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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 56

by Sheridan Anne

  So, the next few days pretty much went as waking up with Charli, screwing her brains out, she would go to the salon and I would go to Rebels, we’d each spend our days doing what we did best and loved before heading home, cooking dinner and making sweet, sweet love.

  Though, now that’s all ruined because Micky called yesterday to tell Charli the bar has been reopened and her shifts are starting up again. Charli was thrilled and of course, I was thrilled for her, but only because she loves the place so damn much. Otherwise, I would have been much happier having her all to myself each night, rather than sharing her with the ogling eyes of her customers.

  So, here I am, Thursday after training all day. I have decided to wait to get a new truck until the end of the competition, that way, I’ll know exactly how many extras I can afford to put on the big bastard. Which means, I’ve been running to and from training, which isn’t too bad in the mornings, but after a day of vigorous training, it really sucks.

  A slight rain starts coming down which refreshes me and makes me feel brand new, so I push myself a little harder. I run through the streets, rather than sticking to the main roads. My iPod blares through the little speakers in my ears and I get lost in my own world.

  I stop after a while and quickly reach into my bag for a drink of water. As I bend down to find my bottle I have a quick look at where I am, which honestly I actually have no fucking idea but one thing I do know is the house I stand directly in front of has a big ‘for sale’ sign and I absolutely love it.

  I work out the address and save it to the notepad in my phone before taking a quick picture of the house and the agent’s details on the front of the sign. I glance back at the house and I know this is it. I can picture myself here with Charli, having kids and growing old. Nothing screams more perfect than this.

  I get myself back home and clean myself up before heading down to Micky’s. I know she is working but I can’t find the will to wait until she gets home to show her this place. I was going to head down just to walk home with her later, so what if it’s a few hours early?

  The place is packed and I have to boot some drunken idiot off my favorite stool before I can sit down and enjoy a beer. Charli’s face lights up the second she sees me and I can’t wait. I pull my phone out immediately and show her.

  Her eyes light up and I know she’s seeing what I saw. “Are you sure about this?” she asks.

  “I’ve never been so sure in my life,” I tell her.

  Her eyes flick back to the picture on my screen one more time before she leans across the bar and kisses me. “Ok,” she says. “Call the agent.”


  We’ve been living in our new home for just over a week now and it honestly is amazing. You know, a part from having a mortgage, but I’m hoping, once I win this competition, I’ll be able to pay a shit load off it.

  I stand in my living room with Aaron as we wait for Charli and Zara to hurry up and get ready. I swear, the moment Charli discovered makeup, she has gone crazy about the shit. Well, not super crazy like those chicks you see on MTV with the orange skin and raccoon eyes, more like everywhere we go she has to try a new colour on her lips then match it with her outfit.

  Apparently, she’s fallen in love with the stuff so much that she wants to study make up too and have that as a service her salon will provide, you know, when she gets one of course, but if that makes her happy, then I’ll make my way through the darkest pits of hell to make it happen.

  Aaron ducks into the kitchen and grabs two beers from the fridge and offers me one as he takes a seat. “Nah, man,” I say. “Not with the fight tonight. I need a clear head.”

  “Yeah, sorry man,” he says as he retracts his outstretched arm. “I should have known.”

  “No dramas,” I say, flopping down on the couch, realizing the girls could be a while longer.

  “Who are you up against tonight?” he asks, already halfway through his beer.

  “Some kid called ‘The Dark Shadow’. He’s pretty good,” I tell him.

  “Oh yeah, I caught him last week. The kid is fast.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “Hence why I need a clear head tonight. The guys I’m up against are getting better and better.”

  “Yeah, but they still don’t have anything against you,” he says, my number one fan, right after Charli, of course.

  “True,” I scoff, adding to the ever growing giant which is better known as my ego. “But all it takes is one punch. If I miss even the smallest little move, they could take me out.”

  “I guess,” he agrees, putting the empty beer down and reaching for the second. “I still got bets on you so you better not fuck up,” he warns me.

