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Loving Storm (Ashes & Embers Book 5)

Page 5

by Carian Cole

  Britney’s note was devastating beyond words. I can’t imagine what kind of hatred, depression, and hopelessness was going through her mind to make her want to continue to hurt Storm even from the grave. I wonder if she had any idea how much damage she had done. I want to hate her. I wish I could feel glad that she’s dead. But I don’t feel those things at all. I feel sorry for her ending her life so young and taking her unborn child with her, when she didn’t have to do that at all. She was so focused on what she didn’t have that she couldn’t see what she did have.

  It all makes so much sense to me now. During one of our trapped-in-a-blizzard talks, Storm admitted he didn’t do relationships—he just had friends with benefits. Sex and go. I thought he was just a guy bed-hopping with a bunch of pretty girls, avoiding commitment so he could be a playboy. It’s one of the reasons I was leery of getting involved with him. I had no idea it was because he had been through such a tragic experience with his first relationship. I didn’t know she embedded the fear of ever being in love so deeply in him that it took twelve years for him to even try again.

  And out of all the women in the world, he chose me to give his heart to. Why?

  I’m certainly not the prettiest girl. I’m not rich. There’s nothing exciting about me. I can be really annoying. I’m a totally shitty driver. I’m always covered in pet fur. I’m awkward. I’m cute, though. And caring. And I love him.

  I hope it’s enough.

  He rolls onto his side facing me, and I immediately snuggle up into the warmth of his chest as he rests his cheek against the top of my head. Our hands meet and hold onto each other under the blanket.

  “You still awake?” he murmurs.


  “You thinking about how much you love me?”

  I smile in the dark. “Always.”

  “Go to sleep and think about how much I love you.”

  I do. I always do.

  “No bachelor party?” Mikah yells so loudly I’m sure our neighbors heard. “Tell me you’re fucking kidding.”

  “Seriously, Storm, what the fuck?” Finn adds. “It’s your night to party, grope some strippers, and get wasted before you’re shackled to a wife.”

  I seem to have walked onto the patio, where Storm, his brother, and one of their friends are hanging out talking, at precisely the wrong time.

  I set the tray of sodas and snacks on the table and turn to leave, but Storm grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. “My days of partying and strippers have been over for a long time,” Storm says. “And I’m not shackled, dickhead.”

  “C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Mikah urges. “You don’t mind, do ya Ev?”

  I squirm under Mikah’s and Finn’s stares. Unlike Storm, they’re the typical rock stars—always partying, acting crazy, sleeping with groupies, and acting arrogant and cocky twenty-four seven.

  “Storm can do whatever he wants,” I tell them. “Neither one of us wanted a party.”

  Finn scoffs. “So you girls aren’t going to a strip club to shove money into some buff guy’s Speedo?”

  “No,” I reply. “We’re not.”

  “You guys suck.”

  Storm grabs a soda off the table and twists the cap off. “I don’t know what you’re bitching about, you guys party every fucking night. It’s not like you need a reason.”

  Mikah shoves a handful of potato chips in his mouth and talks as he chews. “It’s the principle, man. You’re supposed to have one last night to raise hell.”

  “Not interested. Why don’t you guys go out and party in my honor? Will that make you feel better?”

  Mikah’s head bobs up and down. “Can we text you pictures of what you’re missing and we’re getting?”

  Storm laughs and shakes his head. “Fuck no. I don’t want to see any of that shit. It’s time for you assholes to leave. I’m taking my future wife to dinner.”

  We stand to say goodbye and, while Mikah and Storm continue to joke around, Finn leans down and whispers in my ear, “We’re just busting balls. We know you guys don’t want to party with anyone but each other.”

  Aww. Apparently Finn’s also got a hidden nice side. I’ve slowly learned that most of the band guys, as crazy or moody as they may seem sometimes, have their good sides. They’re just guarded about who they show that side to.

