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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 21

by Sheridan Anne

  “I know you must be tired, so, let’s cut right to the chase. We want to offer you each a four year contract,” he starts as he slides a contract in front of us. We both grab them and ask a string of questions as we flick through the pages. After another ten minutes, they get up and make way for the scouts from Colorado, followed by the men from L.A, each offering a four year contract.

  Once they make their exit, leaving us with more questions than when we started. I look over at Tank and Coach. “Fuck,” I say, breaking into a wide grin.

  “I knew you boys could do it,” Coach says with pride. “The fucking NHL.”

  Tank’s grin nearly rips his face in half. “Did you see how many zeros followed those dollar signs?” he laughs, running a hand through his hair.

  “Sure did, man,” I say. “Now let’s get out of here. I promised my woman a night out.”

  Chapter 28


  Sophie and I are finishing off another glass of champagne when my phone begins to ring. I grab it off the bench and look down to find Miller’s name on my caller ID.

  “Hi” I grin.

  “Hey, baby. We’re coming up,” he says, sounding extremely happy that it makes me wonder if he’s started drinking already. “Are you in our room or Sophie’s?” he asks.

  “Sophie’s,” I tell him.

  “K, see you in a bit,” he says then hangs up.

  By the time I’ve finished calling out to Sophie that the boys are back and refilled our glasses, they are right there, pushing through the door.

  “There you are, Superstar,” I grin as I sashay over to him. “Where the hell have you been all my life?”

  “Waiting for you,” he murmurs in my ear as he tosses a stack of papers on the desk by the door then loops his arms around me and lifts me up off my feet, giving me a tight squeeze.

  I let out a girly squeal and demand he puts me down immediately, which of course, he doesn’t.

  Sophie rushes out of the bathroom and wobbles slightly on her heels as she throws herself into Tanks arms and instantly latches her lips onto his.

  “How much have you girls been drinking?” he asks, clearly having seen Sophie’s wobble.

  I grin up at him. “We just finished off the bottle,” I explain.

  “Have you eaten?” he asks with a raised, questioning eyebrow.

  “Nope,” I say, popping the p.

  “Alright, how about we take you for dinner? We can tell you everything that happened tonight and then we can party,” he grins.

  “Sounds good to me,” I laugh.

  “Me too,” Sophie grumbles into Tanks lips.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes at their display of affection, but I must say, I am pretty damn proud of my girl. She has made huge changes in her life and finally figured out how amazing it feels to actually commit herself to one man, to allow herself to love and be loved in return and apparently, by the looks of it, she’s really enjoying the feeling.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Tank says, coming up for air.

  Sophie and I grab our things and before we know it, we’re out the door, hailing a cab and being seated in an Italian restaurant.

  “So, did you sort out Trent?” I ask as we flick through our menus.

  “Nah,” Miller says, “I figure after making him look like a fool on the ice and your beating. He has pretty much learned not to fuck with us,” he explains. “And after his performance tonight, there’s no way he would have been offered a contract.”

  I smile up at him. “I’m proud of you,” I mouth.

  He gives me a panty dropping smile then reaches over the table and takes my hand in his.

  We all order and I can’t help but notice the cheeky looks Tank and Miller keep passing each other like they’re keeping a big secret. “Alright. What gives?” I ask them both.

  “What are you talking about?” Miller smirks as our dinner is put down in front of us.

  “You two,” I say, waving my finger between them both and narrowing my eyes at them. “Something’s going on here and I want to know what it is.”

  “We can’t just be happy that were National Champions?” Tank asks.

  “No,” Sophie says suspiciously as her eyes flick between the boys and suddenly widen. “Holy shit. Are you in? Did you get a contract?” she rushes out.

  Holy crap. How could I have forgotten? Of course, that would have happened tonight.

  The boys grin like little school boys who just saw their first set of tits. “Yeah, we got a contract,” Miller says, watching me for my reaction.

  “Fuck,” I shout, jumping up from my seat and launching myself across the table to him. “Holy shit, wow. That’s amazing. You really are a superstar. What team is it?” I ask him as I plant a huge kiss on his lips.

  “That’s not the best part,” he warns me.

  I sit back on his lap to study his face and see him look over at Tank who currently has a very excited Sophie straddled over his lap. “Spill it,” I demand.

  “Well…,” he starts, dragging it out. “We got three offers. Chicago, Colorado and L.A. They want us as a package deal, but will still accept us as individuals if that doesn’t happen.”

  “Wow,” I say, looking at him in absolute awe as my eyes begin to water. “Congratulations. You did it. Mia would be so proud of you,” I tell him.

  He wipes away my tears with his thumbs. “Baby. No matter which team I choose, I want you to come with me,” he says.

  I look deep into his eyes and search for any sign that this could all be a dream. “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “Yeah, you’re graduating soon and I want you with me. I’m going to buy us a house and make an honest woman out of you and then we can have a million kids if you want. Hell, maybe even a dog called Louie,” he grins.

  “I love you so much,” I tell him.

  “Good,” he smirks, “because this would be seriously fucked up if you didn’t.”

  I eventually climb off his lap and eat my dinner that has definitely gone cold.

