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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 37

by Sheridan Anne

  “Come on,” I say, walking around and helping her from her chair. I settle the bill and lead her outside where we walk down past my truck and to a little park.

  A tiny little smirk plays over her lips and I can’t help but ask, “What?”

  She grins up at me. “I was just remembering that time I was in my first bikini and you were perving on me from your bedroom window like a little peeking Tom.”

  “Ha,” I laugh. “Babe, it wasn’t the bikini that had me gawking,” I explain. “It was the first time I noticed you had boobs.” She rolls her eyes but I continue, “I swear, it went from like nothing to something pretty damn fast.”

  “Shut up,” she says, nailing me in the ribs.

  “That’s not even the worst I did,” I admit.

  Her eyes narrow on me. “Spill.”

  I grin as I recap the story. “We were maybe sixteen or seventeen and I’d gotten home from Hockey Camp early, so I snuck over, but you were in the shower with the door cracked.” She narrows her eyes in suspicion, clearly wondering where the hell this could be going. After all, we used to shower together all the time. I continue on, “You were touching yourself and moaning.”

  “What? Noooo,” she shrieks, completely embarrassed. “Tell me you left?”

  “Hell no,” I scoff. “I pushed the door open, real slow so you wouldn’t notice, dropped my shorts, sat on the edge of your bed and jacked off while I watched the show.”

  “Jax,” she whines, “You didn’t.”

  “Babe, I would never lie about you touching yourself. It was like pure heaven. It was the best welcome home present you could have gotten me.” She ducks her head under my arm and refuses to meet my eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed,” I tell her. “You used to perform for me all the time. I loved it.”

  She groans out my name once again and I can’t help but laugh, which apparently, she doesn’t appreciate.

  I curl her more firmly under my arm as we find a bench that looks out over a small pond and take a seat.

  I pull her into my lap and she leans into me. “Thanks for dinner,” she murmurs as she turns her head into my neck and kisses me softly. That’s not enough for me though. I reach up and take her face in my hands and gently raise her chin until we’re eye to eye. I pull her into me and kiss her, letting my feelings show through.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper as she pulls back. “I should have done this weeks ago.”

  She closes her eyes for a brief moment as if taking relief in my words. She drops her forehead to mine “It’s ok,” she tells me. “You needed time. I hurt you. I get it.”

  “I missed you, Cass.” I breathe. “I’ve known since I was a kid that I can’t live without you and I don’t know why I believed I could do it now. I was stupid and stubborn, I should have gone after you and brought you home.”

  “No,” she demands. “I didn’t deserve that. I left. I was the one who made the mistake and let my pride get the best of me. I hate myself for putting you through that, but I promise, Jax, I’ll never hurt you like that again,” she says as a tear runs down her cheek.

  I pull her into me. “I know,” I say and realize that I truly believe it. The Cass that I grew up with and fell in love with has come back to me. She has managed to somehow look past my reputation to see that the old me was still in there, dying for her to find me, and now as I watch her pouring her heart out to me, I know I don’t have to wait for her to earn my trust, she already has it.

  “I love you, Jax,” she murmurs into me. “I’ve never stopped.”

  I hold onto her just that bit tighter as her words wrap around me. “I know,” I tell her. “I love you, too.”

  She pulls back slightly and I see the tears falling from her eyes, though, I’m pretty sure they are tears of joy. She wipes her eyes with the back of her arm and once again tells me how sorry she is. I hold her until the tears have run their course.

  “You really haven’t been with anyone else since that day in class?” she asks a little sheepishly.

  “No babe,” I tell her and let her in on the truth, not really knowing how she might take it. “The reason behind the girls was when I was with them, it gave me a break from thinking about you. The triplets disappeared right after you did and it was like I was abandoned by my family. I suddenly had this massive void and no idea how to fix it. I sulked around for ages until I realized that I could dull the pain with alcohol and sex, it never lasted long but it helped. It was never the same though, there was never a connection, not like there is with us.”

