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by Gothic Passions (Ellora's Cave) (lit)

  Hurley was waiting out front. He’d already seated Archibald and waited for Richard’s appearance. Richard escorted Lily out the door, then handed her into his carriage, before stepping in behind her. He seated himself across from Lily and her father. She stared straight out the window, ignoring him, as the carriage lurched forward. The horses stepped out.

  Richard had purposely taken his time getting to his conveyance, making sure several of the ton’s gossips viewed him. They would have more than enough to chew on, speculating on his relationship with Lady Lily Devlin and more so his intentions toward her, for at least the next week.

  The carriage rattled on into the shadows of the night. Lily took care not to look in his direction, even when his leg accidentally brushed against hers. She simply scooted as far away as possible, pressing her body against the side of the carriage. Richard smiled, she was giving him quite a good view of her many charms.

  She tilted her head, casting him a disapproving stare before glancing back out the window. The simple, yet aggravating action bared the slim column of her neck for his perusal, along with the slope of her full breasts. Richard’s mouth watered and his cock rose to attention. He shifted on the squeaky leather seat, hoping to disguise his condition. Devlin scowled at Richard, his eyes sparking fire in the dark. Richard had no doubt the man would kill him, given half the chance. Richard smiled to himself. If he only knew…

  The carriage stopped, dropping Archibald off outside his home. Before Lily could step out Richard halted her. “May I have a quick word with you?”

  “It is quite inappropriate, my lord,” Lily glanced at her father, then back to Richard. Her father scowled then entered the house, slamming the door behind him, despite the butler’s efforts to stop him. With a curt nod of her head she acquiesced, deciding to put an end to this charade once and for all.

  After giving orders to drive on, Richard faced Lily. “So, we’re alone now,” he said, removing his gloves. “What have I done to upset you?”

  Lily sat back in the carriage, glaring at him. “You know perfectly well why I’m upset.”

  Richard arched an arrogant brow. “Actually I do not.”

  “You practically bullied my father back at Lady Gordon’s tonight.” Her tone was accusing. “I want you to drop your suit.”

  “Ah,” he nodded. “But you were upset before that.” He leveled his gaze on her porcelain face, ignoring her last request.

  Lily sputtered and coughed, her chin ratcheting up a notch. “Well if you think you were the cause of my distress tonight, you are mistaken.”

  His lip quirked and he crossed his arms over his chest. “If I wasn’t the cause of your distress, then who was?”

  “Perhaps it was another gentleman, who imposed upon me this evening.” She lifted a brow. “You see, it is none of your concern.”

  Richard forced out a laugh, his gut clenching at the thought. If for one second he’d scented another male upon Lily’s skin tonight, he was quite sure he’d dispatch the gentleman immediately. His gaze locked to her face, ensnaring her. “Ah, that is where you are wrong, my lady.” His voice laced with subtle menace. “Anything involving you is now very much my concern.”

  Lily gaped, her eyes growing rounder. “You are not my husband,” she snapped.

  “Yet,” he growled back, his voice dropping seductively lower. “I’ll announce the banns tomorrow.”

  “You’re impossible and delusional.” She mirrored his actions. “I’ve given no acceptance of your… your—take me home at once.”

  Richard smiled wide. “All in good time, my lady. All in good time.”

  Surely he wasn’t serious about announcing the banns, was he? He was toying with her, like a cat plays with a mouse. Lily knew it to her bones. The trouble was she didn’t have enough experience to know how to counter such a move. Sitting in the confined space of his carriage left her breathless, needy. Yet she had no idea why. Was it some kind of seduction she was unaware of?

  The dream she’d had last night came back with a vengeance. Lily’s nipples pebbled and started to ache as she imagined his mouth suckling her. She could almost feel the rasp of his tongue as he swirled it around her tender peaks. An answering throb started at the junction of her thighs. She pressed her legs together but it only seemed to make the yawning emptiness inside her worse. Lily glanced up into Richard’s face. His gaze locked onto hers as his pink tongue darted out wetting his bottom lip.