  “Really?” I question, “That might just be incentive enough to throw the match,” I joke.

  “Get fucked,” he laughs as the girls finally emerge from the bathroom.

  Charli comes out in a gold sequined dress that hugs her perfect body just right. I get up off the couch and go straight for her. I grab her wrists and hold them up over her head as I slam her up against the wall.

  My lips come down on her neck and I press my body against hers. She lifts her legs around my waist and I grind myself into her. She lets out a moan and I release her wrists so I can explore the feel of her body.

  A throat clears behind us and I groan into her neck. “Do you think they’ll go away if we pretend they aren’t here?” I murmur.

  “It’s worth a try,” Charli giggles.

  “Seriously, dude? I know you love your girl and all, but I’m sure tonight’s forty grand will look pretty good in your bank account,” Aaron comments.

  “Are you kidding me?” Zara scolds Aaron. “This shit is hot, please continue.”

  I let out a sigh as I grind myself against her one more time. “This isn’t over,” I warn her.

  “I’m counting on it,” she says as she untwines her legs from my waist.

  We lock up and head for Aarons truck. He pulls the keys from his pocket and I snatch them from his hand while making my way to the driver’s seat. “What gives?” he demands.

  “You just had two beers in the space of five minutes. I’m not letting you drive, especially with my girl in the truck,” I tell him.

  “Fine,” he sulks as he climbs up into the passenger’s seat. The girls get in the back and before we know it, I’m pulling up at tonight’s location.

  We make our way in and just like the few times before, they come in through the back with me until it’s time for the fight to begin.

  Cole wraps my hands and I’m pleased to find my match is second in line, which means I’ll be in and out in no time, and back home, buried deep inside my girl, making her scream my name over and over again.

  Half an hour later, I stand in the middle of the ring with the crowd cheering my name, waiting for my opponent to emerge.

  The kid who is better known as ‘The Dark Shadow’ comes strutting out into the ring. He’s roughly the same size as me and from watching him the week before, he’s just as quick which means tonight comes down to pure skill.

  Luke had blurted out all the facts of the guy before the match and apparently, while he’s fast with his punches, his footwork is lacking, he apparently also favors his right side which is just enough information to give me a good boost into the match.

  The fight gets started and just as I expected, we are equally matched. As I land a blow, he also lands one. I know watching this must be killing Charli’s nerves so I do my best I get the job done without getting touched.

  Just as I had told Aaron, I need a clear mind with this one. I keep my eyes trained on the guy, watching and waiting for every little movement he makes and I quickly realize that I’m so deep in concentration, I am almost his mirror image. When he moves, I move.

  The fight continues on and the crowd screams for an ending. Comments like ‘finish him,” are thrown around and I have to admit, the crass nature sort of spurs me on.

  I could go on forever but at the same time, I w
ant to get back to my girl and enjoy the night, so I push myself a little harder. My punches come out stronger and faster and my reflexes sharpen up.

  I get the guy down to his knees with a kick and I take the opportunity. I hear him gasping for breath and realize I could have just kept going, exhaustion would have taken him soon. I get him completely down, but he isn’t ready to give in yet.

  He punches and kicks up at me so I drop down on top of him, locking his arms at his side. He squirms desperately, realizing its nearly over. I put the guy out of his misery and bring my fist down to the side of his head.

  His eyes roll back in his head and it’s light’s out.

  I hate winning by KO, but apparently, it’s the ‘in’ thing. I’ve always felt it was a way of cheating, but in the underground, you do what you got to do.

  I’m declared the winner and I make my way back to the fighter’s area with Cole who scolds me on each mistake and error I made. I get myself dressed as Cole grabs a first aid kit to clean up all the little cuts my opponent managed to make.

  I head back out to the ring and find Charli in her sexy little dress. It doesn’t take me long to realize she isn’t alone. In fact, she has quite the little crowd surrounding her.

