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Spontaneous Combustion

Page 25

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Yes, you may go ahead and eat,” he said, and he went back to his food.

  Every bite became the best thing she’d ever eaten. Every sweet and savory morsel romanced her taste buds and felt like lust. Her arousal gained momentum.

  They dined in a tiny corner of the restaurant. Though where they sat wasn’t exactly private, it was remote enough for them to feel within a private world – unlike the world around them that went merrily along in its fancy clothes, glittering dialogue and exhilarating laughter. Theirs was a quieter reality. She was a unique commodity, a woman in her place, under the control of a man. He held her there with his steadfast authority, every instant imbued with respect and devotion and mystery.

  “So, slave, how does it feel to have your naked crotch on the chair,” he asked, as he sat back and drank his wine.

  “Feels sexy.”

  “You’re looking sexy, slut.”

  “All because of you, Sir.” She smiled.

  “Tonight, you need to call me Master.” His eyes narrowed to emphasize his point.

  The order felt like admonishment, and the flint in his voice was an unmistakable trigger for her further surrender. She lowered her eyes, “Yes, Master.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “And look at me when do,” he added. Again, his voice was firm and mildly reprimanding, though she didn’t suppose he was thinking that at all when he gave the order. Or then maybe he did. He knew the power of that old voice inside her head that wrenched at her sex and had her juices flowing every time it spoke to her. He was that voice now, bold, demanding and entirely in control.

  A rush of arousal came on her swift and fast, and she could feel the juices leaking from her crotch.

  “Yes, Master.”

  She met his gaze, staring into his cool eyes – the only cool thing about this night, his eyes. Taking in a breath, she breathed out letting the feel of his presence infect her body like a drug.

  “That’s better,” he said. “It would be unfortunate to have to beat you again before the night’s out. So, how are your back and butt feeling now?”

  She squirmed a little to remind herself of the marks he’d left. “Tight. But that’s a feeling I love.”

  “Imagine how they look. You saw them.”

  Yes, she remembered the proud master showing off his handiwork in the bedroom mirror; and how she’d strained to turn so she could see the rash of red marks he’d painted on her white skin. Her body quickened with the remembrance. “I did. I’m sure whatever technique you used, it did the trick. They’ll be there at least a week.”

  “You know, there’s one red mark peeking out of your dress. Right at your shoulder.”

  “There is?” Alarmed, she twisted around, trying to catch a glimpse of it.

  “You won’t be able to see it, but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s small, on the back of your shoulder. No one will think anything of it but me.” He looked amused. “Of course, with you, I imagine you hope it gets noticed, leaves people wondering.”

  Her face reddened. “Can’t say for sure what I want or need or anything else right now. But you have me where you want me.”

  “And there you should stay.”

  His hand covered hers again, warm and reassuring. That he’d created this night down to the smallest detail meant everything. Meant that two weeks of troubling thoughts had been replaced with a master who was more of a master to her now than he’d ever been. Fact was, he’d never been anything to her but Master. Tonight she felt that in bones and flesh, and in the deep places that hungered for this kind of submission.

  She was too busy looking into his eyes to notice that Jack had put his free hand in his pocket. A second later, the bullet in her cunt came to life, and she jerked in her seat, startled. The sensation traveled quickly through her. She stopped breathing for an instant, and then relaxed, though everything inside her continued to vibrate.

  “Eat something,” he said, drawing her back to him. “Then finish your wine.”

  Dutiful and obedient, she did what she was told, while adjusting to the sensuous vibrations in her cunt. Apparently, he thought she was ready for more, because he kicked it up to the next setting, and had every nerve in her body engaged and trembling with a deeper, stronger vibration.

  “This is some kind of magic inside me,” she said of the feelings that arose.

  “Is it, now?” The look on his face suggested that this pleased him, but perhaps not enough. Another setting higher, and Jeni was certain that the entire restaurant would be looking at her involuntarily grinding her naked pussy against the chair. Her sex juice was already sliding into the fabric beneath her.

  He watched her for several moments, as her body adjusted to the increasing vibrations, as she took deep breaths to calm herself, as her face reddened and she struggled to keep her body motionless in her seat and maintain her poise.

  “Difficult?” he asked.

  She set down her fork and put her hands in her lap. “Yes, Master.”

  If he’d only drop it down a notch.

  He must have seen her mounting distress. “But you can handle it,” he assured her. “Go on, finish your dinner.”

  As they continued with their meal, Jack directed the conversation to more vanilla subjects. Just catching up after two weeks of living without each other. She’d have no idea what they talked about when the night was over, but she’d remember the vibrating silver bullet, the look in his eyes, the feel of his hand, the sexy aroma of the food, and the sound of his voice, which was rooted in an authority that arose from the essence of the man. None of this could be forgotten.

  “May I have your permission to use the restroom, Master?” she suddenly blurted out.

  “And this is a urgent?” he asked.

  She hadn’t thought much about her physical needs until now, but the vibrating bullet had shocked all the lower senses to life, including this one. “You know, I think it is.”

