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The Wildling

Page 16

by Treva Harte

  "You'll enjoy your half of the reward Mama posted, too. Since I started his capture I think half is quite fair."

  "A third. Adan brought him in."

  "Adan let him escape!"

  "A fourth. Secondary got him back."

  "Back to almost kill me!"

  "If you want me to go clean up the gang you need to be fair in your payment. I intend to be as successful a bounty hunter as I was a pet trader. No. More successful."

  Salla hesitated. "From what I saw of Mama's books, half the posted reward is closer to what she can afford. She spends too much on pets. I doubt breeding ranches, at least the way she runs them, are profitable."

  Arness eyed Salla thoughtfully. The girl had the makings of a shrewd bargainer, but she also sounded sincere.

  "Half and you pay all the damages Mistress Babs charged us."

  "Ugh. You'd think we destroyed all Desolation from the bill."

  Arness took Salla's words for agreement but Salla continued to frown. The blonde began to pull at the fringes of her vest, looking uncertain.

  Arness put her hand out and touched Salla on the arm. "You have something else you want to say, don't you."

  Salla gulped for air before she spoke next.

  "My word. I wonder if I can find someone able to make out-country trail velocipedes,” Salla muttered. "This walking isn't going to work. I'll never get used to it. I wonder who I could find who would be crazy enough to come out here to work for nothing and find a way to make some that are strong enough to stand up to these trails."

  Arness had heard of the two-wheeled vehicles though she'd never seen any. They were popular in the city but not ever used on dirt roads.

  "If it did work, you could make money off that," she said. "A rugged velocipede could change transportation out here."

  "I need money all right. Even if Mama isn't as broke as I think, I have no money of my own," Salla said cheerfully. "But I have lots of ideas to change things, Arness. I intend to convince Mama to set all her pets free."

  Another one who had come to the same conclusions she had? Not long ago Arness wouldn't have wanted anything in common with this odd woman. But Salla had more to her than a sour face and jealousy. She'd handled herself like a seasoned veteran against Merdeath. Besides she might hold the key to freeing Adan from Morgena.

  "Well, if she has no money now, you'll make sure she is in debt with that idea."

  "Not necessarily. I think many of the pets might be willing to stay with us anyhow. Their choice. Especially if we change the emphasis from breeding to recreation."

  "Recreation? Like a pleasure house?"

  "Not exactly. Well, sort of. Women could come to relax here, enjoy themselves and have some male attention and pampering. Mama's pets do know how to pamper you."

  "A fancy pleasure house then. Where the workers are…free?"

  "I suppose you could see it that way. After all, they'd be freed pets, former captures, just barely tamed. Having wildlings at your command could be a nice gimmick. Don't you think so?"

  "It could work." Arness thought of Adan and his refusal to be a pet. Her breath still sped up. "Works for me."

  "It's a little much to tackle, even for Primary and me. If you should ever want to work with us—"

  "The two of us would fight viciously."


  Salla swung her arms to keep her pace going.

  "By the way, you're right. I do have something else to ask."

  At last. Arness waited. Salla out waited her.

  "And that is?" Arness prompted.

  "Primary's hand in marriage."

  "What does that mean?"

  "I'm not sure exactly." Salla smiled. "I need to do more research. But I think it used to be very important. I want to do things right here. In all the manuscripts I have read, weddings were life-changing events for the man and woman. He's already changed my life, so I mean to marry the man. I think I'll ask Mama to officiate. She'd do a splendid job."

  "I'm sure," Arness murmured.

  "Now you, you're the closest thing to family Primary has. That's why I'm asking your permission. I'd like you to give him away at the wedding."

  "What would happen if I said no?" Arness asked curiously. Could she mention Adan and an exchange? For someone who spent her life bargaining over men and their worth, she was suddenly terrified to mention the subject.

  "I'd have him anyhow. As long as he's willing."

  "So I thought. Very well. I permit you. Except for one thing."

  "What?" Salla's smile turned wary.

