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One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel

Page 18

by M. Sembera


  Sitting with his parents, Seth was impatiently biding his time until the ceremony was over. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off of Penny since she made her way down the aisle. He was anxious, but the anxiety he felt was the best kind there was.

  Before the ceremony started, when Sarah came up to him he felt like a traitor, especially since he would have loved to give her a high five for the way she let his mom have it. He ended up having to settle for catching up to her and quickly explaining why he was there on her way to no doubt fuss at Penny after finding out where she's been working.

  Auggie and Braden's fight, although wildly inappropriate, somehow seemed to fit the occasion. They were definitely an interesting bunch, but all of them loved each other and knew what was really important in life. Just like the moment Auggie and Charlotte looked at each other, nothing else mattered. They were family.

  As Seth watched Mr. Roberts give Charlotte away, his parents were expressing the disdain for the wedding party and all those included in the gathering, except themselves of course.

  "And Ellis favors them. It is clear she should step down if he holds that type of judgment," Linda spouted.

  Leonard's tone was harsh as he stated, "Deplorable."

  Linda was quick to agree, saying, "Can you imagine being part of a family like that."

  Without a second thought, Seth replied, "Yes."

  As soon as the word left his mouth, Auggie's voice was inside his head griping, 'Prove it'. With Auggie in his head and Penny in his heart, Seth stood up.

  Both his parents appeared outraged as Leonard demanded, "What exactly do you think you are doing?"

  All Seth's statements during his earlier conversation with his father were true. How Leonard took them, was out of his hands.

  "Becoming the man I should have been all along."

  Keeping his eyes on Penny the entire way, he walked down the outside row of guests.

  Penny didn't notice him at all, no one other than his parents did. Everyone was focused on Charlotte and Auggie. Until, Seth walked past Charlotte's sisters and stood in front of her.

  The Reverend had just started, "Dearly Beloved we are..." before trailing off at his interruption.

  Seth took one look at Penny's wide eyes and startled expression, and taking her face in his hands, kissed her full on her lips.

  The second he let go, she quietly scolded, "You can't just come up and kiss me in the middle of my brother's wedding."

  Biting the corner of his bottom lip, he replied, "I just did," actually proud of himself.

  Before Penny he never would have been brave enough to do something like this.

  "Go sit down," she fussed before questioning, "What are you thinking?"

  Smiling down at her, he replied, "I'm thinking that I'm willing to make a fool of myself in front of everyone here because I love you. You're every happy moment in my life. You're my one. My one Penny." Watching her purse her lips into a smile, Seth went down on one knee, proposing, "Will you marry me?"

  Her eyes grew teary as they sparkled down at him.

  Standing up in front of her, Seth leaned down to kiss her again, when he heard Auggie clear his throat.

  "You know, when I said you had my blessing, this isn't what I meant."

  Giving Auggie his best 'Sorry but not sorry' expression, Seth watched Charlotte take Auggie's hand and kiss him on the cheek.

  As Auggie turned to her and smiled, the Reverend seemed to have had enough.

  Slamming his hand down on the altar, he shouted, "This is supposed to be a solemn occasion."

  Everyone started to laugh, causing the Reverend's face to turn bright red.

  "That's it! This is the last family wedding I'm doing!" he swore before snapping, "Auggie, you gonna marry her?"

  Glaring at him, he replied, "Yes."

  "Charlotte, you really want to marry into this?" the Reverend questioned.

  With a smile on her face, she answered, "Yes."

  "Then kiss her, your married," he griped before stomping off saying, "I need a damn drink."

  "I think we broke Reverend Gary," Braden blurted, causing everyone to start laughing again.

  Everything fell quiet. Auggie and Charlotte were sharing a moment with each other that made Seth smile in his happiness for them.

  Sliding his hand around Penny's, Seth leaned to her ear, whispering, "Can we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast?"

  Penny threw her arms around his neck in response. He was just about to kiss her when they heard Charlotte let out a yelp. Turning together, to see what happened, they watched Auggie hoisting her up and tossing her over his shoulder.

  As everyone stood up and clapped and hollered and laughed, for the newlyweds, Liv reached her hand out and high-fived Charlotte as she hung over Auggie's shoulder while he carried her down the aisle.

  Seth and Penny turned back to each other at the exact same time.

  "I feel it's only fair to warn you, it only gets worse. My family is insane," Penny said with a smile.

