Spontaneous Combustion

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Spontaneous Combustion Page 30

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Actually, it was more like smirking self-satisfaction she saw in his expression. “I almost hated to send them off without getting a chance to fuck you,” he told her as he released her cuffed wrists and held her close. “But fucking you is my job.”

  Jeni thought he would shove her against the wall and take her, or haul her outside despite the cool temps and fuck her over the stone porch rail; maybe take her down to the dock, onto the sandy beach or in the woods. But he did none of these…

  Instead, he laid her out on his bed with her arms outstretched but unbound, and began to kiss her – her eyes gently, then her lips with long, slow, wet kisses. Deep, burning kisses. Soon, her body felt the fire that Erik built rising up again. She wanted to reach out to Jack and take him into her arms, but his unspoken command compelled her to remain as he’d arranged her, with her arms and legs stretched to the four corners of the bed. “No cumming until I tell you,” he informed her. He kissed her hard on the mouth then let up. His next kiss was sweeter and it lingered longer. But once that kiss was over, he was done with being gentle. He began to bite her lips, enough to tease and hurt until she groaned and reflexively pulled away.

  “Better not be jerking like that, slave,” he snapped. Then he bit her lips more aggressively, harder and meaner, and she was forced to contain the natural response to the insult of bitten lips. She couldn’t complain because she loved it all, even if the torment was hard to bear.

  When he finally let up, he moved his kisses to the delicate skin of her underarms and on to her nipples. He bit off the nipple ties with his teeth and spit them out, then he sucked the erect little buds so that she jerked this time, too. The sensations went straight to her crotch, expanding her arousal with each hurt and each display of tenderness. She wanted to cum. Desperately wanted to cum. But honoring his wishes, she stifled her body’s natural response. The flame of desire inside her grew in force – and with her movement and her climax forbidden until Jack gave her permission, her arousal reached a frantic crescendo having nowhere to go.

  For a long while, he sucked the sweet-smelling flesh at the underside of her breasts, leaving bold, red hickeys that would last for days. She’d look at them fondly to remind herself of this night, but for now, she remained focused on the moment and the sensuous torture her master inflicted. As it intensified, she was barely able to control her cries or temper her body’s the feverish response.

  “Oh, please,” she cried out at last, yielding to her desire.

  “You want to cum?” he asked. As if he didn’t already know.

  She nodded, silently pleading.

  “Then you can cum, but keep it quiet, and no thrashing around like you’re going crazy.”

  Ah! Yes! That was all she needed to hear. The orgasm started there, as she lifted her crotch toward his mouth, begging him to suck her cunt, although his mouth was still busy ravaging her breasts and nipples. The forceful spasms came in waves that threw her head back in a quietly seething frenzy. Obedient to his wishes, she experienced the powerful assault of orgasm without any visible response, which, much to her astonishment, became an amazingly beautiful thing.

  She wasn’t entirely successful in her efforts – the fact that she was climaxing was written all over her pretty features, in contorted grimaces, scowls, furrowed brow, opened mouth, and finally a face softening to bliss.

  However, that was just the first climax. She wasn’t finished, yet, and neither was Jack. He was still working her tits with his lips and teeth, and there was so much more of her body for him to torture.

  “Don’t make me tie you down,” he warned as he began again. Until then, she hadn’t realized how much her hands had dropped, or that her fists were clenched.

  Again, she settled herself, while Jack tongued her navel. Finally, he traveled lower to her pussy where one torment was followed by yet another, from bitten cunt lips to teeth dragging along her clitoris to those teeth biting into the rock hard sex bud and drawing it out in a precarious hold.

  Nerves spiked again – a second and third time as the raging pleasure just got bigger. She wanted to pound her fists against the bed in wild abandon, writhe against the sheets, twist her torso back and forth, and cry out in her tortured anguish about how fantastic he’d made her feel. But there would be none of that.

