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Karma's Revenge (A Bad Girls Novel)

Page 8

by Teresa Gabelman

  “That would be amazing.” Darin sounded excited until Sophia glared at him. “Well, it would.”

  “You’re lying.” Sophia thought if she said that enough, it would be true.

  “I am.” Axel grinned, then chuckled.

  “Well, you certainly scared Soph.” Darin snorted, then eyed her. “Girl, what in the hell have you been thinking?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  Relief so swift flooded her, it almost knocked her off her chair. “Shut up, Darin.”

  “Everything else is true.” Axel took a long drink of his beer.

  “Heard vampires can’t get drunk.” Darin picked up his own beer. “Can you?”

  “Oh yeah,” Axel replied, then cringed with a guilty look. “Been there a few times in my life.”

  “Well, hell yeah.” They clinked beer bottles, and Sophia rolled her eyes.

  “So now it’s my turn?” Axel turned toward her, catching her in a mid-eye roll.

  “For what?”

  “How did you get the name Slayer of Vampires?” Axel set his beer down then settled back in his chair, watching her closely.

  “I have no idea.” Sophia shrugged, wondering how much she should tell him, how far she should trust him.

  “Tell him everything, Soph.” Darin stretched then stood. “And while you do that, I’m going to head for that couch over there. If you need me for anything, just bring me another beer, and I’ll do whatever you need.”

  Sophia watched her one and only supporter walk away, but realized he was right. Seriously, what could it hurt? Axel obviously didn’t want to hurt them. With a sigh, she got up, went to the fridge and pulled out a beer she refused earlier. She didn’t usually drink, but for this conversation, numbness was needed.

  “My twin sister had a rare form of breast cancer, and was stage 3.” She took a sip of beer, swallowed then gulped a few chugs. Making a face, she shook her head. “Ugh, that’s awful.”

  “I have wine somewhere,” Axel replied with a small smile.

  “Nah, this is fine. Just need some numbing is all.” Sophia looked up into his eyes and saw someone who was truly interested in her story. Not like the police or detective who were always finding excuses for her to go away and not bother them.

  Axel remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

  “I found information on my sister’s phone indicating she met someone named Savior to be turned,” she spat out, as if the words left a bad taste in her mouth. “The doctors, the treatment, and everything were not helping. If anything, she was getting sicker. She wanted to live, but instead, she was murdered by the bastard and her money stolen. I took evidence to the police, but they never did anything with it. All they would tell me is that my sister was found dead and they were doing everything they could to find her killer. The more I pushed, the more I was ignored. It wasn’t until a friend of Darin’s on the police force got me a copy of her file that I knew her case had pretty much been closed.”

  Sophia felt like she said all of that in one breath, her breathing feeling brisk and harsh as if she’d just ran a marathon.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” His condolence hit her like a warm blanket of comfort, and it felt really good. So good in fact her face crumpled and tears fell. She tried to hold them back, but they came with racking sobs of grief she had held on to since she saw the picture of her sister’s body shoved between a toilet and wall in a men’s dirty restroom.

  Blinded by tears, she didn’t see him reach for her but felt his arms as they wrapped around her. “After he killed her, they shoved her between the toilet and stall wall in a nasty men’s bathroom,” she said into his chest. “No one should die like that except the bastard who did it to her.”

  That explained a lot. Axel held her tightly, not wanting to let go. He felt her pain and soaked it in as if it were his own. His rage boiled inside him for her loss. He knew about the illegal turning of humans, which happened for all sorts of reasons. He also knew the dangers to humans seeking out the vampire life. Not all were on the up and up, just as Sophia’s sister found out. He vowed right then that Savior would die. It would be slow and painful, but he would let Sophia do the killing blow.

  “We will get him,” he whispered into her hair.

  “What?” She pulled back, her eyes red and puffy.

  He brushed a strand of hair out of her eye as he stared down at her. “I said we will get him. He will pay a heavy price for what he did to your sister.”

