Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 11

by Sheridan Anne

  A giggle escapes me as Miller pulls back. “Can I take you on that date now?” he asks with a satisfied grin.

  “No,” I say and smirk as his face falls, “I said you could take me out for dinner. It’s only four in the afternoon and I’m in my pajamas.”

  “What are we going to do until dinner time?” he asks suggestively.

  “Oh, I have a few ideas,” I tell him, leaning forward and pressing my lips to the sensitive skin on his neck.

  He lets out a moan and presses himself into me so I can feel the hard, thick outline of his erection against me once again. His hands wind down my body and grab me by the ass before effortlessly lifting me. I twine my legs around his waist as he reaches out to pull the door closed.

  I wrap my arms around his neck as he brings his lips to mine. He pulls me away from the wall and walks me down to my bedroom, kicking the door closed behind us.

  Chapter 14


  I throw her down on the bed and come crashing down on top of her. Her legs remain wrapped around my waist as I press into her.

  She reaches for my shirt and greedily rips it from my body before sending it flying across her room. Her nails dig into my back with an urgency I’ve never experienced before which drives me absolutely insane with need.

  “God, I need you,” she pants between kisses.

  My hands find the fabric of her shirt and I shimmy it up between our bodies before pulling it over her head. I drop it on the ground then make quick work of her bra. That gets tossed aside and I pull back to take in her perfect breasts. I lean down and suck her nipple into my mouth. She moans my name as she grinds against me, searching for relief, which I’m more than happy to give her.

  I make my way down her body and hook my fingers through the thin fabric of her pajama shorts and underwear. I tear them down her legs, exposing her glistening flesh to me. Damn, she’s perfect. I trail my fingers through her wet folds and find her entrance. I plunge two fingers deep into her, smirking as her body spasms and she calls out my name for more.

  I can’t wait any longer to have her taste on my tongue and I dive right in, giving her exactly what she needs. “Fuck, you taste good,” I tell her as I work her body with my tongue and fingers. Within moments, she spasms around me and finds her release, screaming out as her fingers tighten in my hair.

  When her body relaxes, I make my way back up to her face, stopping part way to take her nipple into my mouth. I press my lips to hers, letting her taste herself. She moans into me as her hands slip between our bodies and begins undoing my belt. She gets it undone in record time and gets to work on my jeans.

  I rise up off her so she can easily pull my jeans down. She follows that up with my underwear and grins when my cock springs free against her. She wraps her fingers around my length and greedily begins to work me.

  “Fuck, baby,” I groan as she presses her lips to the sensitive skin on my neck.

  The overwhelming need to get inside her takes over and I reach down to my jeans for a condom. “No,” she says, I raise my eyebrow at her in question. “I want to feel you inside me. I’m on the pill,” she tells me, wrapping her legs around my waist to draw me back to her.

  I fall back to her, breaking my landing with my arms on either side of her. “You sure?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” she smiles. “I mean, as long as you’re not going to, you know, give me anything?” she cringes.

  I smirk down at her, having no idea how I landed myself such an amazing woman. “Yeah, baby, I’m good. I’ve never done this without one of these little guys,” I tell her as I toss the condom on her bedside table.

  “Well,” she smirks. “What are you waiting for, captain?”

  Fuck me.

  I don’t need much more approval than that. I position myself at her entrance and slowly push into her. Fuck, she’s tight. Her nails dig in as she moans my name once again. A feeling I will never get used to. I pull back and push myself in at an agonizingly slow pace.

  I grin down at her as she begins to claw my back, needing more. I pull back once again and slam myself deep inside her until I’m balls deep. “Yes,” she gasps, I repeat myself over and over again. I grab her ass and raise her up ever so slightly, getting myself deeper than before. Her muscles begin clenching around my cock, telling me she’s close.

  I press down on her clit and pump myself into her a few more times. I feel my balls tightening, needing their release. She screams out below me as she explodes which is exactly what I need to push me over the edge.

  We both collapse into her bed, gasping for breath.

  “Fuck, that was amazing,” I tell her, looking down at her flushed face.

  She smiles up at me, melting my heart. Yep, I’m a goner, I’m definitely falling in love with this girl.

  “Good,” she tells me. “Because I need a shower if we're going out tonight and I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

  She drags me butt naked into the bathroom, where I catch Jared smirking at me from the hallway, getting a good eyeful of my still very hard dick.

  We spend the next half an hour in the shower where I take great pleasure in lathering up her body, making sure I don’t miss a single spot. That is, after I took her up against the wall, of course.

  I sit with Tank out in the living room watching ESPN as the girls get themselves ready for date night, or as it is better known as non-date night. Though, I’m not sure if that still stands.

  Dani emerges from the hallway in a little black dress with the sexiest fuck me heels I have ever seen. She does a slow turn revealing her backless dress and I suddenly don’t know if I want to take her out to show her off or keep her locked up so no other mother fucker can stare at what’s mine.

  Tank lets out an appreciative low whistle that has me wanting to rip his throat out, but what can I do? Every guy we see tonight is going to do the same thing, it’s inevitable.

