The Wildling
Page 8
"That sounds like Primary. I bet he laid into you before he left." Morgena sighed.
"Yes. But he was right." Secondary's voice became a little less formal, though he still sounded miserable.
"Of course he was right." Morgena reached forward and touched him very gently on the shoulder. "Doesn't mean you were all wrong, either."
"I feel wrong. I feel slimy." Secondary cleared his throat. "I don't know how to stop, either."
"Which do you feel worst about? Failing your mistress or why you failed her?"
"Both. Why, mostly, I suppose. Because it's something I need. I'm disgusted with my desires but I still crave pain. If I had to do this all over again I might chose my partner a little better but I'd chose pain again."
"Would you let it interfere with your duty to Mistress Arness again?"
"No. Never. I wouldn't have the first time if I'd known what was to befall all of us!" Secondary looked up and for a moment tears glittered in his eyes.
"Then we'll have to see what we can do to help you, bucko. After all, Mistress Arness and Primary failed you, too."
"They didn't want to see your needs so they didn't teach you what to do about them. Safely." Morgena rubbed her chin. "I can. If you wish to learn."
Secondary studied the older woman. The patroness knew everything. Everything about men. Maybe even more than the mistress. That's what the pets on the ranch said. Many said it with a laugh and a nudge. Some just smiled.
Secondary touched his tongue to his lip.
"I belong to Mistress Arness." Secondary said, slowly. "I'm her personal pet. That comes with responsibilities."
"You were concerned with that when you sought out a pain partner?"
"Yes. No. I never left my monogamy leash."
"And you think I don't understand what you are bound to and how? My dear boy, please. I've been handling pets since long before you were born."
Secondary slowly and painfully got on his knees. He lowered his eyes again.
"Then teach me. Please. I have to know."
"An excellent start." Morgena's voice grew sharper. "Now that you accept my teaching, I have a question you must answer."
"Yes, Patroness."
"Was it Dorinda who did this to you?"
"No! I mean, I don't wish to…No, Patroness."
"Careful, bucko. You almost treated my question with disrespect. Disrespect means punishment." From the corner of his eye, he saw her draw a small riding quirt from her belt. She slapped it against her boots.
"Yes, Patroness." Secondary felt a familiar sexual excitement begin to course through him at the sound.
"I will explain myself to you once. After that you will do exactly what I say when I say. I didn't think Dorinda a fool or inexperienced. It would've distressed me to discover I was wrong, since she is the only woman I find indispensable on my ranch. Now you need say no more on the subject. I'll find out the rest for myself."
Secondary quivered at the grimness in her tone, even though it wasn't meant for him.
"I understand, Patroness."
He knew—in his soul, in his brain and, most especially in his already hard cock—he'd finally found the right taskmistress for him.
* * * * *
The word was almost noiseless, a mere vibration of sound, mingling in with the crickusts that hummed noisily in the scrub and mesquites. Arness opened her eyes. Faint though the voice was, she knew who spoke. What other man would dare call her by her name alone?
She knew not to say anything. She just nodded her head once and thought she could hear the slightest of rustling that meant Adan was disappearing back into the night.
There were too many renegades to attack directly. Arness knew Morgena had many men but no one would have anticipated close to a hundred bushwhackers, of both genders, armed with plenty of knives, whips, darts and machetes.
Morgena would be foolish to risk the lives of her pets for an immediate rescue once she realized the scope of the problem. Arness just hoped her own pets weren't rash enough to risk an attempt. She could wait. She hoped.
Then again, if it had been Adan, perhaps he'd escaped and was alone. Given his feelings, he'd be insane to risk anything for the woman who was attempting to domesticate him. If he was smart, he wouldn't tell anyone but head back into the deepest parts of the out-country.
Had he whispered to her to taunt her? No. No man risked discovery from a band of cutthroats just for that. Arness willed herself to calm. She had to wait and see. What other choice did she have? Impatience now could only do harm.
