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Spank 'Em Cowboy (Naughty Sleepover)

Page 3

by Cayto, Samantha

  He slid a hand around and tangled his fingers in her wet curls. He couldn’t resist tugging on them and his cock jumped at the mewing sound she made. He dipped the fingers between her folds and found her clit swollen and slick. She squirmed against him as he rubbed the nub. With his other hand, he cupped a luscious breast hanging unrestrained. He tweaked the erect nipple until it distended even more.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned, her eyes closed, head back and mouth open as if to welcome his demanding cock.

  A harsh grunt pushed past his lips at the thought, a fantasy for another time. He hoped there would be another time. Right then, his job entailed shattering this woman once more.

  “Shall we start to can-can, Tara?” he asked in a wicked tone.

  She answered by jutting her round bottom out more. Rob wasted no time taking her up on her offer. He reluctantly let go of her clit and her breast and gripped her hips. Positioning the head of his cock, he thrust up to seat it as firmly inside her tight, hot pussy as possible. They both gasped. He had to make sure pleasure drove her, too.

  “Are you okay?” he ground out, fighting the continued barks of pleasure.

  She answered incoherently, nodding as well, in a clear indication he had the right effect. He took it as permission to ramp up the intensity. With knees slightly bent, he began to drill his cock into her willing cunt with long, hard strokes. Slowly at first, he savored the feel of her moist tunnel pulling him in, her inner muscles clenching his dick, trapping him within her honeyed walls. Heaven for him; not enough for her. Pressing closer, he reached around once more to fondle her breasts and stroke her clit.

  Molded over Tara, he pumped into her with increasing speed. Her beautiful, soft backside cushioned him every time he slid his cock home. Pliant at first, she let him do all the work. Finally, she bucked her hips back and forth to meet his thrusts, matching his strokes with the same intensity, their bodies meeting in hard, loud smacks. Her breath sped up, becoming labored. She made small keening sounds, muted, but with mounting urgency. Her movements become more frantic, and she neared climax. He increased his three-way assault, pinching and twisting her nipple, grinding his fingers against her clit and boring his cock deep into her core.

  Close to the edge himself, he gritted his teeth in concentration and forced his juice back down into his balls in order not to come before her. Ladies first, always, but God it was getting hard to hold back. Desperate to make her shatter once more before he lost it, he ordered her into completion. “Come on, sweetheart, come for me. Come on, Ta. Ra. Ra. Boom. De. Ay!”

  He shoved his cock hard into her, sending her up off her toes, momentarily suspending her on his hard pole, while his arms squeezed her tight against his front. She convulsed against him, her arms ridged against the bureau, her head thrown back in a quiet scream. His cock exploded inside her, jumping and pulsing urgently within her tight channel. His vision dimmed with the power of it, and he sank his teeth mindlessly into the soft flesh of her shoulder.

  They stood for long seconds before Rob found the strength to pull out. Tara’s knees buckled and she started to collapse, but he grabbed her and swung her up into his arms. Carrying her to the bed, he lay her down and fell beside her.

  Chapter Four

  Tara’s eyes popped open with a start. She had slept, or more accurately, passed out after the very thorough fucking by Rob. She turned her head and found him beside her, lying on his side with his arm tucked under his head. He watched her with a lazy smile. She smiled back, remembering how he had carried, carried her to the bed and eventually washed them both with a cloth from the bathroom and tucked her under a sheet. No man had ever made her feel more desirable than this man.

  And she didn’t even know his full name.

  She frowned at the thought. Never had she been so casual about sex, taken such a risk. She felt wanton and wicked and immensely satisfied. Stretching, she winced. She ached and stung in certain places, her bottom in particular. Surprisingly, the sensation caused her to heat up again. She was ready for another round. But how about Rob? Her expression must have given away some of her thoughts because he reached out and cupped her chin.

  “Are you all right?” He tugged her chin gently, forcing her to meet his gaze. Concern filled his eyes. “I’m sorry if I was too rough on you. I knew you weren’t used to it, but damn, woman you set me on fire.”

