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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 50

by Sheridan Anne

  Next to go is my bra and I watch as his eyes light up in adoration as he takes in my naked chest. He doesn’t wait. Xander dives right in, sucking one nipple into his mouth as he cups the other with his hand massaging gently. My back arches off the bed, needing more.

  His hands roam down my body and find themselves at the waistband of my jeans. Xander adjusts himself so he can easily rid me of my pants before dropping his own. My eyes take him in like he’s my last meal.

  His body is nothing short of perfection. Strong arms and shoulders. Sculptured chest and abs, then there is that glorious ‘V’ which is basically a big arrow pointing towards the real prize.

  He watches me with hooded eyes as I watch him. Then he slowly pushes down his underwear, as if giving me a private show. I never knew how satisfying it would be just to watch but my God, my body is now aching for him.

  His erection springs free from his underwear as they fall to the ground and gives me my first good look at the complete masterpiece. Wow, he is huge. My eyes practically bug out of my head. There’s no way that thing is going to fit in there.

  The nerves begin to bubble up again as he moves towards me. He comes down on top of me and holds himself up on one elbow as he brings his lips down on mine once again. His touch has the nerves dissipating and I realize it’s because I trust him. He will take care of me. It’s not like I’ve given him the impression that I’ve done this a million times. He knows I’m somewhat innocent, surely, he knows to be gentle.

  His hand moves down my body and into my undies. He gets straight to work and it’s clear he knows what he’s doing. My own hand comes down between us and I take hold of his erection. My fingers circle around the hard, velvety skin and begin working up and down. I rub my thumb over the top and feel a small bead of moisture. I have no idea if I’m even doing this right, but he doesn’t seem to be complaining.

  He continues to work my body and that familiar feeling rises up on me. God, this feels good. He senses my need and applies a little more pressure. Within moments, I’m exploding around his fingers. Wow, just, wow. We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet and I’ve already had my world blown.

  He pulls my underwear completely off and situates himself directly between my legs as he continues to kiss the soft skin of my neck.

  He pushes into me and I cringe at the pain. Good god, this hurts. Everyone warned me. Losing your virginity sucks. My body tenses up which makes the pain that much worse.

  Xander instantly stills above me, his eyes locking on mine with a question deep inside. I know what he’s asking, but all I can manage right now is the slightest nod.

  Breathe, Charli, breathe. My body slowly relaxes and I reach up to pull his lips down on me. He kisses me with an intense kind of passion that I have never felt before, but whatever it is, it has me forgetting about the pain.

  “You ok?” Xander murmurs against my lips.

  “Yeah,” I smile.

  He begins to move, slowly at first to allow me to get used to the strange intrusion. As if he can already read my body, he knows exactly when I’m ready for more. Xander picks up his pace and the strange feeling starts to feel less like an intrusion and much more pleasurable.

  He brings his hand down between us and presses his finger to the little bundle of nerves between my legs. He begins making tiny little circles and the feeling has me desperate for more. It’s nothing at all how I expected, in fact, it’s so much better.

  I feel my orgasm coming up on me and he pushes himself deeper. The move has me exploding for the second time tonight. The intensity of my orgasm has me squeezing my eyes closed and digging my nails into the strong muscles of his back.

  He suddenly stills above me and I feel him come as a warm liquid seeps into me. I’d always imagined it would be a gross feeling, but there’s something extremely erotic about it.

  The whole moment was beautiful and the fact that I had waited for Xander just made it that much better. It was perfect.

  Xander relaxes down on top of me and kisses me gently before raising slightly to look me in the eye. “You should have told me.”

  “Sorry,” I murmur in my blissful state.

  “I could have hurt you,” he insists.

  “But you didn’t,” I smile, loving this caring side of him.

  “That’s bullshit. It hurt. It was written all over your face.”

  “Stop,” I argue, raising a finger and pressing it to his lips. “Don’t ruin this. I trusted you to take care of me and you did. It was perfect,” I explain. “It was going to hurt no matter how it happened,” I add, trying to reason with him.

  He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh. “Fine,” he says as he comes down on the bed beside me and pulls me into his warm arms. “Is there anything else you need to tell me?”

  I smile against his chest. “Only that it was mind blowing,” I tell him.

  I hear the smile in his voice. “That, it was,” he muses. “Are you sore?”

  “A little,” I admit.

  “Ok,” he murmurs as he holds me tight. “Rest. You’ve had a big day.”

  Chapter 11


  Charli and I have officially been together for three weeks now and to say they have been amazing would be an understatement. I’ve never had a girlfriend that I’d considered serious before, but this one has me wanting to throw myself at her feet, granting every single dream and wish she has ever had. I’m fucking pussy whipped and I don’t give a shit. She’s my woman and I’m damn proud of it.

  Since that one glorious night with her, I have pretty much spent every waking hour with her that I possibly can between my training schedule and her work schedule. It’s hard, but we somehow make it work.