"Yo!" Another familiar voice, louder and rougher than usual, boomed over the campsite.
Sleepy sentries scrambled toward the sound. Others sat up in their bedrolls, startled, reaching for weapons.
Two large men, men she knew well, stepped out of the shadows. Both of them were as naked as wildlings. The smaller of the two giants spoke.
"Where's the boss?" Adan sounded unconcerned, almost friendly, despite a machete being stuck under his neck by one zealous guard.
"Fucoff," the guard growled.
Arness had never bothered to learn manspeak before, but when what your captors said could mean life or death, she'd had much more incentive to learn what the strange grunts meant. Now she strained to hear more.
"Who're you?" Merdeath strode from his tattered leader's tent, bullwhip coiled and ready.
Arness carefully eased herself to one shoulder to get a better look. Merdeath was no pleasant sight at best, but now, his dark hair flying, standing almost as tall as Primary in his boots, he was chilling. Adan merely smiled.
"We bagged this—" One, eyes wide and terrified, was pulled from the background, shoved suddenly in front of the campfire. "Want him back?"
Merdeath picked up the far from small One, dangling him in the air like a disobedient puppy. Low growls rumbled through the camp.
"We do. But why should you care what we want?" Merdeath fingered the handle of his whip as he enunciated in the civilized language. He liked to intimidate the wildlings of his band with formal speech, and Adan looked closer to wildling than anything else despite his language.
Merdeath dropped One back to the ground. The capture landed with a thud.
"We'd like to trade." Adan spoke as formally as Merdeath. Even as Adan spread out his hands innocently, showing his absence of weapons, Arness felt a knife slicing into the bonds that tied her hands behind her. The knife was then placed in her cupped hand.
"Come now." A new feminine voice whispered in Arness’ ear.
Arness gingerly tested her wrists to see if they would support her and then began to ease ever so slightly away from the fire. Her guards were gaping at the show by the main bonfire just like everyone else in camp was.
Primary belched, ignoring the machete prodding at his back.
Arness stopped. She’d forgotten he would be recognized.
“Danger,” Arness whispered. “Got to save them—“
“You can’t. Go.” The woman almost hissed.
"Shaddup." Adan easily moved away from the machete held near him to shove at his partner. Primary fell forward a little, just out of reach of the blade that poked at him. "Forgive me. My partner only understands manspeak."
Maybe they’d be wily enough to escape anyhow. Both of them were already precious inches further away from the weapons held against them. Arness bit her lip.
"I see. What do you want for this capture of yours? Capture of mine, actually," Merdeath asked, his eyes fixed on Primary and Adan. Almost as an afterthought, he kicked One, who was huddled on the ground.
Nobody paid attention to the pet's yipe.
Adan shrugged. "We're tired of living in the bush. We want to join you."
"Do you think that’s your decision? Do you actually believe you are allowed to choose what is yours and what is mine? That you can do whatever you wish here and leave? We don’t allow visitors to come in or out of our camp so easily, wildling,"
Merdeath sneered.
Primary put his foot on One.
"Mine.” Primary scowled and hit his chest. His guard moved closer to him again and held her weapon threateningly.
"Shall we slit their throats, Master?" The woman holding the machete to Adan's neck asked.
"Why should you?" Adan answered.
Merdeath laughed before he slapped Adan hard enough on the shoulder that Adan took a half step back. The guard looked at her leader and put the machete down. "Good answer. You've got some guts."
Arness disappeared into the bush at that point, but was close enough to hear the next words. "I permit you to sit down and tell me why I shouldn't kill you."
The small hand pulled at her wrist, silently leading Arness further away. Arness knew the other woman was right. The best help she could be would be to get out so they could all escape quickly. Primary at least wouldn't leave until she was gone.
Arness concentrated on being as silent as she could as she moved further into the bush.
She could hear rumbles of laughter. A few yips and howls. Then only the rise and fall of voices in the distance. Soon she was far enough away that she could hear nothing more.
