Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 10

by Sheridan Anne

  My eyes land on her almost instantly as if she called for me. I make my way over to her and notice she’s with Jared. “Hey,” she grins.

  “Hi, yourself,” I say, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s Sophie tonight?”

  “Oh, you know,” she grins. “She said something about jumping Tank in the locker room.”

  “And you didn’t feel that way inclined?” I laugh.

  She gives me an innocent smile which I see through perfectly. “I guess I could go and join in. I’m sure Tank wouldn’t mind, but Sophie’s been a little territorial lately.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t,” I laugh. “But you know that’s not what I meant.”

  She smiles up at me with her beautiful eyes sparkling, blowing me the fuck away and making my chest ache with need. “I’m not sure I follow,” she says sweetly.

  “You’re such a smart ass,” I grin. “Are you going home or do you feeling like coming out with the boys?”

  “We might come out for a bit,” she says glancing towards Jared to gauge his thoughts.

  “Don’t look at me, I don’t give a shit what we do as long as there’s beer,” he shrugs.

  I grab her by the hand and lace my fingers through hers, she stiffens slightly and looks up at me suspiciously. I squeeze her hand gently and she relaxes immediately. I’m hit with how right this feels and I hope to God she feels it too.

  I lead her outside as we wait for the rest of the boys to crowd around. Tank and Sophie never show but I’m not surprised, he’s probably ten inches deep right now. We figure out our plans and I send him a quick text, knowing he’ll show up later.

  Fifteen minutes later, we pull up at Jaxon’s place that he rents from the college with Shorty and Aaron. The door is left open, music is played and mass texts are sent out. Within the next half hour, the place is crammed with bodies. Jared disappears when his boyfriend shows up, leaving me alone with Dani.

  I refill both our drinks and lead her outside for some fresh air. I take her over to a table and pull her down on my lap, rubbing my hand up and down her leg as her other hand stays firmly laced through my fingers. She twists on my lap and faces me. She studies me, slightly unsure but still full of confidence as she brings her lips down to mine.

  Finally, it’s her making the move.

  She kisses me with everything she’s got and the sweetest taste of strawberry vodka on her lips is enough to drive me crazy. I deepen the kiss and she moans into me before biting my bottom lip. Dani slides her hand up my shirt and spreads her fingers out over my chest while she grinds herself onto my dick. Fuck, this woman is perfect.

  She pulls back ever so slightly and we both pant as we catch our breath. “There’s something about you and I can’t get enough,” I tell her.

  She looks down at me. “I know what you mean,” she whispers.

  We sit together for a while when Sophie and Tank come barging through the door. Sophie grabs Dani and yanks her off my lap demanding she takes her dancing. I watch as she takes off to the makeshift dance floor, shaking her ass just perfectly and making me want to sink my teeth into her creamy skin.

  The boys begin to gather around, dragging chairs over and plonking down as we celebrate our win together. I look over to watch my girl dancing when a petite body drops down into my lap. I go to push the girl off but can’t when her arms lock around my neck. She holds me tight and I do what I can to get a look at who the hell is sitting on my lap when that spot is reserved for someone else.

  “Stop pushing me away, you big jerk and give me a hug,” her little voice laughs.

  What the hell? It couldn’t be. I focus harder on the person before me, taking in her dark hair, dark eyes, which have a little too much makeup on for my liking, and huge gorgeous smile. Holy Shit.

  “Mia?” I ask, instantly relaxing and pulling her in hard against me. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to surprise you, so I came for your game,” she tells me.

  “What? How long have you been here? You should have told me. I could have got you VIP seats,” I tell her.

  “Please,” she scoffs. “You know I don’t like all that special attention. I just wanted to see you play. You’ve gotten pretty good since the last time I saw you, Captain,” she smirks.

  “Who’s this nice piece of ass, Captain?” Jaxon asks, mimicking Mia’s tone.

  Both our heads instantly whip in his direction as Tank murmurs an ‘oh fuck’ from beside me.

