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Teddy Bare Collection

Page 6

by Eden Redd

  "She has a piece of you. She will be as intelligent and grown up as you are now. You don't need to be shy with her. She will behave like her own person."

  It was an odd feeling as Jacob talked to me. He knew me so well. Well enough to answer the very questions running through my head. I created Yuki but like Spike and the others, she was her own being. I brought her into this world but she was separate and capable to do anything she wanted.

  Jacob continued. "Why don't you take them upstairs and set up the living room. We don't know how long the power will be out. Might as well make the best of it together. I will bring up some supplies."

  I nodded my head. The plush party jumped off the table and ran up the stairs. Yuki was halfway up the stairs when she looked back to me. The unicorn smiled and beckoned me with a pull of her head. I rushed to the unicorn and we made our way up into the main part of the house.

  I went to the kitchen cabinets and pulled out candles. A quick glance outside showed that the entire area was dark and the sun was just disappearing behind the horizon. Drags was by my leg, flapping his little dragon wings. I handed him a grill lighter and he smiled. We marched out into the living room. The others took candles and put them all over the room. I had to pick them up and put them higher so no one accidently caught on fire. When everything was in place, I lifted Drags and let him light each candle in turn.

  When all the candles were lit, I put the stuffed dragon down. The five of us looked at how beautiful the living room was in the candle light. Spike jumped on Yuki's back and she raised up on her hind hooves. She galloped, laughing and carrying on as Spike tried to hold on.

  "Hold tight!" Yuki smiled as she gave one mighty buck.

  Spike's paws slipped away and his entire body went flying into the sofa. Eggs laughed and bounced. Drags hugged my leg and I patted him on the head. Spike sat up with a dazed and confused look on his fuzzy face. Yuki jumped up and trotted to the stuffed bear. Spike laughed and tried to jump on Yuki's back again. She side trotted and he hit the edge, falling to the floor with a thud.

  Eggs laughed and bounced around. I sat next to Yuki and ran my hand along her plush body. Spike stood up and walked over to us, his beady eyes gleaming in the candle light.

  The unicorn turned to me. "Thank you for creating me." Yuki snuggled into me.

  "You're welcome." I smiled.

  Spike shuffled at my feet as Yuki knelt her body on my thighs. "So...uhh....Julie...." The teddy bear stammered.

  "Yes Spike?" I asked while he squirmed.

  "I wanted to say I'm sorry for this morning. I should have been more understanding to your needs. It's just that you were so hot, laying there naked. How could I not want to fuck you."

  Eggs jumped on the end of the couch. "We all want to fuck you all the time."

  "Thank you guys. I appreciate that, I think." I smiled.

  "You are more than a partner. You are our lover." Drags said as he climbed up next to me.

  My hand reached out and caressed his plush dragon head. He certainly was the sweetest of the group. The little dragon moved close, hands touching my tit and rubbing my nipple. Fire ran through me as the stuffed dragon knew just how to touch me. I was beginning to think that he only played at being innocent. Yuki turned her head and watched as Drags smoothed his dragon paw over my shirt, causing my nipple to point. Eggs moved close and soon I was nearly covered in living stuffed animals. A grin bloomed as they touched me and tugged at my shirt.

  Spike was having none of it. The naughty teddy bear climbed up and jostled his way in. I was instantly crowded as they all mashed their bodies against me, touching me. Jacob was carrying a covered firm mattress into the candle lit living room. He saw the small mob of stuffed animals on me and smiled.

  "Don't start without me." Jacob said as he threw down the large mattress in the middle of the living room.

  "For us?" I said as paws tugged at my shorts.

  "I thought I would make the living room more comfortable for all of us. I will pour us some wine..." Drags pulled down my shirt and ran a wet little tongue over my exposed nipple."....and see where the night takes us."

  In the middle of all my stuffed men, Yuki looked up at me. Wide eyes watched me and a glimmer of darkness floated over them. The unicorn turned her head and used her horn to slide it under my shirt. All four stuffed animals lifted my T shirt over my head and pulled it off. My breasts hung unassisted, perky nipples pointed as desire welled up inside me .

  Yuki was bigger than the others. She stood up on all fours, hooves on my thighs. She pushed her way in and snuggled into my neck. The connection was vibrant. Her touch sent electricity through my body. Spike and Drags pulled hard at my shorts. I lifted my firm ass and they tugged it off with a little help from me. Clothes puddle the floor and I sat comfortably on the couch with only panties on.

