Spontaneous Combustion

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Spontaneous Combustion Page 29

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  When they sat down to eat, Jeni could feel her ears burning, though none of the men seemed to even notice that she was there. When Jack laid a hand on her thigh for just a moment, she almost jumped. He meant the gesture to soothe her, and she acknowledged that warm hand with a smile.

  “So, Jeni, I hear you’re in advertising,” Malcolm finally spoke to her directly.

  She flinched just hearing the sound of her name, and before she could reply, Jack chimed in for her. “You’ll have to forgive my slave, Mal, she’s nervous as hell about that game of cards.” He smiled shrewdly, and turned to Jeni, “How about you clear the table?” She couldn’t have been happier to be on her feet with something to do for the next few minutes, at least until the men were back in their lounge chairs, drinking beer, and chattering away about who knows what? Jeni wasn’t listening.

  Perhaps an hour passed, though she was hardly cognizant of the time. Soon, a wind whipped up across the lake, and as the daylight rapidly dwindled the air grew chilled. Every anxious minute that ticked by brought her closer to that moment of unveiling. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she could swear that the energy between all four had grown prickly and agitated with something sexual stirring in the air none could ignore. She was no dunce. She felt lust coming from all three, and it had her hot and nervous, her expectations fueling a sexual anxiety apparent in every nerve of her body, especially between her thighs where her blooming desire made her want to tear away her clothes and fuck them all.

  Stop with the mind fuck and just do what you’re going to do to me! she wanted to scream at the three of them. But of course, she didn’t say a word. She held it all in as they continued to converse, then as they grabbed their beers and moved inside when it got too cold. At that point, Jack was finally ready to get on with his plans; Jeni couldn’t wait to get things underway. The men were sitting around the fireplace, on the couch and in overstuffed chairs, while she stood on the sidelines, dazed, not knowing where to go or what to do.

  “Jeni.” When she heard Jack’s somber voice calling her name, she shuddered. “You said you were ready. Show me now that you are.” He eyed her coolly. “Right here. Front and center.” He pointed to the space between the chairs.

  She nearly stumbled over his feet getting there, and by the time she was standing before him, her face was bright red, her ears hot, and her anxiety had reached a screaming peak.

  “Now you can strip,” he said. “And not too fast. Take it slowly, and start with the shirt.”

  She was glad he told her where to begin; as panicky as she was now, she would never have started without that nudge from Jack. And yet, it was still with a flustered brain and trembling fingers that she began the slow strip tease. Not that she was trying to mimic the strippers in a girly bar; her legs were too weak and the fear too strong to do this with any kind of artful grace. On the other hand, her pussy was growing wetter by the second, as she undid each button on her blouse and shook it off her shoulders. She tried to ignore their staring eyes when she pushed her shorts down to her ankles and kicked them away. Suddenly, she was left with just her bra and panties to cover the nipple ties and the dangling tag below. Her face grew hot with embarrassment knowing what came next. The signs of her slavery were what Malcolm and Erik wanted to see. They were what separated her from the sluts in the gentlemen’s clubs who stripped for money and thrills. They were what made her a slave. There were only two strange men there to see them now, but she felt as if she were announcing herself to the world.

  She was seriously worried at this point. Stripping down was what Jack mentioned when they talked about her being ready that morning. He’d also mentioned Malcolm’s hands on her. But what then? And Erik? How would he figure into the night ahead?

  Taking a deep breath, she finally bent over to unhook her bra, and when that was tossed to the side, she stood upright, giving her audience a good long look at the skewed black ties that were still tight around the pink ends of her nipples. None of the three made a sound or said a word, or even sighed. Though their eyes were glued to her body, watching closely, those eyes were enough. They made her crotch throb. And though she was hesitant at every turn, the kinky slut girl inside her suddenly emerged. That little tramp was unable to escape the lusty thrill of her nasty exhibition, and Jeni was glad she showed up. For all her nerves and fears, she was seriously aroused with just one piece of clothing yet to remove. She’d saved the best for last.