  I admit, I was a judgy bitch when I first met Storm. My anxiety got the best of me, and I had a meltdown from the stress of being lost, freezing, going through two car crashes in less than half an hour, and being forced to trust a total stranger wearing guy-liner. Looking back, I’m surprised he didn’t leave me in that snowbank to be a crazy freak all by myself. Luckily, he stuck around long enough to see my nice, more normal side.

  Being your true self with someone is a massive cliff dive of vulnerability. Nothing has become more evident to me than that over the past year.

  Chapter Nine

  There are so many reasons why I wanted to have a December wedding. The arctic air, the bluish hue, the purity of a blanket of white snow and glistening icicles, the holiday music, the melancholy end of the year—and the anticipation of a new one creates an overall ambience of togetherness and love.

  December holds my most precious family memories—all wrapped up in a box and tied with a pretty bow in my heart. I can’t think of a better anniversary to celebrate with Storm every year.

  “You look beautiful,” Ronnie says, breaking through my daydreams. “Thank you for letting me walk you down the aisle. It means a lot. To me, and to Storm.” He takes both my hands and squeezes. “Your father would be proud of you, Evelyn. I hope you know that.”

  I fight back tears so I don’t destroy the perfect makeup job Amy did on me. “Thank you for saying that. I wish he were here…but I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather give me away in his place.”

  “It’s an honor.” His smile is so familiar, an older, weathered version of Storm’s.

  I check myself in the mirror one more time. The diamond bracelet Storm gave me this morning sparkles in the light—my something new. My mother’s earrings swing against the tendrils of my hair—my something old. Hanging from my neck is Aria’s heart-shaped ruby, diamond, and white gold necklace—my something borrowed. And beneath my gown is a blue lace garter belt Tabitha gave me—my something blue.

  Aria and Amy appear at my side in the mirror reflection, Amy in a tight red dress and Aria in a silver pantsuit.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Amy says. “I hope I’m half as beautiful as you if I ever get married.”

  “Are you kidding?” I retort. “You’ll be even more beautiful.”

  Aria repositions the white faux fur shawl around my shoulders. “You’re both stunning. Are you ready, Evelyn? I’ll go out and make sure everything’s in order.”

  Turning away from the full-length mirror, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. “I’m ready. Petrified, but ready.”

  Storm’s mother smiles reassuringly. “All brides feel that way. It’s exciting and terrifying to get married, no matter how in love you are.”

  Ronnie cocks his head at her with a teasing grin. “Were you scared on our wedding day?”

  “I was scared out of my mind, darling. But it was the best decision of my life.”

  Amy and I smile at each other as my future in-laws share a kiss. I hope Storm and I are still madly in love with each other after being married for more than thirty years, and I hope my best friend finds that too.

  When Storm’s parents part, Aria’s eyes are glistening. “Okay…it’s time to get this wedding started!” She grabs Amy’s hand. “Let’s go tell everyone we’re ready.” She turns to Ronnie and me. “We’ll see you two on the aisle. I’ll tell them to start the music in ten minutes.”

  After they leave, Ronnie takes my arm. “It’s show time!”

  The Ronnie Vale is walking me down the aisle - a famous musician and singer who I grew up listening to. Oh my God…I’m marrying a famous musician.

  I nod.

  “You doing

  I nod a few times. Quickly.

  “Breathe, Evelyn.” His words echo Storm’s. “This is nothing. Standing up there and saying ‘I do’ is the easy part. All the hard stuff comes after this. The ups and downs, raising kids, all the curves life throws at you.” He smiles down at me. “It’s good and it’s bad, but you know what? It’s all worth it when you’re going through it with the one you love. Trust me, I know.”

  I’m so ready to be Mrs. Storm Valentine.

  I feel as if I’m in a daze as I move through the next moments. If Ronnie weren’t holding my arm and guiding me, I probably would walk right into a wall. The wedding march seems muffled in the background of my mind as we enter. Every one of my senses is zeroed in on Storm standing at the altar with his sexy smile, wearing a black tux with a red rose pinned to the lapel and a red tie to match my bouquet of assorted red flowers. Ronnie gives my hand to Storm, kisses us each on the cheek, and leaves to take his seat between Aria and Gram.