  My breath was hot as I watched Spike. A thick black cock pushed at a seam between his legs and slid out. A blue one slid out of Eggs and a large ribbed cock slid out of Drags. They were half hard but getting harder by the second. It was nice to have all of them close but I wondered how they would take to Yuki.

  The unicorn used her size to bump them all away. Confused expressions washed over the three stuffed creatures. Yuki let a long wet tongue uncurl from her mouth and ran it along my hard nipple. A surge of sensations ran through me as I watched the unicorn licking away. I couldn't believe how alive she felt as he continued pressing her tongue against my sensitive breasts.

  Spike moved behind the unicorn, beady eyes focused at her rear. "This is amazing. She is dripping wet." Spike said and his black cock grew harder.

  I had to know what Spike was looking at. My hands smoothed over her body. Yuki's tail flipped back and forth but didn't stop licking me. Fingers ran over her bubble rump and touched wetness. I explored further and penetrated her thin slit. Yuki whined as my fingers ran along her pussy, feeling her clit. The unicorn eyed me and invisible energy whipped out from her body into mine. A wet gasp bubbled up as I felt her. It was like I was in two places at once, feeling ecstasy rolling over my body.

  I trembled and Yuki moaned. Spike's mind was working and it looked like he knew what was going on. A paw grabbed the base of his cock and he pushed his thick head against Yuki's tight opening. The unicorn let out a higher whine as Spike grabbed her tail and pushed into her further. Wet sensations filled me the more Spike penetrated. The air was alive with lust and my bond with Yuki was making me wetter. My hips writhed in the couch as Spike pushed his way in.

  "Don't stop. Please don't stop." Yuki moaned.

  Shadows and darkness played throughout the room. I could tell as Eggs and Drags watched, their basic instincts took over. They smiled evilly the more the teddy bear fucked the unicorn. I was having a difficult time controlling myself. My body writhed almost as if Spike was fucking me and Yuki at the same time. The unicorn trembled as she trotted off my thighs onto the couch. Spike held on, stuffing his thick black cock deeper and deeper. Drags nearly attacked me, forcing my thighs open with his body. The dragon's ribbed cock was throbbing as he settled between my legs. I never knew he had such strength as he pushed the tip of his cock at my pink opening. My legs were spread wide and Drags pushed inch after inch into me. I had to admit that I loved his ribbed cock. My head bent back as he forced his way into me. I turned my head slightly and a light blue colored cock slid into my mouth. Eggs was on the top of the couch and took his chance. Furry paws held onto my face as he pushed his toy member down my throat.

  The room was alive with moans. Nerves coiled as Drag's cock began to vibrate. The plush dragon hugged my waist and buried his snout in between my tits. The dragon pushed all the way to the hilt and kept himself there. Vibrations assaulted me as I sat there.

  Jacob walked into the room with a glass of wine. He stepped over to his recliner and sat down. Eyes took in the spectacle of me being fucked and I wanted to show him more. Spike was fucking Yuki harder and harder. Her moans were turning to gasps. White fur pushed into
my face and I couldn't see Jacob anymore. Eggs fucked my mouth faster and faster, his hard cock bulging. My eyes went wide as jets of candy flavored come spurted into my mouth. I thought he would pull off of my at that point but he never slowed down his tempo. The white rabbit force fed me his cock over and over. With Drags between my legs and Eggs pushing in and out of my mouth furiously, I could do nothing but let them have me.

  "I'm coming again!" Eggs laughed.

  Another splash of come squirted down my throat. Drag's jammed his vibrating cock as deep as it would go. Eggs barely pulled out when my nerves coiled and released. A tidal wave of bliss crashed into me and I bucked while letting out a lusty scream. My body trembled like a leaf. Yuki let out a long scream a second later. I could feel come spurting into her tight hole. Spike pounded her plush ass, fucking her and spurting jets of come. Dizziness filled my vision. My body acted on its own as I squeezed Drag's thick member and molten come sprayed my insides.

  Plush paws and hands pulled at me. My body felt like it was floating as I was pulled to the mattress. Passion stormed my senses. Through a haze I could see Jacob getting undressed. He sat back down naked in his chair and picked up his half full wine glass. A playful smile bloomed into view. My lover looked so majestic as he watched me on my hands and knees before him. Stuffed animals jumped on the bedding around me for a long moment before they crowded around me.