  She gasped and felt heat infuse her face as she recalled where else that tongue had been. Her channel flooded as she imagined him lapping at her folds like he’d done last night. Lily frowned. It hadn’t really been Richard, but the man in her dream. Her awareness of his broad shoulders increased as she compared the two men.

  In her mind ‘s eye, she could see his muscled abdomen and strong arms as he bent forward over her bed, crawling on all fours like a sleek cat. She tried to slow her breathing, reminding herself that it hadn’t been real, but the image was so vivid.

  Lily had only had a few suitors, none as experienced as the man sitting across from her. He’d had years of practice. She’d heard the whispers surrounding his name, some had been fanciful, while others concerning his lovemaking abilities were outrageous, and all but one had been complimentary.

  The rumors of that lone encounter sent shivers down her spine. She’d considered asking him about it, but decided against it, too ashamed to have joined into the ton’s gossip mill. The man who sat across from her didn’t seem to fit the description of the beast the woman had portrayed. In no way, had Lord Lyon made any move to attack her and he’d had plenty of opportunities. The woman had gone so far as to accuse him of biting her.

  Ridiculous, Lily thought.

  The woman must have been overcome by some kind of malady. The gentleman, so close by was no big-toothed monster. He was arrogant, no doubt. And he did whatever it took to get his way, which probably came from years of being granted everything he desired. Lily let out a loud humph and sat back, realizing she wasn’t going anywhere until he allowed it.

  “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”

  Lily blinked. His question came so out of the blue that it took Lily a moment to comprehend. “Why do you want to know?”

  He grinned again. “I’d like to know everything about the woman I plan to call my wife.”

  Her chin dropped and she glared at him once more. “I would say, my lord that you are assuming a lot.”

  “That may be, but in this case I speak nothing but the truth. You will be mine,” he said, his tone confident and even. “I’ve asked your father if I can offer for you and he conceded.”

  “But I have not.” Lily took a deep breath attempting to calm her rising anger. “I am nobody’s possession.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.”

  Her gaze narrowed, he probably did, but he wasn’t about to admit it now. Lily stared at him in silence, before finally opening her mouth to speak. “What is it you’d like to know?”

  “Where is your mother?”

  Lily swallowed hard. “She has passed on.”

  “When?” His face no longer held the arrogance of before. It had softened into one of concern.

  Lily fidgeted, clasping her hands tightly before her. “It’s been five years and Father hasn’t been the same since.”

  Or his true character was finally showing. Richard debated whether or not to tell Lily just how far her father had strayed, but decided that was no way to win her heart. So instead he coaxed her on. “Did you grow up in London?”

  Lily laughed brittlely. “Oh, goodness, no. I’d have gone mad in this town. I was raised outside of Bath. We have a manor there. I didn’t come to London until Father forced me to, by threatening to marry me off.” She waved the last away as if it was a bit of humor. “He only blustered.”

  Richard wished he could believe her, but from what he’d seen in Madam Josephine’s he doubted Devlin had been joking. The man might love his daughter, but he l
oved his standing, gambling, and drink even more. If Lily had ever got in the way of any of the above, she would have been gone faster than the peal of church bells.

  As more time passed, Richard knew he’d done the right thing the other night with Devlin. It made his blood freeze thinking about the position Lily would be in right now, if he hadn’t intervened. He hoped in time she would understand his actions. But right now the woman sitting before him looked as if it would take some convincing. Which was well and fine, he had centuries to do so, if only she’d accept his gift.

  Gift… he laughed to himself. More like curse.

  A legion of emotions crossed his handsome face. Lily had no idea what he was really thinking. He seemed to be like a mirror, reflecting back exactly what he wanted her to see. She found it scary and utterly addictive at the same time. It was as if he could anticipate her every need, before she had a chance to voice it.