  Slipping her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she slowly drew them down her hips, while gazing into their eyes. She watched them as closely as they watched her and she was pleased with their reaction. Malcolm’s lust showed on his face as an uneasy smirk. Jack raised a Masterful eyebrow. Even the dispassionate, inscrutable Eric squirmed a bit fitfully in his chair in response to what he saw. She hoped his cock was throbbing in his pants! She kicked her sandals aside and did the same with her panties. Then she stood up straight again and let them have a good long look at her naked body and the silver tag that dangled between her cunt lips.

  Seconds later, with the silence turning awkward, Jack spoke. “Malcolm, my chains. They’re in the closet by the door.”

  The three men were suddenly out of their chairs; Malcolm setting off to get the chains, while Jack and Erik pushed the living room furniture aside.

  They worked so fast that it was hard to believe that they hadn’t had this planned out down to smallest detail. Jack fit her wrists in his heavy leather cuffs, while Erik climbed on top of a chair, and Malcolm handed him the chains, which Erik tossed over the beam above and secured in place with a couple of hefty hooks. The thick steel chains looked rugged, even ominous, given the startling possibilities. Jeni shuddered with another wave of fear, although by then there was nothing that didn’t arouse the little slut girl, including that inexplicable feeling of fright. Subspace is such a lovely world – throwing away pretty and prim, discarding inhibitions right and left. She was horny, needy. Three horny Doms focused on what they would do to her – what turn-on could be better than this? Inside her horny subspace, the mind fuck only got better as the scene unfolded.

  When Jack finally stepped back, her cuffed wrists were raised up high and hooked to the chains, so she was nearly dangling from the ceiling, although not quite – her feet were still firmly planted on the floor.

  “Spread ‘em wider,” he ordered, as he observed her strung up body. She moved her feet further apart, and when he added, “Don’t make me use the spreader bar,” she inched them even further to her side. He was as cold and clipped as Erik was. The tone of his voice alone gave her goosebumps. “No talking, slut, unless you’re asked a question.” Then he turned to his friends. “She’s yours for now.”

  Jeni bowed her head. She needed to collect herself, feel the energy of the men around her, sense what they were thinking if she could, let body, mind and the inner slut enjoy what happened next. The exhibition was Jack’s gift to her, which would seem odd from many points of view, but a slave’s. He knew that she was not a simple woman with uncomplicated sexual desires. He’d experienced firsthand how far her kink could take her. But then, how far would he actually allow her to go with other men? That was all up to him. And that’s what she wanted since it took the decision out of her hands and placed it directly in her master’s. For Jeni, whose submissive mind could spin endlessly about matters such as these, this meant that she was free of the quandary and free to enjoy being Jack Hawking’s slave.

  Just a few hours ago, Jeni told him that she trusted him. She had to believe that declaration now. Taking a deep breath to settle into that feeling of trust, she waited.

  Malcolm stepped up first, going straight for the dangling tag and gently jerking down on the little thing. But then, because he couldn’t see it clearly, he went down on one knee and read the inscription, nodding his approval. “Nice, Jack,” he said admiringly. He tugged on the charm again, and Jeni gasped. The tugging hurt, and for a moment her balance faltered. “Careful girl,” he told her as
his steadying hand went for her thigh. That hand was warm and sensuous, and as it caressed her leg, she felt her arousal bloom. Soon she was swaying gently between the chains and moaning softly as she did.

  She hadn’t expected the penetration. But Malcolm’s fingers were suddenly right there between her sex lips, carefully caressing the soft petals of skin, one finger moving about her wet slit, and gently poking its way inside. Her body rushed with sensation and she seized up, gasping, panting, and biting her lip to keep quiet. She shook her head back and forth, chains rattling as she did. “Oh, yes…” the hushed exclamation escaped her lips.