"What—" Arness began.
"Quiet. Patrols."
Arness scowled. She knew that. But she also needed to know what was planned next. She wasn't going to leave three of her pets in that viper's nest.
A loud scream, loud enough to be heard from where they sat, shattered the quiet. Then another. Arness slid the knife into her palm. If she had to go back for them, she would.
* * * * *
"How do you feel now?"
The voice came, reassuringly calm through the darkness of the blindfold. Secondary thought about his response carefully.
Better than fine. His body was humming with anticipation. Somehow the lack of sight heightened all the other sensations the patroness was giving him, just as she had promised it would.
The tight clasp of what she'd called a metal noose held firm against the base of his cock. The metal had been cold when it first went on, gradually warming against his skin while Secondary stood, as commanded, bent over a chair.
The noose gripped him firmly, like a tight hand. He wasn't quite sure what else it would do except that wondering had made him hard and its grip kept him so. He stood, waiting to find out what more would happen.
"I won't inflict pain on you, Secondary. Not this time. You're still not recovered from what the careless fool did to you—and you'll have some nasty scars to show for it, by the way. But I will instruct you."
He didn't know what to expect from her words. He wasn't quite sure if he should believe them. Patroness Morgena could be ruthless. After their first talk she had gone to what was jokingly referred to as "The Hen House"—the building where her female employees and women who wished to be bred were housed. Secondary hadn't been told how, but in less than half a day the patroness identified the woman who had beaten him. Martine's wails had been heard all over the house before the pets had marched her away. They'd been ordered to dump her belongings into the bush outside ranch boundaries.
Tenderly, the patroness ran her finger down his spine. Secondary trembled as the finger slowly came to rest near the base of his back.
"Have you ever had a man's penis in you?"
"Sometimes, patroness. When Mistress Arness bids us to join her that way."
"How did you like it?"
Secondary wasn't sure what to say. Would she think he craved men? He didn't, not really, but—
"Speak, pet."
"It felt good, Patroness. Tight."
"Have you ever had such sex except when your mistress bid you?"
"No." Not that he hadn't toyed with the idea once or twice. But he knew Primary had no interest in doing so outside of their threesome sex play. He didn't have the units or the courage to approach any male in town and Secondary wasn't going to use an unpredictable capture.
"But you wanted to. I can tell. Relax, Secondary." The finger went further down, rested on the opening of his anus. Secondary forgot to breath as she began to slowly circle the hole.
"There are new sensations to be had here, too, pet. If you're careful. Nothing is to go inside unless you've been well greased and protected. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Patroness." Primary had told him so long ago. He braced, legs apart, for what would happen next.
A finger, gloved and lubricated, began to slip inside. Secondary reminded himself there would be some pressure. It slipped in deeper and he could feel himself begin to sweat.
Too slow. He needed more—
The finger found the small bump inside and began to circle it. Secondary jerked hard. Once or twice Primary had found that same area by accident but this—oh, Goddess, the motion was deliberate and overwhelming.
"Ahh!" Secondary gasped.
The finger withdrew itself slowly at the sound.
"Did I not say you would speak only when spoken to? Maintain silence, pet. Concentrate."
He was ready to weep at the finger's absence but knew better than to make anymore sound. He concentrated.
He could hear sounds that he was unable to identify. Clicking sounds. The roughness of the blindfold made him itchy but he kept his hands holding the sides of the chair. He next felt something cold and metallic pressing at his ass cheeks.
Goddess, what now?
It was bigger than a finger, certainly, though not quite as large as a cock. There was more pressure. Secondary bit his lip to keep from crying out as it was inserted inside him and slowly, slowly pushed in. He jumped as it suddenly began to quiver inside him.
"Do you like that, pet?"
"Y-yesss." He was almost sure of that, though the feeling was new.