  "I'd give him away if he were mine to give. But he's his own man."

  "I think that's just an expression," Salla frowned. "I understand your point, however."

  "There's another thing. If Primary is his own man, so is Adan. Your mother might not understand that but you do. If you can see that Adan is free to leave Morgena, I'll gladly pretend to give Primary away at a wedding."

  "I'll do my best."

  "By the way—"

  "Yes? What else?"

  "What's a wedding?"

  * * * * *

  "What did she want?" Adan asked, falling easily into place beside her at the head of the line.

  "She asked for Primary's hand," Arness answered, frowning a little.

  "What? She has all of him as it is—two hands, legs…Blast it, his cock and both balls, for that matter. I'd think she'd ask you for that first."

  "Don't! This was very important to Salla. She asked nicely. She even smiled. You know, I rather liked her that way." Why was Adan making her want to laugh after the odd, almost panicky feeling she’d had after Salla's conversation? Salla made her head spin with her plans and ambitions. Salla had no problems with change. She certainly showed none of the reluctance Arness had. "Salla plans to mar Primary. No. That's not it. Marry him. She plans to marry him."

  "What's that?"

  "An important, life-changing event."

  Adan stared at her, then almost fell over a loose stone because he wasn't minding his footing on the trail.


  "I don't really know what she means." Arness didn't mind admitting her ignorance to him. "But Salla wants it, so Primary will, too. I'm sure they will get married. Salla intends to stay on the ranch, I think. I doubt the place will ever be the same by the time she's done."

  Would she ever feel welcome there again?

  "You're going to let Primary go then."

  "Yes. Secondary, too. And the other wildling I still haven't sold." Arness kept walking.

  "Why?" Adan reached out, grabbed her hand. She stopped. Arness still wasn't used to him putting hands on her without permission. The shock of his unauthorized touch still excited her. She dropped her eyes to hide her sudden rush of desire.

  Adan didn't notice as he demanded, "Because of me? What I said to you?"

  "Well, would you let me have other men? Even just owning them?" Arness looked into his stormy face and smiled. "I thought not. You told me so clearly enough before. No sex if I kept my pets."

  "No. I'd kill them—rip them apart and leave you before I let that happen. You know that well enough. But I'd hoped there was still another reason."

  "What would that reason be?"

  Adan swallowed. "Perhaps it's too much to expect, but you seemed to understand why I can't be a pet. Why I crave your respect."

  "Because you're not something to be owned."

  "No, I'm not. But also none of us should be owned as a pet because—"

  "No man is a pet." Arness said the words out loud calmly. Admitting it to Adan wasn't so bad. She couldn't believe she'd fought the truth for so long.

  Arness gasped when she saw that tears glittered in Adan's eyes.

  "What's wrong, Adan?" Arness asked.

  Very deliberately he took her hands and raised them to his forehead as he bowed his head before her. It was a pet's gesture of utter devotion and submission, one she'd always refused to force any of her pets to make.

waited for you to say the words. I loved you before you did, but this makes everything complete." Adan's next words came out softly, uncertainly. "Even if you don't love me."

  Arness blinked again. Her Adan sounded anything less than arrogant and sure of himself? Her throat tightened. He was endearing this way, too.

  "I'm going to prove to you I'm more than a novelty." Adan's head jerked up and as his hands dropped to his sides, his fists clenched. "You're going to find out how important I am to you before I'm done."

  Arness laughed. She knew this Adan. Knew and wanted and adored this Adan. Blast it, she liked both Adans. Unsure and arrogant, adoring and commanding. It appeared she might be keeping two men after all, though they were housed in the same delightful body.

  "You can prove to me whatever you like," she said. Her next words came easily, too. Words she'd never imagined ever saying to any male a few weeks before. "But you needn't. I know you're not a novelty. I'd never discard you. I've been talking to Salla about you, to make sure you're freed. You're the man I love."

  * * * * *

  Arness fingered the long skirt she wore, realized she what she was doing and stopped. She cleared her throat. The hairpins she wore to keep her hair piled up seemed to be sticking straight into her head.

