Moon Thrall
Page 13
Scott ran a hand down his face. His gaze was beseeching. “Court, man, I didn’t do it. As soon as I heard what happened I’ve been staking out the Viper’s Nest. It’s how I knew what was going down here.”
Court wanted to believe him, but the past was difficult to forget. “You turned your back on me.”
“I know.” Scott sighed loudly. “I didn’t know what to think, and I was young and stupid. That doesn’t make what I did right. So many times I wanted to drop by the bar.”
Court frowned. “Then why didn’t you?”
“Shame. Embarrassment. Worry you might hold a grudge. Take your pick.”
Myles crossed his arms over his chest. “It was Scott who reached out to me about a year ago.”
“The fact is someone betrayed me,” Court said.
“I think I know who it was.”
Court whirled around as soon as he heard Skye’s voice. He was so glad to see her awake that all he could do was smile. Until her words penetrated his mind. “Who?”
“Helen.” Skye walked down the steps and came to stand before Court as she held out jeans for his brothers to take. “I told her what I was going to do.”
Kane grunted loudly. “Well, hell.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Myles replied.
Skye shook her head. “I believe Scott. If he betrayed you, why would he risk his life by being here now?”
“I don’t know.” Court pulled her against him and held her tight. It felt so good to just hold her.
“You’re wounded.”
“They’ll heal.” His heart wouldn’t if something had happened to her.
“They better.”
He smiled down at her as he ran his hand down her silky length of black hair. Then she pulled away from him and turned them toward Scott.
“Thank you for your help tonight,” Skye said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask for your help again.”
Scott glanced at Court, then nodded. “Name it.”
Court looked at Skye, wondering what she was up to. He didn’t want to stand amid the dead vampires and Djinn or talk anymore. He wanted her up in his bed, naked so he could make love to her all night.
“I want you to help me get Helen,” Skye announced.
Court blinked. “Skye.”
She shook her head and stepped out of his arms, holding up a hand. “Don’t, Court. Remember that anger a moment ago when you felt that Scott had betrayed you? Well, that’s what I’m feeling. Helen wasn’t a friend, but she was my boss and a mentor of sorts. She was the one who urged me to write those articles after I pitched them to her.”
“So she put Skye in danger,” Kane said.
Court hadn’t looked at it that way until that moment. Now he wanted to get his hands on Helen. He reined in his fury – barely.
“How do you want to handle this?” he asked.
Skye smiled and looked around. “With this bunch, it should be easy enough.”
“No better time than the present.”
Skye had woken to shouts. Despite Minka trying to keep her lying down, Skye had gone outside to listen. That’s when she came to the conclusion that it was Helen who’d betrayed her.
It wasn’t nervousness that filled Skye. How could there be any after she’d faced vampires and Djinn earlier? No, there was only anger and the need for some kind of revenge.
Skye had failed theatre in high school, but this was different. This was her life. And she wanted it back. She had trusted the wrong person, and she’d nearly paid the ultimate price for it.
“Are you sure?” Court asked as they stood in the shadows of the building across the street from the paper’s offices.
His concern warmed her heart. She leaned her cheek into the hand he held against her face. “Yes.”
“I’d rather go in with you.”
“If this is going to work, then you need to remain out here.”
“It sucks,” he grumbled.
She kissed his palm. “Now you know how I felt earlier. I’ll be back soon.”
As soon as she tried to turn away, he pulled her back. “Skye, I need to tell you something. I should’ve told you before the battle.”
“What is it?” His anxiousness was worrying her. Was he wanting to end whatever was getting started between them? The mere thought made her clutch the bricks to remain on her feet. She loved him.
He shifted his feet, swallowing loudly. Then he spoke in a rush. “I love you. I know we haven’t been together long, but I know what I feel. I don’t expect you to return the feeling yet, but I hope you will in time.”
Skye threw her arms around his neck. “I love you, too.”
“What?” He grew still, his hands barely holding her.
“I love you, too.”
There was a moment where he didn’t move, didn’t utter a sound. And then his arms were around her, holding her so tight she could barely breathe.
His face was buried in her neck. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive.”
Skye laughed as he placed kisses all over her face. Then he suddenly drew back, a frown upon his face. “What is it?”
“Don’t go in there,” he urged. “Forget Helen.”
Skye was shaking her head before he’d finished. “She could do this to someone else, Court. I couldn’t live with myself if I allowed that.”
“Then let me be with you when you confront her.”
Skye was about to refuse him again when she had an idea. She pulled out her cell phone from her pocket and dialed Helen. As soon as her editor picked up the phone Skye put her acting face on. “Oh, Helen, thank God you answered.”
“Skye? What’s wrong?” her editor asked with just the right amount of concern.
“I’m in trouble. The vampires are after me. I’ve managed to elude them so far, but I need a place to go.”
“Come to the office.”