  Heat flared as come dripped down my inner thigh. Hazy dream like thoughts floated in my mind. I looked around and could see the hungry desire painted all over the stuffed animals faces. It was then I knew what it all meant. Jacob practiced dark magic for years. He created Spike as a companion and Spike created Eggs and Drags. I created Yuki but in the end it didn't matter. I was their chosen mate. I could read it in his eyes as he watched me seductively. I was a slave to his whims and desires. The stuffed creatures around him were his minions and I was their play thing. Have I made a mistake? Have I opened myself to a monster who wanted to control my life and take me whenever he wanted? The alter in the basement called out to me with a siren's song. I felt like I was standing on the edge of the great abyss and it whispered, asking me if I wanted to jump.

  Jacob looked down into my eyes as if he was reading my thoughts. "You belong to us." He said simply.

  My soul jumped. "I belong to you." I whispered.

  I crawled forward, beady eyes watching me as I kneeled before Jacob. It all made sense and the darkness in my heart rose up. My life had fallen under Jacob's spell and I gladly locked the metaphorical chains around my spirit. I was just like them. I was just like him. Over and over I thought I could live a normal life. I tried but it never felt right. Instead here I was, before my man, my lover, my king, ready to please him anyway I could.

  Candle light flickered as I bent my head forward. Jacob's manhood lay between his legs, thick and half hard. My lips touched his tip and parted slightly. My tongue emerged and licked him into my mouth. It was heaven as inches pushed passed my lips, a bead of cum already on the tip. I hungrily licked at it, wanting more. Behind me, I felt movement. Paws touched my exposed ass and gave it a good smack. Dragon paws pinched and folded my nipples. Jacob reached out and put his hand around the back of my head, forcing his cock deeper down my throat. I moaned, nearly gagging on his fat cock. My body felt light as I bobbed on his member, inches slipping in and out of my mouth.

  Paws spread my ass cheeks and a thick wet cock pushed against my gash. I moaned louder as Spike's familiar cock speared me deep. My walls opened up as he slid back and forth, filling my hungry needs. My body quivered as pleasure washed over me. Little wet tongues ran along my pointed nipples. Jacob was rock hard and I bobbed on him. My tongue ran along the bottom of his veiny shaft and I pressed it against the roof of my mouth to make it even tighter. Jacob was a dirty pervert, watching my young self suck on his throbbing manhood but I didn't care because I was a young pervert ready to please him anytime he wanted.

  Furry hips bounced against my bubble butt. My moans grew louder as the teddy bear's thick cock began to vibrate. Fur touched all around me as I upped the tempo, sucking more and more. Jacob kept his eyes on me, his cock getting thicker in my mouth. I moaned my wanting, needing him to fill me. Jacob's cock bulged. I closed my eyes as spurts of molten come splashed in my mouth and down my throat. Jacob's salty come made me feel like I was home. I pressed my lips, milking more come from his cock. Jacob let go of my head and sat back, his wet manhood slipping from my mouth with a "Slop!".

  My mouth made a perfect O as come dripped down from the corner. Spike fucked me harder and harder, pushing every inch into me. I whined like a slave girl, my pussy stretched to nearly the breaking point. Spike's cock bulged and come squirted deep in me. The amount was obscene as I could feel it leaking out the sides of my slit and down my thighs.

  "I want sloppy seconds!" Eggs shouted.

  Spike pulled out and another cock slid in. I was so turned on that they were using me, my nerves coiled again. Moments into Eggs slamming his furry hips into me, my nerves exploded in a rain of fireworks. I was on my hands, my ass rippling to the stuffed bunny's movements. I watched as Yuki made her way in between me and Jacob. Her head was level with Jacob's dangling cock. She turned back to look at me and smile. I watched as she nuzzled her mouth against Jacob's manhood and took it into her mouth, The unicorn suckled on his cock, sliding inch after inch into her mouth. Jacob watched me and Yuki. I could do nothing but moan as Eggs fucked me from behind. The rabbit slammed into me faster and faster. Drags nibbled at my nipples while stroking his ribbed member. I was so tuned up that another orgasm slammed into me and I let out a scream.