  She flicks her golden hair over her shoulder and struts towards me, looking like the absolute goddess she is. “So, where are we going?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “You’ll have to wait and see,” I tell her, leaning against the back of the couch and pulling her into me.

  “You’re seriously not going to tell me?” she laughs.

  “Nope. I’ve had a very long time to plan this out. I’m not about to ruin the surprise now.”

  She smiles up at me as Sophie appears in the hallway wearing nothing but her bra and undies, and as hot as she is, for the first time in my life, I find myself looking away.

  “I thought you were getting dressed?” Tank complains.

  She gives him a sultry look. “I was but I decided I wanted to do something else tonight,” she says, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra before dropping it to the ground. “Whoops,” she smirks.

  Tank growls low in his throat and grabs her by the ass, lifts her, and disappears back down the hallway.

  “Far out,” Dani laughs. “Those two are perfect for each other.”

  I bring her attention back to me. “Just like another couple I know.”

  “Couple?” she asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

  “Yeah. I told you, I’m done waiting,” I tell her, hoping she truly hears me this time. “You’re mine. I know it. You know it. Hell, the whole fucking campus knows it. So, it’s about time you accept it and embrace the goodness that is us”

  She looks at me with curiosity and is silent for a while. “So, if I’m yours, does that make you mine?”


  She grins up at me and launches herself into me, crushing her lips to mine. I feel her smile against my lips and know she’s just overcome something massive. She’s finally ready to leave the douchebag ex in the past, move past all the hurt and betrayal he caused and let herself trust again. She can move on to a future with me where she won’t have to look over her shoulder or worry about where I am at night because no matter what, I’ll always be coming home to her. She will never have to be afraid tha
t she’ll be hurt by a man, whether it’s physically, mentally or emotionally.

  She pulls back from me with a new air about her and I realize a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders. “Come on,” I tell her, lacing my fingers through hers and escorting her out to my truck. “Let me take you for the night of your life.”

  We drive for a half an hour and I pull up by an outdoor restaurant which overlooks a lake.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” Dani says as she takes in the lake and open restaurant. “I had no idea this was here.”

  “Either did I until Tank clued me in.”

  I lead her down to the restaurant and get us a table for two.

  “So, tell me more about your sister,” she asks. “I feel kind of bad for leaving before I could meet her.”

  “Don’t worry, she can meet you another time,” I tell her then smile at my fond memories of my little sister, trying to figure out a way to sum up the million amazing things about her. “Mia is… I don’t know, she’s a bit of everything. She frustrating and charming at the same time and easily the best little sister a guy could ask for,” I smile.

  “It’s nice she came to watch you skate. I kind of wish I had a sibling like that,” she says.

  “Yeah, to tell the truth, I’m kind of pissed she drove all the way here. She hasn’t been driving for that long.”

  “Really? How old is she? I could have sworn she look around nineteen or twenty.”

  “Nah,” I laugh. “She wishes, she’s only seventeen. She’ll be finishing high school this year and hopefully will be here next year. She wants to be a doctor.”

  “Wow, that’s huge,” she smiles.

  “Yeah, it is, but she’s the kind of girl who will work her ass off to get what she wants. She’s a bit like you.”

  Her face flushes but her comment is cut short by the waiter arriving with our meals. “Ok,” she says, looking back up at me, “Tell me about last season. What was that big fight about?”

  “What is this? Twenty-one questions?” I laugh.

  “It can be,” she smiles and fixes me with an innocent look as if to say ‘I’m waiting’.

  “Fine,” I smirk. “So, we were up against the team from L.A. and Danny, our captain, had a bit of trouble with a few of the guys on the other team, all because of a girl. I think someone slept with someone else’s sister. So, come game time, it got rough. It was basically penalty after penalty. A bloodbath. The further in we got, the uglier the game. There were taunts and comments thrown around everywhere. We were just minutes out from the end and we were two goals down when it turned into a huge fight. We lost the championship and our reputation all because Danny couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  “Whoa. I wasn’t expecting that. I mean there are heaps of stories going around about what happened, but nothing quite like that.”

  “Yeah, Coach didn’t want that one getting out.”

  “Shit,” she laughs. “What happened to Danny?”

  “He was supposed to get signed to the NHL but lost his contract, pretty much ruined his career before it even started,” I explain.

  “Well, it’s a good thing the Dragons have a good captain this season.”

  “You bet your ass they do,” I laugh.

  We spend the next hour lost in conversation as we dig deeper into each other's lives. When we’re finished drilling each other with twenty-one questions, I settle the bill and drive her back home, stopping by the ice creamery on the way.

  “You want to do something really stupid?” I ask before cutting the ignition outside her house.

  “Do something stupid with Miller Cain? Um…. of course,” she laughs.

  I drive straight past her place and pull into the campus parking lot. “What are we doing here?” she asks.

  “You’ll see,” I smirk, hopping out of my truck, meeting her around the back and taking her hand. I lead her through the college and sneak through the back entrance of the athletic building. She follows along nervously as I make my way up and down what feels like a million hallways.