Skye rolled her eyes as Court stood close enough to hear the conversation. “I’m nearly there. Can you take me out of the city?”
“Um...sure. I’ll meet you at my car.”
Skye ended the call. “I should’ve thought of that sooner. It’s better this way instead of confronting her in her office where there are cameras.”
“Come on,” Court said as he held out his hand. “Let’s get the others and let them know things have changed.”
It took only a few minutes to fill Scott and the LaRue brothers in on the new plan as they walked to the parking garage where Helen had her car.
“Are you sure she’ll call the vampires?” Scott asked.
Skye shrugged. “We’ll find out soon enough.”
“I’ll hide,” Court said. He kissed Skye before he ducked behind a car.
Skye began to pace as if she were nervous and scared. It seemed to take forever for the sound of Helen’s heels to be heard on the concrete.
She came around the back of a tall SUV at the sound of Helen’s voice. “Thank you,” she said and wiped at her eyes as if she had been crying. “It’s been a horrible night.”
Helen dug in her purse for her keys. “What happened? Where have you been?”
“Hiding anywhere I could for the last week. That night I went to the Viper’s Nest they were expecting me.”
Helen’s head jerked up. She pushed her graying head of blond hair away from her face. “How?”
“I don’t know.” Skye hoped she was convincing enough. It was hard being so close to Helen and not letting the anger take her.
“It’s all right. I’ll take you somewhere safe.”
Skye walked with her, looking over her shoulder as she did. “I need out of New Orleans for awhile.”
“Not a problem. I’ve got some friends that can help.”
Skye stopped walking. “The same friends you called to tell I was going back to the club?”
Helen slowed, then stopped. She dropped her arms and turned to face Skye. “When did you figur
e it out?”
“Not soon enough. Why would you betray me?”
Helen barked in laughter. “Not everything is about you, Skye. You’re so focused on what you wanted that you never stopped to think that others might be affected.”
“You told me to write the articles!” she yelled.
“Of course. It was a good way to get rid of you.”
Skye fisted her hands at her sides. “Why? Why not just tell me the articles wouldn’t be of interest?”
“Because you weren’t about to give up!” Helen shouted. “You would’ve gone to anyone who would’ve listened. Or worse, put them on the Internet yourself. This way, I could regulate what you were saying and take care of you if you got too close.”
“Which is what happened with the Djinn,” Skye surmised.
Helen shrugged. “Shit happens. You stepped in the wrong pile. This is my city. These are my people.”
“The humans or the supernatural?”
“Both,” Helen said with a lift of her chin. “It has taken me years, but I’ve made connections in both worlds that keep me protected.”
There was a sound of male laughter as Scott turned the corner near Helen’s car. “That’s quite a confession.”
“Oh, please,” Helen said. “The police will do nothing to me.”
“You’re probably right,” Scott said.
Helen flicked her shoulder-length hair back. “Detective, you’d have been better served staying out of this. Now you’ll die with Skye this night.”
At that moment, three vampires came out of nowhere. Skye cut her gaze to Helen. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Of course, I will,” Helen said with a laugh. She turned on her heel to go to her car, but drew up short when she caught sight of Court.
Skye smiled at her man. He was glorious in his fury. The three vampires were quickly dispatched by Myles, Solomon, and Kane.
Helen stumbled backward and turned to Skye, beseeching her. “Don’t let him hurt me.”
“So you know who he is?” Skye asked.
Helen nodded, glancing at Court. “He’s a LaRue. They police the factions.”
“What do you expect me to do?”
“Mercy,” Helen begged as she dropped to her knees.
Skye wanted revenge, but seeing Helen on her knees changed her mind. She looked up at Court. He was waiting on her decision, letting her make the call.
“Leave,” Skye said to Helen. “Leave the city and never return.”
Helen’s face went blank. “But...this is my home.”
“You asked for mercy,” Court stated in a deep voice. “That’s the extent of it. Leave or face the consequences.”
Helen nodded and got to her feet. “I’ll start packing.”
“You have two days,” Court said.
Skye walked out of the parking garage with Court. Solomon, Kane, Myles, and Scott were behind them.
“Do you think she’ll leave?” Skye asked.
Court shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“I hope to hell she does,” Solomon said.
Myles sighed. “Me, too. I’ve no wish to carry out Court’s threat.”
It was the first time Skye had walked down the streets of the city in a week. She looked around noticing the forms in the shadows that watched them.
“Who are they?” she asked in a low voice.
Kane came up beside her. “They’re from the other four factions. You’ll be left alone now.”
“We showed our strength tonight,” Myles said.
Court laced his fingers with hers. “It was long overdue.”
They walked for another five minutes in silence before Court turned her down a street. Skye saw the others continue.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
Court smiled. “My place.”
“Is that right?” She smiled, excitement rushing through her.
“It’s where I intend to keep you for quite awhile without any interruptions.”
“What about what I want?”