  “So, where are you planning on accepting?” Sophie asks them both.

  “Well, we were talking about it on the way back to the hotel. I’ve always dreamed about L.A, so I’ll be signing that contract,” Tank announces getting a delighted squeal out of Sophie, who I know has always wanted to be a journalist in L.A.

  “What about you?” I ask Miller.

  He studies my face and sits back in his chair. “I’m happy with either Chicago or L.A. So, I guess it depends on where you would rather be,” he says.

  “What?” I shriek. “No way. You’re not leaving this decision up to me,” I tell him.

  “Baby, as long as I have you. I don’t care where it is. I’m playing hockey. Which city is going to be the best from a PR point of view?” he asks.

  “L.A, easily. But what’s that got to do with hockey?”

  “I want you to have everything, Dani. And if a career in PR is what you want and L.A is the best option for that, then that’s where we’re going,” he declares.

  “Are you serious? L.A? We’re moving to L.A and you’re just going to hand me all my dreams on a silver platter?” I clarify.

  “Yeah, babe. I’m serious and as for your dreams. They’re mine, too. So, really I’m just being a selfish asshole asking you to move with me.”

  “Damn right, you are,” I laugh.

  “So, that’s a yes then? We’re going to L.A. and getting a dog called Louie?”

  “Yeah, you big bastard. We’re going to L.A.”



  5 years later…

  “I’m sorry, Danielle. We can’t wait any longer,” Dr. Adamson says regretfully as he motions for the nurse to put my legs up in the stirrups.

  “NO,” I scream. “I’m not doing this without him. I can’t,” I cry as I squeeze down with everything I’ve got on Sophie’s hand.

  “Fuck,” she cries, attempting to pull out of my grasp. “It’s ok, babe. I’m here. You h
ave to push.”

  “AHHH,” I scream as another contraction rips through my body. “WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?”

  The door slams open as Miller and Tank rush in. “I’m here,” he yells, rushing over to my side and gasping for breath as Tank takes one look around and promptly turns on his heel and stalks back out of the room.

  “About fucking time,” Sophie scowls.

  “Did you win?” I ask him as I take slow deep breaths and take his hand in mine.

  “Come on, babe, you know I would never let a championship game slip through my fingers,” he says with a smirk.

  “Fuck,” I pant. “It’s happening again,” I groan as I squeeze down on his hand.

  “Alright, Danielle. I need you to push on this contraction,” Dr. Adamson explains.

  The contraction comes on and I feel like my body is splitting in half. I push with everything I’ve got as pain completely overtakes me. I gasp for breath, only to be told to push again. “I can’t fucking do this,” I cry.

  Miller leans over and catches my lips in his. “You’ve got this, baby,” he tells me. “I didn’t marry a quitter.”

  “SHUT UP,” I snap. “I fucking hate you for doing this to me,” I say, clenching my teeth together, taking a deep breath and pushing again. “This is all your fault. You and your big fucking dick can go and fuck yourself,” I scream.

  He chuckles under his breath and I clamp down harder on his hand, getting a very satisfying groan out of him.

  “Come on, Dani,” Sophie encourages from my other side.

  “Fuck you, whore. I’d like to see you doing this,” I grunt at her.

  “Well, you will be... in about eight months,” she tells me with a grin. “Now, hurry up and get on with it. You’re kind of freaking me out here.”

  “I fucking love you,” I shriek, grabbing her by the shirt and pulling her down to me. I plant a big sloppy kiss on her cheek then groan as another contraction comes on. Yeah, this is something we will have to discuss afterward.

  I give one more big push when Dr. Adamson announces that the head is finally out. I sigh out in relief as all the books tell me that the head is the worst part. Miller can’t help himself and takes two quick steps to the end of the bed and takes a good look. “Holy fuck, babe,” he gasps. “It’s like my favorite pub just burnt down.”

  “I’m going to kick your fucking ass if you don’t get back up here in the next two seconds,” I growl.

  “Ok,” he grins, holding both hands up in surrender.

  “Actually, why don’t you stay down here,” Dr. Adamson says as he fiddles around with my hoochie a bit more. “You can deliver your baby from here on,” he says.

  Miller’s face flicks between me and the doctors. “Are you serious?” he asks with wide eyes.

  “Oh, no,” Sophie groans under her breath.

  “Sure am, but if you’re going to do this, it needs to be now,” he says.

  Miller practically skips back into position as Dr. Adamson instructs him on what to do. I give one final push as Miller delivers our baby. “Holy shit,” he whispers, looking down at our baby in awe as the nurse rushes in with a blanket. Miller walks back around to me and ever so gently, places our baby down in my arms.

  “It’s a girl,” Miller whispers, looking down at us together.

  “She’s beautiful,” I sob, looking down into my daughter's face, the complete and utter pain of the last twenty-four hours completely forgotten.

  “Wow,” Sophie says with a hand resting against her chest. “She’s beautiful. What’s her name?” she asks.

  I look up into the beautiful dark eyes of my husband. “Mia Rose Cain.”

  Miller leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. “It’s perfect,” he murmurs as he gently runs his fingers down the side of our baby girls’ face. “You’re both perfect.”