  “What the fuck did you say?” I ask, fixing him with a hard glare.

  He flinches at my tone but carries on. “You’re already keeping Dani to yourself,” he laughs then looks to Mia. “Share.”

  I stand up and hand Mia off to Tank. I take one big step forward and grab Jaxon by his shirt and yank him to his feet. “Watch your fucking mouth,” I snap.

  “What’s your problem, man?”

  “My problem, Jaxon, is that’s my baby sister you’re talking about,” I snarl.

  His eyes widen and flash to Mia for a brief moment before snapping back to mine, clearly taking in our similarities. “Shit, man, I’m sorry,” he says, raising both his hands in surrender.

  “Good, now go get Mia a chick drink like the little bitch you are,” I tell him.

  His lips tighten, but he gives a sharp nod and disappears. I sit back down and Mia makes herself comfortable on my lap as she introduces herself to the rest of the boys.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” I tell her, pulling her hard against me and squeezing the life out of her. “How're things back home?”

  “Ugh,” she says pushing me away. “Get off me, you grot,” she laughs, then dives into a recap of how everything is going at home, giving me all the details about mom’s latest boyfriend, who apparently looks like he might actually stick around. But, as long as she’s happy.

  “While you’re here,” I start. “I want you to meet someone.”

  Her face brightens at the realization that there’s finally someone in my life that’s worth the introduction. I’ve had girlfriends before, but no one I’ve wanted to actually take home. Hell, Dani makes me want to take her home and keep her there.

  I get up and drag Mia inside as I search for Dani on the dance floor. Nope, not here. I move along to the kitchen then the living room and even knock on the bathroom door. After no sight of her, Sophie or Jared, I get the hint that they aren’t here.

  “Sorry Kid, looks like she’s gone,” I explain. “When are you heading home? Do you have time tomorrow?”

  “I’ve got to leave first thing in the morning. I have time for breakfast if it’s your shout?” she smiles and bats her eyelashes at me.

  “Yeah, ok,” I say, caving to the will of my baby sister, yet again. “Let me drive you back to my place, you can stay there tonight.”

  “No, that’s ok, I’ve got my car here,” she tells me.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, you’ve had a few drinks. Tank can drop your car off in the morning.”

  “What? I don’t want that big bastard driving my car, he’ll burst all four tyres just getting in,” she seethes before seeing the look on my face and reaching into her bag to pull out her keys. She hands them over reluctantly and I have to pry them from her fingers. “He’ll be careful, right? I worked too many hours to pay for that car.”

  “Your car will be fine” I laugh.

  I say goodnight to the guys and give Tank specific instructions about Mia’s car before handing him the keys. He raises his eyebrows at Mia and shakes her keys in front of his face, making a show of throwing them in the air and pretending to lose them and getting the perfect rise out of her, making it obvious he has little sisters of his own. I knock him in the arm and head out, but I can’t stop the smile from gracing my face.

  I make it home in record time, debating whether or not it would be ok to stop by Dani’s place to make sure she’s ok, but on second thought, that might be a little stalkerish.

  I show Mia to the spare room and dou
ble check that I remembered to change the sheets after Jaxon’s threesome the other week. She gives me a hug goodnight and then proceeds to take over my bathroom. Great.

  I pull my phone out and send Dani a quick text.

  Miller – You keep disappearing on me. Hope you’re ok.

  Chapter 13


  I dance the night away with Sophie and Jared, drinking, partying and having an amazing time. Things between me and Miller seem to be moving forward and I can finally feel myself lowering my walls to let him in. After all, he’s nothing but amazing, or amaze-balls as Sophie would put it.

  “I’ll get us another drink,” Sophie calls over the music.

  I give her a nod as there’s no point trying to project my voice over this sound. I shimmy up against Jared as we dance to Tay Tay, shaking our asses with our hands high in the air. Sophie returns with a bottle of vodka and we begin taking shots.