  Nodding, Seth smiled before sharing, "So a... Not to pressure you or anything but a... You never answered me."

  Slightly shaking her head at him, she appeared confused.

  With a hopeful expression, he asked, "Will you marry me?"

  With a cheery smile, she replied, "Yes," before pulling him down to meet her in a kiss.


  Standing next to the wooden dance floor, that was in the field next to the open party tents, with Seth's arms around her, Penny watched her brother and his new wife slow dancing. Kieran and Liv were holding hands next to her, while Braden stood on her other side.

  Penny could tell something was still bothering him even though he seemed alright with Kieran and Liv now. She imagined it was just the fact that once again he was the odd man out.

  "Wanna dance?" Braden offered when Silvia walked by.

  Giving him a nasty expression, she blurted, "Uh, no," and kept on walking.

  Penny couldn't help but laugh as he looked at her and said, "Guess she's over me."

  "Awe, I'll dance with you Punk," Liv offered before Kieran pulled her back to him saying, "This one's mine."

  With a surprised look on her face, she asked, "You're gonna dance with me."

  "Baby, I'm gonna do all kinds of things with you," as he led her onto the floor.

  Penny scrunched her face up and shook her head before Liv looked back at Braden saying, "I catch ya next go round."

  Braden flashed a smile at her that quickly vanished the second she turned around.

  "You okay?" Seth asked him.

  Braden patted Seth on the back and winked at Penny before stepping away.

  Leaning to her ear, Seth held her a little tighter.

  "Would you like to dance?"

  Turning her head, she met him in a soft kiss before saying, "I sure would."

  Keeping one of his arms around her, he led her onto the dance floor.

  Pulling her close, Seth swore, "I love you, Penny Caffrey."

  "I love you too," she assured, swaying back and forth with him.

  This was the happiest day of her life and she knew in her heart, with Seth, there would be many more to come.

  The End


  Penny stood outside the marking room with flutters of anticipation in her stomach.

  As Kieran unlocked the door Liv patted her on the shoulder, saying, "I'll send him back when he gets here."

  Stepping inside, she looked around. There were pictures of each marker throughout Caffrey history, since photographs that is, hanging on the walls. In the center of the room there was what Penny thought looked like an old fashioned dentist chair with a wooden stool sitting beside it. Behind the chair was Kieran's set up next to a rectangular wooden table. Sitting on the table, sat Kieran's legacy. A log book of Celtic hearts all recorded from the beginning of the tradition.

  Over the last few months, Penny's skill had improved along with her own client list at Legacy I
nk. This, however, was the proudest moment of her life.

  "You're the first woman to step a foot into the marking room, Pen," Kieran shared in a somber tone, closing the door behind them.

  Nodding at him, she asked, "What do you think they would say?" pointing to the pictures on the wall.

  Kieran's eyes noticeably focused on his father's picture before he replied, "Doesn't matter. We're here and they're not. This is our Legacy now."

  Teary eyed at his words and the pride she felt in her heart, Penny walked behind the chair to prepare.

  It wasn't long before there was a tap on the door. Excitement hummed inside of Penny as Kieran let Seth into the room.

  Standing at the log book, she smiled at Seth's nervous expression, sharing, "I need your mark."

  Seth glanced at the chair he was about to sit in and handed her a square slip of paper.

  Seeing the mark he chose, two interlocking hearts exactly like the one on her wrist, Penny started to smile then scowled questioning, "Why didn't mom add the Celtic heart?"

  "She offered but I wanted her to leave the center open."

  Penny felt conflicted, the Celtic heat was part of the tradition. Hesitantly, she looked to Kieran for approval.

  With a quick nod he imparted, "Your mark. Your call."

  Seth took her wrist in his hand, placing his thumb in the center of her tattoo sharing, "That's where I can feel your heat beat. That is where mine beats too."

  Pushing up on her tip-toes, she slid her hands around the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

  "Hey now, we don't do that in here," Kieran fussed, interrupting their moment.

  Rolling her eyes, Penny let go and said, "Have a seat," before turning back to the log book.

  As Seth seated himself in the chair, Penny wrote down their names and the date before watching Kieran take a gold coin in the shape of a heart with a raised Celtic knot in the center out of his pocket. He pressed it to a pad of ink next to the log book before stamping it beside their names.

  Whatever bravery Seth had managed to work up seemed to vanish.

  "Remind me again why your family does this," he said, watching the needle head towards his chest.