  “Then go,” he said. The vibrations from the bullet immediately stopped. How kind of him to give it a rest. She rose to her feet. “But first…” he interrupted her leaving. He was fishing in his pocket again while she stood waiting by the table. Then he grabbed her left hand, and deposited something small but heavy in her palm. “Goes on your clit ring for when you return. Attaches with a clasp. No need to take the ring apart.” He held that hand and wouldn’t let go as their eyes met. “Remember what a fucking slave whore you are, wench.” The way he emphasized the word fucking made her worry for an instant that someone might have heard him. But that fear fled quickly when he spoke again – she was zeroed in on him too much to care about anybody else. “Feel those marks as you walk. Remember how they got there, every cut of the whip, every cringing response. Don’t forget who owns you.”

  Every word he spoke thrilled her. Every word put her deeper into subspace.

  She smiled warmly. “How could I, Master?” she whispered.

  The weight of whatever he dropped in her palm, and now carried tightly in her fist, eased her as she made her way across the restaurant dining room to the Ladies lounge.

  For a moment, she flashed back to Nice, to another luxurious evening of awakening senses, a world away from her now. How curiously her life had changed since then. That was just the beginning, and now? Now, with Jack, everything was new again. Everything part of an unfolding mystery.

  When Jeni returned from the restroom, the small brass ball and chain Jack handed her at the table hung from her clit ring, alongside the tag. When she walked, she heard the two metals jingle between her legs from time to time, although the sound was a whole lot like the jangling of rich women’s bracelets, and the clink of crystal and silverware. No one would know but her, and Jack – if he heard the sound at all. On the other hand, the wicked porn side of Jeni wondered what it would be like if she walked naked through that dining room exposed for what she was. So everyone could see the truth of slave before their gawking eyes.

  She smiled to herself as the image passed t
hrough her mind, though she’d never share that kinky fantasy with Jack. Some thoughts are just too extreme to disclose – even to your master – and it was a fleeting one at that.

  “I like the way that brass ball feels, Master. You’ll like the way it pulls down on my clit when you see it.”

  “A bit of a tug, huh?”

  “Tug? More like weighty,” she laughed. “No doubt it’s there.”

  She sat again, looking into his eyes with more affection than fear or apprehension. The man was genius; he’d pulled off every trick with such amazing aplomb.

  The table had been cleared while she was gone. Moments later, two dishes of ‘amazing’ arrived, set on the linen table cloth before them. The confection was creamy and sweet, chocolaty, but light, with a hint of lemon. Like nothing else that she’d ever eaten, like dessert in France, which was notoriously amazing, like tasting something the gods would eat. She wondered if it would taste so divine if she were eating it while sitting in front of the TV in tattered jeans and an old sweatshirt.

  She was aloft in a sensuous subspace when the background music changed, and the raspy sound of John Lennon singing Stand By Me to a sexy syncopated beat, hit their ears. The sudden and unexpected had been part of this perfect evening. And now, without having thought about dancing in years, she suddenly want to drag her master to the dance floor, press her vibrating crotch against his warm one, and feel his hot cock rising to the occasion. She was beaming at the idea.

  “How about dancing?” She was surprised she had the courage to ask. Perhaps this was not slavish behavior, but she was so deeply into the idea of dancing again that she didn’t think twice about asking.

  “Been a long time since I’ve danced.”

  “Me too.” She leaned in closer. “Wouldn’t you like to feel that little sucker of a bullet vibrating against your cock?” Her heart seemed to swell, along with her arousal. She loved him in that moment, and damn, she didn’t care if he knew or not – though she wasn’t brave enough to say that word, love.

  “That might be interesting,” he said. And so he swept her up to the small dance floor where several other couples were already dancing to that slow, syncopated beat.

  They pressed themselves together, Jeni reveling in the sexy swagger of his hips as he moved. The body memory of days at high school dances when they were young returned to them both. She was young like that again with Jack. And yet the music, the raspy voice, the reminder of the song sobered her. Stand By Me. And all that it implied. Reality at midlife wasn’t the same as it was when she was younger. It was better, and worse, and it was what she had now that her old life had vanished. Tonight, her new life couldn’t have been more perfect.

  He pulled her crotch against his groin with a hand on her ass, so that their bodies were fused together and quite literally vibrating with lust. And when they looked into each other’s eye, both were amused. When she felt his pulsing cock, she smiled, and he squeezed her ass with that groping hand.

  Referring to that hand, she murmured in his ear, “You don’t think that’s a bit too risqué for this place?”

  “I think you belong to me, and whatever I do you just let it happen.”

  And so they danced while lost in their happy bliss, until Jack was ready to move on. He led her back to their table. A few minutes later, he paid the bill and they left the restaurant, arm in arm.


  They stood on a street corner, on a deserted city block, nearly midnight now. They’d just climbed from the Jeep to the sidewalk.

  Jeni looked at Jack, wary and suspicious, a big why in her eyes. Why would he bring her here to this rundown part of town after the elegant drama of the last few hours? Another mystery and one she never expected.

  Jack looked up at the blinking neon sign on the building in front of them, pink and green flashing against the old brick walls of the downtown hotel. “This is where we spend the night,” he announced.