  She laughed, and grabbing his shoulder, pulled him in for a quick kiss. “Don’t apologize for the best fuck I’ve ever had. And I love hearing how much you wanted me.”

  “You were the most beautiful woman in that reception room, Tara, and I really appreciate that you were willing to let me take you for a ride. I especially loved being the first man to smack that adorable fanny of yours.”

  Unnerved by the compliment, she blushed and looked away. “It’s been a secret fantasy of mine. I mean I even kind of kept it from myself. You’re the first guy I’ve ever allowed to do it. I usually try to keep that part of my anatomy hidden when I’m having sex.”

  He sighed heavily. “If you mean you think you’re overweight, I may have to turn you over and deliver another spanking.”

  A burst of pleasure centered in her core at the thought. “If that’s supposed to be a warning, I’m afraid it’s had the opposite effect,” she teased, although she understood he wanted to alleviate her insecurities about her figure, not proposition her for another round of fucking. She groaned and pushed up to a sitting position, clasping the sheet to her chest. “I should get dressed and return to the reception.”

  He went up on his elbows. “Why? I mean, I was hoping our night was just getting started. Certainly my boy is up for more fun.”

  She glanced down and saw his cock tenting the sheet. She licked her lips at the sight. “My family will wonder what happened to me. They won’t like my leaving early. This is my sister Gina’s big day, after all.”

  “Uh, huh. No question it’s her day, but sweetheart you didn’t appear to be having much fun when I met you. Do you really want to climb back into that dress and slap those torture devices back onto your feet?”

  She made a face at the idea. “Not really. I guess I feel a little guilty. My family is so determined to do everything ‘right’ you know? My mother, in particular, made everyone crazy with the plans. We’re from the San Diego area and she wanted to have it there. Gina insisted on having it here where her husband is from. They’re settling down here, too, so it did make sense. Still, Mom agonized over the details, making sure our Texas in-laws would be wowed by it all. This elaborate stuff is not my style. I like simple and comfortable.” She eyed him. “Do you think I could get away with going back down in my flannel PJs and bunny slippers?”

  Rob laughed and pulled her down onto his body for a slow, deep kiss. His hand rubbed her sore bottom in lazy circles as his tongue wrestled with hers. When he finally let them come up for air, he narrowed his eyes. “Even not knowing your family, I suspect that wouldn’t go over very well.”

  She hummed in resigned agreement and lay her head down on his chest. His cock pressed against her belly and it gave her wicked ideas, none of which involved returning to the reception. Instead, she wiggled down and straddled his thighs. The hard rod stood proud in front of her. With another hum, she clasped it in her hand. Warm and smooth, the cock pulsed in her hold. She bent over and pressed her lips against the head. Rob’s breath hitched. The muscles of his stomach rippled. She opened her mouth and sucked the glans inside, swirling the ridge with her tongue.

  “God!” His hips bucked against her.

  Tara pulled back. “Does that feel good?”

  “Is that a serious question?”

  His eyes closed. The muscles of his throat pulled tight. His fingers wrapped around her calves. She wondered how he would respond to a little pain. With her thumbnail, she scraped down the underside of his dick while she squeezed his balls in her other hand. He hissed and bucked his hips beneath her. She did it again and he grimaced and grunted between pressed lips.

  “Was that too much?” Maybe she’d gone overboard.

  He opened his eyes to mere slits. “Sweetheart, you can do anything you want to me so long as you wrap you lovely lips around my cock again. Please?” He gave her a boyish grin.

  Tara sighed. “I suppose I can do that.” With a wanton smile of her own, she slid her mouth over his rigid flesh once more. “Mmm.” She did love the taste of him and took as much of it in as she could. She clasped the rest in her fist and set a rhythm of sucking and licking, massaging his balls at the same time.

  She picked up speed and he jerked, tossing her up. She clamped her legs together and pressed down to keep him from moving. He growled in frustration, and she smiled around the hot mouthful. Nothing built tension more than not being able to move. She worked her mouth and hands faster, urging him to climax.

