made love, we take a quick shower together and head out for Redbud. I park at the shopping mall and get out to open Jade’s door.

  “Do you have in mind what you want to get them?” she asks as we walk into J.C. Penney.

  “Not a clue. My mom normally handled the shopping part for the family. Buying for Landon and Keegan was simple. This is different.”

  “Well, I’m sure they’re not registered at J.C. Penney so we’ll have to wing it.” Jade says. “What does Amelia like?”

  I shrug. “Yellow is her favorite color. She likes the smell of vanilla and honeysuckle. Pizza is her favorite food.”

  I stop talking because I get the feeling Jade might not want to know that I know all of Amelia’s favorite things. We walk around the store together and Jade points out a set of dishes she thinks Amelia might like. The pattern is yellow.

  “That works.”

  “Do you want to get them some vanilla and honeysuckle scented candles? She’ll probably like that.”

  “I’m sure she will.” I agree. I let Jade lead the way and I also let her pick out the candles. “What else?”

  “Madden, this is your brother and future sister-in-law. You should be picking out the gifts.”

  “Well, then this is good. I don’t have to get them anything else.” I say and Jade shrugs.

  “I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” she says and I watch her walk away. I stand there with the cart for a moment and then look around, realizing I’m near the jewelry section. I walk over to the counter and a necklace catches my attention. The single sapphire diamond drop is the exact shade of Jade’s eyes.

  I look up at the cashier and smile. “I’ll take that one.”

  There’s no sign of Jade as I quickly pay for the necklace and stuff the box in my pocket. I’m sure my father will see the charge on my credit card, but at this point, I don’t give a shit. If he wants to believe I’m in Redbud, he can. It doesn’t mean I’m coming home.

  I push the cart back to where I was standing and a few seconds later, Jade’s back. She falls into step beside me as we head towards the registers at the front of the store. I stop walking and she gives me a funny look.

  “Come here.” I take her hand and pull her closer. “I’m pretty sure your favorite color is blue. You like the smell of apples. You like wings and tacos and bacon cheeseburgers…” I kiss her and lick my lips, “and pancakes.”

  She laughs and her lips brush against mine. “Point taken.”

  I keep my arm tucked around Jade’s waist as we walk through the store. Her necklace is hidden safely in my pocket. I know her well enough to know she’ll be surprised when I give it to her next Saturday.

  She’ll tell me I shouldn’t have and that she can’t accept it. And I’ll tell her she can as I slip it around her neck.

  Then I’ll slip off the dress Amelia, the woman I thought I loved, picked out for her and I’ll make love to the woman I can’t get enough of. I’ll have her for as long as I can.

  Because damn it, I don’t want this to end yet.

  Chapter 31


  After Madden and I both have Saturday off and spend the entire day together, there is no part of me that wants to wake up and go to work on Sunday. I stayed at Madden’s last night because that makes the most sense when I have to work the next day.

  After a shower and another mind-blowing bedroom session with Madden, I fix my hair and clothes and go downstairs, after kissing him goodbye.

  I see Jack and Marlene talking to Casey about tonight’s shift and join them. Marlene smiles at me after seeing me coming down from Madden’s apartment. Jack looks at me, “They will fill ya in. I have to get home.”

  I nod and tell him bye and Marlene smiles at me again, “So, that seems to be going well.”

  I shift uncomfortably and Casey just grins and leaves us alone to wait on a table. “Yes, it’s…” I can’t help the huge grin on my own face. Things with Madden have been incredible. “Great.”

  She pats my shoulder, “I’m happy for you honey.”

  “You are?” I asked, slightly surprised.

  “Of course. I love my son, but he’s a bonehead. He never should have left you.”

  “I understand why he needed to.”

  “Well, he blew it. And I told him so.”

  I shake my head laughing. I have no doubt that she did. “You don’t have to do that. Brady is a good man. We just aren’t right for each other.”

  Huh. I actually believe that. She finds her purse behind the bar and then hugs me. “Well, I’m glad you have found happiness.”

  I really have, but I can’t help wondering if it’s going to last. We are having an amazing time and honestly I’m not used to things going this well. Every time I think about the upcoming wedding I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something bad is going to happen. I’d never say that to Madden though, I don’t want him to know I’m dreading it. It could all just be in my head.

  I hear the door open and turn to look. When I see Brady, Caleb and the guys walk in, I know it will be a long night.

  I look at Casey and make my way to where they sat down so she doesn’t have to wait on them. As I join their table I see Madden walk down the stairs. I smile at him and then hear Brady’s voice say, “Well, are you gonna join us or what?”

  Madden grins and takes a seat next to Brady. This is so weird. Brady looks at me, “I’ll take my usual, Jade.”

  I nod my head as all of the guys order their usual order, including Caleb, who basically barks his order at me. Madden is the last one, “Since it’s not Tuesday, I guess I’ll have a ham and cheese.”

  “How adorable.” I laugh.

  “I know.” He smirks and I go to put the order in.

  Casey darts up to the bar at the same time I do. “I can’t believe he is still coming here.”

  I love her. I do, but this is starting to get old. “Casey, it’s literally one of two places to eat in town. He’s going to be here a lot.”

  She folds her arms over her chest, “I hate his face.”

  I laugh, “Are you sure you don’t just want to talk to him?”

  “I’m sure. I’m done with his ass. I need to find a nice rich city boy to move on with. You guys have inspired me.”

  I shake my head and then take the drink order to the table. When I go back to the bar, this time it’s Madden that saunters up. He wraps his arms around my waist, “Hey. I got a call from Amelia a minute ago.”

  I turn around to face him, “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, she asked me if you would like to stay at her house the night before the wedding. I guess all of her bridesmaids are staying over in
the pool house with her and she thought you might want to join.”

  “Um.” That’s all I can get out. Apparently, the wedding is a three-day event. We are just going for two days though because that is all I could talk myself into asking Jack for. I just can’t imagine being around his family for three whole days. Madden didn’t seem to mind though and said a three-day wedding is ridiculous in his opinion.

  He chuckles, “I know, I told her I would much rather you stay with me, but then I assume my parents are going to pull the same bullshit they did last time. Maybe you would like it at her house more. Her parents are actually decent and you’ll be in the pool house.” What the hell is a pool house?

  He adds, “Also, she only lives three houses down from my parents.”

  “Wow, that’s really close.”

  He nods and then leans in closer to me. I’m surrounded by his manly scent, “Also, the night of the wedding, we are getting that nice hotel room, Jade. I don’t care what anyone says.”

  I grin, “Alright, tell Amelia thank you and that sounds great.”

  He pulls me in for a quick kiss before releasing me and going back to the guys.

  It will all be okay. Right?

  Chapter 32


  “You have nothing to worry about, Jade.” I tell her as we pull up to my parent’s house. I know she’s stressed. She’s been stressed all week.

  I’ve done my best to make her feel better. I’ve cooked dinner for her, we’ve watched movies together, and made love so many times I’ve lost count.

  Then when it was time for her to pack, she stood in front of her closet just looking at her clothes. Finally, she started taking some off the hangers and putting them in her suitcase. She was quiet the entire ride to Dallas.

  I get out of my truck and walk around to the passenger side. She’s already opening her door when I get there. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a deep kiss. She moans against my lips and relaxes against me. I coax her lips apart so I can slip my tongue into her mouth. Once I feel satisfied that I’ve had enough for now, I release her.


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