  “This should give you something to think about all night,” Malcolm told her, as his fingers kept working her wet hole, and she got more aroused. “And I’m not done yet.” There was a bit of evil in the man’s face, places lighting up in him that had likely been dormant for a long time.

  Jeni gazed down at the evil sneer, breathless and a little in awe of the way Malcolm had morphed into a very different man. When he moved to his feet again, he walked to her back side and patted her ass.

  “Push it out for me,” he said, and she pushed out her ass.

  “Keep those legs spread,” Jack reminded her.

  Malcolm reached out to fondle her ass then he spanked it lightly – like he wasn’t sure how much force to use. Finally, his fingers slipped between her parted cheeks and massaged her there. He opened the fleshy mounds wide exposing the tight pink rosette. “You fuck her ass?” he asked Jack.

  “I do.”

  His finger ran along the crease, up and down and up and down across the sensitive opening. The methodical caress stirred up everything that was pent-up there. She would have happily consented to have him fuck her, if he chose to – if Jack allowed. But that wouldn’t happen. She didn’t know that for a fact, but she knew Jack well enough to know his thoughts on this; giving her away for sex was not something she expected him to do. Showing her off, and letting them touch her, was – and by the look on her master’s face, he was pleased with the exhibition.

  “You have quite a slave here, my friend,” Malcolm said. He faced her again with his eyes zeroing in on her chest. Emboldened by the opportunity before him, he tweaked both tied-up nipples between his fingers until he heard her gasp. There was a merry light in his eyes when he saw her flinch, and he squeezed the little buds even harder now. His studied gaze remained fixed on her body, and how it seemed to seize up the moment the pain became tough for her to take. He was a horny man with his fantasies, and a whole lot of envy in his eyes.

  Malcolm’s response made her proud that she could be the obediently compliant slave for her master. For the moment, her fear seemed to have fled, and for all her earlier reluctance, for all the questions that had plagued her about this night, she’d surrendered as she hoped she would, living up to the words she’d spoken to Jack earlier in the day in that declaration of her devotion.

  If the evening only ended there…

  When Malcolm finally stepped away, Erik took his place. The sight of the man’s callous expression didn’t surprise her, even so, she shrank back in fright. For that he slapped her face – not hard, but not a love tap either. Enough to wake her up from the Malcolm Jeni subspace, and take her back to the reality of bound and offered slave.

  “This is just titillation for Mal. Not me,” Erik bit off meanly. He yanked down on the ring and tag, and didn’t stop yanking. For several seconds there was a steady stream of pain rising through her crotch and radiating outward. It only felt like pleasure when he finally let go and the pain receded.

  “I’m wondering how much torture you can take, slut,” he snarled again, as he grabbed both nipples and pinched them until she was on her toes from the piercing pain. While she suffered, he looked into her eyes despising her, as if she were ‘woman personified’ and he only had one use for a female of his species. He would use her hard, he would hurt her, he would slap, spank, whip and fuck her. No restraint. No regrets. Leaving her in his dust, longing for a second of pleasure and giving her nothing but the sight of his tight ass walking off. He might be a real gem of a man if she got to know him, but this was what she thought of him as he scowled before her, and took her down to nothing in his ruthless eyes.

  When he finally let her nipples go, she took a breath and tried to relax.

  But Erik wasn’t finished with her yet. He slapped her pussy, three, four, five, six times, maybe more. Then opened her cunt lips and spanked her another half dozen times. The pain was rougher than she’d felt there in some time. He hadn’t the finesse of her master; he had no finesse all, in fact, and she hated everyone of those stinging smacks – until he stopped. Until the fire rushed into her crotch from that brief beating. When he looked in her eyes again, he smiled and scowled, humphing with satisfaction.

  “You didn’t lie, Jack. You got one hellava horny bitch slut here. You ever want someone to help you take her down, I’m your man. I’d like to see how far she’d grovel.” All the while he spoke, he stared into Jeni’s eyes, like he was stripping her bare. “Good lord, she loves the talk as much as she loves the action. You see that?” He looked back toward Jack. “You should clone her. Good that she’s a slave.” He stared into her eyes again. “This slut’s made for it. Some women are. You were right on when you described her.”