  Lily’s mind strayed to the rumors of his lovemaking abilities. What would it be like to have him make love to her? If it was anything like last night’s dream, would that be so bad? Lily’s clothing felt suddenly constrictive. She wasn’t sure what exactly making love entailed, but she lived at the country manor long enough to witness the animals in the frenzy of mating. Watching them had left her fevered and quite out of sorts, like in her dream…

  Her skin heated at the thought of Richard’s large hands caressing her, palming her breasts, playing with her mons. Lily blushed furiously, praying she wasn’t as pink as she felt. Her only consolation was the fact it was dark and he couldn’t really see her. She had no business thinking such things. It was not proper in the least. She had to get that dream out of her mind and quickly, before she did something foolish—like act upon it.

  She glanced up into his face. He appeared enthralled. His eyes locked to hers. His lips were slightly parted and his breathing had deepened. His gaze roamed from her face, down the front of her pelisse and over her gown. Lily felt warm as if he’d physically caressed her. Her breath caught, as her nipples throbbed beneath her chemise.

  His gaze flicked to her breasts as if he could see through her clothing. Lily bit her lip to keep from groaning. Richard tapped on the coach roof and the carriage turned again. He slid from his side to the seat beside her. Lily’s heart leapt. She clenched her fingers together, to keep from reaching for him. His spicy scent assailed her nostrils, surrounding her, seducing—more overpowering in person than in her dream. Lily attempted to gather her wits. She gasped when she felt his hand slide around her wrists, turning her toward him.

  “What are you doing?” Her gaze fixed on his face, then dropped to his firm lips.

  “Kissing you.” He closed in as the last syllable left his mouth, pressing his firm lips to hers.

  Lily sank into his embrace, welcoming it, needing it, desiring it beyond all reason. She knew she should protest or struggle. This was only encouraging him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do more than enjoy the scorching embrace. His moves were patient and beyond practiced, like they’d been that night on the balcony and last evening in her dream. He teased her lips, coaxing out a response breath by breath. Lily moaned and he captured the sound, taking it deep within his lungs. His mouth tasted of mint and wildness, like a creature untamed by the rules of man.

  He licked her bottom lip and she opened for him. His tongue darted in, swiping at hers until they danced in a rhythm all their own. Lily’s skin heated to incendiary. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath under his sensual assault. Her lids dropped of their own volition and she twined her hands around his nape, sinking her fingers into his silky hair. She felt his muscles flex, then relax, as if her touch alone affected him so. A newfound power surged through Lily. She’d never felt in control around Richard, yet at this moment she knew she held the reins firmly in her small hands.

  She pressed impossibly closer, as if by doing so she would stave off the hungry ache in her body. It was Richard’s turn to groan. His hands tightened on her forearms, then slid to her face and neck, holding her to him. He kissed her thoroughly, deeply, taking her on a journey of newfound discovery. Hard against soft, moist and giving, they melded together.

  Lily felt his fingers follow a fiery trail to the front of her pelisse, deftly undoing the buttons holding it together. He swiftly pushed aside the blue silk covering her chest, slipped the buttons, running the length of her back, from their eyelets, then slid his hand inside her dress until he could cup her breast.

  The second his palm closed around her sensitive skin, Lily was lost. Tingles shot through her body. Her nipple sprang to life beneath his fingertips, aching to be touched. Her breath rasped out against his mouth in curious pants, causing her head to spin. Even through her chemise his touch scalded, just as in the dream. He circled her nipple, plucking at the marbled nub, like a musician fine-tuning an instrument. Lily moaned and he released her mouth to nuzzle her ear.

  Richard was consumed by flames of desire. Her body’s response was everything he’d hoped for and more. He longed to lay his lips upon the tight berry his hand caressed, taste its sweetness once again, but the back of the carriage was not the place, nor was this the appropriate time. He didn’t want the lines between dream and reality to blur, at least not yet.

  He palmed her full globe, enjoying the weight of it in his hand, teasing the peak until it stabbed at his fingertips. He dare not move past her ear for fear his hunger would take on a life of its own. It was hard enough listening to her heart pound in her chest and the humming noise of her blood as it passed through her veins.

