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The Impossible Engineers (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 2)

Page 19

by MJ Fletcher

  I squeezed his hand and his fingers laced with mine, grasping my hand tightly and tugging me closer against him. I opened my eyes and looked up to find him staring down at me with that look that frightened me and yet... one that I dreamed of at night and looked for in my darkest moments.

  I stopped thinking about that damn cracking sound or Jess next to me her eyes squeezed shut and trembling, all I could think about was Nightshade. It reminded me of the fight in the library when he had been hurt trying to protect me and I had rushed to his side and kissed him fearing he would die. If this was going to be my last few moments of life then I wanted to meet the end kissing Nightshade. His eyes seemed to burn with the same intent and he lowered his head, his mouth so tantalizingly close. I tilted my head to meet his lips.

  The hair on my neck stood on edge and my stomach turned as a portal activated. It wasn’t an ordinary portal. It was something stronger, bigger, and so powerful that half the students were knocked off their feet from the surge of so much energy.

  “What is that?” Jess looked up, her eyes darting around the room, fearful yet hopeful at the same time.

  “Do you think they’re coming back?” Nightshade’s eyes narrowed and he shifted his weight away from us, his hand leaving mine and grasping his skeleton key.

  “No, it’s a different power signature.” I looked toward the door and reached out with my own abilities and sensed the portal forming beyond it. “Everyone step back.”

  The other students scrambled back away from the massive doors. A golden light surrounded them and I felt the shift as a portal locked. The doors swung open showering the room in golden rays of light. A huge figure stood framed in the doorway and then stepped forward.

  “Slade!” I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck. He lifted me with one arm and kissed me on the cheek.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “No time to explain we need to get everyone out of here this place is going to collapse,” Nightshade said as he started pushing students through the doors. Jess and Faith helped empty the room faster than I thought was possible. Finally with the room totally empty we stepped through the portal and onto the glowing golden bridge that hovered over grey nothingness.

  “Well?” Slade asked as he worked a series of dials near the end of the bridge sealing the doorway closed. I quickly explained how the First Kind had showed up and ruined the evening.

  Slade sent Nightshade a lethal look. “You could have killed everyone.”

  “Or I could have let the First Kind kill everyone. I chose the only way that gave us a chance.” Nightshade shook his head and turned away from us.

  “He’s right, we didn’t any other choice,” I said defending Nightshade. “What happened to you anyway?”

  “I had already gone with the other Engineers to check out our project when the portal slammed closed. The teachers were going crazy trying to reopen it. That’s when I figured maybe the bridge we had been building would work. I guess I was right.” He gestured toward the floating structure that shined beneath our feet.

  “This is what you’ve been working on?”

  “Yeah, sorry I couldn’t tell you, the Engineers have had us working on it ever since your dad used one to find the Mapmakers Legend.” He shrugged as if offering another apology. I understood Slade’s loyalty to his order, though I sometimes wondered if it trumped everything else.

  A sound like that of a glacier breaking apart echoed around us as the glass containing the room shattered, and thousands of pieces drifted off in a strange ballet of movement into space.

  I stared in awe for a moment and then shook my head, turning away from what could have been the death of me. “Where does this take us?”

  “To the Wheel of the Engineers,” he said smiling proudly and I rattled my mind vaguely remembering that I had heard of the place, but for the life of me I couldn’t recall the details. I worried that he’d be annoyed that I hadn’t paid attention when he had talked about the Engineers, definitely a fault of mine since Engineer lingo could be mind-numbing at times.

  Jess totally rescued me by asking, “What’s that?”

  “The headquarters of the Impossible Engineers for a thousand years.” Slade beamed with pride.

  “Fun.” Nightshade snickered as he walked past us down the bridge and out the other portal.

  I watched him go, my thoughts shifting to that moment before the portal opened. With what I thought would be my last breath I had wanted to kiss Nightshade. What the hell did that mean?

  Chapter 20

  Status: Someone messes with my friend and I’m going to kick their ass.

  At the end of the bridge a road stretched out in front of us, sheets of metal riveted together and polished to a high sheen lead toward a massive set of gears that you had to strain your neck backward in order to see it all. Towering in the sky an enormous wheel turned in time with the machinery around it. On either side stood large automatons working levers that kept everything moving at a steady pace. This was the Wheel of the Engineers, a quite impressive place.

  As we approached it I could see that the workings contained a series of buildings. A set of doors spun out from the largest building and Slade’s father walked out to greet us.

  “Chloe, I’m so relieved and grateful that Slade was able to get the bridge working to rescue everyone.” Mr. Slade reached out to shake several students’ hands as they scurried anxiously past us. That he was proud of Slade was obvious, though I questioned his motive. He seemed more like a politician using the moment to his advantage in reminding everyone who it had been who had bravely and victoriously come to their rescue.

  “He showed up just in time.” I smiled and he continued to move and shake hands, taking Slade along with him.

  I cast a quick glance around for my other friends. Faith was talking with the other volunteers but when she caught my eye she started walking my way and Jess was busy chatting with a few Guilders. Nightshade was nowhere to be seen and I felt a sense of disappointment.