  Storm’s smile widens as he takes my other hand, and he lets out a low whistle, as he looks me up and down, eliciting laughter from our guests.

  “You look abso-fucking-lutely breathtaking,” he whispers.

  My breath comes out in an excited rush, and I can’t stop smiling at him. “So do you…you look so handsome all dressed up.” I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen Storm out of ripped jeans, biker boots, and a T-shirt…but holy hell—he looks incredible in a tuxedo.

  The officiant begins to speak, but Storm and I are so entranced by each other we’re barely listening. Our mouths might be saying the vows, but our eyes are saying and promising so much more. Talon, the best man, has to nudge Storm’s arm to remind him to take the ring to slip onto my trembling finger, and the room fills with laughter again. My fears and insecurities about not having my own relatives here on this special day have been squashed to mere particles of the past. I’m in a room full of people who love us—who love me. I’m not just marrying Storm; I’m getting brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a grandmother.

  Maybe my parents were guardian angels watching over me when my car went out of control, and they somehow sent Storm to find me, knowing we would be everything each other needed. That’s what my heart believes.

  “You may now kiss your bride!”

  I snap out of the trance Storm’s eyes have had me under as his hands go to my waist and his smiling lips cover mine.

  “We did it,” he whispers, pulling me closer. Our guests start to clap their hands when he kisses me more deeply, bending me backward.

  I hold on like a vice to his arms with tears of happiness forming in my eyes.

  “I love you.” I say breathlessly.

  His dark green eyes flash like the northern lights. “I love you, too, Evie.”

  We step down from the raised platform and hug Storm’s parents, Gram, and everyone in our wedding party before we head down the aisle together with tiny snowflakes falling down upon us. Tabi is waiting in the hall, with Vandal at her side, to take us outside for photographs.

  “You guys look so happy,” she says, as Vandal helps her into a long coat. “I promise we’ll make this quick so you can get back to your party and enjoy it.”

  “You’re going to freeze your asses off,” Vandal says.

  “Hush,” Tabi replies, handing him two of her gear bags. “They can’t have a winter wedding without winter photos.”

  Before we go outside, Storm stops to kiss me then moves his lips to my ear. “As soon as we’re done with pictures, I’m going to kiss you like I’ve never kissed you before. I just don’t want to wreck your makeup for the photos.”

  “I don’t care if you wreck my makeup,” I whisper back.

  He leans away and grins at me. “I care, babe. I’m so fuckin’ happy.”

  My heart jumps. “I am too.”

  Even though it’s freezing outside, we decided beforehand to not wear coats for the photos so our wedding clothes wouldn’t be covered up. Now that it’s almost five o’clock, it’s colder than it was when we arrived, and snow flurries are falling from the sky.

  “This is perfect! It’s snowing!” I exclaim happily as we walk from the banquet hall toward a gazebo on the lawn surrounded by big oak trees.

  Vandal trudges behind us carrying Tabi’s bags. The stark contrast between them is striking, with him being so tall, dark, and brooding, with his long jet-black hair, and her being a tiny, smiling, blond.

  “Couldn’t you guys have gotten married on a beach? With the sun?” He scowls as he brushes snowflakes off his black leather jacket.

  Storm shakes his head at his cousin. “No. We met in a blizzard. The snow is symbolic.”

  “Of what? The fact that neither one of you can drive in the snow?”

  We stop at the gazebo, filled with tiny white lights, and Tabi takes her camera bags from Vandal, shooting him a warning glance. “Be nice. It’s romantic.”

  He hooks his finger in the silver loop attached to a choker necklace she’s wearing and tugs her lips up to his, holding her there while he whisper-growls, “I’ll show you romantic later when you’re tied to my bed.”

  Storm and I exchange a look as Tabi practically melts under Vandal’s hard but incredibly sensual stare. They have a very unconventional relationship.

