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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 45

by Sheridan Anne

  I see the embarrassment in Aarons' eyes as he realizes his mistake and I can’t help but smirk at his idiocy. “What time do you get off?” Shorty asks, cutting off whatever Aaron was going to say to try and salvage his awful pickup.

  “You boys are trouble,” she grins as she puts the glasses up on the bar for us to take. Once again, those blue eyes connect with mine. I hold her eyes captive as I reach into my pocket and pull out a twenty. I hand it over to her and her fingers brush against mine, making the blush on her cheeks deepen.

  “Keep the change,” I tell her before she tears her eyes away from mine. We grab our drinks and head back to the table.

  “Dude, that chick was into you,” Shorty comments as we take our seats, looking slightly disappointed. “She was fucking ace, you should hit that.”

  I look back up at the bar and watch as she busily fills her customers’ orders. One thing's for sure, Shorty is right, she is ace. She looks as though she doesn’t have a worry in the world, like all her troubles have disappeared, and there’s something extremely intriguing about that. A girl like that doesn’t need me to dump my troubles on her.

  Shorty continues at my silence. “If you’re not going to hit it, I will,” he promises.

  My head instantly snaps in his direction as I adopt this strange protectiveness over the girl. “Leave her alone,” I demand with a sharp glare.

  Shorty’s eyes widen as if seeing the real me for the first time, the guy who gets off on a good fight. He holds up both hands in surrender. “Chill man, I’ll back off. She’s all yours.”

  The way he talks about her as if she is some sort of object grates on my nerves. A woman like Charli shouldn’t be talked about like that. I don’t know, from the shy blush in her cheeks and those big blue eyes, something screams innocence about her and I’ll be damned if I let any of these fuckers take that away.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I only just met the chick. Hell, I didn’t even give her my name, yet here I am defending her honor. Fuck, I must have taken one hit too many from Cole this morning.

  Which reminds me, I have an early session with him in the morning. I look down at my watch and realize it’s past midnight. I really should get out of here. I stand up from the table with my glass in hand and skull what’s left. “Ah, I have to get going,” I announce to the guys.

  They all give quick nods as Jaxon speaks up. “Alright man, see you later,” he says with a million questions behind his eyes.

  I don’t dwell on it, just simply turn and make my way to the door.

  My eyes flash back to Charli as I bypass the bar only to find those eyes already on me. She gives me a smile and I can’t help but return it. I nod my head in her direction and am graced with the sexy as fuck blush again, which only makes my smile turn into a grin. She tears her eyes away and focuses back on the customer before her.

  Knowing I have some sort of effect on her, that she’s attracted to me does crazy things to me, but also drives me insane knowing I should stay away. My life is fucked up at the moment and the last thing I want is to burden this chick with it.

  Something tells me she isn’t the one night kind of girl, no matter how bad I want to get between the sheets with her. I should stay away. She’s probably just intrigued by my bad boy demeanor, maybe she can sense the recklessness within me, the desire to seek out danger, but when it comes down to it, she’s probably after a good boy with values who’s going to drool at her feet, and one thing is for sure.

  That ain’t me.

  Chapter 4


  It’s been three weeks that I’ve been here at Micky’s and to say I’m on cloud nine is an understatement. For the first time in a long time, I feel that I have control of my own life. That no one in this world will ever have a hold over me again.

  I feel free and the feeling is amazing, exquisite… intoxicating.

  Micky even helped me to secure a traineeship at a local hairdressing salon which starts next week. Apparently, the owner of the salon is an old friend of his and owes him a favor, so she reluctantly, but happily took me on. I don’t even care that I didn’t do it for myself, I’m just thrilled it’s happening at all.

  It will be a massive change though, and I’ll probably be exhausted for a while before I get used to the added hours. I’ll be working in the salon five days a week from nine to five and then coming home to start my shift at Micky’s at six. Micky insists that I shouldn’t be working that much, but I don’t care, I owe him everything and I’ll work for him until my fingers bleed.