  “Really?” She didn’t understand.

  In response to the skeptical expression on her face, he said, “I pay attention to your stories. Seemed this night was perfect for a cheap motel. The kind of romance you love.”

  Romance? He actually spoke of romance! Almost as fine a word as love.

  Jeni smiled so big she thought her face might break if that smile got any bigger. And then she laughed – that he would think of the cheap hotels in her erotic stories on a night like this. He was paying attention; he didn’t lie.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve made sure there are no bedbugs or spiders. It’s surprisingly clean.”

  “I’m sure it’s perfect,” and she took his arm as they walked inside.

  The hallway of the third floor was served by a single incandescent light-bulb, illuminating dark and shabby in a way nothing else could. The carpet was worn and the air was musty, though there was a clean, medicinal scent, too.

  Their room was small and plain, though quite unlike the small and plain of the Motel 6 down the road. A green chenille spread covered the bed, nearly threadbare now but not quite. There was a ceiling fan above, bare hardwood beneath their feet and a rosy glow all around from the neon sign outside, blinking though the thin curtain.

  Jack sat down in the one chair – which was old and threadbare, too, but comfortable enough to hold him while he stared at her still dressed as she had been all night, not a stitch, not a trinket removed. He’d already shed his coat and shirt, exuding a bit of a Stanley Kowalski Brando vibe, sitting there so sexy and so remote. There were thoughts in his mind and an almost sullen look on that sexy face. Should be smoking a cigarette to be authentic, she thought, although she was glad he was not, even if it would have added to the ambience of the dreamy moment.

  “How ‘bout you get naked, wench?” he suggested – not a suggestion but an order. She should have been used to standing before him in a situation like this. She’d been through the ritual numerous times with specific orders to obey, but she was as self-conscious and jittery now as it was that first time on her porch.

  “That’s not question, is it, Master?”

  “No, slave. It’s not,” he replied. “Now start with the dress.”

  “You sure do know how to create the perfect mood.” She was thinking out loud here. “All we’re missing is some cheap booze.”

  He nearly smiled at the idea. “Sorry, there’s not,” he said, genuinely regretting that he’d not thought about that detail. “Now, let’s get back to the dress.”

  Gulping back her fear, she reached back, fumbling with the tiny hook and eye at the top of the neck, having no luck getting the two apart. “I might need some help,” she said.

  “Okay then, kneel and I’ll take care of it.”

  Getting to the floor knees was awkward and uncomfortable, even with the small throw rug beside the bed providing some cushion for her knees. Thankfully, Jack was quick with the hook and eye. That done, he yanked the zipper down, and while still kneeling Jeni pulled the dress up over her head. She tossed it to the bed and rose to her feet, displaying her decked out body for her master’s approval.

  As he looked her over, he concentrated his attention on her pussy, the dangling tag and the brass ball beside it. He reached out and tugged down on the ball. “You like the way it feels?”

  “I do.”

  “Then you’ll keep it. Wear it when I tell you to. Just an added reminder of who owns you.” He tugged at it a little longer then sat back. “Now the bra.” Once her bra joined the dress on the end of the bed he told her to step closer.

  Closer meant close enough for him to reach around her waist and disconnect the straps that held the bullet in place, allowing it to fall out into his hand. He placed the tangled mess on the nightstand beside him then unhooked the garter-belt. Once she kicked her heels aside, he slowly drew each stocking down her leg until he pulled it off her foot, at which point, she was appropriately naked, left in nothing but body jewelry and nipple ties.

  Jack drew her closer still, parting her labia and pulling the t
ag and ball from between her nether lips. With his hands on her ass, he brought her crotch toward his face and began to suck her clit. There was nothing gentle about the act. He bore down with his teeth, tugged her clit aggressively and sucked the swollen bud until she shrieked. And he didn’t let up – although, she didn’t need him to be gentle, not as hot as her body was now. She began to cum in powerful, almost painful spasms, that ripped through her body with the power of a thundering storm. She grabbed his shoulders for support. While she writhed against his face, he drew his mouth back pulling her clit out with his teeth, and just kept on pulling until she was practically screaming and almost delirious. The two went on this way until, at last, the rough spasms finally died away.

  Afterwards, the mood abruptly shifted. He pushed her back toward the bed, rose to his feet, shucked his pants, and lay down on the bed, legs wide open. Knowing what he wanted without his having to say so, she crawled to him and took his cock into her mouth and down her throat as far as it would go. Even when she gagged, as she always did, she went back for more and gagged again. She would do this until he came, but then he suddenly flipped over to his stomach. Again, she knew what that meant. She spread his cheeks wide and went down between them with her mouth, lavishing her adoring attention on his ass. The beastly act made her pussy pulse with life again. Such slavish depravity made her so hot that she was cumming again with an involuntary response she couldn’t help – though it was a more subtle kind of cum. This was what he did to her. Jack. Master. Didn’t matter how she thought of him. It mattered only that she’d reduced herself to slave and gave herself to him with no reservations and no hesitation – just as it had been five months before when they first began, and every time thereafter.


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