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Spontaneous Combustion

Page 28

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Jack seemed to need her kindness in return.

  They cuddled in close, Jeni wiggling her ass against him, relishing the peace that descended in that lazy afterglow of sex. There was music coming from somewhere far off. They’d forgotten to turn off the radio, although Jeni liked the bluesy sound behind the dreamy end of the day. It fit the languorous mood at the end of the day.

  When finally broke the silence, it took a moment for Jeni to gather her wits and take in his words. His arm was around her waist and when tenderly kissed the back of her neck, she never felt so close to him. Everything seemed sweetly blissful at that late hour, but when he began to speak she could tell by the solemn tone of his voice that he was speaking from a private place inside him that rarely opened to her. In words that didn’t come easy, he candidly disclosed a piece of his past she never would have expected to hear. “She ran out on me near the end, got pregnant by another man she said she loved.” He was talking about his ex-wife. Jeni couldn’t see his eyes, and wouldn’t know what pain would appear within them. But perhaps that was as it should be; he might never have made the disclosure otherwise. She lay motionless as he continued. “She returned and asked me to take her back. Said she realized how much she still loved me. I couldn’t believe she had the balls to even suggest it. There was no going back for me.” There was no bitterness in his voice. He was stating facts, nothing more than that. This was something that he wanted her to know; Jack cracking open the door to his inner life. She knew the door would likely close again, and not reopen until something else moved him as deeply as this painful wound.

  She couldn’t help but feel the hurt behind his disclosure. “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” she said after a time. What else could she say?

  He didn’t say a word, but his hold on her tightened, and he drew her closer to his chest and kissed the top of her head. He wouldn’t speak of this again, but she was glad that he trusted her enough to tell her.

  Jeni gazed at the moonlit wall before her, the streaking shadows, the occasional flicker of leaves, black in reflection. She heard him breathing behind her, felt his breath tickle her neck, and the heat of his crotch pouring into her. What he gave her in moments like this was something rooted, substantial and endlessly comforting. One of the things she loved most of all about him.

  She wondered if he’d ever tell her he loved her, and what she’d say if he did.


  Three days later…

  The morning light was as subtle as the night. The day had only begun to peek through the veil of clouds above, and those clouds would disperse as soon as the sun was up.

  Jeni sat on the bed watching Jack get ready. He showered and shaved, bowing to convention for the sake of his students, leaving at midday, who needed an appropriately professorial send off. He was nothing but professional in his academic role, a persona he wore whenever he was dealing with his students. Their presence at the lake house created a distance between Jack and Jeni that hadn’t been there when they were alone. But after four days of having him entirely to herself, she couldn’t complain. She put her mind into her own work to keep busy and her thoughts engaged. But now, with his students leaving, she couldn’t wait to be alone with him again.

  As she watched him dress, she admired his muscled shoulders and firm ass, and the way he moved with a certain manly grace. She wanted to tackle him to the bed and fuck him right then. “Are you sure I can’t fix you breakfast?” she asked.

  “Nope. I’ll grab an apple for now. I’ll be in later. You can fix me something then. I want to get these guys on the road before ten.”

  “I thought they’d be here ’til noon?”

  “There’s no need for them to stay any longer. I’m on vacation,” he smiled, warmly. “Time to get back to abusing you.”

  She giggled, seeing the first crack in his professional attitude, which was a welcome sight.

  “No more mild-mannered master?” she asked.

  “Aren’t you getting a little restless for something more?”

  The way his eyes flashed, her body turned on. “Well, now that you mention it, I am a little restless. You do get wrapped up in your projects when you’re working.”

  “But that’s done for now. Just you and me.”

  “And your chains, cuffs and leather belt…”

  His eyes narrowed with the reminder. “I’d suggest you wear your collar. Just to be sure you’re in the mood when I’m ready.”

  “Yes, sir.” She smiled broadly.

  The thought of all the pent-up sexual energy between them finally getting its say had her giddy. She was squirming now with her libido all charged up. “And pick up this place,” he added as he looked around, “getting a little messy.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Once he was out the door, she threw a sundress over head, put the collar around her throat, and tore through the cottage, making it spic and span.


  For the three days remaining on their vacation, Jeni made herself ready for her master, any time he wanted her – on the porch, hanging from the rafters in chains, thrust over the back of a rickety chair in his woodshed, crawling blindfolded through the lab on hands and knees – thankful to be wearing jeans to cushion them from the hardwood floor. Anywhere he wanted to use her, she surrendered. Although there was a little more kink involved now, Jack wasn’t rough with her, or demanding, not the hardcore master he could be. There was no pain, no stretching limits, no need to cry for mercy.

  The morning before their departure, he stopped her on his way out the door to check something on the boat.

  “Jeni.” She was washing the breakfast dishes, and turned to him when he spoke.


  “I invited Malcolm and Erik over for dinner and cards tonight. You can be the fourth.”

  “Cards?” Really? Her nervous jitters suddenly kicked in.

  “You have a problem with that?”

  “No. Not at all,” she replied, although there was little conviction behind her words. “But Erik? I haven’t met him, have I?”