  She sits in silence, taking it all in before looking back up at me with a frown. “I guess it’s just weird knowing that most the girls on campus have been with you.”

  I can’t help but grin. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

  She rolls her eyes but her own grin shortly takes over. “Shut up,” she laughs as she tries to swat me away.

  And just like that, the final piece of the puzzle falls right into place.

  “Come on, babe. Let me take you home,” I say trying to get up only to be stopped by a very stubborn Cass.

  “Wait,” she says, looking around the park before continuing. “I sort of did something today,” she tells me.

  I watch her through narrowed eyes. “What?” I ask suspiciously.

  She looks around again, probably making sure we’re alone before adjusting herself on my lap into a straddling position. She comes up on her knees and swiftly pulls up her dress before lowering her ass back to my lap. She gives an embarrassed cringe before pulling her dress up a little higher and pulling down the edge of her underwear, revealing a bandage just inside her lower hip.

  Oh, geez. This is not what I think it is.

  “Hold my dress,” she requests. I do as I’m told and she reaches for the bandage to slowly peel it off. A grin crosses my face before she has even finished. A tattoo reading ‘Jax’ in cursive writing rests on her inner hip, in a place where only I would ever see. “Do you like it?” she asks, nervously.

  “Fuck babe. I love it,” I laugh. “I mean, I’m kind of stunned but… fuck.”

  “It’s super cheesy, but I wanted to do something to prove to you that you’re my forever.”

  With that I crush my lips to hers, letting go of her dress. She gasps as she hastily tries to stick the bandage back on while keeping up with my lips. With her dress still sitting around her hips, I do the one thing any man would do in my position.

  My hand comes down between us and instantly slips into her underwear while her hands work to undo my belt buckle. Within moments she’s pulling me out and going to town. Needing to be inside her and feel her heat all over me, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in closer.

  She rises up and guides herself on top of me before dropping down and giving us both the relief that we’re desperately craving.

  She rides me like a seasoned pro and before I know it, she’s exploding all around me. Her inner walls clenching down, claiming me as her own. I thrust up once then twice and find that same release with a groan.

  Her head drops to my shoulder and my hand roams up and down her back. “Holy shit, Cass, you’re amazing,” I whisper.

  “Mmhmm,” she whimpers in agreement.

  “Alright, babe,” I say after a few minutes. “Let me take you home so we can do that all over again.”

  “Ok, yeah,” she agrees too quickly. “I need new panties,” she explains then continues at my blank stare, “no condom.”

  “Ah, right,” I say as understanding dawns on me. I scoop her up in my arms and walk her back to my truck. I put her in and she cringes as she sits down. I chuckle as I make my way to my side and get in to drive her home.

  “Speaking of panties,” she says as I reverse out of the parking spot. “You haven’t got an underwear fetish and stole my black lacey ones, did you?”

  I stop my truck in the middle of the quiet road. “Babe, the rush is in seeing you in them and then watching them slide down those legs of yours. I’m sorry to tell you,
but I don’t get off by pocketing them afterward.”

  “Damn. I kind of hoped you did, at least then I’d know where they are,” she sighs.

  “You better not have lost those ones,” I demand. “They’re my favorite.”

  “Sorry,” she shrugs apologetic, “They’re definitely gone. I’ve looked everywhere.”

  It’s not long before we’re pulling into her street and she recognizes the black truck in her driveway. “Shit,” she groans. “Tell me that’s not Carter?”

  “Maybe he got lost on his way to Sluts’R’Us?” I suggest.

  “He could have always called you for directions,” she throws back at me with a sexy as hell sparkle in her eye.

  “Touché,” I laugh as I pull up beside Carter’s truck.

  “Let’s just hope he’s here to see me and not Bri,” she murmurs as she jumps out of my truck.

  “Doubt it,” I scoff. “It’s after eleven at night.”

