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Trust Him: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels of Sterling Prep Book 4)

Page 25

by Caitlyn Dare

  By the time we make it downstairs, we are well past the ten-minute warning Conner gave us, but when we find him shoveling waffles like he hasn’t eaten all year in the kitchen with everyone else, I understand why he never came to find us.

  “At last,” he says with a roll of his eyes when we take a seat.

  “Waffles?” Sarah asks, lowering two plates in front of us.

  “Thank you. This smells incredible.”

  “Waffles are tradition for me and Remi, so we thought we’d continue. Did you three have any Christmas traditions as kids?”

  Ace snorts in disbelief while my eyes widen.

  “Sure did, Sarah. We always played the exciting game of trying to guess what was in the mystery can that we’d pushed to the back of the cupboard every year after the label fell off.

  “If we were lucky it was custard, unlucky it was dog food that one of the neighbors gave us out of pity.”

  Her chin drops at Conner’s words, and although I want to tell her that he’s joking, sadly, he’s not. Although he is exaggerating about the dog food, as far as I know.

  “Oh, well…” She looks between the three of us awkwardly. “Are there any traditions you’d like to start, seeing as this is hopefully the first of many family Christmases we’ll have together?”

  Ace shrugs while I shake my head, Conner, on the other hand, has plenty of suggestions.

  “I didn’t see a box big enough under the tree that might be hiding my stripper.”

  “Conner,” we all bark simultaneously.

  “What? I’m joking, obviously. Just keep the food coming and I’m all good,” he says, reaching out for another waffle.

  Once we’ve eaten, we move through to the living area where Sarah, Remi and Hadley set up a huge Christmas tree covered in white and gold twinkling lights and decorations. It’s really quite something.

  Sarah and James both happily hand out gifts until each of us has a little pile to open while the two of them stare at us all with wide smiles on their faces.

  I sit back and watch as Ace and Conner open theirs. I love seeing their eyes light up at the simplest of gifts.

  Conner wasn’t lying this morning. We’ve never had this, and, although annoying as fuck, I totally understood his excitement. Just opening a new set of boxers is a serious improvement on our childhoods.

  The gifts are all simple and understated, and I think there’s probably a very good reason for that. They know this is beyond what we’re used to, and anything extravagant would blow our minds. But this Christmas isn’t about money, or expensive presents. It’s about family. Just a few months ago, I’d have laughed if someone would have told me I’d be sitting here now enjoying this, but I am. At some point, this place became my home, and the people around me became an extension of my family.

  “One more gift left,” James announces, turning to Sarah who stares at him with love pouring from her eyes. It would be sickening if I wasn’t already aware that this is probably how I look every time I glance at Hadley.

  My girl’s hand slips into mine, and I feel the brush of the ring I gave her only a week ago against my finger.

  I know it was crazy, but I promised myself that if she ever decided to give us a second chance I wanted to prove to her just how serious I was, and I couldn’t think of anything more serious than asking her to be mine forever.

  She smiles up at me as if she can read my thoughts, and I drop my lips to her forehead right as Sarah gasps in surprise.

  Turning toward my father, I find him on one knee before the woman he loves.

  “Oh my God,” Remi whispers as she looks between the two of them.

  “Sarah, you’ve become an invaluable part of my life, my family, and I can’t imagine a day here without you by my side. Would you do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife?”

  Tears stream down Sarah’s cheeks as she agrees, and, after dropping to her knees with James, she allows him to slide the ring onto her finger.

  “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it,” she says before James sweeps her up into his arms.

  “Aw,” Hadley whispers beside me, curling into my side.

  “That was romantic and all, but you do realize that Ace and Remi are now officially going to be brother and sister?” Conner announces.

  “Step,” Remi barks. “And Conner?”


  “Shut the fuck up,” we all say at the same time before launching cushions at him.

  “I’d like to say a few words before we dive in,” James says, pushing his chair out and standing at the head of the table.

  Conner’s face drops as he continues staring at the bird in the center of the table before slumping back in his chair in disappointment.

  “Only a few months ago, all our lives changed forever. While the three of you came here kicking and screaming, or should I say fighting, I got everything I’d ever wanted.

  “I spent my whole adult life wanting to finally get the chance to be your father, and despite the awful events that got you here, I couldn’t be more grateful to finally have this chance.

  “I know things haven't been easy. The past few months have been challenging for all of us in more ways than one.” He looks around the table at each of us. “But I hope that as we move into the new year, we’ve all turned a corner.

  “The five of you have exciting times ahead of you. Ace with your job, Cole with your new team and college, and Conner with whatever you decide to do. I know you’ll make me proud, Son,” he says looking around the table, “and I just want you all to know that I couldn’t be prouder of the adults you’re quickly becoming.”

  “So as my soon-to-be bride said earlier,” he grabs his glass and lifts it into the air, “to our first of many family Christmases. Conner, you may now eat.”

  Laugher erupts from the table as James tilts Sarah’s head his way and captures her lips with his. Following their lead, I do the same with my girl. And when I pull back, I find Ace followed suit too, leaving Conner alone with his bird.

  “At least she doesn't talk back,” he mutters, cutting himself off a huge piece and dumping it on his plate.

  “This time next year, bro. You’ll see.”

  He grumbles something in response, but I don’t catch it.

  Everyone dives for the food, but I stay put, just watching their happiness and excitement.

  “Dad?” I say, making everyone stop moving.

  “Yeah, Son?”