  As the doctors and nurses make their way out of the birthing suite, Sophie excuses herself to give us a little privacy.

  I do my best to scoot over in the bed, but to be honest, it fucking hurts down there. Miller climbs in as best he can beside me and together we introduce our baby girl to the world around her. Seeing Miller holding our baby in his arms has tears springing from my eyes. “I love you so much already,” he tells her. “I will never let anything hurt you, beautiful girl,” he promises her.

  He leans back and wraps one arm around me, allowing me to snuggle into his side while he holds Mia in his other arm. “We did good,” I murmur.

  He holds me a little bit tighter. “I love you, baby,” he vows.

  “And I love you, Superstar.”

  The End.

  Jaxon – Book 2

  The Kings of Denver



  I made the worst decision of my life when I left Denver three years ago.

  I broke his heart, I broke my family’s hearts and I broke my own.

  I could never go back, yet here I am, staring my past in the face.

  Only things have changed.

  He isn’t the boy I once knew, he’s the Captain of the Denver Dragons,

  No longer a boy but a man, a man who has a reputation made by his many achievements in the bedroom.

  I know I should stay away but I can’t,

  I want him back.


  I’m up for the best senior year known to man.

  I’m the king of campus.

  The captain of the Hockey Team with endless amounts of alcohol and chicks at my disposal. I worked hard not to have a damn string holding me down.

  Until my past comes back to haunt me

  Why, might you ask?

  Because she’s back.

  WARNING: Jaxon is a steamy romance with a HEA and NO CLIFFHANGER. It contains sexual content, coarse language and is recommended for mature readers. Please be aware that some scenes may cause stress for some readers.


  DUSTY!!!!!!!!! This is all your fault! I had originally planned Miller – The Kings of Denver to be a standalone, just something I dabbled with while having a go at writing romance, yet here Dusty comes along and convinces me to turn it into a four-book series and suddenly my mind is blowing up with all the different scenarios I can put these characters through. So… If it sucks, you can point your fingers at her! ??

  To all the people who took a chance on a brand-new author and bought Miller – Kings of Denver (Book 1). This one is for you! I am so completely over-the-moon that you all fell in love with Miller and am now giving Jaxon his chance to shine. Thank you all.



  Three years ago

  He climbs through my window at night and I cringe, not wanting him to see my face. The man knows me better than I know myself, he would sense something’s wrong.

  I close my eyes, pretending to sleep and listen as he undresses. He strips off his shirt and dumps it on my couch before his belt buckle clanks heavily to the ground. The sound of his zip follows before his jeans are pushed down and stepped out of.

  The blanket is pulled back, allowing the night’s cool air to brush my skin before he slides in behind me and pulls my body against his. He’s just gotten back from hockey training and most likely had to sit in a cold car on the way home after his parents refused to fix his heating, though, I have no doubt one of my brothers could do it for him.

  “Love you,” he murmurs as he presses a soft kiss to my neck and nuzzles in.

  I don’t dare say it back in fear of breaking. My body betrays me as I snuggle deeper into his hold. I stay there all night, wrapped in his loving arms and listening to the soft rhythmic sound of his heart knowing that what I’m about to do is going to tear him to shreds. That knowledge on its own is nearly enough to kill me and I hate myself for what I’m going to put him through.

  It’s now four o’clock in the morning and I haven’t slept a wink. My eyes are red raw from the tears I’ve spilled throughout the night. I lift his arm up and slide out from under him. I go to
the bathroom and get dressed before quietly pulling my suitcase out from under my bed.

  I walk over to him and gently press a kiss to his temple. “I’m sorry,” I whisper into the night, fearing I might wake him. I hastily wipe a tear as it rushes down my cheek. “I love you, so much,” I tell him, hating that this will be the last time I’ll ever whisper those precious words to him.

  I let out one last shaky breath and rip my eyes away from his sleeping body. I take the handle of my suitcase and leave before I convince myself not to. Within moments, I’m out the door and rushing down the long driveway, sobbing so fiercely that I struggle for breath.

  ‘This is the right thing to do’ I repeat myself over and over again. I need to get away and discover myself. Be happy and confident in my own skin. I’ll come back and visit my family all the time. It’ll be fine. It has to be fine. They’ll understand.

  I push the big metal gates open and find the cab I’d ordered last night, ready and waiting.

  The driver gets out and cringes as he takes me in but chooses not to mention the tears streaming down my face. He takes my suitcase and loads it in the back before opening the door for me.

  “Where to, ma’am?” he asks.

  With a sigh, I let out a controlled breath and pull myself together as I look back at my home. “Airport, please.”

  An hour later, I stand at the gate with my boarding pass in hand. “Miss,” the lady at the gate says, trying to get my attention for the third time. I turn my head as she gives me a show of sympathy, probably from my red nose and tear stained cheeks. “This is the last call for this fight. If you’re not ready, there’s another flight leaving at nine.”

  Shit, it will be too late by then. It’s now or never. “No,” I say with a shake of my head as I hand her my pass. “I’m ready. I’m coming.”

  With a tight smile, she takes my boarding pass and scans it before handing it back and unknowingly, changing my entire life.


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