  “I think this is the first time non-Engineers have been allowed in the Wheel since the last Great War,” Faith said, having stopped a moment to look up at the massive ceiling.

  I tilted my head to have a look and cursed silently when I saw the huge gears turning above our heads. Edgar was going to be so mad that he missed an opportunity to see this place.

  “That so?” I commented watching the gears turn.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe. I didn’t mean to be rude about Jess and Nightshade.”

  Faith was nervously biting her lip when I turned to face her. “Yeah, well you need to know when and where to tread. If you’re interested in Nightshade that’s fine, but you don’t get in Jess’ way, is that clear?”

  “Yes, I promise I won’t do anything to get in their way.” She cast her eyes down for a moment and her cheeks flamed red. “Is it that obvious that I like Nightshade?”

  “You might say that.”

  “Oh God, I’m such an idiot. It’s just that ever since Jasper, I haven’t even thought about dating and Nightshade is so,” —she shrugged and nibbled at her bottom lip again— “I don’t know. There’s something exciting about him.”

  “He’s something alright.” I thought of all the times that he had driven me absolutely insane and made me want to choke the life out of him. Or kiss him. Damn my straying thoughts.

  “Do you think they’ll work it out?”

  “I’m not sure.” I almost bit my tongue over that lie. From what Jess had said it was pretty much over between them, though they had never really gotten started. I was glad that Nightshade had told Jess that they should remain friends. And I was hoping they would. I didn’t want to see our little group fracture. But it was up to Jess to let everyone know what was going on between her and Nightshade. And until then Faith needed to keep her distance.

  “Chloe?” Slade called for me from across the room and I excused myself from Faith and walked over to him. His dad ushered me out of the room and int
o an adjoining office. Slade closed the door behind us and Mr. Slade quickly seated himself comfortably in one of many chairs and gestured toward one for me to sit, which I did.

  “Slade told me what happened after he left the dance. This is a great concern for the Council.”

  “I bet.” I couldn’t help but be snarky whenever I was around a Council member. It was my default position. Slade gave me a warning look or was he pleading for me to behave? Whatever, it did remind me that this was also my boyfriend’s dad I was speaking with and some degree of manners was necessary.

  “I understand how apprehensive you must be after everything that has happened with the Council. It certainly cannot be easy for you and your family to trust us. But believe me, Chloe, I cannot stress enough how much we are committed to protect and help you.”

  I listened, though I really wanted to remind him that it had been me who had saved the Council’s ass in the Infinity Library battle.

  “No doubt Slade has made you well aware of that. But it isn’t the only reason I wanted to speak with you. I assume since your mother is willing to publicly attack the school that you know more about the missing Chronicle page than you’re admitting?”

  My eyes shot to Slade who wouldn’t meet my gaze and I made a mental note to kick his ass later.

  “I don’t know what you mean, sir.” Though I wondered just how much Slade had already told his dad.

  “Chloe, I can help you. You obviously know more about the page than you’re telling us. Tell me where it is so that I can help you.”

  “Not sure what you’re talking about, sir, but I can assure you that I’m not alone. At least I don’t think I am.” I glanced at Slade who looked away.

  “You may think you can handle what is happening but the Artifact the First Kind wants is an Impossible Engineer device. We will not let it fall into their hands.” He leaned forward as he continued, his hands becoming more animated. “Let’s put an end to this nonsense. Turn over the page and let the Council protect you. If not,” —he shook his head— “you’ll leave me no choice.”

  “Good thing I’m not asking for protection then.” I sat back in the chair not liking the path the conversation was taking. It actually sounded as if Mr. Slade was threatening me.

  “Chloe, I know you have the page. I’ve done my best to handle this dilemma as delicately as possible due to your relationship with my son. But I will not let that interfere with my responsibilities to the Impossible Engineers. Now tell me where the page is?”

  “Mr. Slade, because of my relationship with your son I’m going to put this as delicately as possible... I’m not telling you a god damn thing.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way. You leave me no choice,” He sighed heavily and looked at Slade who gulped noticeably.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “By order of the Council I am keeping you here under protective custody until we resolve this issue.”

  “What?” I jumped up and backed away from the both of them.

  “I’m sorry but you made the choice not to cooperate. Now you and your friends are not allowed to leave here unless I give permission.”

  “You had better be kidding me.” I shook my head in disbelief as I looked from Slade to his dad. “My father will never let this happen.”

  “I’ll inform your father personally, but the Council has already ruled and our decision is final.” He stood and walked around his chair to the door. “Mr. Slade, you can tell the Council for me that they can kiss my ass.”

  He shook his head as he looked to Slade. “Keep an eye on her and her friends, while the rest of the students are sent home. You can escort them all to the East wing guest rooms where I’m sure they’ll be very comfortable.” Mr. Slade walked out of the room, the door swinging closed behind him.

  I spun on Slade who was looking down at the ground. “You son of a bitch!”

  “Chloe, he’s my dad what was I supposed to tell him?”

  “How about nothing!”