  “Nope. But you will tonight.”

  Her mind flashed through a dozen possibilities for the evening – none that had even been in her mind just moments before. She was agitated and troubled, and Jack eyed her suspiciously. “Something bothering you?”

  “Not a thing. I just remember the last time I saw Malcolm.” She blushed.

  “Don’t worry. I figured we’d keep it vanilla tonight.”


  He watched her closely, too closely to find comfortable and her agitation expanded. She nervously fidgeted with the hem of her shorts as Jack cocked his head, gazing at her intently as if something didn’t quite compute. “You’re not disappointed, are you?”

  She shrugged self consciously, trying not to smile. “Well,” she hedged a little, “if you wanted to make something more of it…”

  She couldn’t finish, but he got her meaning. “I can make more of it,” he said. “I just assumed that you weren’t ready for anything too challenging.”

  “Challenging? That almost sounds ominous. Why don’t you tell me what exactly ‘challenging’ would be? If you were going to challenge me.”

  “Depends on what I want and what feels right at the moment.”

  “And what might feel right?” My, this was a delicate dance.

  He looked her over carefully, then stepped forward and ran his hand along her arm. His regard for her was so obvious that she quaked inside to feel the object of such intense consideration. Her legs felt like jelly; her pussy wet enough to feel the stickiness between her thighs. All her sexual fires had suddenly lit up like the 4th of July – sexy, vanilla fun had been as much as she wanted over the last week, but there was always that little slut girl inside her that wanted something more, and that little slut was speaking clearly now. “Well, let’s see – if there hadn’t been a six months hiatus – what would I do?” That is what you’re asking?”

  “It is,” s
he nodded. The anxious feeling had worked its way through every nerve until she was literally vibrating inside.

  “Well, the next time we were here, I planned to pick up where we left off with Malcolm last time, which means,” he paused as if he was still unsure of this, “I order you to strip off your clothes and present yourself to him.”

  He saw her shudder.

  “I guess that turns you on.” He just kept staring; while her apprehensions continued to mount.

  “I am.”

  “There’d be Malcolm’s hands on you. From there, not sure. I’ll decide how much, how far.” Nerves. Arousal. Lust. Fear. All converged in a matter of seconds. “You understand, none of this was on my mind when I asked you here this week. I figured it was too soon, after the long lapse. But…” those brown eyes just kept staring intently into her, “you’re not the woman I brought here eight days ago, are you?”

  She slowly shook her head. “I don’t think so. You’ve been patient and gentle. That’s meant a lot. It’s been very healing. But now?” She bit her lip, afraid, but still eager to say what was on her mind. “I’m dying for more kink. I think if something doesn’t happen tonight, as horny as I am now, I’m going regret it.” She could barely breathe.

  “Just want to know you’re ready.”

  “Well, there’s no getting ready for something like this, there’s only surrendering to it. I’m ready to surrender, Sir. I’ve been ready for a long time.”

  She could almost see his mind taking off in a flight of fancy, making plans, perhaps. Though he was tough to read, as usual. “You brought the silver charm?” he finally asked.

  “I did.”

  “Then go get it.”

  She returned to the bedroom to find the jewelry bag with the engraved disc inside and bought it back to Jack inside her fist. She dropped it in his hand.

  “You ready to be my slave again?”

  “I never stopped being your slave.”

  He fixed her with one keen eye. “I could quibble with that, but I appreciate the thought. Come here.”

  They moved toward the sofa where Jack sat down and Jeni, standing in front of him, lowered her jeans and panties without any prompting, presenting him with her freshly shaved pussy.

  He held up the tag for her to see. “You understand this means I own you?”

  “Yes, Master, I do.”

  “Then no taking it off again without permission – just as I ordered you before.”

  “No, Sir, not again. I made a mistake not discussing this with you first – just like with the nipple ties.”

  “I let this go because of the circumstances. But that’s not going to happen again.”

  “Understood.” The look in his eyes, the tone of voice – he meant what he said.

  Pulling out a dining room chair, he sat down and drew her close. Reaching between her legs he toyed with her labia and clit. The delicate touch of his fingers fired up her body – as if it needed more stimulation. And then the charm was back in place. His face darkened. And when he yanked down on that dangling ID tag, she sensed a scowl behind it. Her body seized up and she turned her head away.

  “Look at me.”

  She looked back, immediately assaulted by his fierce eyes. He projected a firmer authority than she’d felt in days. They’d taken the brakes off at last, and as much as it made her tremble, as much as she was afraid, she felt alive with him. Back to the thrilling normal of Master/slave. No more Mr. Nice guy – no more wounded slave. At least at that moment.

  “Go get a pillow; I want you on your knees where you belong.”

  Jeni grabbed a pillow from the couch and tossed it between his open thighs. Then she dropped quickly, settling herself on the cushion, trembling nervously.

  “I need to know what this relationship means to you.” He stared her down and she trembled even more.

  This was not what she expected; she figured that her head would be buried in his crotch by now and at first, she was too stunned to speak. She opened her mouth then closed it just as quickly.