  Kieran replied, "Well now, that's my favorite story to tell."

  Penny gave a comforting smile as she placed her hand on the center of Seth's chest, watching him relax almost instantly under her touch.


  Closing his eyes, Seth listened to the story of Kieran's legacy as Penny, his One Penny, placed her mark upon the left side of his chest.


  The Legend of Fergus & Cinnie

  Celtic tattoos began as warrior markings. Intimidating the enemy going into battle. Along time ago, a Celt named Fergus marked his heart for everyone to see. Fergus was a hard core warrior and womanizer. Battles, different women, that sort of thing.

  Legend has it, a neighboring clan was being invaded. Fergus, who was always up for a good fight, left without hesitation. The battle was won and the neighboring clan was so grateful for his assistance, he was offered... Well, pretty much whatever he wanted.

  The idea was brought about to join the clans through Fergus and Cinnie, the neighboring clan elder's daughter. Cinnie was of course obedient to her father but not so interested in having a man like Fergus as a husband. He was rough, rude and from years of battle not the best looking. However, Fergus was instantly attracted to her. Cinnie was young and beautiful and Fergus swore the moment he saw her, his heart beat as if he were rushing into war. Cinnie would not refuse her father and the two were joined but she had no problem refusing Fergus, in the bedroom that is. He tried everything from bringing her flowers to learning to play the harp in hopes to woo her.

  Years passed and not much changed, he still wooed her every day and she still refused him just the same. Until one day Fergus didn't return home. Now it's been said, he was ambushed and captured and he fought his way out and its also told that he was in a drunken stupor caused by Cinnie not returning his affections.

  Regardless of the reason, for the first time since they had been wed, Cinnie spent the night alone. There was no one there to lay flowers on the table, attempt to play and sing made up songs of her beauty or even snore to keep her awake at night. The next morning, she woke to a quiet house. As she sat there praying for the rough, rude, often obnoxious and almost hideous man she had been forced to share a home with, Cinnie remembered all the things Fergus had done to gain her affection. When he wandered up the next afternoon, Cinnie flogged him something fierce, damn near knocking him unconscious. She then told him that he was never to leave her again because she loved him. After she gave him a homecoming that would put any honeymoon to shame, he went down and had a knotted heart marked on the left side of his chest. When the man marking him asked why, he said it was because the greatest battle he ever fought was the one for her heart.

  Hagen Caffrey was so moved by Fergus' sentiment he wrote the story down and when his oldest son found the one he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, he told him the story and marked his heart. Creating a legacy that has been handed down from father to son along with the trade.


  To my family for putting up with me and sharing me with my characters, I could not do this without y'all behind me one hundred percent.

  Thank you to my readers! Without y'all my characters would never see the light of day.

  All the INDIE blogger/reviewer/supporters out there, I appreciate everything that you do to keep writers writing.

  To my classy, sassy and ever so smartassy editor Margaret Civella, who kept me on task throughout this book, we are on this journey together and I am proud to have your name right there next to mine.

  And very special 'thank you' to my beta readers Susanne Lancello, Lucii Grubb, Nicole Griffin, Kasey Fitzgerald, Katelynn Luna, for taking One Penny with me one step at a time. I am honored to have each of you in my corner, loving my characters.


  Music has a way of inspiring the smallest ideas. It allows me to create an entire scene or chapter from just the right song. For me, music is one of the most important creative tools there is. These are the songs that brought One Penny to life.

  The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars

  Got You-The Flys

  Not Your Fault-Awolnation

  Riptide-Vance Joy

  Shake It Off-Taylor Swift

  Sleeping With A Friend-Neon Trees

  Stolen Dance-Milky Chance

  Walking On Sunshine-Katrina & The Waves

  Brass Monkey-The Beastie Boys

  About the Author

  M. Sembera was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and now lives in Brazoria, Texas with her husband, three kids, three dogs and two cats. After writing her first short story when she was in high school, M. instantly fell in love with writing. However, life sometimes gets in the way of aspirations and it wasn't until years later, when her life calmed down, M. was able to start writing again.

  'For me, each new book I write or character I create feels like the first time and I find myself falling in love with writing all over again'

  Past works include Charlotte, Enduring Everything, 'The Rennillia Series', 'Life with Him: Novelette' & 'Louisiana Spice, Italian Intrigue, and Texas Bull: A Memoir'.

  Works in Progress

  Spring 2015

  Fall 2015




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