  “Get the boys,” Jared smirks. “I want to dance up against Tank and Miller, like a Dragons sandwich.”

  Sophie laughs. “Oh, hell yeah, I want to be a part of that sandwich too.”

  “Me too, I want a Miller sandwich,” I slur.

  Together, we head for the back door, giggling as the three of us attempt to get out the door at the same time, but fail miserably. “Shit,” Jared groans as he looks out towards the backyard.

  Sophie gasps and I look up to find what has their attention. “God, I’m going to kick his ass,” she snaps.

  My eyes land on Miller and more importantly, the beautiful girl snuggled in on his lap. His hand is curled around her waist as he looks at her with such adoration that makes me feel like I’m intruding.

  Fuck me.

  My heart sinks. I knew it was too good to be true. It was all a game to him. A game that he has clearly grown bored of.

  Sophie grabs me by the hand and pulls me back into the house with Jared following behind. We head straight for the front door and leave the Dragons behind. “You ok, babe?” she asks.

  “No,” I tell her, feeling empty inside. “I really liked that one.”

  “I know,” she sighs.

  “I’d kick his ass if it wasn’t so likely he’d snap me like a twig,” Jared says as he pulls me against him.

  Words escape me as we walk home. “Well, doing the rest of the assignment is going to be a tad awkward now,” Sophie murmurs as we push our way through the door.

  Crap. I didn’t even think about that. I groan as I fumble into my room and find my pajamas then head into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes for a hot shower. Sophie makes her way into the bathroom and begins brushing her teeth as I step into the hot water. “What are you going to do with the date tomorrow night?” she asks.

  “I think his ego could stand getting knocked down a few steps. Maybe he’ll even get stood up for the first time,” I say, getting an odd satisfaction out of the thought, though that satisfaction disappears quickly as the hurt takes over once again.

  I finish up in the shower and head back to my room. I plug my phone in and notice a text message from the douchebag himself.

  Miller – You keep disappearing on me. Hope you’re ok.

  I consider replying and begin typing out my response

  Dani – Wasn’t feeling well. Jared and Sophie took me home. Not sure tomorrow night is such a great idea.


  Damn it, the fucker can just work it out himself.

  I turn my phone off and climb into bed with watery eyes.


  After a shitty sleep, I wake up far too early and take myself for a run. I pull on my shorts and training crop, throw my hair up and head out the door. Yep, a new day, a new me.

  I head out into the early morning breeze and run until my lungs give out. I find myself approaching Miller's place and freeze when the door opens. Relief pours over me when I realize it isn’t Miller standing at the door, but a whole new feeling comes crashing through when I notice it’s the girl from last night. Yep, that prick took her home. Just perfect.

  “Hurry up, Mills,” she calls. “You promised me a breakfast date.” Geez, this chick has a nickname for him already. I’m sure she’s planning their wedding, though, she seems a little young for him, but hey, who am I to judge? It’s not like we were actually together.

  “Alright, chill. I’m coming,” I hear him grunt from inside. What a jerk. Plans a date with this chick for the morning and one for me at night.


  I sprint past his place in fears he’ll come out and discover me here, gawking at his new girlfriend like the loser I am. And to think I actually told him about Brett. What an idiot.

  I make it home, do a few sit-ups and crunches then slide myself right back into bed. There’s just no point today.

  I finally pull myself out of bed just after midday, grab my phone and head into the kitchen. I sit up on the stool as Jared cooks bacon and eggs and I flick my phone back on.

  I find four new messages, one from mom and three from Miller.

  Mom - Hi Honey, just checking in. We miss you.

  Miller – Morning. What happened to you last night? I wanted you to meet someone.

  Miller – You still alive? I’ll pick you up at seven for our non-date.

  Miller - ??

  Fuck, I can’t have him coming around here.

  Dani – Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Tonight isn’t such a great idea.