"Then follow me." He grasped the hand and gingerly walked forward, learning to accept the new tingling sensation inside his ass. "Lie back."
He eased his back onto the bed, gradually feeling his way onto it until he lay sprawled out over the mattress. The thing inside him kept up an intermittent vibrating. He didn't know when it would start or stop but it was driving him mad.
"Aren't you a sight?" Patroness Morgena's voice sounded amused—and lustful. "That cock of yours looks ready to jump. The noose is taking care of that, though."
"May I be permitted to touch myself?" Secondary tried to keep his voice steady, but he knew it wasn't.
"Not your cock or your balls."
"Yes, Patroness." She'd made that clear from the start.
Instead he twisted his nipple ring hard.
"You enjoyed having that ring done, didn't you?"
"You'd probably want a nipple clamp for the other but I promised no pain—not even a little—today."
He didn't know what a nipple clamp felt like, but he nodded, beyond speech.
"One more test, pet, and we'll be finished."
Secondary knew without the noose he probably would have been finished before this. He continued to twist the ring and pinch at his other nipple, beyond shame or fear now. His hips rose and fell as the instrument inside him continued its work. The sensation in his cock, strong, powerful, far too slow, kept building. Whatever the patroness did next, as long as it was quick, he knew he would welcome.
Suddenly the vibration inside stopped. Now what? Secondary forced himself to lie quietly while the patroness stretched his legs out further apart.
He almost lurched off, however, when he felt the first tickling of a bird feather on his thighs. Hurt? No, it didn't hurt. But the gentle, teasing caresses of the feather made him squirm and twist, then jerk and spasm as they reached his sensitized nipples, then down his body to his balls and penis.
He wondered if he might die from the sensations. Layer upon layer. The tight noose felt almost too tight.
"Now, pet? What do you want?"
"Please, patroness! I beg—” The fingers reached, stroked his balls. He could feel the two sacs pulsing. The blood was rushing but could
go no further. Heedless of his injuries, Secondary raised his hips, slammed them down against the bed. That gave no relief as the hands continued to stroke. Desperate, he turned to bite into the sheets next to him.
Then the hand released his noose. Released all the pent-up cum inside him.
The rush of semen almost hurt as he began to spurt. Hurt beautifully. Hurt delightfully. Didn't truly hurt at all. Secondary finally allowed himself to sob in ecstasy.
The blindfold came off and Secondary blinked his eyes open.
Morgena looked down at him with a half-smile.
"Thank you, Patroness." Secondary managed to mouth the words.
"Well, pet, what have you learned?" She rolled him over, gradually sliding her delightful instrument out of his ass.
"That you are a wonderful taskmistress."
"You didn't realize that before? Flattering, pet, but not my point here."
"Instruct me, Patroness."
"You are not a mere pain-pleasurer, Secondary. You crave sensation. Almost any sensation will do. I'll wager that if I had fetched some ice from the spring house and placed it on you would have reacted almost as strongly as if I laid my quirt into you." Morgena dropped her accessories into a bag. "Cold. Gentle. Rough. You must discover the various sensations that please you best. When one is not appropriate to a particular situation or time will not permit, use a safer method. Pain can be a very interesting delight, but it should be only one of your many options."
Secondary nodded.
"Yes, Patroness."
"I expect Primary to return home with your mistress soon. My newest, Garic, will return also. I sent him away partly because he's still too new to take kindly to another in my bed. I doubt your Mistress would approve of our lesson at first either."
"I shan't be allowed back then, Patroness?" Secondary knew he sounded bereft. He felt bereft. He was on the brink of discovering more about pleasure than he'd ever known and it would be snatched from him.
"Not immediately."
"But I've done nothing for you!" Now he was horrified. A pet never took sex without a lavish return. That was a pet's duty and privilege.
"You're still too new at this. I doubt you have the self-control to manage what I want without breaking your monogamy leash. Yet." Morgena smiled wickedly at him. " I have many pets to help me."