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Imperfect Love: Not Her (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 9

by Julia Bright

  At six, I pack a bag and take a car to Heather’s place. I hope she lets me stay because I really like the idea of waking up next to her. She’s the fresh shot of goodness I need in my life. I should have stayed with her in California, but back then, I’d not been ready.

  She’s just putting the food into the oven when I show up. “It smells good,” I say.

  “Just wait until it’s cooked.”

  “What are we having?”

  “It’s a chicken and squash casserole I’ve been trying to perfect.”

  I place my bag by the sofa, hoping I don’t appear too presumptuous. Heather comes over and takes my hand, leading me into her bedroom. She tugs at my shirt, untucking it.

  “We’re having dessert first,” she purrs.

  Blood rushes from my head to my cock. I have a hard time thinking around her when we have our clothes on, but when we’re naked, it’s a lost cause. Any thoughts on my job or work I’d wanted to talk over with her fled. She tugs off her shirt, and I’m lost to her desire. She’s beautiful and amazing. I drop to my knees and tug her pants off before leaning in and licking her slit. She gasps and then sighs. That little noise ramps my desire higher. She drops to the bed, and I put her legs over my shoulders as I go to work making her life better.

  I circle her clit with my tongue before sucking the nub into my mouth. Heather cries out and throws her head back. I do a long lazy lick up her pussy before I slide in two fingers. She arches her back and I hold still, loving the feeling of her getting wet around me.

  Her fingers tug on my hair and I let out a low chuckle. This is what I’ve been waiting for all day. The taste of her on my tongue sends my desire higher as I lick her clit again. Her fingers tighten in my hair. I want to feel her pulsing around me. After grabbing a condom, I unbutton my pants and push them low. Rolling the rubber on isn’t as easy as it should be because my tongue is still tasting her. She’s moaning and arching against me and I’m more than ready to push in and enjoy the feeling of being connected to her.

  I move her legs off my shoulders and she complains but she has no time to do more than raise a few small objections before I slide in. She’s grabbing at my shirt, tugging it open so she can get her hands on me. I push in deeper and she gasps.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Baxter, my God. More, give me more.”

  She asks for it, and I oblige, pulling out all the way before shoving in. I’m rocking against her, our bodies damp with sweat. Her eyes open and drill right into me. I swear I’ve lost my soul to her. It’s more than I can take. She pushes me over the edge of sanity.

  I reach between us and press on her clit. It’s all she needs and she shatters, coming hard as her inner walls grasp my cock. This is the best cock massage I’ve ever had. My heart is pumping hard as my head spins. This orgasm feels so good because she’s wrapped around me. This is where I need to stay. No work, no other woman, nothing comes close to how Heather makes me feel.

  After we finish, we head to the bathroom to clean up. She slips into sweats and a t-shirt. I grab shorts and a t-shirt from my bag. Hanging out with her is comfortable, almost like we’ve never separated. I can’t escape the fact that I left California and Heather. I never should have walked away.

  “What are you thinking about?” Heather asks.

  “I want to be better. I don’t want to spend my life regretting things.”

  “You’re thinking about when you left?”

  “I sure am.”

  “We were young. I made mistakes back then. I should have kissed you. I was too scared.”

  “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but I did that anyway.”

  The oven timer beeps. She pulls the food from the oven and I realize I’m starving. We sit at her tiny table and dig into the delicious meal she’s made. I look up and catch her gaze. We smile at each other, and I feel like maybe we can make it this time. She’s the best person I’ve ever met and I want to be something special to her.

  This is how life should be, not what my parents had, but this. No amount of money, no wealth could come close to what I feel for Heather. I had made a huge mistake leaving her behind. I wanted to make up for that mistake.

  After dinner, she pulls out her sketch pad and begins drawing. I watch for a little while, then I check my email. I’ve received a note from the CEO and the chairman of the board. I open the email from the chairman first. It’s not bad news at all.

  They are tired of my dad’s antics. The company may have been started by my family, but it hasn’t been helped by my dad lately. The company is more profitable now that my dad is out. He wants me to come for a meeting in the morning. I confirm I’ll be there.

  Heather yawns and I shut down my email. I take her by the hand and lead her into the bedroom. She drifts off with her head on my shoulder.

  I roll into the office close to ten. It’s the first work day I’ve not arrived early. I feel free. The meeting has more than just the chairman, the whole board is there, along with a few other officers in the company. I know I could run the company, but is it what I want?

  “Baxter, it’s good to see you,” Mike, the chairman says.

  “Hello, it’s good to see you too.”

  “Let’s get down to business. I’ve looked back at your records. Your school, every job in the company you’ve held. No doubt, you probably know this company and the people working here better than any of us.”

  I nod as I adjust in my chair. I’m not sure what they’re getting at, and I don’t want to jump the gun and assume what they are trying to say.

  “We think you would be the perfect person to join the board. We’re going to put it to a vote at the next meeting. We want you here guiding us.”

  I let my gaze settle on the table as I fight to remain calm. I glance up, meeting Mike’s stare. “Who would be out?”