  "Well. It's almost time."

  Blast it—she'd grown rather fond of that phrase of Adan's—but she felt foolish. When was the last time she'd worn a skirt? Arness knew she'd never worn her hair so elaborately. She never would again, either. Arness couldn't believe Salla had convinced all of them to do this.

  "I guess so." Primary looked amazingly calm despite his tight-fitting white suit. Arness doubted he'd ever worn anything like it before, but he looked like he'd been born to adorn one.

  "Salla says I'm supposed to give you advice." Arness shrugged. "What can I possibly tell you?"

  Primary grinned.

  "A school-friend of hers sent a ceremonial collar and leash for…ah, bedroom use. Would you like to advise me on how to use that wedding gift?"

  "I wouldn't presume to tell a wise man like you or a smartass like Salla what to do with such a device. I doubt there's anything I can tell you about such things."

  "How about telling me that you wish me well?"

  Arness looked at the man who'd been her partner in so many things. She held out her hand. "Of course, dear Primary."

  Primary surprised her by kissing her palm. Then he patted her hand before he stepped back.

  "I guess everything is settled then," Arness said.

  Adan would have killed Primary if he'd seen that kiss. But Adan was outside with the other guests—no doubt pacing and wondering what Arness and Primary were doing alone together. Salla might be doing the same, but she had insisted the person who gave away the groom was to have a private conference with him right before the ceremony and prepare him. Perhaps Salla'd been right to insist on keeping that tradition.

  “I guess everything is settled.” Primary looked back at her. For a moment she thought she might have seen a faint regret, but then it was gone. He smiled. "Your man is going to enjoy seeing you in lace. I hope he learns to undo those hooks in the back without tearing them off. Salla taught me how. It can take a very, very long time."

  Arness could imagine. She could also imagine what Adan would do.

  "I hope he does tear them," Arness murmured. Then she remembered her role. She inspected the groom from top to toe. Blast it. Instead of being critical, she almost salivated at the sight. Broad-shouldered, freshly shaved, chin up. A male who no longer bowed his head. Why did Adan have to show her that was sexy?

  Thank Goddess she found Adan sexier than other men. Not even Primary could compare with him.

  Instead of drooling, Arness tried for a brisk tone. "Primary, you look splendid. Truly splendid. There's one thing wrong."

  Her eyes went to his neck. Primary's fingers moved up to where she stared.

  "It's been with me so long that I'd forgotten I still wore this," he murmured.

  He fumbled with the old collar. The clasp hadn't been used in a long time and was difficult to unfasten. Once done, though, Primary quickly held the strap of leather out toward her, dangling it from one finger.

  “This doesn’t belong to me anymore,” he said.

  “Throw it away,” Arness said. “It’s not mine, either. Come on. Salla wants you two to have this thing called a wedding. The sooner I give you away, the sooner you can get to the bedding. Now what Salla describes of that sounds…entertaining.”

  "Oh, Goddess." Primary looked uneasy for the first time. "She isn't really planning to have everyone in the wedding watch us, is she?"

  "She says that's the traditional way. Some manuscript about doves and wolves says so. How do you think wolves and doves know?" Arness began to grin. "Don't look so worried. I know you're up to it, stud."

  "Who is worried? Maybe I can change her mind before the end of the evening." Primary smiled, a slow, sexy smile.

  "You never would've said that before," Arness pointed out. "Not to me."

  "I was never married to you," Primary responded. "Being a groom is different."

  "Right. Now you wear a ring around your finger, not your neck. There's a big difference." Arness carefully kept from giggling when she spoke.

  "Salla promised to wear a ring, too," Primary answered. "I guess we're both captures to the other. Salla will care for me as carefully as I care for her."

  "Well, maybe that would be all right." Arness tried to imagine Adan in complete charge of her. A small tingle told her that the thought wasn't as repellent as it might have been a few weeks ago.