  His tongue was inside the dark sweet hole, sucking pussy, dabbling there, hitting her g-spot for a time then backing off. Didn’t matter what he did to her, she’d vanished into a sea of surrender and containment, and wanted nothing more than this.

  By this time his clothes were off – she couldn’t recall him stopping to undress, but she supposed he had – he was leaning over her, naked, his cock erect and bobbing as he moved. She’d been aware of the fierce thing for a while now, a glimpse, a peek from time to time, of something firm and powerful just beyond her reach, her field of vision – like a memory sometimes, something fleeting, a force field – Master with a capital M, about to strike at the heart of every moment. She was too busy with her own pleasure to think much of it. But with her climax at last abating, Jack lay on top of her with his cock rubbing against her belly and thighs. Moments later, his ass rose up so the head of his prick was banging at the door of her cunt in another long slow tease. Though he demanded that she stifle her physical response, he must have felt the force of her arousal rising up through her body and into his. At last, when she couldn’t wait another moment for his cock to impale her, she bent her knees, pulling her legs up and opening them wide.

  He thrust hard, his cock moving deeply inside her. He pulled back and thrust again. He did this several times more times, in another long slow assault on her clit and the sensitive places just inside her clenching pussy. Then, abruptly, all that excruciating torment stopped, and he was fucking her fast like a man possessed, with his climax rising from within his tensely muscled form. Jeni could feel his cum about to burst free any second. She would cum again when he did. The moment she felt that first ejaculation, she’d crush that organ with her pulsing cunt and milk him of everything he had. That was what he needed from her.

  When his ass end rose up again for a final time, he came back down hard, smashing his groin into her sex, and staying there with his crotch riveted to hers. The spasms began in earnest, and continued with a powerful pulse until there were no more.

  Her arms closed around him – orders or no orders, she couldn’t deny the compelling need to feel his skin pressed tightly against her. By then, Jack was too gone to care. The borders of their bodies had opened wide. They were as close to inside each other’s skin as they could get. The sweet and pungent pheromones, the hot breath, the smell of satisfaction kept them in that close embrace, and silent for a long while once his low groaning ceased.

  There were no words to express what they felt, so there was no reason to breach that sensuous silence.

  Jeni and Jack lay motionless for a long while, until they took a long deep breath and he fell to her side. Moments later, they took a break to pee and get ready for sleep. Didn’t matter that the rest of the cottage was still a mess with furniture askew, chains dangling from the ceiling and a sink full of dirty dishes. They were too exhausted to clean up – it was the last thing on their minds. Exiting the bathroom, Jeni headed back to bed, while Jack made sure the doors were locked. Then he pulled in next to her in the dusky moonlit room.

  “Hi there,” she said smiling softly. Her mind was coming back to life, though she could still feel the dreamy subspace all around her – as if she were floating.

  “Hi there to you,” he replied.

  The satisfaction in his eyes was all she needed to see.

  She let the feeling linger, although it wasn’t long before the memory of Erik’s last cutting remarks slipped inside her bliss, and threatened to destroy this perfect moment.

  “Do you really talk about me – I mean graphically, sexually speaking – to your friends?”

  This was not what Jack expected to hear and he pulled back, almost scowling. “That’
s your question now?” like he couldn’t believe she was actually asking.

  “Sorry, Master. I know it’s an odd question, but it’s the first thing that popped into my mind just now. I guess I really need an answer. It was the only thing about tonight that disturbed me. The way Erik talked to me like you’d been sharing all the intimate details of our relationship.”

  Jack’s eyes narrowed and he regarded her with disbelief, “You think I’m a man to jabber away about you and me like some boasting teenager?”

  She was suddenly chagrinned for even asking. “No, sir. I don’t. I just let it get to me.”

  “I’m sure in my understated way I’ve communicated to my kink friends how much our Master/slave relationship turns me on.” He shook his head, still amazed that they were discussing this now. “But Erik’s comments came from his imagination. And you have to admit, it was pretty sexy, and you, my slut, responded.”