  The only downfall I’m finding is that I haven’t made any friends, but I’m sure that will come. After all, I’ve spent every day working so that really hasn’t left me a chance to meet anyone. But to be honest, I’m content with how things are. I’m not really sure I need friends right now.

  Layla, Micky’s daughter came in for the first week to show me the ropes. I thought at first we would be good friends, but she’s a bit older and a bit too classy for me. She’s studying to be a criminal lawyer and is super proper. I mean, she’s incredibly nice and all, even brought me a bag of her old clothes that I could borrow, but I need friends who are super chilled and drama free, and a girl like Layla screams drama.

  Layla occasionally works at the bar, usually on the crazy busy night like when there’s just been a hockey game. I thought this place was busy and packed when I first started. There’s always a constant flow of customers and I had finally gotten the hang of everything when the hockey season began and this place was standing room only. It was ridiculous. I’d never been so busy in my life, but to tell the truth, I absolutely loved it. Not to mention, the eye candy in the room was outstanding and the tips came rolling in.

  The Dragons had won so the drinks were flowing. The fans were in an amazing mood and then the hockey team actually came in. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’d heard that they like to come in but I hadn’t expected the whole damn team.

  The place simply adored them, like they were their idols.

  Girls went bat shit crazy, throwing themselves at the boys while every man in the place basically lined up to congratulate them and shake their hands. It’s ridiculous how adored they are. I mean, it’s just hockey… right?

  I don’t really get it, to tell the truth, I’ve never really been a sports fan, but the second those boys walked in, it was like sex on fire. Those players are simply beautiful… maybe beautiful isn’t the right word, sexy as fuck, scorching hot, the things dreams are made out of, that’s more like it. They’re the kind of guys who are complete playboys and who would break your heart with a click of their fingers. I swear, each and every one of them had these bodies that only men dream of having and women dream of being under. It was like muscle porn.

  A freaking wet dream waiting to happen.

  And then, he showed up.

  I noticed him the moment he walked through the door. It was like he had some magnetic field around him and my eyes instantly swivelled in his direction. Though, he’s probably the biggest player of them all. Dark hair and dark, smouldering eyes, wearing a black leather jacket that hugged his sculptured body just right. His demeanor screamed ‘bad boy’ and made my mouth water, just the way I like it.

  I watched as he found a seat and talked with his friends, though he seemed somewhat separate from the group, like he was a bit of an outcast. I don’t know, something about him reminded me of myself.

  And then he had to go and raise that magnificent body out of his chair and make his way over to the bar. The guy hardly said a word, but I was a bumbling mess of nerves as his friends tried to hit on me. I swear, I must have been blushing like an idiot.

  From the moment he left the bar, he sat at his table and never took his eyes off me. It was super intense and made me feel all gooey inside, but who am I kidding? He’s definitely a heart breaker, someone I should stay far, far away from.

  A boy like him could only be bad news.

  A boy like him could crush me.

p; A boy like him… could set my body on fire.

  Since that night, I’ve seen him one other time. He had come into Micky’s one day during lunch with some friends. The bar wasn’t open but I was hanging out with some of the waitresses and helping out where I could, even though Micky continuously demanded that I go and have a life rather than staying holed up in his bar, but I can’t help it. I love it here.

  His eyes clocked me the second I came out of the kitchen with a tray full of meals. I almost fell flat on my face and spilled the food all over the place when I saw him. Though, my nerves only got worse when I realized I was taking the food to their table.

  I unloaded the tray as quickly as I could with his smouldering eyes trained on me, and the second I could, I disappeared up to my apartment in fears of him getting deeper under my skin.

  Hell, the guy is running circles in my mind and I don’t even know his name.

  “Earth to Charli,” I hear Lex, one of the other girls who works at Micky’s say as she starts clicking in my face. Shit. Daydreaming about the sexy guy again.

  “Oh, sorry,” I cringe. “What do you need?”

  We’re just finishing up our shift on Thursday night and wiping down all the tables. “I was trying to ask if you wanted to come out with me tonight?” she asks.