  “Your father.”

  “He won’t like that.”

  “No, he won’t. But he will be voted down.”

  I nod, thinking the change would be good. “If he finds out I’m his replacement, he will try and fight you on this all the way.”

  “We know. That’s why we don’t want you to say anything. We understand you leaving your position. Honestly, you leaving has allowed us to invite you to the board.”

  I nod and tap the table with my fingers. “I was thinking of starting a charity.”

  “That would be great. Approach me with a proposal and I’ll see what I can do to help you get funding. Baxter, I’ve been with this company for a long time and I’ve seen your dad do some questionable things. He’s a good man—”

  I lift my brows and Mike holds up his hand.

  “He’s had some issues. We want you in. Since his heart attack, he’s not been the same.”

  “I want you all to know I don’t want to force my dad off the board.”

  “That makes you a better man than your dad,” Daniel, one of the guys at the end of the table, pipes in.

  “I would be proud to serve this company. I’ve been working here for years. Actually, since before I was old enough to work legally in another company. I’m bought in. I want to start a charity to give back. I think this company can do more. We’re better than we’ve been pretending to be.”

  “Once you’re on the board and in an official capacity, I’d like to hear your ideas,” Daniel says.

  I nod, excited at the new prospects. Working for Baxter-Scott had been my focus for so long, but was it what I wanted for the rest of my life. Being on the board would grant me a position I could handle. I’d be involved and yet free to do as I wish during the day. I felt settled, like I had something to live for.

  The meeting ended and I left the office. It was weird being out in the city with nothing to do. Heather had work, and I didn’t want to bug her. I wandered the streets and found myself in front of a daycare that looked rough around the edges. I watched the children play, wondering how hard it would be to leave your kids at this place. I didn’t have kids, but a fe
w of my work colleagues did and they talked about daycares and how to get into the best ones. This wasn’t one of them.

  A woman who looked exhausted rushed in. Her purse caught on the door and the strap on her bag broke. My heart squeezes as I watch her pick up the items that drop to the ground. I step forward and pick up a lipstick that had rolled away.

  She jumps then gives a visible shake. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She rushes in looking even more frazzled than before. How could I help? There are so many people in this city. I head home with a lot on my mind as I begin looking at charities in the area that help mothers. I dig through sites, searching for information and come to the conclusion there were already some great charities in the city. I wanted to help. Maybe I was being too arrogant. I can’t even solve my own issues. How can I solve someone else’s?

  I head to the store and pick up food I’m cooking tonight. When I offered to cook, Heather lifted her brows and shook her head. Now, I need to prove I’m good enough to cook her a meal. I wasn’t a total slouch in the kitchen either. Since my dad hadn’t been paying me well, I’d learned to cut corners and make food at home.

  She’ll be at my place at six. I chop vegetables, mix sauces, season them until it tastes just right. At six, she knocks on my door just as I’m pulling the chicken lasagna out of the oven.

  She groans as she steps in. “That smells wonderful.”

  “Thank you. It’s not too unhealthy. It’s actually rather good.”

  “I’m so hungry.”

  I pull her close and slide my lips over hers. She feels good in my arms. Every day I’d spent working late, burning the midnight oil, trying to prove I was good enough to run the company had amounted to nothing compared to holding Heather in my arms. I sigh and she pulls away, her eyes narrowing.

  “Why the heavy sigh?”

  “I wasted so much time.”

  “No, we found each other at the right time. If we’d stayed together, I never would have traveled to those other places and found my inspiration.”

  I nod, hoping she wants me in her life as much as I want her in mine. “Let’s eat and talk.”

  The food is good, the company better. Heather likes my take on lasagna. After we finish, we sit on my couch, her head on my shoulder as we watch the cars below. It’s quiet and romantic. When I do turn to kiss her, it isn’t sweet like I’d planned. Lust takes over and I press her back, sinking into her as I make love to her like she deserves. I make sure she comes first, and I’m rewarded with her crying out my name.

  After we’re finished, arms around each other, legs twisted together, I know she’s the one for me. She’d always been the one for me.

  “I want you to think of something,” I say, praying I don’t scare her away.

  She glances up, her eyes bright with something that looks a little like love. “Yes.”

  “We should be living together.”

  She sits up and turns to face me. “Why?”

  “I want you to move in. I—I’ve always been a little in love with you. Now, that love is growing. I don’t want to see you every once in a while, I want to be a part of your life.”

  She glances around and her lips twist. “My apartment has a room for my clothes. What you saw in my bedroom, was just a small sampling of what I have. This place is too small.”

  “How about we work toward figuring it out.”

  She nods slowly as a smile graces her lips. “I need you to date me for a while.”

  I like her idea. Dating Heather sounds wonderful. “Good. Tomorrow I’ll take you to a nice little restaurant on the west side I know about.”

  “Then I can take you to a Greek place I love.”

  “We’ll date our way around New York.”