  Every single player from the Dragons stand with my girl and I wonder how the hell I didn’t notice them before, even Coach Harris stands among them and man, am I’m happy I didn’t fuck up that fight, otherwise I’d never live it down.

  Charli throws herself into my arms and kisses me with pride. “Do you have any idea how turned on I get watching you fight?” she murmurs into my ear.

  I grin down at the little minx. “Don’t you forget it,” I tell her.

  “Fuck,” Jaxon says as I make my way over to the guys. “You’ve got skill,” he admits as he pulls me in and claps me on the back. “I’m not even pissed you kept it from me anymore.”

  “Thanks,” I say with a grin. “And sorry, I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t.”

  “Nah,” he says shaking it off. “Don’t worry about it. I get it.”

  Relief washes over me. I hated the feeling that I was betraying the boys, especially Jaxon as I had really come to respect him over the time I’ve known him, but to hear we’re all cool, makes everything feel right again.

  One by one, the boys come around and chew me out while also offering their compliments on the fight. I introduce Charli to the guys properly, even though she apparently has already done it.

  The next fight gets started and it appears we’re all making a night of it. Drinks get bought and the boys get wasted.

  It’s not long before Coach starts looking like he’d rather be anywhere else and takes off, a few of the ‘good’ boys follow his lead and get going and before we know it, there’s just a small group of us left.

  We all move in to watch the last fight when someone comes barging past me and knocks me in the shoulder, spilling my drink all over Charli. She gasps as the cold liquid splashes all over her body.

  I grab the culprit and instantly recognise ‘Pitt Bull’ wearing a smirk. I realize pretty damn quickly that he had done it on purpose and rage flies through me. “I think you owe my girl an apology,” I demand as Charli stares at him with her arms crossed over her chest and narrowed eyes.

  ‘Pitt Bull’ looks Charli up and down with a sick kind of interest that has me right on edge. “I’ll give your girl all sorts of things, but an apology isn’t one,” he says with a smirk.

  I know I shouldn’t but the alcohol in my system is urging me on. I grab the fucker by the collar and pull him to me. “You better fucking watch it, asshole,” I warn.

  “Or what?” he laughs. “You’ve got no fucking chance against me. You’re nothing, just some scum standing in between me and my fucking payday. You better watch your back because I’m coming for you.

  I smirk back at the loser, knowing he’s talking shit. He wouldn’t have said a word if he wasn’t worried I could beat his ass. “Bring it, fucker. The only place you’re coming is in second after I wipe the floor with you.”

  He lets out a growl and gives me a shove, right into the rest of my group. I can’t help it, no one disrespects my girl and then my boys. I push him back and suddenly it’s on. With the crowd around us and the tables and chairs, I take him straight down.

  My fist pummels into his face and I grin at the satisfaction it gives me.

  Cole is on me in seconds, desperately trying to pull me off him. Luke and Jace join in and eventually get us separated. “Deal with it in the ring,” Cold scolds us both. “It’s only a fucking week away. I’m sure you dickheads can reign it in until then.”

  ‘Pitt Bull’ gives out a scoff before spitting blood from his mouth. He turns his back and disappears.

  “You,” Cole says, pointing an angry finger at me. “Get your ass home,” he demands before turning and disappearing through the side door.

  Shit. I’m going to pay for that.

  Chapter 19


  I stand in the salon, working on this girl’s hair. She told me her name is Bri and that her twin brother is Bobby, from The Dragons and is good friends with Xander. I’m pretty sure I met the guy the other night at the fight, but there were a lot of people and a lot of alcohol. The girl seems nice and has been telling me all about her boyfriend Carter who apparently is dynamite in bed, though, I’m sure she doesn’t truly understand the meaning of a man being dynamite in bed until she’s been with Xander, but, that’s never going to happen.

  I love when a client is happy to chat away, even if it’s the boring sort of chatter. It beats standing here with a client for half an hour in complete silence. It gets real awkward, real fast.