  Dear God.

  Rob tried to hold on. He pictured bucking broncs and rodeo clowns, anything to keep from exploding inside Tara’s deliciously wicked mouth. What that woman’s tongue did to his cock, the pure enthusiasm with which she sucked him off, tested the limits of his control. The way she held him in place ratcheted up his pleasure in the sweetest torture he had ever known. Damn, if he wasn’t going to have to wallop her ass again for this. He felt his cum rise, too close to wait.

  Sliding his fingers through her hair, he warned, “I’m coming, sweetheart.” She increased her sucking and he tried to push her head back to leave her mouth. She wouldn’t budge and he went blind, exploding in the warm, wet haven.

  Instead of letting go, she took him in deeper and tugged at his spasming rod as if it were her last meal. He fought furiously against her hold and dug his fingers into her scalp. A long, loud groan escaped his lips, echoing in his ears as his cock jerked out its last passionate throes.

  His hands dropped to his sides when she finally released him and sat up. He took a few seconds to catch his breath before propping open his eyes. She grinned down at him, daintily wiping her lips.

  “Sorry,” he managed to say.

  She tipped her head. “For what?”

  “Coming in your mouth.”

  She giggled. “I like it. If I didn’t, believe me I’d have spit you out.”

  “Seriously?” He couldn’t think of a single woman in his past who wouldn’t have run screaming to the bathroom. She was one in a million in his experience. Maybe it had something to do with being a Yankee, that is if a California woman counted as such.

  She grinned slyly. “How about a kiss?”

  When she leaned toward him, he grabbed her by the arms and tossed her onto her back. He planted big, wet kisses on her breasts and belly as she laughed. He laid his head on her chest and sighed. “I love these babies.”

  “My breasts? Don’t you think they’re kind of big?”

  He reared up and frowned at her. “Too big? Really? You think most men appreciate only small tits? Sweetheart, what you don’t know about men is a lot. Your breasts are perfect. In fact, if you let me, I’ll show you just how much I love them as soon as my body recovers from that fantastic blowjob.”

  “Oh, you’re so good for my ego. And I could use a little more attention.” She slid two fingers down into her folds.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled it out. “Don’t you dare. That’s my job.” He considered burying his face in her pussy to please her until his cock revived. She bit her lip. “You’re still feeling guilty about the wedding.”

  She nodded. “I don’t want them to worry. I did just kind of disappear.”

  “Hmm.” The last thing he wanted was for her to leave. As far as he knew, he had only this one night with her. It couldn’t end yet. A thought occurred to him. Snapping his fingers, he said, “I got an idea.” He got out of bed and grabbed the pad of paper by the phone and a pen. “Here.” He handed them to her. “Write a note to your mother telling her you weren’t feeling well and have gone to bed. I’ll take it down and have a waiter deliver it to her. Problem solved.”

  She smiled in agreement. While she wrote the note, he threw his clothes back on then took the folded paper and gave her a kiss.

  “Can I bring you anything?”

  She shook her head. “The only thing I can think of is a glass of choco-wine. I know they’re selling it at the bar, but I doubt they’ll let you take a glass of it up here.”

  “Choco-wine?” It sounded like a girl drink for sure. But if she wanted it, then he’d get it for her. “I know the bartender. Don’t worry, ma’am, I’ll be right back.”

  He waited until he saw the message delivered to Tara’s mother. The reception raged on in full swing, so he figured no one would miss her too much. He procured two glasses of the dark, thick wine, figuring he may as well join her. Taking a sip, he had to admit the stuff packed a punch. The expression of joy on her face when he handed her the glass made it all worthwhile. He wasted no time stripping off his clothes and joining her back in bed, delighted to see she had stayed nude and uncovered. He rolled on his side and propped up on an elbow.

  Tara sipped the wine and reveled in the slow tingle it shot through her. Rob’s intense gaze added to the mounting excitement.

