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by Gothic Passions (Ellora's Cave) (lit)

  Lily glanced at him from beneath her lashes. “This is lovely. Thank you.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome. I hoped you’d enjoy the ride, for novelty sake if nothing else.”

  Lily watched him closely. “Are you going to tell me what is going on, my lord?”

  Richard arched a brow and looked at her, glancing forward now and then to assure the horses remained on track. “I’m not sure I know what you’re speaking of.”

  Lily laughed, then pinned him with her gaze. “My father, you showing up tonight, courting, offering for my hand… “

  “Lily, I assure you my intentions are honorable.” His voice was silky soft, melting like fresh cream butter over an oven hot scone.

  “Why me?” She frowned. “Why settle now?”

  His lip quirked. “I find you immensely suitable.”

  “Suitable.” She grimaced. “I suppose that should mean something, but I’m afraid that’s not good enough, for me.”

  Richard’s gaze didn’t flicker. “Your father found it quite acceptable.”

  “That brings me to my next question. What happened at Madam Josephine’s last night?”

  “How did you… “ His jaw clenched. “The details are unimportant. Suffice to say we came to an understanding concerning you, we could both agree upon.”

  “What?” Lily trembled as anger lashed her body. “Did you win me in a game of whist?” she snapped.

  Richard flinched. “Not exactly… But as I said before, my intentions toward you are honorable.”

  “You don’t even know me.” She shook her head in disbelief. “If your intentions are as honorable as you say, then why are we taking a ride under the cover of darkness?” She waved her gloved hand in the air.

  Richard glanced uneasily at his team and then turned to face her once again. “I have an… ailment that requires me to avoid bright sunlight.”

  Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath. That was not the answer she’d been expecting. “Really? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

  He flashed her a smile. “It is quite rare—but not catching.”

  Lily found herself reaching for Richard’s free hand. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

  Richard went to brush her away, but stopped. The need to feel her touch was stronger. “There is no need for pity.” His jaw firmed. “I’ve existed quite well with this condition for many cen—years and with the exception of having to avoid the brightest daylight hours, lead quite a normal life.”

  Lily’s free hand flew to her mouth, heat filling her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to imply…”

  “It is quite all right.” He squeezed her fingers. “I’ve learned to live with it.”

  Lily pulled her hand free, dropping it into her lap. “It must be difficult.”

  He winked at her and grinned wickedly. “Only when I’m trying to impress a lady, such as yourself.”

  Had she been wrong about what had occurred at Madam Josephine’s? Was Richard’s illness why her father had protested against him? Lily wasn’t sure, but somehow she’d find out. Not that she had any intention of changing her mind. None of this information changed the fact Richard had the reputation about the ton of being a supreme rake whose seductive skills bordered on legendary.

  But did it excuse an oddity or two? Perhaps…

  The unmarked carriage turned toward town. Richard stopped short, then jumped down to help Lily back inside. The footman stepped out of the shadows and took his place up top. It seemed her reputation would remain unblemished as long as he had anything to say in the matter. He secured her inside, then pulled out a fur from a hidden panel under the seat and handed it to her.

  Why did he have to be so thoughtful? He made it exceedingly difficult to dislike him. From the moment he’d handed her into his carriage to the present, Lord Lyon had been nothing but a gentleman. She’d waited for any outward sign, any indiscretion, to use so she could dismiss him, but it had not come. It was as if he’d gone out of his way to prove himself honorable.

  Richard returned Lily promptly to her home. After ensuring no one was near, he escorted her to the door.

  “Rest well tonight, my lady, and think pleasant thoughts of me.”

  Lily laughed, before she could stop herself. It was too late to cavil. “I’ve had an enlightening time tonight. Thank you, my lord for the lovely carriage ride.”

  “Same time tomorrow night?”

  “‘Tis Lady Gordon’s ball. I fear I’ve already committed.”

  Richard’s eyes locked to hers. He raised her fingers to his lips, at the last moment he flipped her hand over and placed a sizzling kiss upon her bare wrist. Lily shivered beneath his touch, her skin flaring under the press of his lips.