  The last few days, I feel as though I’ve been living in bliss. Living with Xander and starting our lives together, on top of the general loving life at the moment with the salon and Micky’s. Xander is like a whole new person since getting out from under his parents hold. He suddenly isn’t so broody, which don’t get me wrong, his broody side was damn sexy, but the playful, carefree one is even better.

  After finishing a wash and blow dry on Brianna’s hair, I send her off feeling as fresh as a daisy with a clubbing date scheduled for Saturday night with her and her best friend Cassie, who apparently is Jaxon’s girlfriend. Come to think of it, I think I’ve seen them at Micky’s and they were most likely at that game I went to, though, I was pretty damn preoccupied with the sexy slice of heaven I had my eyes locked on.

  Xander has his final fight in two days and I have to admit, I’m a terrified wreck. I know he will do great, he’s mentally and physically ready, and without a doubt, I know he could take it out but I can’t help but wonder how far ‘Pitt Bull’ is going to take it before Xander gets through with the winning hit.

  I’ve watched as many of ‘Pitt Bull’s’ recent fights as possible to find out what areas he’s lacking in, but to be honest, I really don’t know what I’m looking for. I’m sure the boys at Rebels Advocate have been studying up on ‘Pitt Bull’ to give Xander his best chance, but when it comes down to it, ‘Pitt Bull’ fights dirty. He’s brutal and terrifying and that scares the living crap out of me and leaves me wondering if Xander is going to be quick enough to evade ‘Pitt Bull’s’ advances. Or, is ‘Pitt Bull’ going to play dirty and beat Xander to a pulp before he has a chance to come through? All I know is that there’s a lot of money on the line and when money comes in to play, people change.

  I know Xander has the skill and the will to beat him, but I hope he can stay true to himself, win the fight without fighting dirty, and leave the competition with his head held high. I’m afraid that he will never forgive himself if he played by ‘Pitt Bull’s’ rules and caused actual harm.

  I head out the back of the salon, when Gina comes out of her office, looking down at her iPad and bumps straight into me. The iPad goes flying and I stumble around, desperately trying to catch it before it cracks on the tiles.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Gina exclaims as I finally ge
t purchase on the iPad. “I’m so sorry, dear. I’ve been so caught up doing this silly order.”

  “Its fine,” I say, handing the iPad back with a beaming smile.

  “How’s it going out there?” she questions.

  “Good,” I say. “Zara’s in the middle of a colour. There are two style cuts and I just finished my wash and blow dry.”

  “Oh, excellent. What’s your schedule like now?”

  “My next client isn’t due for thirty minutes, so I was just going to get some cleaning done,” I explain.

  “Don’t be silly,” she says. “Go take your lunch break, I’ll get Steph to clean after her client. You’ve been working off your feet.”

  I give her a grateful smile just as my stomach starts to growl. Excellent timing. “Thanks,” I say, ducking into the staff area and grabbing my bag. “I’ll head down to the café. Can I get you anything?”

  Her eyes lighten in excitement and I already know what she’s going to say. “A coffee would be great.”

  “No problem,” I laugh as I sling my bag over my shoulder. I make my way out of the salon and down the road to fill my stomach. I order a sandwich and Gina’s coffee before playing a game on my phone while I wait.

  My order is ready in record time and I sit at the outdoor table to annihilate my lunch.

  Not wanting Gina’s coffee to get cold, I head back a little early. The streets are quiet, but there’s a nice breeze, so I enjoy the walk and work on relaxing my body and arms for my afternoon filled with clients. They never tell you about all the negative things that go along with your dream job, but for a hairdresser that would be sore arms after doing multiple blow dry’s a day, oh and of course, there’s the occasional shitty client, but so far, I haven’t had to deal with that.

  I’m completely lost in my own world as I make my way back to the salon when a black van comes screeching to a stop beside me. My eyes widen in shock before my body starts to react. What the hell is going on? The door slides open and a very familiar man comes flying out onto the pathway and heads straight for me.


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