  “But you’re supposed to kill me.” Sophia frowned, glancing away from him.

  Her words sounded bitter to his ears. “I was, but remember I turned it down. What was her name?” he asked, then turned to look when he heard a loud snore. Darin was passed out on the couch.

  “Anna,” she whispered, then sniffed as another tear fell. “Anna Karma Deluce. Our mother gave us the same middle name. She said it was because she only wanted one baby, a son. She got us. Our father said that was Karma at work.”

  A flash of the K on the dead man’s forehead now made perfect sense. In his heart, he knew he could never have killed a woman. Only he and the fucks he had slain in his years knew his dark side. Now another one was about to not only get a glimpse, but the reality of who he really was. Savior was on borrowed time.

  “So how does a librarian become known as the Slayer of Vampires?” Axel asked, changing the subject from her sister to her.

  “Not by my choice.” She sniffed, then shook her head. “I was always a tomboy. If it involved tools, tractors, guns, knives, fishing or whatever, I was intrigued as a little girl. I was the son my father never had. You couldn’t get my sister near any of those things. She was more into dolls, playing dress-up, and then the older we got, boys.”

  “You didn’t like boys?” He grinned, picturing her as a little girl.

  “Not until high school and even then, I thought they were overrated.” She chuckled then shook her head. “When I found out that Anna was murdered and the police weren’t doing anything, or at least not what I felt should be done, I took matters into my own hands.”

  “Which was, as you have discovered, very dangerous,” Axel added, his grin slipping from his face. “I didn’t put two and two together at first, but I know now that it was Savior who put the contract out on you. You really have no idea who he is, do you?”

  “He’s the man who killed my sister.” Sophia looked up into his eyes. “That’s all I need to know.”

  “He’s very powerful, Sophia,” Axel warned, his eyes narrowing. “He has his hands in all kinds of illegal and legal businesses.”

  “One being the killing of innocent women who just want to be healed from an illness. I know it’s against the law. I know it’s something Anna shouldn’t have done, or at least alone.” Anger shook her voice. “But she didn’t deserve to die, Axel. She didn’t deserve to die in such a manner as if she didn’t matter.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Axel agreed, and he did 100 percent.

  “I quit everything other than my job. I quit school so I would have more time to go to the gun range and practice with swords.” She looked away to stare out at nothing. “It was as if he killed both of us. Revenge and hatred make people different. I’m different. I’m not the same and I don’t think I ever will be.”

  Axel listened and knew no matter what, he was going to help her find the woman she used to be, if that was what she wanted, needed. To him, she was perfect the way she was. For such a short amount of time knowing her—more or less stalking her at the beginning—that surprised him. But he was never one to run from his feelings and today was no different.

  Chapter 13

  Sophia headed for the bathroom. After rinsing her tear-streaked face, she stared at herself in the mirror. What in the hell was she doing trusting this man? Looking around for a towel, her gaze fell on the shower, and she blushed, her face turning ten shades of red. Maybe because she had the hots for him?

  Glancing back at her reflection, she shook her head. No, it was more than
that. There was something about him, a draw, a pull, or maybe it was she knew deep down she was in over her head. She had worked so hard at the revenge game, had everything planned out, had trained so damn brutally. There was so much nerve it took to do what she was doing, yet she had almost failed. If not for the man downstairs, she would have failed and would probably be dead by now.

  The thought of failure disturbed her in ways that made her skin crawl. How could she just hand this over to someone who didn’t even know her sister? No, it had to be her. It had to be her who took Savior down.

  Since she didn’t see a towel, she wiped her damp face away with her shirt and left the bathroom with a totally different mindset than when she’d walked in. Going downstairs, she glanced at Darin who was still snoring on the couch, then at Axel who sat where she’d left him at the table. He was looking at his phone. His eyes rose to meet hers, his stare slowing her steps, but she took a deep breath and continued toward him.

  “I really appreciate you helping me tonight.” She grabbed her bag, zipping it closed. “But we really have to go.”