  “Oh, sorry, I was completely in my own head,” I admit. “Where are you going?” I ask, not really sure I want to be going anywhere with Lex, she seems like bad news.

  “Not sure,” she shrugs. “My boyfriend was taking me somewhere and asked if I wanted to bring some friends along,” she explains.

  “I don’t know, Lex,” I say. “It’s already late.”

  “Come on,” she insists. “You’ve been here for three weeks and haven’t gone anywhere apart from this old bar. It’s about time you meet some new people, don’t you think?”

  Damn it. Why did she have to word it like that?

  “I don’t really have anything to wear,” I admit.

  “Don’t stress, I have my whole closet in my car. I’ll grab us a few things and we can head up to your place to get ready. It’ll be fun. I’ll get Eddie to meet us here.”

  Shit. “Fine,” I sigh.

  She gives me a big beaming smile, but she’s right. I’ve been here for weeks and still haven’t managed to meet any friends or even leave the place for a night, maybe this is just what I need to break out of my shell. A fun night out.

  Just as Lex had promised, ten minutes later, she ducks out to her car and comes back in with a few different options. We head up to my place and she dresses me in a little black dress and throws a pair of black heels my way. Shit. I’ve never worn heels before and to tell the truth, they look downright terrifying, but I pull them on anyway.

  Lex insists on doing my hair and makeup. She pulls my hair out and fluffs it up a bit, saying it needs some volume, then proceeds to put black eyeliner on my eyes.

  I take a look in the mirror and I’m blown away. I’ve never worn makeup before, well, honestly, I would have loved to, but I’ve never been able to afford it. So come tomorrow, I’m heading to the shops and buying one of these little bastards for myself.

  The black kohl around my light blue eyes makes them ‘pop’ in a way I have never seen before and I absolutely love it. I take my whole look in, my dark hair, the little black dress matched with the heels. Wow.

  I’m busy admiring the way the heels make my ass and legs look when Lex gets a message saying that her boyfriend is out the front before dragging me down the stairs. I make sure to lock up my apartment before flicking all the lights and locking Micky’s bar.

  We get into Eddie’s beat up old car and Lex immediately climbs into his lap before shoving her tongue down his throat. I cringe and look away while I roll down the window, trying to get a bit of fresh air from the stale smell of old cigarettes, a smell that reminds of my step mom.

  Lex soon climbs over to the passenger’s seat and we get on the way. He drives like a freaking maniac through the city and ends up in a dodgy looking area at what must be an abandoned building. There are heaps of other cars around, but no one out on the street.

  The place has my nerves on high alert, but it’s a little too late to back out now.

  We get out of the car and there’s a chill in the air. It’s not bucketing down with rain, so at least there’s one positive here. Lex loops her arm through mine as if we’re best friends and pulls me along as we enter the building.

  Just as I thought, we enter into an abandoned building, which looks as though it’s pretty damn close to falling down. I hear loud music, muffled by walls and wonder where the hell it’s coming from and if it’s some weird party she’s brought me to, which could only be bad news. Crap, I bet this place is filled with the wrong sort of people. “Where the hell have you brought me, Lex?” I ask, slightly freaked out.

  “Chill out,” she sings with a big grin. “You’re going to love it.”

  I zip my lips as she drags me to the back of the building and opens a door. The sound suddenly becomes un-muffled and I peek through. Lex doesn’t give me a chance to figure out where I am before she pulls me through the door, leads me down a staircase, and into a massive room.

  The room is swarming with people and my mouth literally pops open with what I’m seeing. There’s a bar set up with tables and chairs, but that isn’t what has my attention. It’s the big boxing ring in the centre with two guys going at it and blood dripping from a nasty cut above one of their eyes.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper to myself.

  “Tell me about it,” Lex grins. “Isn’t it awesome?”

  Sure, it’s awesome, but it’s totally illegal. I could get in so much trouble if I get caught here. Well, I don’t really have anyone to get me in trouble except for maybe Micky, but he would just say he’s disappointed in me and give me the ‘look’.