  My phone rings immediately with his name flashing up on my screen. I hit ignore and get to work on downing my bacon and egg roll as Jared watches me curiously through narrowed eyes. Miller attempts a few more times before finally giving up and leaving me to celebrate my pity party for one.

  An hour later, Jared and I curl up on the couch to watch The Legend of Tarzan, because who doesn’t want to watch Alexander Skarsgard getting around half naked and extremely ripped? We ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ over the screen and pause at all right places.

  Jared hops up and heads into the kitchen, bringing a grin to my face when I hear the familiar sound of popcorn popping in the microwave, followed by the heavenly buttery smell. He returns precisely four minutes later with two bowls. He hands one to me and I immediately scoop a handful right into my mouth.

  There’s a knock at the door as Jared goes to sit down. He looks over at me with big puppy dog eyes, pleading for me to answer the door.

  “Nope, no way. You’re already standing and you’re the closest,” I demand.

  “Fine,” he grumbles, placing his bowl down on the coffee table and making sure I hit pause on the perfection which is Tarzan.

  I listen as he makes his way to the door, wondering who is the hell it could be as neither of us have plans and all the people we know are busy.

  He pulls the door open. “What are you doing here?” he asks our visitor in a tone that has my back stiffening.

  “I just need to see her,” I hear Miller respond with a pained voice.

  “I think you should go,” Jared tells him. “You’ve done enough.”

  “I don’t get it. What is it I’ve done? Please, clue me in if you know,” he snaps.

  Jared sighs. “I had high hopes for you, man.”

  “Good, because I’m not going anywhere. I promised my girl a date and I intend to keep that,” Miller says with confidence.

  “Come on, man. Cut your losses and run. You’re not seeing her today,” Jared says.

  “Dude, don’t keep me from her. If I have to knock you out, I will,” he warns.

  I groan from the couch and flick my blanket off. I get up and storm my way to the front door. “Miller, it’s not going to happen,” I say, pushing past Jared, who harrumphs and leaves.

  “Fuck that, baby, I’ve waited long enough for you and I’m not letting you give up now,” he tells me, with an urgency in his eyes. “When will you see that we’re perfect together?”

  “I did see that and I wanted it, I wanted it so bad it hurt,” I explain as a lone tear escapes my eye.

  He steps forward and wipes it away with his thumb. I flinch from the contact and immediately see the hurt in his eyes. “Then what the hell happened?”

  “What happened?” I scoff. “As if you don’t know. You were sitting with that chick curled around you, making me look like an idiot and then you go and take her home.”

  He grins and rushes me, pressing me up against the wall and taking me by the waist. “You were jealous,” he smirks.

  “Get off me, you big jerk,” I snap, trying to push him away.

  “How many times do I need to tell you that I’m not going anywhere?” he says, tightening his grip on my waist.

  “You’re delusional if you think I’m going to let you play me.”

  “You know I’m crazy about you, which means you’re delusional for thinking I would ever play you. I haven’t even looked at another girl since I met you,” he says with such sincerity it has my heart breaking all over again.

  “You’re a moron. I saw it with my own eyes,” I snap.

  He pushes me harder against the wall and presses his hard body up against mine. “Fuck, I love it when you’re angry,” he whispers.

  Need pulses through my traitorous bitch of a body as I feel his erection pressing up against my belly. “Miller, you need to go,” I say, brokenly.

  He takes a deep breath and leans back so he can look me in the eye. “Mia, the girl from last night. She’s my little sister. She came to surprise me at the game and I let her crash at my place,” he explains.


  “I told you, I want to be with you. I haven’t felt like this about anyone before and fuck, I’m not going to screw this up,” he says.

  My heart races as I take his face in both my hands and look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry,” I tell him with every little bit of honesty I possess. “I fucked up.”

  “Yeah, you did,” he agrees, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine in the open doorway.

  Sophie steps through at the exact moment. “Fuck, you two give me whiplash,” she comments as she passes us with Tank trailing behind her.


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