  Richard fought to keep a grip on his desire. Having her so near, so willing… so innocent. The last thought was the ice water he needed to pull back and grasp control once more. His lips found hers once again as he put her clothing back in place.

  They’d circled the same block over five times now. He’d caught the odor of the same blood in the nearby houses repeatedly as they passed. By the time, Richard pulled away from the kiss, Lily was back in order, except for the dreamy look upon her flushed face, and the swollenness of her ruby lips. He kissed the tip of her nose. Her normally crisp blue eyes glazed with passion as she looked at him.

  “I’d better get you back, before this goes any further.” He heaved air in his lungs, trying to catch his breath. Not that he needed to breathe, but he felt breathless nonetheless from her sweet embrace. It was time to act the civilized gentleman.

  Lily stared at Richard, her breath laboring like his. The creamy peaks of her breasts rose and fell in the darkness taunting him to return to her forbidden slopes. Her lashes lowered to half-mast. The same thing had occurred last night when he’d visited her in her bedroom. He breathed deeply, scenting her. He could detect her feminine musk and knew without doubt moisture pooled at her opening. Perhaps if he touched her there again, the cloying need he now felt would subside.

  What was he thinking? A dream was nowhere near reality. She wasn’t about to accept his touch. One scorching kiss and he’d turned ravenous.

  Lily broke his gaze. Her face heated as she realized what she’d allowed him to do to her body. She waited—waited for the shame to swamp her, but it never came. Instead there was a strange thrill sweeping over her senses, an insatiable curiosity that had been awakened by his touch. Whether the dream was to blame or there was something else at work here, she wasn’t sure. Lily just knew she felt hungry for more of the same. The thought both frightened and titillated her.

  Despite her resolve not to like Richard Stuart, the sixth Earl of Lyon, he’d managed to bring out something inside of her no other man had managed to see, much less, captivate. She was intrigued. Although he hadn’t exactly acted like a perfect gentleman tonight, she hadn’t exactly been a proper lady. If she had, she’d never have gotten to experience the excitement of his deft fingers upon her flesh. Thinking about it again stirred feelings in Lily she had no way of dealing with.

  They arrived back at her home a few minutes later. The driver jumped down from his perch and opened
up the carriage door after giving a quick look up and down the deserted street. Lord Lyon stepped from the carriage, then handed Lily down, escorting her to the door.

  “Until tomorrow.” He inclined his head, his lips once again brushing the back of her wrist, before releasing her to slip inside.

  Richard strode away from Lily with as much speed as he could muster without drawing attention to his actions. Hunger beat at his chest, demanding—insatiable. He knew beyond a doubt he’d visit her again tonight, even though warnings clanged loudly in his head. Her desire simmered below the surface, not nearly as consuming as his own, but there nonetheless. Hurley’s gray eyes flashed as he approached. He quickly threw the carriage door open for Richard to step in.

  “Tonight, my friend, I believe I’ll take the air with you.” Richard climbed up to the driver’s bench and seated himself. Hurley followed, trying to hide the smile on his face.

  “That woman will be the death of me.” Richard grinned.

  This time Hurley laughed. “It appears, my lord, that you’ve finally met your match.”

  Richard glanced at his friend’s weathered face, and then laughed, too. “Let’s hope you’re right, my man. Let’s hope you’re right.”

  Hurley picked up the ribbons and guided the carriage back out into the lane.

  “Take us home, Hurley.” Richard clapped the man on his back, taking care to temper his strength. He didn’t want to snap any of his trusty valet’s bones. He’d need him more than ever in the days to come if he was going to reel in a bride.

  See you tonight, my love.

  Chapter Seven

  Lily told herself she would not be taking another sleeping draught for sometime to come. The innocuous potion wreaked havoc on her good sense and her emotional stability. Tonight she’d let Richard take liberties that she’d never considered before in her life.


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