  She might come to envy the married couple. Then again, if she liked this wedding ceremony, what was to stop her from proposing to Adan and trying it for herself? Adan would be dazzling in white.

  Primary turned and, showing the vast strength in his body, he lifted Arness and spun her in a wide circle. She held onto her elaborate coiffure and prayed it wouldn't tumble down. She would never, never have the patience or time to have it redone.

  "Thank Goddess someone besides me has the care of you now!" Arness snapped. "You've gone quite mad."

  The door banged open. Adan stood in the doorway and scowled. "Aren't you done talking at last? Listen, pet, since when does talking involve laying hands on a woman?"

  Arness was put down on her feet. She carefully arranged some strands of her hair. After everything looked more or less put back the way the ranch's women had fixed it, she laid her hand on Adan's arm, just in case he forgot one shouldn't fight at a wedding. Especially with the groom.

  "Do I look all right after this madman twirled me around?" she asked.

  Adan's face softened. Arness let her hand linger. Something else wasn't soft at all. Apparently, despite his words and scowls, this wedding business made him as randy as she was.

  "You look ravishing."

  "Very soon I hope to look ravished." Arness smiled at Adan and at his involuntary catch of breath.

  Primary laughed at them both. He tossed the collar in the corner as he strode toward the doorway.

  "I'm ready," he said. "Let's get me married."

  * * * * *

  "He's here!" One of the ranch women called and then whistled. "All here, if you know what I mean."

  The room erupted into a cacophony of noise as the man and his guide reached the bedroom. Salla realized two things simultaneously. Her hands were shaking and sometimes old customs were dropped for a reason.

  Oh. And she knew that Primary was magnificent. When Arness led him around the room, with him dressed in no more than the bejeweled cock collar, Salla knew every woman in the room was as slack-jawed as she was. When Arness handed the leash over to her, Salla wondered how the other woman could bear to do so. Despite the sweat on her palms, she took firm hold of the handle.

  "Love, shall I undress you?" Primary asked.

  He seemed completely unconcerned over his nudity and unworried about everyone viewing his hard-on. Of course wi
th an erection like his, why should he worry?

  "Yes." Salla tried not to squeak.

  His warm hands touched the back of her neck. The whistles and howls of the rest faded away.

  "I promised you my leash wouldn't slip, didn't I?"

  "You're beautiful, Primary," Salla whispered. "I can't believe I'm so lucky."

  He kissed her neck this time. His wet tongue flicked against her skin. She jumped at the touch. His big fingers gently unfastened the first hook.

  Delicately he went to the next, kissing each bit of newly exposed flesh as he let the fastening go free. Salla thought it would take forever. She squirmed against him and he paused, flattening his hands against her hips to still her movements.

  * * * * *

  "Let's go, Arness," Adan whispered.

  "What?" Arness blinked. All the women had fallen silent, mesmerized by Primary's seemingly submissive gesture and the open desire on Salla's face as he slowly undressed her.

  "Let's leave," Adan hissed in Arness' ear.

  "Wh—" Arness felt just why Adan had said that as he prodded her leg. Apparently not just the women were affected by the sight.

  * * * * *

  Salla gripped her hands together as Primary unfastened the last hook, an excruciatingly long time later. Her breath eased out. At last. The dress began to slip from her shoulders. Primary knelt behind her. Then she felt his tongue touch, just as he had elsewhere, between her cheeks. Salla's eyes widened. She'd never imagined such a thing.

  "Oh my—" She stared at the equally wide-eyed audience before her. "Go away! I want to be with my husband."

  Adan grabbed Arness and began to hustle her away.

  "Blast that pet," Arness said. "He told me he'd stop the public bedding ceremony. I never would've guessed how."

  "Primary has had years of experience in gently persuading females to do what he thinks they should," Adan said, thoughtfully. "I suppose I could learn something from him. Not that I will."

  "I never realized how neatly he managed to get his way in things until I began to argue with you." Arness swallowed. Had she been manipulated all these years?

  "Which way do you like better? His or mine?" Adan challenged.


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