  I hold onto Lex’s arm a little tighter as I realize this place is filled with all the wrong sorts of people, and to be honest, I don’t know whether to be freaked out or intrigued by the place.

  “Oh, look,” Lex squeals in my ear. “He’s here.”

  “Who’s here?” I ask.

  “Your date,” she grins.

  “My what?” I ask, horrified.

  She lets go of my arm and races forward towards a guy who looks like a complete and utter sleaze ball and also reminds me of the guy who tried to get a little too friendly my first night in the city. He looks me up and down and I see the interest in his eye as Lex drags him back towards me and Eddie. “You can thank me later,” Lex says as she leans into me.

  “Hey,” the guy says with hooded eyes. “I’m Chris.”

  “Um, hi,” I say reluctantly. “I’m Charli.”

  He steps up beside me and throws his arm over my shoulder while dipping his head towards me. “Let’s find a seat, baby,” he whispers in my ear right before running his nose up the length of my neck and sniffing me.

  Ugh, I slide out from under his arm and cringe at the feel of his damp nose on my skin. What a fucking creep.

  I turn to leave, but the next fight is announced and the crowd all push towards the ring, giving me no chance to escape. I follow along with the crowd and find a space close to the ring with a perfect view. Lex shuffles in beside me with Eddie hugging her from behind. Chris attempts the same thing, but I push him off me and send a wicked glare his way. “Dude, you have no chance. Don’t even think about it,” I warn him. He holds his hands up in surrender, but I see the challenge in his eyes. He isn’t finished for the night, this fucker is certain I’ll end up in his bed. What a twat.

  A voice is heard over the speakers and a man announces the fighters. The first guy comes out in nothing but a pair of shorts and he looks angry, especially with the scar that leads from his right eye, straight down to his lip. The crowd cheers for him and then the announcer brings out the guys opponent, which is when the crowd goes nuts. Bets are made and people are screaming out for their favorite fighter.

  The fight st
arts and I can’t tear my eyes away. This shit is brutal. The fighters are quite literally beating on each other. Blood is spilled all over the ring as the guy with the scar really lays into his opponent. Scar guy gets the other guy on the ground and basically sits on top of him while his fists pummel into him.

  “Crap, aren’t there rules or something?” I ask Lex, who watches the fight with wide eyes.

  “Pft, no,” she scoffs. “Not in the Underground,” she tells me.

  Holy cow. This is sort of terrifying, but I can’t tear my eyes away. Scar guy knocks his opponent out and a guy wearing black comes into the ring and holds his hand up to the sky declaring him the winner of this round.

  Fight after fight is held and I’m amazed at how much blood lines the floor. The last guy who went down, tried to move his arms and legs as he attempted to get up and unconsciously made a snow angel or... a blood angel? I don’t know but it was gross.

  The alcohol is flowing around the place and bets continue to be made but my eyes remain solely on the ring. The announcer calls the final fight and introduces a new guy to the ring, explaining that this is his first time in the Underground.

  I see the interest in people eyes as they see new blood for the first time and I feel I’m starting to understand it. They’re excited that it could be someone much better than the other or he could be used as a punching bag. Who knows? But the crowd seem interested.

  The announcer introduces him as ‘The Widow Maker’ and the crowd do their usual cheering and chanting as the guy enters the ring.

  The guy is wearing a black robe with a hood as he walks into the ring. He pulls it off and my eyes notice the body first. It’s like a work of art, but then he lifts his head to the cheering crowd and my heart stops.

  It couldn’t be him. He’s a hockey player, not a fighter. Strange feelings course through me, intrigued to see him fight, but terrified he will get hurt. Why the hell do I care?

  Damn it. I wish I knew his name.

  As if sensing my eyes on him, he looks straight up at me, focusing those smouldering eyes right on mine. I see the surprise clearly written on his face but also something else that I can’t quite explain. It’s almost as if he’s happy I’m here like I’m giving him a reason to show off, to be better.


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