  Jeni recoiled hearing the way he referred to her – had Jack really talked about her like this to his friends? She didn’t believe he would. But what bothered her most was how much Erik’s nasty talk turned her on. She didn’t like it, but it was a fact about her submissive nature, and that inner slut, that she would find some absurd pleasure in this scene. Did Erik know what it did to her to stand there and take it? To be demeaned by a total stranger? It would be easy to despise him but she earnestly tried not to let her feelings show. To do that would only make the bastard chortle more.

  She had to remember that she’d brought this on herself. Remember that she was doing this for her master. Was this to prove a point? A demonstration of her obedience? Because he loved to see her at the mercy of another man’s darkness? What was it about such a scene that aroused a dominant man? She wished that she could peer into her master’s mind and know what he was thinking as he stood on the sidelines and watched.

  When Erik moved to her rear, he parted her cheeks, greased her ass and began to fuck it with as many fingers as he could shove inside the tight space. This was not what she expected, but by then, she was lost in the sensuous feel of surrender, her inhibitions were gone, desire had kicked in, and the thought of resisting him simply did not cross her mind. He rammed the hole hard like he wanted his entire fist inside and forced her to bend over so he could drive his fingers even deeper. She may have despised the man but she was too far inside her nasty mind space to revolt now. There was something edgy, contemptible and dangerous about Erik – like poisoned candy for a woman who lived with such a dark sexual truth. She loved the power, the force, the domination he exuded, even if she didn’t like the source.

  While she suffered through the indignity of Erik’s invasion of her ass, Jack stood on the sidelines in her peripheral vision – watching, listening, protecting her. Her fears eased knowing that he’d stop the man if he went too far. She had to believe that her master held her in high regard, even if the strict, coldhearted man who violated her did not. He’d know how much she could take and when it was time to stop.

  Though the humiliating tenor of Erik’s rant about her character still stung, it was another slut girl aphrodisiac – it turned her mind and body on so much that she was getting off, cumming hard on the man’s fingers, which were sinking deeper into her ass with every thrust. The nastiest part of her wanted every nasty thing he dished out. She could take it; take it for her master – oh, forget master – she’d take it because in the realm where she was a duty-bound slave, she thrived on this amazing abuse.

  When Erik finally pulled his hand from her behind, he moved in front of her, sneering at her smugly as he wiped his fingers on a
rag, and spoke to Jack. “This keeps her in her place. You can see she likes getting taken down. Gets her off. Trashy sluts like her get-off on humiliation.” He turned away, grabbing his beer, chugging what was left, and setting the bottle down hard against the table. He nodded at Jack, “I’d be fucking her with that bottle if it were me. Wonder what she’d do with that?” If Erik got some satisfaction from the scene, it didn’t show. No gratitude. No appreciation. Just the same coldhearted bastard from beginning to end.

  Then, suddenly, she was alone. Her head was bowed and her mind was focused on the sensations that were sweeping through her. She knew that the men were outside on the porch; she could hear them talking. Though she had no interest in their conversation. She was relieved that the scene was over and that her tensed up body could finally relax into the feelings of pleasure and release that moved through her now.

  Some minutes later, she heard in the distance the sound of a truck roaring away and she breathed a sigh of relief. It was Jack’s boots hitting the porch and Jack opening the screen door and letting it slam as he moved into the cottage. When she finally looked up and opened her eyes, he was standing before her with his hand on her hip.

  “Enjoy yourself?” he asked as his eyes gently settled on her. He brought both of his hands to her waist and held her there. The warmth and firmness of his authority soothed what was still troubled within her spirit and she could smile at last.

  “I-uh,” she started to say, then she laughed. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to call that.” Maybe later she could give him something more, but for now, all she cared about was Jack’s smiling face.


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