  “I shall see you there,” he murmured, his voice husky. “I’ll send my carriage around to pick you and your family up.”

  Lily opened her mouth for what was sure to be a protest. Before she could utter a single word, Richard released her and strolled back to his carriage. His heart pounded in his chest. Tonight he’d moved one step closer to having Lily for himself. He recalled the kiss in the conservatory. Richard had been so enthralled, utterly frenzied, that he’d been unable to stop himself from taking a tiny taste, and nicked her bottom lip with his fangs.

  The puncture brought forth a single drop of blood, setting his insides on fire, confirming his most fervored hopes and fears—she was his bloodmate. He’d sucked her lip between his own, before quickly sealing the wound with a swipe of his tongue. She’d tasted like everything he’d imagined, sweetness, life, utter ambrosia to his senses. For a few moments he’d been sated and at the same time utterly intoxicated. He hadn’t felt that sensation since he’d been mortal.

  For a moment he’d feared losing control. He shuddered as he recalled that very thing happening ten years ago. Richard had practically attacked one of his lovers after accidentally nipping her mouth. His fangs lengthened, triggered by the blood. The sight sent the woman into screaming fits. She’d gone around town declaring him a monster, before Richard had a chance to distort her memories.

  It had taken him two years before he’d been ready to return to London and the high season. He couldn’t afford to make the same mistake with Lily. He had to keep his fangs off her long enough to get her to the chapel.

  Despite folklore, if invited, he had no problem walking into a house of God.

  With her blood zinging through his veins it would be difficult if not impossible, to be in her presence without being tempted for more. She’d succeeded in merely whetting his appetite. He licked his lips reliving the erotic taste in his mind. He had to feed.


  Lily’s head spun as Sims, her family’s butler, opened the door for her to enter. She swept into the foyer and straight up the stairs to her room. Lord Lyon seemed to have the ability to seep into her mind, her body, overwhelming her senses to the point she didn’t know where she ended and he began.

  He’d been exceedingly polite during their ride this evening making no untoward moves. Yet he did press subtly forward, not allowing her to decline his offer of the use of his carriage for tomorrow night’s ball. Though she knew she should not, part of Lily really wanted to like the rogue. His touch had brought tingles to her skin, igniting in her feelings that she’d kept buried away. Richard’s daring behavior spoke to the chained woman inside her, who longed to break free of the prison that was fast becoming her life.

  Lily pressed her fingers to her temple. Her thoughts were nonsensical. There would be no breaking free, nor agreeing to his proposal or lack thereof. What had he thought her reaction would be? That perhaps she’d drop to her knees, thankful that someone wanted to marry her. Lily railed at the thought. She had spent a lifetime being manipulated by a rake, otherwise known as her father, she wasn’t about to continue forward into married life with one. Tonight she was definitely going to need Tildy to fix her a sleeping draught. Without it she feared she’d find no rest. Lily entered her room and shut the door.

  A welcoming fire glowed in the hearth warming the sudden chill that had crept upon her skin. She let out a long sigh and slumped against the door, her mind a whirl of emotion. A tap from the other side caused her to jump. Lily spun and opened the door, half expecting to see Lord Lyon standing on the other side. Which was ridiculous, a gentleman wouldn’t dare be caught visiting a lady’s bedchamber.

  Tildy stood wide-eyed, staring at Lily, an innocent expression masking her face. “Beggin’ your pardon, my lady. I’ve come to help you turn in for the night.”

  Lily’s face warmed as she recalled her previous thoughts. “Of course, do come in. I’ll be sure to fill you in on the details.” Lily covered the short distance to her mirrored vanity and sat.

  Tildy giggled. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to, I know you well enough to recognize that look. You’re practically bursting to find out how the carriage ride went.” Lily laughed, as Tildy nodded her admittance. “Tonight I think I’m going to need one of your special sleep draughts.”

  Tildy bobbed a curtsy. “I’ll help you out of your gown then go to the kitchen to fetch you the tonic.”

  “Very good.” Lily smiled. The bit of the tension she’d been feeling earlier had started to fade at the thought of getting a good night’s rest.