They reached the door to a building and he pushed her against it, crowding her so that their bodies were touching shoulder to hip. “What do you want?” he whispered as he let his mouth draw close to hers before pulling back.
“You. I want you.”
His mouth descended on hers in a scorching kiss that had desire pooling in her belly. A moment later, the door opened and they walked inside, still kissing.
A month later...
“I can’t believe we’re at the courthouse,” Court said.
Skye stopped him, putting the bouquet of flowers between her arm and body so she could adjust his tie before smoothing her hands down the front of his suit. “It’ll be over quickly.”
“I only put on this suit for you.”
She smiled. “You look very handsome in a suit.”
“Come on then,” he said and took her hand.
They went up the remainder of the steps and walked through the doors of the courthouse. They found Solomon, Riley, Kane, and Minka standing together.
“Well?” Court asked.
Solomon looked at his watch. “It’s time. They’re late.”
“No, we’re not,” Myles said as he and Addison walked up.
Addison was beaming. Skye was thrilled that she and Myles had decided to forgo a long engagement. Neither wanted a big wedding, so they opted to be married by a judge.
Skye walked with the others into the room and awaited the judge. He arrived, and the ceremony was quickly underway. As Skye listened to Myles and Addison exchange vows, all she could think about was her and Court.
She was deliriously happy. After all her hating of the supernatural, she couldn’t believe she was dating one. It was actually more than dating. She and Court were all but living together. They had yet to make it official, but they were rarely apart.
They stayed at his place for a few days and then went to hers. Her days were spent at the newspaper, but she was no longer writing articles about the supernatural. She had moved to the advice column.
“What are you thinking about?” Court leaned over and whispered.
She glanced up at him. “You.”
“Ah. That’s good since I was thinking of you.”
“What about?”
“That I love you, and I want us to live together.”
“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” she joked.
He held out his hand. Skye looked down and saw a key. She realized then it was a key to his apartment.
“Move in with me, Skye. Or I’ll move in with you. I don’t care as long as we’re together. I want you with me always.”
Skye took the key and held it against her heart with a smile. “Yes, I’ll move in with you.”
“Be with me? Always?”
Skye waited for the judge to announce that Addison and Myles were husband and wife. Then she turned to Court. “Yes.”
They sealed their vows with a kiss.
Riley left the courthouse, intending to meet up with Minka. She was halfway to her truck when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.
It was the third time in as many days. Riley turned her head and saw the woman across the busy street. She was dressed in all white, which made her dark skin appear even darker. Her black eyes were trained on Riley as she smiled knowingly.
Riley had faced many monsters in her days of hunting, but nothing put the fear in her like the Voodoo priestess. Delphine was letting Riley know she was marked. She would be coming for Riley soon.
With a wave, Delphine turned a corner and disappeared. Riley leaned against her truck as she bent over and tried to figure out what she was going to do about this new situation.
Look for the next story in the Chiasson/LaRue series with WILD FEVER – Coming May 18, 2015!
Until then, read on for the sneak peek…
Night’s off were one of his simple pleasures. Christian blew out a brea
th as he put his truck in park and got out. He looked at the sign on the building that read Joel’s Place.
Normally, he would spend his night off at home, but since the house he shared with his three brothers also had their women, he preferred some time alone.
Christian walked to the bar and opened the door. He was immediately blasted with music and laughter. Stepping inside, he let his gaze wander the place. It might be his night off, but he was a Chiasson, which meant he was always working since the supernatural never took a day off.
He made his way to the bar and ordered a beer as he continued to survey the people. Ghosts, demons, vampires, witches, werewolves. If they preyed on the innocent, then the Chiassons hunted – and killed – them.
His family had been protecting the parish for generations, and thanks to his brothers finding love, that would continue.
Christian’s thoughts went to his sister. Riley. She was the one who was supposed to get out of the life. It’s why he and his brothers all agreed to send her away to college.
But they should’ve paid more attention when she called. Riley was a Chiasson to the core. Stubborn, independent, and determined. She was no longer in Austin, Texas. That fact worried Christian as nothing else could. Riley was smart, strong, and beautiful, but she also had a habit of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Their family had enemies. Enemies who had already tried to kill them.
“Hey?” Sherriff Marshall Ducet said as he took the seat next to Christian.
Christian nodded in greeting. “You really come here often?”
“Yeah.” Marshall looked around and shrugged. “It’s a nice place. No...unwanteds here.”
Marshall was a transplant from New Orleans. He left the city to get away from the supernatural, only to land smack in the middle of one of the places in North America that they flocked to.
“Plenty of pretty women,” Marshall said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Christian glanced at two women shooting pool who kept eyeing him. They were attractive. Either one would do nicely as his bed partner for the night.
Emphasis on the night. Unlike Vincent, Lincoln, and Beau, Christian would do whatever it took to ensure he didn’t fall in love.