  Eggs cried out. Streams of come spurted into me as I moaned my delight. Jacob was getting harder the longer the unicorn sucked his dick. She stood up on her hind legs and put her front hooves on the top of his thighs. I was nearly eye level with her dripping slit. I had seen Jacob add it to her body but up close it looked nearly natural, complete with a throbbing clit. Spike came around and grabbed a paw full of my hair. He pushed my face into the unicorn's dripping slit. I did as I was directed, my tongue running along her folds, tasting her cream mixed with Spike's candy come. The more I licked, the more the unicorn moaned. I could taste Yuki's unnatural flavor of cotton candy as it leaked onto my tongue.

  The white rabbit pulled from my messy slit. Come leaked out in long drippy streams. Drags had moved from my bouncy tits. Plush clawed hands grabbed my ass as his ribbed cock pushed in. Drags was slow, letting each ribbing plunk against my tight opening. The stuffed dragon knew how I liked it. It was me who pushed against him so he could fill my wanting gash. The throbbing cock in me began to vibrate and I bucked. My tongue slipped a little further into Yuki's hole, her juices spilled all over my tongue and chin. Jacob grunted and Yuki whined. I could feel come shoot into her mouth and greedily sucking it down. Jacob pumped more come and the unicorn didn't stop sucking.

  Spike and Eggs pulled Yuki from Jacob's cock. She bucked as if she didn't want to leave it. I guess she was more like me then I thought. The two stuffed animals forced Yuki onto the bed. I watched fascinated as Spike forced his black cock in her mouth and Eggs forced his blue one into her tight gash. Spike held the horn in one hand, using it to control her head as he pushed his hips into her face. The unicorn's mouth was firmly around the thick shaft, sliding in and out with dripping wetness.

  I moved forward and took Jacob's come covered cock into my mouth. I licked it clean and sucked down the juices. I bobbed, wanting to make him hard again. Drags took his time, fucking me slow and then fast. The room was filled with wet sounds and moaning. Spike and Eggs punished Yuki, driving themselves harder and harder into her.

  Jacob was nearly rock hard again after a few minutes. It was then when I stood up, Drags's cock pulling from me.

  "I'm not finished." Drags whined.

  I scooped him up with me and held him. Jacob watched me as I turned around and sat on his cock, keeping it between my ass cheeks. Jacob's hand ran along my spi
ne as I lifted up a little and pulled his monster cock so the tip was against my asshole. My world opened up as inch after thick inch pushed into my ass. Jacob moaned as I took him all the way down to the hilt. I held Drags between my legs and he knew what to do. The stuffed dragon's cock pushed at my tight pussy lips and I had both of them inside me. I moved like a good girl, satisfying both of them. I was nearly screaming my pleasure but I watched as Spike and Eggs abused Yuki. She moaned when Spike grunted. Come spurted into her mouth and dripped out the sides when she couldn't suck it down fast enough. Eggs grunted and did the same to her tight slit.

  I moaned louder as the teddy bear and the rabbit switched positions and continued their rampage of fucking. I bounced on my lover's cock. Drags reached up and squeezed my tit before grunting his pleasure. Come spurted into me and dripped out. My pussy simply couldn't hold anymore come. Jacob's cock thickened and my cries turned to whimpers. He was so big and so deep that I simply bounced, skin slapping against skin. A fountain of come spurted into my tight ass. I squeezed with all my might along the shaft, milking his hot come into me. Jacobs hands wrapped around my thin waist, forcing me down on every inch.

  The world began to spin. Tangled feelings whipped at our minds and hearts as bodies moved to a drunken frenzy. It was then I completely understood what it meant to be a part of this strange life. Spike was an extension of Jacob just as Eggs and Drags were further extensions. Yuki was an extension of me and her power connected us as we orgasm again and again. It was nice to have another female to share this shadow life with. A sister in arms, pleasing our magical men. Perverted desires brought to life in magical stuffed animals. It would be diabolic if it wasn't so beautiful. Jacob and I shared one half of a whole soul. Together our power spilled out, wanting more and more pleasure.

  Drag's cock buzzed in my wet gash and another orgasm exploded, followed by another and another. I nearly flopped forward as I could barely contain myself. Jacob took hold of me and laid me down on the bed. I was rolled onto my back. My world was flashes of dim light as the night wore on. Naughty plush animals took me over and over again. Jacob watched and sometimes joined in as I was fucked all night long. Bliss rained down on me as I sometimes passed out and woke up to be being fucked more and more. I never knew life could ever feel this good. Deep down I knew this would never end. They will fuck me and love me and fuck me for all of our days. I belonged to all of them and they belonged to me. My dreams came true and now I will be their queen and love slave for the rest of our time together.


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