  She giggles and then throws back her head and laughs. “I love it.” She cups my cheeks and pulls me in for a quick kiss. “I’m exhausted. Are you ready for bed?”

  “Sure. I need to check my email first, then I’ll be right in.”

  Nothing huge has popped up in my email. I have a few meetings in the morning I need to attend. Though I turned in my resignation, they aren’t done with me yet. I have to help with the transition. It’s okay, because soon I’ll be on the board and I want the company performing well.

  Chapter Eight


  Dating Baxter has its benefits. He’s very kind. It has been years since I’d been out with a man I liked spending so much time with. We hit the hot spots, dancing late on the weekends. I end up taking him to a dive where we eat Creole food and danced to jazz music. Every evening is fun, and sometimes that fun extends to the bedroom.

  Baxter hasn’t slept well the last few nights. The vote to oust his father and install him on the board is later today. Honestly, I haven’t been sleeping well either.

  After coffee, Baxter heads to work once he kisses me goodbye. He’s reluctant to leave. I spend the morning finishing my line for the next spring season. My stores are doing well and I’m headed to France in a few weeks.

  Waiting on Baxter to call is a little maddening. I’m sure the board will vote him in, it’s the fallout with his dad I’m worried about. I head to the store and check inventory. We’re a little low in the Hollywood store so I call the manager and we chat about how well the products are selling. I arrange for some stock to be delivered from the San Francisco store to the one in Hollywood.

  I’m totally keyed into what I’m doing and don’t hear Baxter come in. When I look up, he’s standing right there with a dozen roses in his hands.

  “Oh my goodness, those are beautiful.” I jump up and take the flowers, breathing deeply.

  “Nowhere near as beautiful as you.”

  “That sweet tongue of yours will get you what you want.”

  He chuckles and leans in, kissing my cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “You haven’t told me where we’re going.”

  “It’s special.”

  I want to know, but I’m not going to throw a fit. Questions fly through my mind, but I know he’ll answer when he decides to. A car is waiting outside for us. Marci takes the flowers and promises to put them in a vase.

  The sun is still up and the weather is nice. We pull up to a marina on the west side of the city. A yacht is waiting for us. I lift my brows as he ushers me on board.

  “What’s this about?”

  “Just a little celebrating.”


  “After we get underway I’ll tell you everything.”

  I don’t push for an explanation though I want to know what is going on. It’s a little maddening having to wait, but if it makes him happy, I’m all for it.

  We head out to the river, and Baxter leads me to the front of the yacht. Two lounge chairs are set up with a champagne service already out. Baxter opens the bottle and then pulls out a tray of strawberries from a small refrigerator.

  “This is a nice setup. I feel special.”

  “You should because you are special. Don’t ever allow anyone to tell you differently.”

  “So why then nice boat?”

  Baxter chuckles. “Don’t let the guy I’m borrowing it from hear you call it a boat. It’s a yacht.”

  I chuckle and wink. “I promise to call it a yacht. So, what gives?”

  “The chairman of the board at Baxter-Scott is letting me borrow it for the day.”

  “Really? And why is that?”

  Baxter was beaming from ear to ear. “They voted me in. I have the position on the board. I need to do a lot of studying, and I’ll have dinners I’ll have to attend. There’ll be a lot of social functions, but I know this really awesome designer who can accompany me.”

  “And who would that be?”

  “Well, she’s beautiful.”

  “Mmm, your words are going to go to my head.”

  He laughs and I lean in, brushing my lips over his cheek. We’re out on the water, and it’s private except for the capta
in. I feel like something major has changed between us and then I realize what is different. Baxter is actually happy.

  I sit up and look him straight in the eyes. “You’re different now.”


  “It’s like a weight has been lifted. You seem happy.”

  “I am. But it’s more than just work. I decided before I headed into that meeting I was going to be happy no matter what happened. There’s so much more to life than just work, and once again, you showed me that. Heather, I guess what I’m saying is that I really want to spend my life with you.”

  “Move in with me.” The words are out before I can really think about it. This is what I want though.

  Baxter chuckles and wipes his hand over his face. “I thought I was going to be the one to ask you this time.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Oh yes, I want to be with you. Always. I always want to be with you, my love.”

  I brush my lips over his. We may have parted ways earlier, and it was probably for the best, but we had a chance again, and it is going to be wonderful and amazing if how I feel right now is any indication.


  It’s been nine months since I’d reconnected with Baxter. We’ve had our ups and downs, but mostly ups. Baxter’s parents haven’t come around, which is fine. I made him promise he wouldn’t tell his parents what I do for a living, at least not yet.

  We’re still in my apartment but we’re looking at a place on the west side of the park. The pricing is a little closer to what I want to pay, and we both like the neighborhood. Our search would be faster, but I’m swamped at work. With four new stores, I’ve had to hand over management to someone else which is a good thing, and a little scary at the same time.

  Fashion week comes fast, and I have a mini show before another big-name designer. It’s terrifying to think I’ll be on display—well, my clothes will be on display. It’s what I’ve been working so hard for, but intimidating to say the least.


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