War's Passion (Sons of War)
Page 4
About halfway to the box, she stepped on a board and it gave way under her foot. She let out a squeak as she fell, then a cried out as sharp pain shot from her ankle up her leg. Markus was there in a flash, lifting her from the floor and setting her in a nearby chair.
Gently, he cupped her foot in his hand and frowned. “You’re bleeding.” Before she could respond, he removed her shoe and sock. When he took the hem of her jeans in his hands like he was going to rip the fabric, she yelled, “No!”
He froze. “What is it?”
“Don’t rip them.”
“Why? I need to see your wound. I’ll buy you another pair of jeans.” He ripped the pant leg up to her knee and she sighed.
“It’s not the money. You know how hard it is to find that perfect pair of jeans?” At his look of confusion, she sighed. “No. Of course not.”
Elle appeared at the top of the stairs, out of breath. “I heard a noise…” She stared at the hole in the floor and rushed over. “Oh, are you okay?”
Gwen nodded. “I’m fine. Can you go get the first aid kit?”
Elle nodded and disappeared only to return a moment later with the white box. She handed the box over to Markus, who opened it and proceeded to take care of her ankle.
“You know, I could do that.”
“So can I.”
Stubborn man.
When he had her leg cleaned and a bandage over the cut, he stood and scooped her up. “Hey, I can walk. I didn’t break anything.”
Instead of replying, he carried her toward the stairs.
“Wait. There’s a black lockbox in the cardboard box on the desk.”
To her relief, he turned to grab the box before continuing to the first floor.
Once settled on the couch with her feet in Markus’s lap, she ignored the warmth that spread through her and unlocked the box. With a satisfied grin, she held up a flashdrive for Markus to see. “I don’t suppose one of your brothers is a computer geek? Knowing my father, this could be encrypted.”
Returning her smile, he said, “Zavier is, although I wouldn’t call him that to his face.”
“Noted.” Hope blossomed. Maybe she would finally have answers. She shifted through papers, then picked up a spiral notebook and opened it. A slip of paper fell out, but it wasn’t a whole sheet. She turned it over and gasped.
There were five names listed with addresses, all of which were women. Elle’s and Gwen’s names were at the top of the handwritten list. The handwriting was not her father’s.
Her blood chilled and she started to shake. Hers and Elle’s names were at the top of the list, followed by three other women she’d never heard of.
Markus took the paper from her and read over the names. With a curse he stood, careful to place her injured foot on the sofa. “Can I take this?”
“Yes, sure. Those other women are in trouble like us, aren’t they? ”
“I’m not sure, yet. I need to go talk to my father.”
Standing, she followed him to the door. “You know something. Tell me.”
He turned and cupped her cheek. “When you left your last home, what did you do?”
“We burnt it down. My father said to never leave anything behind.”
Markus gave a short nod. “Good. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ll explain then.”
Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Explain now.”
“I’m not sure. I must go talk to my father. Don’t leave the house until I get back.” Then he stepped out the door and rushed to his car and drove off.
Damn stubborn man.
Markus stormed into his office about fifteen minutes later and summoned the god of war. “Ares! Show yourself.”
The god materialized a few feet to Markus’s left. “Is that any way to talk to your father?”
“You know anything about this?” Markus held out the piece of paper.
Ares snatched the paper and studied it. “No.”
Markus grabbed the page back from Ares and sent a mental call to Zavier. Telepathic communication was part of the bond they created after falling from Olympus.
A few moments later, Zavier walked in and nodded once to Ares. Markus handed him the paper along with the flashdrive Gwen had given him. “The flashdrive belonged to Gwen’s father. She said it could be encrypted. See if you can break the code, and check out the other names on the list.”
Zavier raised a brow at Markus. “Gwen and Elle’s names are on here.”
“Yes. That makes me wonder if the other females on there are descendants as well.”
“What would Gwen’s father being doing with the list?”
Markus turned to Ares. “That’s what I want to know.”
Ares sat in Markus’s leather chair behind his desk. “How would I know? I don’t keep track of Garrick’s business or whom he works with. In fact, I don’t give a shit what he does.”
Markus growled. “That’s bullshit. You said the descendants couldn’t create another army. That is exactly what Garrick is doing.”
“Gary is becoming a huge pain in my ass.” Ares emphasized the nickname Seth used to piss off their brother. “He has been off my radar for a while now. I was hoping you would be able to track him down by now.”
“Us? You’re the mighty god of war and you can’t find your own son?” Markus slammed his hands down on the desk.
“Your female will bring him to you.” Ares leaned forward so that they were nose-to-nose.
Markus jerked back and began to pace. “So help me, Ares…tell me what you know.”
“Those names are only part of a list. My guess is Garrick has a lot more names than just those five. However, it is interesting that Tom Preston got the names. It may be why your brother killed him.” Ares rose from the chair and walked around the desk. “Oh, and Markus? Don’t forget the curse. You cannot have your female without a sacrifice.”
Ares vanished.
“Fuck.” Markus roared and turned to Zavier, who sat at the small round table with his laptop. The male’s brows were drawn together as he studied the screen. That wasn’t very promising. Markus walked over to peer over Zavier’s shoulder. “What is it?”