  “I told you I didn’t agree with what we were being asked to do. This is dangerous, Chloe, and tonight proved just how perilous it is. I’m trying to protect you.” He stepped toward me, reaching for my hand and I stepped back away from him, not wanting him to touch me.

  “I never asked you to protect me, only to trust me and I guess you couldn’t do that, could you?”

  “Don’t say that I don’t trust you. I worry that you’ll get yourself and others hurt again with those nonsensical plans of yours.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the comment and stepped even further away from him. Were my eyes finally fully open and seeing Slade for the first time? If so, then I didn’t like what I was seeing at all. It was as if he blamed me for everything that had happened to all of us.

  “You think this is my fault?” My anger rumbled like a brewing storm waiting to unleash hell.

  “I didn’t say that and if you’ve listened to what I’ve been saying you’d know that I’ve suggested over and over again that we let other people handle it this time. Besides, it’s not only about us. This concerns an Impossible Engineer device. It should be the Engineers who search for it, not us.”

  “I can’t talk to you right now.” I turned and walked out the door, my mind racing. It’s not like I had never been mad at Slade before but this time it was different. This time it was as if he was a stranger and I didn’t know him at all. Or even worse, he didn’t really know me at all. I looked down at the little black dress I had on and had gone through hell to find for tonight, all to try and make him happy. Suddenly it felt like some strange costume that belonged on someone else. I was glad I had lost those stupid heels and with a stubborn toss of my head I walked barefoot through the main hall. Most of the students had been sent home, the last few waiting to be escorted out. I found Jess and Faith standing together talking.

  “What’s going on?” Jess asked, nodding at the two beefy Engineers standing on either side of them.

  “We were told we couldn’t leave with the others,” Faith said

  I couldn’t keep the anger out of my voice. “The Council is holding us here.”

  “What? Why?” Jess’ hand reflexively grasped her skeleton key that hung from her necklace.

  “They say they’re protecting us,” I sneered and sent Jess a brief nod. Her eyes went wide and she returned my nod. She understood that they wanted the Chronicle page just like my mom.

  “What are we going to do?” Faith asked, her lips trembling. She must be terrified after all that had happened and now this. She wasn’t used to the craziness that made up our normal lives.

  I tried to reassure her. “I’m working on it,”

  “I need to show you to your rooms.” Slade had walked up behind me and I spun around to face him.

  “Still pretending we’re guests?”

  “Chloe, please.”

  “Move it!”

  We all turned at the forceful yell and watched as a large Engineer shoved Nightshade so roughly into the room that it sent him crashing to the floor. He got himself to his feet fast enough, sliding his hand through his hair and straightening his jacket and tie. “We found this Guilder snooping around.”

  “I went for a stroll and got lost,” his snide grin had the bulky Engineer stepping in his face.

  “I’ll take care of it from here.” Slade waved the guard off, though he eyed Nightshade with disdain as he left. “I’m going to need all of you to listen to me; I need your portal generators.” He held out his hand expecting us to hand over are keys and doorknobs.

  “What is he talking about?” Nightshade looked to me, ignoring Slade.

  “By order of the Council you’re all being detained here for your own protection until the Chronicle page is recovered,” Slade explained before I could say anything. Nightshade shook his head, though didn’t seem surprised and then he did something I didn’t expect at all.

  He turned and launched his fist connecting with Slade’s jaw and sent him careening to the gro
und. He stood over Slade rubbing his hand.

  “Traitor,” Nightshade hissed.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, Nightshade.” Slade stood rubbing his jaw, took off his jacket and threw it to one of the guards.

  “Chloe, make them stop.” Jess begged.

  “I’m sick of these two posturing, if they want to break each other’s heads let them.” I stepped back out of the way and didn’t want to admit I was glad that Nightshade had hit Slade. I know I sure as hell wanted too.

  “I’m going to kick your ass, Nightshade.” Slade wore a big smile, bigger than I had ever seen. He was really going to enjoy this and I worried about what he might do to Nightshade.

  Slade moved in swinging one of his huge arms faster than I would have thought possible, but Nightshade easily moved out of the way and circled around to his other side.

  Slade turned and swung again. Nightshade sidestepped once again avoiding the blow. Slade grunted and moved in with a flurry of punches none of them connecting as Nightshade weaved away from each of them.

  Slade grew angrier by the second as Nightshade continued to avoid his punches. After several more missed punches, Slade let out loud roar and bull rushed Nightshade. He slammed into his waist pushing him backward like a defense linebacker. He smashed him into the wall and started throwing punches into Nightshade’s side, a couple lifting him off the ground.

  What the hell was he waiting for? Why wasn’t he going back at him and then I watched as Slade turned his head and Nightshade struck. He brought his right arm up and with blunt force drove his elbow straight down into Slade’s face. It made a sound like a ball bouncing off cement and Slade stumbled backward stunned from the blow.

  Nightshade didn’t hesitate, though you could see that he favored his side. Those body shots had to have hurt. He rushed at Slade throwing three quick punches to his midsection that sent him stumbling and tilting so badly that he looked about to fall over.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Mr. Slade demanded upon entering the hall.


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