  “Yes, I did, Sir. But thank you for the reassurance, I just needed to have you say that.” She smiled. “I hope I pleased you tonight.”

  “You more than pleased me, Jeni. I was about to stop Erik several times, but you didn’t break once from his crude talk and that rough inspection – if you could even call it that. I’m proud of you.”

  He would have no idea how pleased she was.

  “So Erik’s an old friend?”

  “Not much of one. We hang out from time to time. He works at the University so I can’t actually avoid him. And he’s been in the lifestyle for a long while. He’s been trying to find a slave since his girlfriend ran out on him a year ago. Let’s just say, he wasn’t kidding when he offered to fuck you. He would have been more than happy to if I’d allowed him to screw you.”

  “So, you’re not going to give me away?”

  “Do you want to be given away?”

  She had to think about that a moment. She had mulled the question over often in the past, still no clear answer. “You know that’s one desire that’s nagged at me for a long time. I have two minds about it. I’m repelled one minute, then the next, I think I’ll never be satisfied unless I know what it feels like to be given to another man. So many of my fantasies have come down to this, but,” she paused, “I think tonight clarified a few things. It wasn’t just Erik. I don’t know. Being with you, the desire has seemed to lose its allure.”

  “That’s good to know. For now, let’s say I reserve the option to give you away. I am your Master, and that would be my right,” he smiled, then quickly added, “but – it’s not going to happen.”



  She heard his no and shivered. Just two little letters in that powerful word. He said so much with that firmly stated no. And then he added:

  “You belong to me. I have little interest in handing you off to another man.”

  Her heart leapt as his plain spoken sentiment eased her concerns.

  “Now, how about we sleep?” he said at last. “I’m exhausted, and it’s back to the real world tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow…I don’t even want to think about tomorrow.”

  “Then don’t,” he said.

  She was silent for a time then finally spoke again. “We’re back, aren’t we?”

  “Not sure what you’re asking.”

  “We’re back together. Forget the last six months. Master/slave all over again.”

  “You just figured that out?” he asked incredulously.

  “Just wanted your confirmation, Sir.”

  “If it’s confirmation you need, you should have it now. You’re my slave. I want you with me. No running away again, or there will be hell to pay when I haul your sorry ass back to me. You’re right where you need to be. You have any quarrel with that?”

  “No, Sir.” Oh my, she hadn’t expected that. She was beaming from the inside out.


  It was April again. The snow had melted. The day was warm – warmer than usual for this time of year. Warm enough for shorts and sandals, and going naked, Jeni presumed. This was what she looked forward to after such a rugged winter.

  As soon as they climbed into the Jeep, Jack held her in a long, penetrating stare. Had she forgotten something? “Where’s your collar?” he asked.

  “In my suitcase.”

  “Go get it,” he ordered. She recalled the same brusque command the last time he asked her that question. And like that time at the cottage, she scurried to the back of the Jeep, opened the tailgate and fished through her bag to find the collar.

  Minutes later, they left his long driveway and moved into the street with the heavy black and steel collar ringing her throat. She gulped back apprehensions, wondering if anyone would notice and make rash judgments about her character when they did.

  Jack observed her self-conscious blush, saying, “There’s not much chance that anyone’s going to see through these windows.”

  “I hope not.”

  “We talked through these things before. I have no intention of embarrassing you in public. In private, that’s another matter. I just wanted you thinking slave from the moment we set out. Get you in the mood.”

  “I’m always in the mood for you, Sir.”

  “Good. That’s how it should be.”

  After an uneventful drive, they entered Jack’s property from the north end – not the south as she was accustomed to. Jack pulled up to a locked gate Jeni had never seen before, and stopped. He rattled a key before her eyes. “Unlock it for me, will you?” he asked.

  Her nervous energy had abated during the drive, but it was kicking up now as she worried about what evil plan he had in mind.