  “So,” Tildy asked, as she unlaced Lily’s gown.

  Lily pursed her mouth. “He acted a gentleman.”

  Tildy frowned. “So nothing happened.”

  Lily’s lips quirked. “I didn’t say that, exactly.”

  “Ooh,” Tildy squealed, her gaze glued to Lily’s reflection. “Tell me all.”

  “There’s not much to tell really.” Lily pulled at the pins holding her hair up as she tried to decide how much to tell. “We had a lovely carriage ride. He kissed me and then told me he’d announce the banns signaling our wedding.”

  The laces fell from Tildy’s hands and her mouth dropped open. “That’s nothing? You’re engaged and you call that nothing.”

  Lily shrugged. “I have no intention of marrying Lord Lyon. It’s just going to take more time than I’d anticipated convincing him to withdraw his suit.”

  Tildy smiled. “The kiss was that good, eh?”

  Lily shot her a look in the mirror. Her cheeks heating to a raging glow. “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. I’ve seen that look before.”

  “What look?” Lily stared at her reflection, trying to discover what Tildy thought she’d seen. Other than a slight flush to her cheeks, a bit of a faraway glimmer in her eyes, she appeared no different.

  Tildy patted Lily’s shoulder, then nodded knowingly.

  “Are you going to tell me about the look or not? I’m counting on your council.”

  Her maid’s smile widened. “I think it’s best if you discover it for yourself. That’s the way things are meant to be.”

  “Ugh! You are impossible.” Lily narrowed her eyes, but couldn’t hold the scolding expression.

  “As you say, my lady.” Tildy slipped the gown from Lily and hung it in the armoire. “I’ll get you that tonic now.”


  Richard turned his carriage down the familiar street leading to Madam Josephine’s. He’d call on Rose again tonight, to assuage his need. But he longed for the day when he could approach Lady Lily and she’d bare her neck willingly, accepting his fangs and his cock with ease. The thought of drinking deeply from Lily had Richard shifting in his seat, his shaft thick with arousal.

  Richard growled, if he was anything but a gentleman he’d pay her a visit tonight. But he was a gentleman, so he wouldn’t. At least not yet. She needed time to adjust to him. Richard would have to take it slow when handling the lady. She was innocent in every sense of the word and needed to be broken in. He smiled. He lived for the day he’d be able to take her in his arms, make love to her all night, and feast upon her senses.

  Hopefully he wouldn’t have long to wait.


  Rose was on her hands and knees with her ass in the air when Richard entered the room. He stopped to admire the view, then he imagined Lily in the same position on the bed and his breath caught in his throat. She’d be a vision of ivory. The globes of her bottom would be nicely rounded and firm. Her golden curls would glisten between her parted thighs, awaiting his thick cock. Richard shifted, trying to alleviate the tightness in his breeches. He stepped forward and ran a finger along Rose’s crack.

  She moaned, spreading her legs even wider.

  Richard swallowed hard. “You like that don’t you, Rose?”

  She bucked her hips in response. He smiled, knowing exactly what she liked. He’d made sure he’d brought her pleasure each and every time, considering it a fair exchange for the blood she supplied him.

  Richard continued to stroke, drawing moisture from her cunt, while circling her brown puckered back entrance with one finger. Rose trembled in anticipation. He dropped to his knees behind her, spreading her cheeks wide, and then began to lick her moist folds. She groaned and pushed back, greedy for his touch. Richard plunged his tongue into her pussy at the same time as he pushed a finger inside her muscled orifice. Her back hole gripped him, drawing him deeper.

  He started a steady rhythm of in and out while he sought Rose’s clit with his mouth and tongue. She screamed when he found it, her body shuddering. Richard increased his speed matching stroke for stroke. Rose writhed in front of him, whimpering with need, her juices running from her body. He closed his eyes and pictured Lily.

  What would her delicate pussy taste like? Would she be musky and warm or sweet and tender? He imagined the soft petals of her woman’s lips as they flushed with blood from arousal. Richard groaned and felt his fangs elongate. His cock damn near burst a button on his trousers as it grew impossibly harder.