  “Go on, just tell me how you feel.”

  “You got me there, Sir, I have no idea what to say.”

  “That’s okay, just talk.”

  She shook her head and he frowned.

  “Talk, slave. You’re rarely at a loss for words.”

  But now? With that question? Her palms were sweaty. She tried wiping them on her thighs, which did nothing to help.

  “Master,” she began, and again she stopped. The more she stared into his placid face, the more anxious she became. Her mind swirled around with thoughts about all that he meant to her; how if only he’d given her a moment alone to think this through, she would have had the perfect answer. She hadn’t a clue where to begin, but then, suddenly, something opened up inside her and she knew what she needed to say, as if the words were downloading from some distant recollection. “You have broken me open, Master – you know that. You’ve given me back a piece of myself I thought I’d lost and that means a lot. I honor you. Respect you. I trust you as my master.” The words seemed to come easily now, and there were more. “You have my unquestioned obedience. You have my body to use. You’re the center of my Universe…my owner, my master, my friend.” Tears pooled in her wide blue eyes. There was hope and lust and love pouring out to him, although she didn’t dare use the word love. “I belong to you, Jack Hawking. This relationship means everything to me. What else is there to say?”

  She watched his face the entire time, displaying the quiet reserve she was accustomed to from Jack. When she finished, he seemed a little in awe. More than he expected, perhaps? Her heart raced as she waited for him to speak. Finally, he nodded then he actually smiled. “I like the sound of that, slave. Maybe you should commit it to memory.”

  His mood had lifted. She’d told him what he needed to hear – and it was exactly what she knew was true.

  “Maybe I should – if I can remember what I said,” she laughed, though then her bright face dimmed. “Just wondering…”

  “Wondering what?”

  “May I ask you the same thing, Sir? What does this relationship mean to you?”

  He thought a moment, “I suppose that’s fair for you to ask,” he said. He stopped to collect his thoughts. “You’ve saved me a lot of lonely nights.” He paused again then continued. “You’ve restored my faith in Master and slave. For that matter, you’ve restored my faith in women in general. It’s amazing to me that we’ve come this far. I didn’t think I’d ever have what I have with you.” His words felt like a gentle rain, the kind that sinks in and blesses you. A smile of joy rose up from a place within her where joy had been absent, and he wasn’t even finished. “I missed you, more than I expected. Six months is a long time to be without my slave. Obviously, you mean more to me than I thought any woman could.” He stopped, looking as if he were searching for more to say, “I suppose there’s more, but that’s all that comes to mind right now.”

  It was her turn to be in awe. “Thank you, Sir,” was all the reply she could manage.

  They stared at each other just a moment longer, then he was on his feet, pulling her with him, giving her a kiss. “I gotta go check on the boat.” He looked around the cabin, as if he was about to give her an assignment. “Do whatever pleases you. I’ll be back in a few. After lunch we’ll spend some time on the lake.”


  Jeni’s nerves had been jittery all afternoon now that the unknown was set in motion.

  When Malcolm arrived about five with his friend Erik, Jeni was wearing shorts, blouse, underwear, sandals and collar, same as she had earlier in the day. Malcolm’s eyes were on her collar right away. Easy enough for Jeni; he’d already seen a whole lot more of her and she’d survived that. But the exhibition would not be as easy with his friend. There was something cool, clipped and critical about the tall, buzz cut Erik in his clean jeans and tucked in t-shirt. Starched, correct and military. He nodded at her, noting the collar and did nothing but nod again when Jack intr
oduced them.

  “Your slave?” he said to Jack.

  “She is.”

  Neither man said more.

  As the three men sat on the porch talking guns, boats and the erratic weather, Jeni stood back and made a furtive study of the perplexing Erik. He was nothing like the easygoing Malcolm. Nothing easy about him at all. He made her think of submission, and that made her tremble with concern. Unlike her stoic and mysterious master, there was nothing warm and engaging about him to balance out the chill exuding from his stark demeanor. The thought of stripping away her clothes for him and being naked in his presence had her mad with fright.

  When the three men strolled down to the boat, Jeni stayed in the cottage to collect herself. She’d asked for this. She practically begged it of a reluctant master who would have been content to plays cards after dinner. If she’d only understood the circumstances before she opened her mouth. If she’d only known who Erik was. Now, all she could think about was the three of them plotting their moves for the evening as they walked toward the dock.

  She puttered about the cottage, doing this and that, fiddling with dinner – which was entirely unnecessary. Jack had everything ready to go on the grill, and Jeni had made a salad long before the two men drove up. She took out the trash and swept the kitchen for something to occupy her time, then, at last, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the porch. They had returned.

  As Jack grilled steaks, potatoes and bread, the men talked on the porch. Jeni, meanwhile, continued with her puttering, covering the picnic table with a vinyl cloth, retrieving four chairs, laying out plates, silverware and napkins. From time to time, she gazed toward the three. More than once she found Erik’s cool eyes appraising her. Once, she found Jack smiling. Did he have any idea how difficult this was for her?


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