  She grabbed the key, opened the door and jumped out, only to have Jack suddenly stop her. “Clothes off,” he said before she could close the car door. “But keep your shoes on.”

  “Clothes off?” Really? Just yards off the road, at the edge of the pine forest. Not much cover.

  She waited too long to act. “Quit the hesitation. No one’s going to see.”

  And how could he be so sure?

  Jeni gazed about again, then swallowing her objections, she shed her clothes, tossed them onto the seat of the Jeep, and quickly grabbed the key, slamming the door behind her as she headed for the gate. Once she had the padlock removed and the gate open wide, Jack drove through. He looked back at her, his face grim as he leaned out the window. “Lock the gate, then you hike the path in front of me.”

  Her eyes went wide, as her mind flashed back to a conversation months before. Or was it an email? If she was remembering right, he’d done this scene or something like it with another slave. Just the thought of that scene had her emotions in a riot and her body exploding with expectation. So what did he have in mind?

  “Yes, sir.” She scrambled fast to complete the order, and as she walked by the Jeep, Jack leaned out with a coil of rope and handed it to her.

  “You carry this.” She grabbed it from him, and put in over her left shoulder, feeling its heavy weight pulling her down.

  Collared. Naked. Nipples ties. Dangling tag. A coil of rope and a pair of tennis shoes.

  Excitement had never been quite like this.

  Jeni hiked the winding path before her on a trail so narrow that the budding vegetation was scratching at her thighs and ankles, small trees rubbing against her sides. She heard those same trees scratch again Jack’s Wrangler as he drove behind her.

  Her pussy throbbed in expectation, and for a moment, she became so dizzy with arousal that she had to stop and take a breath. She reached out and grabbed for the small pine beside her for support. Meanwhile, the Jeep idled smoothly, waiting, and when she started walking again, it hummed behind her along the path, mimicking the vibrations in her body and the pulse of the wild woods around her. The eroticism of the forest in spring infected every sense.

  With the initial adrenalin rush wearing off, her emotions settled, and the steady pace of her feet on the ground soothed her anxious nerves. The reality of this slavish forced march through her master’
s woods had taken charge of her body and spirit.

  She’d been demeaned and taken down to slave heaven, her mind floating in subspace. He hadn’t touched her once, and yet, her pussy spasmed, subtle and seductively, as her thighs rubbed together and she felt the warmth of the sun on her sensitive skin. She could have climaxed in a second just standing in the midst of this magical woods where the trees were tall, and sunlight filtered in from above. The thick undergrowth around her was springing to life; trillium and trout lily blooming on the forest floor. Ferns opened up everywhere, with the chartreuse green of everything around her reminding her that this was a new season, and the earth had been reborn again. Where the sun shone, everything wet glittered, and little rainbows hit her eyes, nearly blinding her vision. There was no space between her and this rising of spring. It seemed as if the surrounding forest was engaged in the sensuous and earthy act of sexual creation and she was part of it. She’d rut in the wet mud if she could. Oh, this was a crazy place for her now – and nothing like she might have imagined it would be.

  “You can stop here!” Jack finally called out.

  She looked back, watching him climb from the dark green Jeep, slam the door and slowly stroll her way like he had all the time in the world – for the moment, she supposed he did. What else did they have to do but this?

  Although his eyes were typically cool, she could feel the hot pulse of his crotch and the urgency of his desire. He took the rope from her and shoved her around, and with a firm hand pressed to her back, propelled her forward on the trail until they came to a tall beech tree at the center of a small, irregular clearing. She imagined that he’d cleared the space a season or two before, and now new growth was crowding in again. He pushed her hard against the smooth bark and spent the next several minutes tying her face forward so that her torso and thighs were firmly anchored, and her arms surrounded the tree as if she were hugging it for comfort while he immobilized her body. When he finished, he left her bound to the tree inside a ring of sunshine that beat down on her from above – heightening the sensitivity in her already aroused nerves.


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