  He imagined the feel of his tongue sliding into her tight channel, preparing it for the invasion to come. He’d make sure her juices oozed from her pussy before deflowering her. She’d be rocked by so many orgasms she’d beg him to fuck her. Richard growled in frustration, vibrating Rose’s clit, as he envisioned slipping inside of Lily’s feminine vise.

  Rose sobbed, then leaned back, driving him deeper into her body.

  Soon the room filled with Rose’s panting moans and the sound of him tonguing her. Richard’s cock was close to bursting, if he didn’t get to bury it inside of Lily soon, he’d go insane. He continued his movements, imagining it was Lily’s body he plundered, pleasured. Would she let him do something like this to her? Or would she refuse? Richard looked forward to finding out.

  Rose came on a keening cry, her body quaking and shuddering, but Richard kept lapping. He nipped her clit and sent her into a second orgasm. She collapsed on the bed face down.

  Richard scooted closer, feeling the familiar aching sensation that came from his fangs when he’d gone without feeding. He spread Rose’s thighs wider, licked her twice, then sank his teeth in deep. Once again her blood washed down his parched throat, but the life-giving elixir wasn’t quite as satisfying as it had been before. Richard continued to drink his fill, trying to figure out exactly what had changed. Rose seemed no different to him, yet he couldn’t get past the feeling of dissatisfaction.

  He frowned. Had his feelings for Rose changed? No. She was still his friend, yet discontent lingered. His chest clenched. What if Lily denied him? Could he continue seeing Rose, if he felt no interest in continuing with their agreement of pleasure for blood? Richard didn’t think so.

  Then it hit him, stopping his heart. The reason Rose no longer quenched his need was because he’d tasted Lily.

  Lily’s sweet blood now flowed through his senses, drawing him away from all others, luring him back to the sanctuary of her body. Richard closed the pinpricks on Rose’s leg and then quickly paid her. Stirrings of guilt flitted through his mind. He was no longer being fair to his old friend. He wished more than anything Rose would leave this place and find someone special of her own, a man who could not
only pleasure her, but love her. He’d buy her a house and anything else she wanted as long as she released him from the agreement.

  Richard didn’t wait around for Rose to recover. He knew without fail she would. Instead he left Josephine’s in haste, only one thing on his mind—getting to Lily. He had to have her, taste her innocence. Could wait no longer. Without her knowledge, Lily had inadvertently started a fire in his blood that only she could extinguish.

  Chapter Six

  Richard drove past Lily’s home, his nerves riding near the surface of his skin. He’d promised himself he would not interfere with her decision-making when it came to accepting his proposal or him, but he hadn’t said anything about using a little gentle persuasion. Richard knew he split hairs but he didn’t care. He needed to be near her, feel her skin, touch her lips, and taste her essence.

  He stopped several blocks from her house and tethered the horses. Richard faded into the darkness, his movements a blur. He reached the back of Lily’s home and began to levitate, an ability that took much concentration. He was sure beyond a doubt which window was hers, because he could smell her sweet blood through the slight crack. Richard entered the room like silence itself. Scanning the home for sounds, he detected nothing but the cuckoo clock in the library below.

  Lily slept cocooned in thick white sheets, behind heavy navy bed curtains. Richard pulled back the material to better view his future wife. Her expression remained peaceful and relaxed. Long golden hair framed her face giving her an almost angelic-like appearance. He reached for her thoughts and found none.

  Richard frowned, and then picked up the glass on the cherry wood table at the side of her bed. He sniffed. The remnants of a sleep draught assailed him. He put the glass back on the side table and smiled. If she was under the influence of a tonic he wouldn’t have to use any kind of control on her.

  He slid the covers from Lily’s still form, slowly revealing her body to his hungry eyes. She murmured and stretched, pulling her night rail tight over her plump breasts. His breath caught. Richard’s gaze riveted to her rose-colored nipples protruding beneath the nearly sheer material. Before he could stop himself he leaned over and flicked his tongue across first one crest and then the other. They beaded even tighter.


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