“I’ve never seen this code before. It’s going to take a while to decipher.”
Markus fisted his hands at his side. “Make it your priority. I have a feeling Tom Preston was in deeper than Gwen knew.”
“Got it.” Zavier closed the laptop and stood. “I’m going to take this up to my office. I also got a report a few moments before you arrived that there’s been an angel sighting in the village.”
Markus let another F bomb fly and ran a hand through is hair. “What now? I’ll get Ty and go check it out.”
If the humans saw what they believed to be an angel, Markus was betting it was most likely a descendant that’d came into his powers. Which meant Garrick had sent out scouts to search for Gwen and Elle.
Markus had to take care of the scout, then go pack up Gwen and Elle and move them into the estate whether they liked it or not.
Chapter Seven
In dragon form, Markus touched down at the base of the mountain, several yards from Serenity Cove. He and his brothers owned the secluded patch of land and had it warded so humans couldn’t see them land or take off in dragon form. Even though many of the elders of the village knew what they were, the tourist trade that provided the small town with most of its income didn’t. Markus preferred it that way. They weren’t circus freaks and didn’t want to take the chance of humans treating them as such.
Markus folded his wings as he focused on his human form and shifted, conjuring clothes to cover his body at the same time. The Sons of War weren’t gods, but immortal warrior dragons-shifters who possessed their own magic, which rivaled the power of the gods.
A moment later Ty landed and shifted to his human form and rolled his shoulders as they walked toward the center of the small fishing village. “This better be good. I haven’t had a decent workout in years.�
Markus couldn’t agree more. Their father’s desire to fight burned in their veins. Unlike Ares, Markus kept a tight lid on the part of him that longed to create wars and conflict.
Letting out a low growl, Markus said, “If the descendants are showing their abilities and, in this case, their wings in public, then we’ll get the fight we long for.”
The demi-gods, who’d inherited feather-like wings from their divine ancestors, were often called angels by the humans who saw them. Markus could understand the confusion. After all, myths of winged creatures and beings with godly powers were only fairytales they told their children.
They’d rounded the corner to the docks when Markus stopped and placed a hand on Ty’s chest, halting his brother. Markus nodded his head and Ty smiled at what he saw. “Well, isn’t he pretty?”
The male had long, white feather-like wings he wasn’t even trying to hide. Markus searched their surroundings and inhaled. The only scents he picked up on were the salt from the ocean, the fish from the boats, various foods from the area restaurants, and the descendent. The power rolling off the male told him he was one Garrick’s minions. Imperials, they called themselves, as though they were above all laws. Markus suspected that this Imperial wasn’t alone.
Ty growled low so only Markus could hear. “I smell a trap.”
“Yep. It wouldn’t be fun any other way.”
Ty chucked. “Well, let’s get this party started.”
They advanced on the male. When they got within a couple of feet, the descendant smiled and took off toward town center. Markus and Ty gave chase and the townspeople darted out of their way. Many of the residents of Serenity Cove knew about the “dragons in the castle.” Most viewed Markus and his brothers as guardians of sort—a rumor Markus happily allowed to flourish. It was easier to live with humans who didn’t fear them.
They chased the demi-god to the edge of town. The male turned toward them and thrust an energy bolt at Ty. The bolt struck him in the chest, knocking him back several feet. Ty landed on his back and slid until he hit the side of a building.
Briefly stunned, Ty surged to his feet, shook off the effects, and let out a roar that shook the buildings around them. Then he ran toward the descendant and shifted into his red and gold dragon about halfway to the male. The man paled as he stretched out his wings and took to the air.
Not missing a beat, Ty swooped up to follow. Cursing, Markus shifted and joined his brother. The last thing he needed was for Ty to kill the demi-god before they got some answers.
The little bastard’s fast, Ty said in thought.
Markus’s reply was a grunt as he jerked upward to avoid power lines the winged asshat flew under. Markus was a millisecond from telling Ty to light the demi-god’s ass on fire when the descendent finally landed on the stretch of beach between the estate and Gwen and Elle’s lighthouse.
As soon as he and Ty landed and shifted to their human forms, three more descendants materialized.
Garrick must have found a way to unlock their powers. Markus growled, keeping the conversation with his brother telepathic.
And you’re surprised by that?
Ignoring Ty’s sarcasm, Markus charged the two closest to him while Ty followed suit. Animal instincts gave him and his brothers the advantage of better vision, hearing, and speed. It was yet another thing the gods feared. The Sons of War were faster and stronger, even without the magic they inherited from their father.
Markus punched the first descendant, a blond male, before the man could register the movement. Then Markus swung his leg out, catching another male in the back of the legs. The second male screamed and fell to his knees in the sand.
Searing pain exploded across Markus’s back, knocking him to the ground. Rage filled his veins and he twisted around to see the blond male charging at him. Markus flung his arm back just as the descendant reached him, grabbed the male by the arm and jerked him forward. The male flipped over Markus and landed hard on his back. Fisting his hand, Markus swung and hit the bastard in the jaw. He heard a crack as his knuckles made contact. The male’s head whipped to the side, out cold.