  “Fuck…” she moans as she pushes her way through the door. “Carter Thomas Waters, get your ass out here now and make sure it is clothed,” she calls through the house.

  I hear laughter coming from the hallway and have to stifle my own.

  Carter comes into view with a half naked Bri behind him. He works on the button of his jeans and it’s damn obvious what’s just gone down. Unsurprisingly, Cass immediately lays into him. “What the hell are you doing? I told you none of my girlfriends.”

  Oh jeez. This is going to be entertaining. I take a seat and get comfortable for the show.

  Chapter 18


  I am beyond furious. I can’t believe these two. Carter looks at me with a lazy grin. “What’d you expect?” he says with a shrug.

  “Are you serious, you… you manwhore? I hope you thoroughly enjoyed yourself because it won’t be happening again.” I screech.

  “Well, yeah actually, I did enjoy myself, thanks for asking,” he says. “I’m extremely satisfied. Why didn’t you tell me she was such a little spitfire? I would have been here weeks ago.”

  “WHAT?” I yell at him momentarily stumped. “What?”

  He gives me another lazy shrug before heading to the kitchen and coming out with a beer for himself and Jax.

  I turn my attention to Bri and give her the look of death. “You. I should have known better,” I accuse as I storm right up to the little minx. “What do you have to say for yourself, you skank whore?”

  “Hey,” she laughs. “This is all your fault.”

  Jaxon’s laughter in the background has me slipping closer and closer to the edge. “How the hell does this STD fest have anything to do with me?”

  “You left your phone here. He called. I answered. It’s simple really,” she explains, falling on the couch beside Carter.

  “Oh, my god. You two have some serious making up to do to me,” I demand.

  “Righto,” Carter scoffs.

  “Argh,” I groan as I flop into a chair that’s well away from everyone, cross my arms over my chest and sulk.

  They all ignore me as they question Jax about what the hell is going on between us and I have the need to tell Carter that Jax just screwed me in the park just to annoy him, but on second thought, I just might keep that detail to myself.

  “Oh, hey,” I hear Jax pipe up. “While you’re here, can you give me a hand with something?”

  Carter mumbles a 'yeah' and they get up and head out to Jax’s truck. My eyes narrow on their retreating bodies having absolutely no idea what Jax could be up to. I’m not left wondering for long as they march back in, piled high with all my recording things, keyboard, and everything.

  “Um, what do you think you’re doing?” I question Jax as Bri stares after him, utterly confused.

  “I’m setting this shit up,” he responds. “Where do you want it?”

  “I don’t want it,” I snap.

  He ignores me and makes the executive decision to set it all up in the dining room.

  Bri comes up beside me and looks at me with narrowed, curious eyes. “Why the hell is Jax setting up a recording studio in our dining room?” she asks.

  With a sigh, I leave her gaping at the boys and grab my laptop. I take a seat at the table and invite her next to me while the boys continue their work. I power up my laptop and jump straight on the internet to find YouTube. I type in my name, locate my page and silently turn the laptop towards Bri.

  She looks at it with her mouth hanging open and I know without a doubt she’s taking in the hundreds of videos and probably noticing the three hundred thousand followers.

  “Explain,” she demands as she begins to scroll.

  With a sigh, I let it all out. “I’m a bit of a singer, or at least, I used to be,” I tell her and get a scoff from each of the boys. I ignore them and continue with my explanation. “Growing up, I was always singing, so mom threw me head first into music lessons and I absolutely loved it. It’s one of my few passions. So, when I was about fourteen, I started videoing-”

  “Fuck,” she screeches cutting me off. “You have half a million followers.”

  “Really?” I ask. “Last I checked there was half that.”

  She lets out an impressive scoff and I get back to my explanation. “As I was saying, I started videoing some covers and Jax created a YouTube page and started posting them, even though I had absolutely no idea.”

  “Ha,” she laughs. “Typical men.”