  “Okay, you two can get all whips and chains later,” Storm says, interrupting their moment. “Let’s get these pics done before we freeze out here. Evie’s already shivering.” He rubs his hands up and down my arms to warm me up. “Are you too cold?” he asks. “We can do the pictures inside instead. I don’t want you freezing on our wedding day.”

  “No…I’m fine, hon. I really want outdoor photos, and the flurries will be so pretty.”

  He strokes my chin. “Okay, but we’re gonna do this fast.”

  “I’m ready,” Tabi announces. “Let’s start with some shots in the gazebo, then we’ll do some by that tree and the wooden post fence, and later we’ll get some inside.”

  The ground is already covered with three inches of snow from this morning’s brief snowfall, and the trees and mountains in the background are covered in white, giving us the perfect winter backdrop. The falling snow flurries will provide a magical added bonus to the photos.

  Tabi and Vandal work together taking photos, directing us on how and where to stand, moving our hair to the perfect place, moving lights around us. This new, helpful side of Vandal surprises me, and it makes me happy for them after everything they’ve been through.

  When we’re done, Storm takes his tux jacket off and puts it around my shivering shoulders for the walk back to the banquet hall. Hopefully, the goose bumps I’ve had for the past forty-five minutes won’t show up on the photographs.

  We thank Vandal and Tabi as we head to the reception room for cocktails, but Storm pulls me into my bridal room as we’re walking past it, locking the door behind us.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Our guests are wai—”

  He grabs my face and kisses me quiet, his tongue sweeping over my matte-red lips. He grabs the fabric of my gown, pulling it up as he kisses me deeper.

  “How do I get you out of this thing?” He groans. “I’m not waiting ’til tonight to get my hands on you.”

  I tear myself away from his lips to answer. “Um…I think…” I kiss him hungrily again, yanking his tie off then moving to unbutton his shirt. I want him just as much as he wants me right now. Maybe even more. “Just unzip it,” I answer feverishly.

  He reaches behind my back and gently pulls down the zipper of my gown. At the same time, I unclip the shawl and it falls onto the floor as he pushes the gown down around my feet.

  “We’ll be careful,” he says, quickly unbuttoning his suit pants. “We won’t rip your gown. Keep those heels on though, they’re wicked fucking sexy.” His hands encircle my waist, and he leans down to kiss my lips, softly and slowly at first, then more deeply and urgently. I push the fabric of his open shirt to the side and run my hands
from his chest to the back of his neck, pulling him to me. His hand moves slowly over my hip and down to caress my inner thigh. My white lace panties are pushed to the side, and a small moan escapes me when his fingers brush across my lower lips.

  “Does my wife want me to fuck her?” he taunts in his raspy, sensual voice. In response, a flood of wet heat scorches my core.

  “Yes…” I move my hands to his unbuckled pants and shove them down.

  He grasps my outer thighs, lifts me up, and backs me against the floral wallpapered wall. Our lips collide as I wrap my legs around his waist and snake one arm around his neck, reaching between us, with my other hand, to push my panties aside for him to slide into me. I whimper with pleasure and tangle my fingers in his hair, and he groans into my mouth, thrusting into me faster, harder, and deeper.

  We freeze when there’s a knock on the door, and his mother’s voice drifts through the wooden door.

  “Storm? Evelyn? Are you two in there? The guests are waiting to see you, and dinner will be served soon.”

  Our lips part and Storm tries to catch his breath as he resumes plunging himself into me. “Be right there!”

  “I’m a romance writer—I know what you two are doing in there!” she calls back. “Hurry it up. You can ravish each other after the party.”

  Laughing, we ignore her and go right back to kissing like we’re starving for each other. His hips move more slowly, stroking my insides with his length, driving me wild, until I’m arching my back, taking him deeper, and moving my lips to his neck in hopes of muffling my voice when I yell out his name as I come. If someone is in the next room, I’m sure they’re hearing my ass banging against the wall as Storm explodes inside me.

  Gently he lowers me to my feet, cupping my cheek as he leans down to kiss me tenderly.

  A big smile spreads across his face when we open our eyes. “Married sex is awesome,” he says.


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