Pushing to his feet, Markus scanned the beach for more descendants. His gaze landed on a photo half buried in the sand. Picking it up, his heart skipped several beats. Rage burned within him, fueling the dragon’s protectiveness over the female in the picture.
They were here to find her.
Markus whirled around and almost ran into Ty. With a growl, Markus thrust the photo into Ty’s hand. “We need to move the females to the estate. Now.” Shifting, he took to the air and flew toward the lighthouse and Gwen, knowing Ty would call Drake and Seth in to do clean up.
Gwen placed her wine glass on the table and considered opening the black lockbox that contained her father’s research documents and notes. Hovering her hand over the container, she wondered what had her so hesitant to go through the contents. It wasn’t like she was violating his privacy, yet she felt she doing just that. He’d want her to know the truth about the Sons of War and her life, wouldn’t he?
Of course. Gods, she was being silly and a chicken.
A knock sounded on the front door as she lifted the lid. It was barely four o’clock in the afternoon, and she wasn’t expecting anyone—though it could be Markus. Reaching out, she closed the box and locked it before heading to the door. When she got there, she hesitated. A cold chill skated up her spine and made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
A peek through the peephole revealed a man she didn’t know. Sliding the chain into place, she opened the door and spoke through the small crack. “Yes?”
The stranger smiled. “Hello. Are you Miss Preston?”
Warning bells rang inside her head while her gut tightened with fear. “No. I’m afraid not.” Closing the door, she whirled around to see Elle step off the staircase.
Gwen placed her finger over her mouth and indicated to the back door. They started to move just as the front windows shattered, spraying glass all over the living room. Gwen ran, only to be jerked back by her hair and tossed to the ground. A large man towered over her and kicked her in the side. Pain exploded in her ribs and shot down her body, making her cry out.
The man leaned down to grab a handful her hair and pulled her to her feet with a tug on her already aching scalp. He yanked her into him and she could feel his arousal against her stomach through their clothes. Bile rose in her throat and she took shallow breaths to keep from being sick.
When his lips touched her cheek, she lost the ability to reason. Jerking her knee up, hard, she slammed it into him in the balls. The man cried out and let go of her. Gwen took that opportunity to kick him again, this time in the back as he curled in a fetal position on the floor.
Elle screamed, and Gwen saw her sister fly across the room and hit the wall. Fury raged inside Gwen and she charged the man who dared hurt her. Gwen hit him in the gut and they fell to the floor. Sitting on his chest, she managed to get a few good punches in before she was flipped on her back. The man straddled her, grinned, and raised his fist. Closing her eyes, she braced for the impact. A loud boom sounded close by. Then the man was gone.
Gwen opened her eyes and saw the monster from her dreams. A huge black dragon stood in the center of her living room. Terror overtook her. Her breathing turned into short gasps as a panic attack took hold like a vise around her lungs. Desperate to protect her sister, she raced backwards on her hands and knees until she reached Elle and pulled her into a hug.
“So sorry,” she said into Elle’s hair. The panic and fear erupted into uncontrollable tears as she rocked back and forth with Elle.
A warm hand touched her arm, she screamed, and backed further into the corner with Elle. Markus appeared in her line of sight. She blinked and hoped her vision wasn’t playing tricks on her.
“Gwen. You’re safe now.”
She shook her head. “Dragon.”
Markus held out his
hand, but didn’t touch her. “It was me.”
“It was the black dragon. The one that—”
“It was me. My dragon is black and blue.”
Sifting through the hazy memories, she couldn’t remember the undertone of the dragon. All she saw was black and her mind instantly returned to the night when she watched her father burn to death because of the damned black dragon.
“Gwen? You’re safe now.” Markus repeated, drawing her attention back to him. He slid his fingers around her wrist and urged her to release Elle. “Come on. I’m going to take you two back the estate. You and Elle need medical attention.”
Gwen took a shaky breath and allowed Markus to take Elle from her arms. When he turned, she saw Zavier and Ty behind him. Markus handed Elle to Zavier, who cradled her with such gentleness that Gwen relaxed a little.
Markus lifted her from the floor and held her to his chest. His rich, spicy scent enveloped her, erasing the terror that threatened to consume her. It was ironic how she could find such comfort in the very creature she’d run from for so long.
Chapter Eight
Ash fisted her hands at her side as she watched the three dragons help the women inside the black Range Rover. She’d arrived too late. The black dragon—Markus, she believed was his name—had already ripped through the lighthouse and the Imperials like they were no more than wooden toys.
Suddenly, the one who wore the sunglasses all the time stopped with his hand hovering next to the driver’s side door handle, and jerked his head in her direction. Shit. Her heart dropped to her feet at the intensity of his expression.
Fleeing before he made her, she materialized inside the small apartment she’d rented under her mother’s name. Well, her mother’s human name since she couldn’t very well use Artemis as her alias.
The dragon shouldn’t have been able to sense her, or see her. Yet the way he stared in her direction, where she stood cloaked from sight by a spell, felt as if he looked right at her. Impossible. Not even Garrick could sense her in that state.