  “What’s your last name?” It was past time to get to know the guy she lay in bed with a little better.


  “Really? That’s kind of funny given that you sell things.”

  Rob chuckled. “The irony has been noticed before. How about you?”

  She swallowed and grimaced. “O’Malley.”

  “Tara O’Malley. It’s a nice name.”

  “Oh, sure. Irish Irish. My heritage is not a secret. I always envied my sister because Gina O’Malley is a harder name to peg.” She frowned into her glass. “Of course, she’s just changed her name to DeLaurentis, so I guess fate has intervened there.”

  “You made a face. Don’t you like your new brother-in-law?”

  “I think he’s a dick.”

  Rob choked on his mouthful of wine. “Why do you say that?”

  “Lots of reasons. The most recent being that I caught him checking out all of Gina’s bridesmaids and my mother.” The memory of Andy’s leering after he’d had a few beers made her shudder. “Eew. At least he didn’t check me out.”

  “Which makes him stupid, as well as a dick.” He sat up, took her empty glass and set it down on the nightstand. “I think I’ve recovered sufficiently to show you my appreciation.”

  He raised his glass and she gasped when he splashed some choco-wine on her nipples. Pulling her down flat on the bed, he latched his lips around one wet nub. He sucked and laved the wine away and moved onto the other one. Pleasure coursed through her veins and pulsed through her clit. She thought she would come from his feasting on her breasts alone and writhed under him as the climax built.

  He didn’t give her a chance. His clever tongue descended down her stomach, swirled around her navel, before sliding between the folds of her cunt. He teased her clit with tiny flicks while his fingers took over the job of rubbing her nipples. She gasped and panted then crested and crashed, the waves of orgasm swamping her senses.

  He left her briefly to roll another condom over his cock. She cried out in frustration at the wait, and then in renewed pleasure when mounted her, crushing his body down onto hers, thrusting into her. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around him, squeezing tightly. With her heels, she urged him to go faster and harder, kicking into him as if he were a stallion, and she rode him. He understood the command, picked up speed and angled his head to plunge his tongue deep between her lips and fisted her hair.

  She screamed into his mouth as another climax hit her. She clenched the walls of her cunt to pull him over with her. He stiffened and yelled down her throat, pounding into her a few more strokes then he stilled and collapsed. She held onto him with all four limbs, feeling his harsh breaths and the frantic beating of his heart. It matched her own.

  She closed her eyes, replete.

  Long minutes went by before Rob lifted off he
r. Tara didn’t open her eyes, but she listened to him walk into the bathroom. Less than a minute later, he slid in beside her and gathered her into his arms.

  “That was…nice,” she said at a loss for words.

  Rob chuckled next to her ear. “Yeah, it was.” He nibbled on her lobe.

  She met his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re ready for another round.”

  He gave her a pained look. “I wish. I think I’m about done for the night.”

  “Oh, well.” She glanced away, unsure of what to say. This really amounted to her first hook-up with a stranger.

  Placing his hand on her chin, he made her face him. “Of course, after a little sleep, I could definitely rally. Mind if I stay?”

  She smiled. “No, I don’t mind at all.”


  After giving her a quick kiss, he bounded out of bed to turn off the light and when he returned, pulled the covers up and snuggled against her. She felt sleepy and warm and appreciated. A yawn popped out and she closed her eyes. Rob’s steady breathing lulled her. How weird to be so comfortable with someone she barely knew. Yet, she was and he had given her the best wedding experience of her life. Okay, maybe the best sexual experience of her life, regardless of the venue.

  Yes, definitely the best sex of her life.



  “When do you leave San Antonio?”

  “In four days. I planned a little vacation around the wedding.” She paused, not daring to hope where his question might be leading. “Why?”

  “Well, I’m in town for the rodeo and I wondered if you’d like to come see it with me, maybe have dinner?” Uncertainty filled his voice as if he thought she wouldn’t want more than the one night.

  “If I say yes, will you spank me again?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then, I’d love to.”


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