  Apart from the nights where I have a fight, I generally go over to her place despite her arguing that she’d rather come to mine, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting her walk to my place in the dark, especially with her track record of attracting dodgy as fuck guys. I’ve offered to come and pick her up, but she insists that she doesn’t want to burden me. After all, she’s a new and improved version of her old self where she doesn’t need to rely on anyone. Just as I had told her, she’s a strong and beautiful woman, fucking stubborn as well.

  Though, she did agree to let me get her a phone. That argument didn’t go down so well, but I used her own safety against her and her argument died in the ass. The very next morning, I showed up at her place with a new iPhone in hand. She has never had a phone before so she pretty much grabbed it like it was Christmas morning and played with it until she had completely worked it out. Though, teaching her about the app store was a pain in the ass.

  It’s Friday night and I’ve just gotten off the ice from another hockey game. One my parents just happened to show up at, though, they left before they had to actually talk to me, so I guess it’s sort of a win in my book. We exit the ice, still as the undefeated reigning champions and man, does it feel good. The game went great and I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that Jaxon has sorted his shit out with his girl. He seems happier which seems to be contagious to the rest of the guys, so basically, with the whole team in a super great mood, the game became our bitch.

  Though, it would be just that much better if Charli didn’t insist on working so much and actually got to come and watch a game but I know she will eventually, after all, she can’t shut up about it. Micky has actually been insisting she work lately as that chick Lex, up and left without a word leaving Micky down on staff with a guilty conscience for not calling his daughter in. Not to mention, Charli doesn’t quite know how to say no to the big guy, after all, she sees him as her saving grace which honestly, is exactly what he is. I will forever be grateful that he was there that night as the woman she is today is quickly becoming the love of my life.

  I get showered and dressed in the locker room and wait patiently for the guys to decide where we’re partying tonight. Apparently, they’re still avoiding Micky’s out of respect for Jaxon’s gi
rlfriend which honestly, I get it but after meeting Micky and spending some time with the guy, it doesn’t sit right with me anymore. Micky deserves the kind of money our presence brings to his bar, but I’m just one man in a team full of guys who want to party, so tonight it looks like we're heading off to some house party that some senior is throwing.

  Excellent, sounds wonderful. Though, I guess it really doesn’t matter too much. I’ll show my face for about an hour then head off to see Charli before leaving for my fight.

  It’s a big one tonight so I’m pretty damn pumped for it. The last few weeks I’ve won all my matches and I can’t describe the feeling when the referee comes in and raises my fist to the ceiling, declaring me the winner. It gives me a mad rush which leaves me wanting more.

  I’ve made myself a bit of a reputation within the fighting circle, a bit like I have with hockey. I’m the black sheep, the dangerous, unpredictable one. For hockey, a reputation like that works against me, but with fighting, it couldn’t be better. My opponent never knows what I’m going to do so they always enter the ring unprepared and that’s just the way I like it.

  It's not long before I’m pushing the stool back from the bar and saying goodnight to Charli. She blows me a kiss across the bar and wishes me good luck before getting straight back to work, mixing a drink.

  I hop in my truck and double check the message I received from Cole with tonight’s location. I type it into my navigation system and hit the road. I drive just outside the city and come to an old building which looks like it used to be a club of some sort.

  There’s a huge parking lot and cars fill nearly every space. Every fight, the audience continues to double so the location has had to get bigger and bigger, so it’s no surprise that I’m here tonight. Though, I love the energy of a large crowd, no matter if they’re cheering for me or not. Their energy is my motivation and not to mention, the more people, the more money that rolls in.

  I put my truck in park and head around back, just as Cole had instructed me to. I find Cole and Luke by the back entrance, talking with a few other guys. They spot me instantly and do the introductions. Apparently, the guys are also trainers who are here with some of the other fighters. They look at me with appreciation, but I honestly don’t care. I’m here to do a job and get paid.

  I nod my head in acknowledgment and Cole gets the hint that I’m ready to get the show on the road. He walks through the entrance with me and instantly pulls me up. “Would it kill you to be nice?” he questions. “I’ve known those guys for over ten years. They couldn’t stop talking about your takedown last week.”

  My mind flicks back to my epic win last Thursday and I have to grin. I had taken the guy down in under a minute. It was the quickest and easiest twelve grand I’ve ever made. Though, Cole did request that I at least put on a decent show if it’s going to be an easy takedown. Apparently, the big wigs here like their entertainment.

  “I’m not here to make friends,” I tell Cole as he leads me through the back rooms of the old club. The place is lit up with big industrial lights and power cords running all over the place. I step over an over filled power board which is screaming ‘fire hazard’ and continue on my way.

  “Clearly,” Cole grunts as we enter a large room filled with punching bags. All the other fighters and trainers fill the room, some are warming up while others have their trainers wrapping their knuckles.

  I find the schedule pinned to the back of the door and I search my name. I pull out my phone and quickly check the time. “Looks like I’m up against some kid called ‘Crusher’,” I tell Cole.

  He nods his head as he looks over my shoulder at the schedule. “There are three ahead of you, so I’d say you’ve got about forty minutes until go time.” I nod my head and we find someplace to get ready.

  Luke shows up halfway through my warm up and gives all his helpful advice, but really all he wanted to do was tell us about some chick he is meeting up with after the fight.