  “Where the hell are you taking me?” she whisper yells from behind me.

  I smirk back at her. “Wait and see.”

  I push through yet another door which opens into a huge open and empty room with an Olympic sized swimming pool. I turn and watch her face as she registers where she is. Her eyes widen and her mouth pops open as she takes in the pool before her. “Fancy a swim?” I taunt, taking a step towards her and shrugging out of my shirt.

  She instantly begins shaking her head. “No, no way,” she says, stepping back as her eyes hungrily travel down my torso. “Don’t you dare.”

  “You better lose the dress real fast,” I order.

  Her eyes snap to mine. “I’m not going in,” she says with an attitude that gets me hard.

  “Lose it now or you’ll have nothing dry to put on afterward,” I say, taking another step towards her and popping the button on my jeans.

  She subtly slips out of her fuck me heels while giving me a seductive look. My jeans fall to the floor and I step out of them. She bites down on her lip and studies me with hooded eyes, but I’m no fool, this chick is getting ready to bolt and just as expected, she takes off. I race after her, easily catching her and throwing her over my shoulder.

  “No,” she screams, batting at my back as she desperately tries to get out of my hold.

  “Last chance to lose the dress,” I laugh.

  “No, no, no, no…. it’s going to be cold,” she wines.

  I let out one last laugh as I pull her back over my shoulder and carry her in my arms. I can’t help but smile as she squeezes her eyes shut in preparation for the water.

  She squeals as I leap forward and plunge us deep into the freezing water. We swim up to the surface and gasp for breath. “Shit, it's cold,” she laughs then narrows her green eyes on me. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Believe it, baby,” I tell her. I make my way over to her and wrap her in my arms. “I really wish you’d lost the dress.”

  “I bet you do,” she smirks. She pulls her dress up over her head and flings it to the side, making a wet slapping sound as it lands. “This better?” she asks.

  “Definitely.” Her legs come up around me as she brings her soft lips to mine. “You are nothing short of perfection,” I tell her.

  We spend a good half hour in the pool before her lips begin turning blue. I help her out and give her my shirt to wear, thankful that it comes halfway down her thighs. I lead her back out the maze of hallways and back to my truck.

  “Thanks for tonight,” she tells me as I drop her at her door. “It was honestly the best date I’ve ever been on, you know, for a non-date,” she teases.

  “That was definitely not a non-date,” I tell her. “But I’m glad you had a good time. It was the best date I’ve ever been on, too. Actually, it was the first date I’ve ever been on,” I smirk.

  “What?” she screeches. “How is that possible? You’re like the biggest player around here.”

  I shrug as if it’s no big deal. “Was the biggest player,” I correct. “But there has never been a girl worth taking out, not until you.”

  “But you’ve had girlfriends, right?” she asks, a little confused.

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “I’ve had plenty, but never thought they were worth actually dating, just kept them around for the easy ass.”

  “Oh, God,” she laughs, swatting at my chest. “That’s so wrong.”

  “Hey, I was a different guy back then,” I defend, catching her hands and pulling her into my chest.

  She laughs then looks up at me slightly nervous. “Did you want to stay the night?”

  “Baby, you know I do. But you better be sure because I’m not going to be able to say no,” I tell her honestly.

  “I’m sure,” she smiles. She takes me by the hand and leads me inside to her bedroom, where I show her all over again, just how much she means to me.

  Chapter 15

; Danielle

  I never thought waking up next to a man could be so amazing. I mean, sure, I’d woken up with Brett countless times, but with Miller, it’s different. It’s special and wholesome. It’s nothing but right.

  I snuggle into his warm body and his arms tighten around me. “Good morning,” he croons, his voice thick with sleep.

  “Morning,” I grumble, rolling in his arms and placing a feather soft kiss on his lips. I sit up in bed and try to scoot over to the edge of the bed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he smirks as he grabs my waist and pulls me back down on the bed, pinning my body with his and holding himself up with his elbows as he stares down at me.

  “I have to pee,” I laugh as I try to escape from under him.

  “Just five more minutes,” he begs, adjusting his body harder into mine so I can feel his arousal.

  I separate my legs and hook them around his hips so I can feel his length against me. “Ok,” I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to me.

  He groans and brings his lips down to my neck making a moan instantly escape me. I grind myself up against him as he slides his hand down between the sheets and into my undies. His fingers circle my clit then slide down to my entrance to find me ready and waiting.

  My hands move down his toned body and I hook my thumbs into the waistband of his underwear before shimmying them down as far as I can reach. He helps me to pull them the rest of the way down before my fingers wrap around his cock.

  The need for him is too great. I bypass the foreplay and guide him inside me. We both groan as he thrust into me, seating himself deep inside. He takes over control and pushes me over the edge not two minutes later.

  We come together, panting against each other’s skin. “I could get used to waking up like that,” he smirks down at me.

  “Me too,” I laugh as I run my nails up and down his tight, muscled back.

  “Alright,” he says, sitting up and pulling me up with him. “Get your ass dressed so I can take you out for breakfast.”


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