  “And exactly where are you going to go?” Axel set his phone down then stood, towering over her.

  “Home.” Her matter-of-fact response echoed in the room. “I’m going home.”

  “You do understand that not only is Savior hunting you down, but another assassin.” He cocked his eyebrow at her. “I have to admit what you have done so far is impressive, but the cards are now stacked against you.”

  “I’m not an idiot.” She frowned. Of course she realized that. “By the way, who hired you?” Yeah, that was a low blow and a purposely sarcastic question. They both knew exactly who hired him… now.

  “You know the answer to that. I never know who hires me. This time because of you, it wasn’t hard to figure out who put the contract out. I just receive information, and if I want the job, an agreed amount is wired into two separate accounts,” Axel responded without hesitation.

  Sophia was a little surprised he was giving her information about himself so easily. “You know, I could go to the police.”

  “And so could I.” He cocked his eyebrow at her.

  He had a point. “Listen, I have to do this on my own.” She glanced over at Darin, then back. “I’ve already involved my only friend, who is now in danger. I can’t involve anyone else. I just can’t. And I promised her that I would be the one.” Her head dropped as she stared at the floor, cursing the tears that threatened again.

  “I’m already involved.” Axel tilted her chin up, his touch warm. “Just look at me as your… bodyguard.”

  “I don’t think I can afford you.” What was this man doing to her? She had never felt so alive than she did from just his touch.

  A smile curved his lips as his eyes searched hers. Slowly, he leaned down, placing a kiss against the softness of her mouth. It was quick, too quick, but it made a definite impression before they parted. “Consider that payment in full.”

  She slowly opened her eyes. The kiss, even as short as it was, had her body yearning for more, much more. Yet she needed reassurance that a kiss couldn’t give. “I have to be the one,” she said, her eyes searching his for the truth.

  “And you will be.” Axel dropped his hand from her chin but didn’t move back.

  Sophia finally nodded and felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders. Someone was on her side, someone who knew what they were doing. “Thank you.” Of course she wasn’t giving him blind trust, but she did realize maybe some trust wouldn’t harm anything. She hoped.

  Axel gave her a nod, then chuckled when Darin’s snores grew louder. “How hard is he to wake up?” He glanced at Darin’s relaxed form. “I really don’t want to carry him to a bed.”

  Glancing over at Darin, she smiled. “Oh, he would love that.” She snickered, then walked over and leaned close to Darin. “Darin.”

  When he didn’t even flinch, she tried nudging his shoulder.

  “Try harder.” Axel frowned, his arms crossed. Sophia knew how to get Darin awake; she’d done it millions of times, but in a way, she wanted to see his reaction to Axel carrying him to bed. Talk about a classic moment, but instead, she tried again.

  “Darin,” she said louder, nudging him harder, but still nothing. Okay, time to pull out the big guns. “Darin, Tina Turner is here and wants to do a duet.”

  “Huh?” One bloodshot eye opened, looking around, then popped open fully as he sat up. Seeing Sophia next to him, he frowned. “That was cruel, Soph.”

  “Sorry, but it was either that or Axel was going to have to carry you to bed.” A sneaky grin lit her face.

  “Again, cruel.” He gave her a push, almost sending her off the couch before looking up at Axel. “Carry away if you feel the need.”

  “I’m good, man. I think you’ve got this.” Axel chuckled, then turned. “Guest bedrooms are upstairs.”

  “Dammit, Soph.” Darin stood. He held out his hand for Sophia and helped her up from the couch. “You could have given me my moment of being carried by someone like Axel. I mean, a real assassin carrying me to bed would be a dream come true,” he whispered in her ear.

  She watched Axel climbing the steps and realized she and Darin had the same dream.

  After getting Darin settled in a room, Axel led Sophia down the hallway. Opening a door, he walked in with her following. “I’m across the hall if you need anything.” He watched her as she looked around the room. “And don’t worry, no one can get inside the gates without me knowing. You’re safe here.”