  It’s been at least half an hour when Cole instructs me to sit my ass down and begins preparing me for my fight. I search the room as he wraps my hands and try to figure out who the hell this ‘Crusher’ kid is but come up with nothing.

  So instead, Luke rattles off every detail he can possibly remember about the kid and within minutes, I’ve got my whole game plan sorted out.

  Twenty minutes later, I come striding out of the ring, fifteen thousand dollars richer and without a single scratch or bruise on my body. Apparently, the guy isn’t so much of a ‘Crusher’ after all.

  With a few more fights left in the night, I grab a quick beer with Cole and Luke and check out the rest of the competition before heading off.

  I get back in my truck and turn the music right up. My whole body is exhausted, mixing fight night with game night is hard work, especially after a day filled with a morning run, an on ice training session and my session at Rebels Advocate. My body yearns for sleep and I’m so pleased that it’s finally the weekend. I’ll actually get to sleep in tomorrow, though, I like the thought of waking up beside Charli, so I might head that way instead.

  I’m just a few blocks away from Micky’s when I pass an ATM under a street light and decide to stop real quick. There’s nothing I hate more than having a shit load of cash on me, makes me feel like a walking target. I pull over and leave the ignition running as I quickly deposit the cash into my bank account.

  The moment I’m done a feeling of relief settles over me. That’s one step closer to my future. I’m heading back to my truck when a car comes screeching to a halt, blocking me from my truck. The car looks familiar, but I can’t figure out why.

  The answer hits me seconds later when the dickhead who slammed my girl up against a brick wall comes roaring out of the car with three of his friends.

  Shit. What the hell have I got myself into now? I’m too fucking exhausted for this shit. I should have known he would have come seeking revenge, especially after everything Charli has told me about him. Shame on me.

  I quickly take note of the guys as they come at me. The boyfriend and one other look high, one is fat and the other looks like he’s just busted out of prison. I’m not quite sure I can handle four on one, but I’ll give it a go. After all, I’m damn positive that none of these fuckers have any kind of training. I’ll just make sure to hit hard and fast.

  They’re on me in seconds and start one by one, which is their first mistake. The boyfriend gets an uppercut to the stomach, the high one gets a kick while the fat one and shady one get swift punches to the jaw.

  It doesn’t take them long to work out that they’re going to have to use teamwork, which is when things get a little harder. My eyes frantically jump between the four as they all come at me at the same time.

  The exhaustion from the day quickly catches up with me as they start gaining some ground. They’re suddenly down to three as the boyfriend disappears. I have no idea what happened to him as I know I haven’t taken the fucker out yet. I want to leave him for last.

  Grunts and curses echo throughout the street and it’s my bad luck that it’s so late at night and the streets are deserted. The fucker re-joins the fray and my eyes glance in his direction, only it’s a second too late. I have just enough time to notice the baseball bat in his hands that’s already swinging towards my face. And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  The bat clocks me at what feels like a hundred miles per hour, instantly turning my world into darkness.


  A nasty ache pounds through my skull as I come to. Holy shit. Did that seriously just happen? My eyes spring to life as I search the area for another threat, but it doesn’t take me long to realize they’re gone. And so is my fucking truck.

  I get to my feet and my ribs protest in agony. I step back towards the ATM, under the street light and lift my shirt to check the damage. Cuts and bruises cover my skin, but the worst of all is the massive, almost black bruise covering my ribs.

  I’m certain they’re broken
and that those fuckers continued their beating once I was down because before the bat came out, I was holding my own pretty well. But what kind of odds are four on one anyway?

  I let my shirt fall back down and search my pocket for my phone. Just great. Not only is my truck gone, but my phone and wallet are gone too and I’ve got no way to get home apart from a long walk.

  I find myself heading in the direction of Micky’s and forty five minutes later, I turn the final corner, to see someone is still there. Thank fuck for late nights.

  It must be well and truly after two in the morning so it’s got to be Micky, he would never let Charli work this late.

  I pick up my pace and bang on the locked door with whatever energy I’ve got left. I hear groaning and grunting coming from within, but it doesn’t take him long to open the door.

  Micky’s eyes widen in shock. “What the fuck happened?” he gasps as he ushers me in.

  He leads me back into his office and sits me down on his couch. “The step mom’s boyfriend came looking for round two. He brought three other friends and a baseball bat,” I explain.

  “Shit,” he grunts.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Took my fucking truck as well.”

  “Mother fucker,” he roars as he rushes into the kitchen and returns moments later with a bag of frozen peas for my head. “Hold this here,” he instructs. I do what I’m told and watch as he heads out to the bar and returns with the first aid kit. “I’ll get you cleaned up, but then your Charli’s problem.”

  “No, don’t wake her,” I argue as he starts cleaning up the wounds.

  “Don’t fucking argue with me, kid,” he scolds. “I’m not playing nurse all night and believe me, from the look of you, you’re going to need one.”

  Damn, he has a good point. “Fine,” I grunt.

  I painfully peel off my shirt so we can see the true damage. It doesn’t take him long to clean up me up, but I’m still going to need a shower to wash away the blood.


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