  I grin but continue on with my story. “I sang for me because it made me happy, but the boys were always pushing me to make a career out of it. By the time I came across the page, I already had thousands of followers and the boys gave me no choice but to go along with it, so every few days, I’d record another cover and Jax would post it.”

  She nods her head a little in shock and hits play on a cover of a Beyoncé song. “Holy shit, Cass. You’re fucking good.”

  Once again, the boys scoff at the remark. “She’s a bit better than good, don’t you think?” Jax says.

  “Uh, yeah,” she scoffs. “Why’d you stop?”

  My eyes flick to Jax who I notice already has his eyes on me. I let out a sad sigh. “I couldn’t sing when I left for New York,” I say, leaving it at that, but just as I knew, she understands me perfectly. With a small smile and quick nod, she pulls up the next video.

  “Hey, this one’s recent,” she muses as she hits play.

  “What the hell?” I ask as the song I sang at the wedding plays through the small speakers of my laptop. I snatch it from her and stare at the screen, knowing from the angle the video was taken this would have been shot by either Carter or Logan. I stare at the screen completely dumbfounded until I notice the caption ‘she’s back, ladies and gentleman.’

  “Fucking Logan” I mutter under my breath remembering those exact words he said to me at the wedding after I had sung, though, at the time, I was too focused on Jax to have really paid attention to anyone else.

  “Bloody hell,” Brianna says, watching the screen over my shoulder. “You should have a recording deal by now.”

  I press my lips together and cringe, really wishing she hadn’t bought this up. “What?” Jax asks, noticing my hesitation.

  I look up from the screen and give him a nervous look. “I sort of had two labels seek me out when I was in New York.”

  “WHAT?” Brianna screeches as Carter straightens himself out to pay a little more attention to the conversation.

  “Calm down. I didn’t accept it,” I tell her.

  “What?” This time it’s Carter questioning me. “Are you kidding me?”

  “What’s the big deal? I don’t want to be some big celebrity singer with no life. I want to be a physiotherapist, you all know this. I sing for me because it makes me happy, not so some fat, balding dude in a suit can make all the decisions and butcher my songs.”

  Jax’s eyes narrow on me and I realize he’s trying to figure me out. “You sure?” he asks.

  I think it over and realize that I honestly don’
t know. I want to sing and I want to be a physio, though the thought of becoming some big time celebrity scares the shit out of me. I shrug my shoulders and Jax steps forward. “What’s the matter?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. I guess, I want to sing but I want it to be for me. I don’t want some big record label having a say in what I can and can’t do.”

  He nods his understanding. “What if we just go back to what we were doing before, maybe you could record some of your own songs and post them, too?”

  At that, my chin lifts and I look up at him. “I like that idea,” I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “I thought you might,” he says with a wink before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

  “Ugh, if you two are going to start that again, I’m out,” Bri declares as she takes my laptop off the counter and disappears into the living room.

  With a laugh, Jax gets back to helping Carter set up my recording stuff and I leave to shower. Not long later, the door opens and Jax strips off before sliding into the shower with me. “Thank you,” I murmur into his chest as he wraps his arms around me. I don’t have to explain what the thank you is for, he just knows me well enough to know I’m referring to my makeshift recording studio. “Is Carter gone?” I ask.

  His eyes become hooded as his hands begin to roam. “You think I’d be in here with you if he was under this roof?” he says.

  “Good point.”

  With that, Jax turns off the taps, wraps me in a towel and leads me to my bed.

  Our alarms go off at the same time the next morning and I groan as I try to get out of bed. “Stay,” Jax mumbles as he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me against him so I feel his erection poking me in my ass.

  “Mmmm,” I moan as I rub against him and close my eyes.

  Jax’s hand snakes down my body and is mid pulling my pants down when an extremely consistent knock blares through my door and practically rattles the frame. “Get your ass out here, Cassandra Waters. We made a pact,” Bri yells as lively as ever. “Jax will have to deal with little Jax himself.”


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