  “I know,” she admitted, turning to look at him. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, then headed toward the door until her voice stopped him.

  “Do you like what you do?”

  “I used to, but not so much anymore,” Axel replied, his eyes searching hers.

  “Then why do it?” she continued, sitting on the edge of the bed. She really wanted to know more about this man. She had killed, and yes, it was low-life assholes, but she took a life. The revenge part of that kill was sweet, but it did come with guilt because she had not lost her morals, yet. “The money?”

  “Yes.” His answer was without hesitation as he leaned against the doorframe. “At least that was why at first. I’m very selective in the jobs I take. I only accept jobs where I know the target is a menace to innocent people. With a little research, that’s not hard to figure out.”

  “So you’re an assassin with morals.” Sophia tilted her head, studying him. “That’s rare.”

  “Unheard of,” he replied, his arms folded across his chest. “And you, do you have regrets after you make a kill?”

  Sophia’s eyes shifted from his. It was as if he really could read minds and was reading hers now. “As much as it kills me to say it, yes, I do. I’m not a killer, and I can’t wait until this is over, until either he’s dead or I am. Until then, I can’t rest while he continues to live as my sister lays dead.”

  “You will not die, Sophia.” Axel uncrossed his arms and straightened from the doorframe. “I won’t allow it.”

  She watched as he turned. She wanted nothing more than to call to him to wait. She wasn’t ready for him to leave. She didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts, fears, nightmares, yet she remained silent.

  “Get some rest.” His voice faded as the door closed behind him.

  Sophia fell back on the bed and threw her arm over her eyes. Sophia was desperately exhausted, but knew with sleep came the nightmares and with that came the fear that took her hours to overcome. She may put out to the universe that she was some badass chick who could walk into a bar and kill a vampire, but she knew differently. She was a scared woman, who had been put into a situation that only had one course, and that was to kill in order to be free. But what scared her most was the fact that she didn’t really know if at the end of all this, if she would be free… regardless of whether she lived or died.

  That scared her the most.

  Chapter 14

  It took every ounce of willpo
wer not to walk back into the bedroom and push Sophia on the bed with his body. He wanted her like he never wanted another woman; the desire was so intense his body shook with need.

  With sleep out of the question, he walked back downstairs, cleaned the dishes, checked the security cameras, then headed to his workout room.

  Taking off his shirt, he tossed it on a chair, discarded his jeans replacing them with a pair of old sweats. Turning on the treadmill, he began running, letting the movement of his body overtake everything, leaving his mind free.

  There was one big-ass problem though; his mind was not free. It was being held captive by the woman upstairs. He turned up the speed, his feet light as he ran at a speed that would have most flying off the machine. It was as if he were trying to outrun his feelings for her, but it wasn’t working, and why the hell should it? He wanted her, and if he wasn’t mistaken, she wanted him. He knew the look, and his heightened sense of smell when she had come downstairs after her shower had told him she had been pleasured. The scent of a woman’s pussy after orgasming was a scent he knew well.

  His cock hardened, making running painful. He reached down, giving it a hard squeeze. Just the thought of her either in his shower or sauna tub loving herself had him reaching inside his sweats, gripping his dick with strokes that made him moan. He misstepped, almost falling flat on his face and flying off the treadmill. Shit, he was going to kill himself.

  Letting go of his dick, he turned off the treadmill. Maybe hitting the heavy bag would be less painful or maybe he should just jackoff and be done with it.

  A vision of her sitting on the edge of the bed looking at him with those huge blue eyes had him thinking more about barging in her room demanding she make love to him. “Whoa!” he actually said out loud. Make love, not have sex?

  Rubbing his hand down his face, he headed for the heavy bag in the corner and without wraps, he beat the shit out of it. Love. What in the hell did he know about love? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. What he did know was killing. He was good at it, and sex, he was damn good at that. He gave a snort as he did combinations on the bag then spun with a kick. The bag split under the power of his kick, spraying the fiber filling everywhere.


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