  “Thank you.” The words reverberate deep inside me. “You didn’t have to put up with the three of us after the drama we brought on you, and I want to say, for the three of us, that we really appreciate everything you’ve done. Hell knows we’d all be dead or in prison by now if it weren’t for you.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Conner mutters.

  “To James. For taking in his delinquent kids and mostly not regretting it.”

  “To James.”

  He smiles at me, and I can’t help but return it before we begin our feast.

  Hadley’s hand lands on my thigh as she leans into my ear. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s really not. What you just said made his entire year, not just his Christmas. I love you, Cole Jagger.”

  “I love you, too, Little Dove. Now eat, before there’s nothing left,” I joke, turning back to the table and filling my plate.

  Her stare remains on me for a beat before she follows my lead.

  There’s no doubt about it, Hadley Dove Rexford saved my life this year. It might not all have been easy going, but she saved me, and I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life showing her just how much that means to me.



  “You ready to party Heights style?” I ask, pulling Hadley into my side as we head toward Nate’s house where tonight’s party is being held. She looks a little apprehensive, but she doesn’t need to be. Heights might be a scary place to people who aren’t used to it, but she’s a Jagger now. No
one would dare say or do anything to her.

  Just like at Halloween, there are kids everywhere, all more than ready to see in the New Year and put the old one in the past.

  As relieved as I am to forget about the last few months, I can’t regret any of them. They’ve helped make me who I am today, with my girl at my side and a bright football future ahead of me.

  Over the holidays, Hadley and I filled in her Colton U application. She’s still not one hundred percent on what she wants to do, but she’ll get there. All I know is that Colton would be stupid not to have her—not that I’m going to give them a choice, because there’s no way I’m spending another day without my girl at my side.

  She’s spent the entire holidays at the house with us, but she’s already warned me that when school starts back up she’s going to be spending some time in dorms. I’ve told her I’ll allow it, but I must admit that I’m ready to lock her up in my bedroom to stop it from happening.

  The front door opens and Nate, Levi, Jay and a couple of other members of the team come spilling out.

  “Oh look, here he is, the newest Colt who’s going to take the NFL by storm one day.”

  They all come over and pull me away from Hadley so they can congratulate me, although I don’t miss the jealousy in their eyes. Nate might be the only senior, but I can’t imagine him heading off to college at the end of the year. But then, I never really thought I’d get this opportunity, so I guess crazier things have happened.

  I look back to check on Hadley and find her with Remi, Ace and Conner. Happy that she’s entertained, I turn my attention back to the guys to answer all their questions.

  As we make our way inside, we turn toward the main living room while Nate tells the kids who are occupying the couches to fuck off so we can all get comfortable.

  Hadley falls down onto my lap with her soda while I place mine on the coffee table.

  I know I could handle a drink now without going off the deep end, but while I don’t feel like I’m missing out without it, I figure why bother. I’m more than happy to let Ace, Conner and the girls enjoy themselves tonight while I stay sober to drive us all home. I’ve told Hadley time and time again to have a drink, but she point-blank refuses, wanting to support me. I couldn’t love her any more for it, although I hate that she might be missing out on some fun because of my stupid decisions.

  With my arm possessively wrapped around Hadley’s waist, I watch the others shoot the shit as the alcohol flows and they get more and more lit.

  Everything is great, until a shadow falls over our group and the conversations pause for a beat.

  Looking up, I find Warren Kraven glancing around us all with Kennedy Lowe tucked into his side. His arm is locked around her waist, clearly showing exactly who she belongs to. And there’s no question in my mind who that not-so-subtle message is for.

  It’s the first time I’ve seen her since we left, and my eyes automatically find Conner on the other couch to see his reaction to her. As far as I’m aware, he hasn’t seen or heard from her either.

  His eyes narrow on the two of them as the muscle in his jaw starts to pulsate.

  Looking back, I immediately see what I missed the first time, a dark shadow beneath her eye which certainly doesn't look like it’s from a lack of sleep over the holidays.

  “What’s wrong? You’ve just gone really tense.”

  “You know Conner’s girl?” I say around a tight expression.

  “Yeah,” Hadley breathes, already turning to look, guessing what I’m about to say.

  “Well, that’s her.”

  “Oh.” She looks between Kennedy and Conner, her own shoulders tightening, clearly able to see what I can in my twin brother. “Things are about to get interesting, aren't they?”

  “It’s the Heights,” I mumble. Shit always gets interesting.”


  My heart slams against my ribs as I look up into her light blue eyes. My breath catches as I realize that I was not prepared in the slightest to see her again, despite the fact that I hoped she’d be here.

  I’d hoped to see her at Halloween. It’s the reason I even suggested Cole and I went to the party that night. But I was disappointed.

  I know she was mad when we left, but I wasn’t expecting her to disappear from my life the second we stepped foot outside the Heights.

  It hurt.

  It really fucking hurt.

  She’d always been my girl. My best friend. And she just cut me out of her life like I meant nothing. Like I hadn’t cut out my own heart and stomped all over it just so she could find her own happiness months before that.

  My fists curl at my sides as I study her. Her makeup is the same, the heavy eyeliner she always loved firmly in place along with her dark, stained lips. I run my eyes down her body, over the small black dress she’s wearing that shows off what she always used to try to hide, and the ink that covers her left arm, although I swear there’s more than there was the last time I saw her.

  It’s not until I find her eyes again that something explodes within me. She’s done a fairly good job, but even the best makeup artist would struggle to cover the black eye she’s trying to hide.

  My gaze turns to her boyfriend, Warren, another old friend.

  It was always the three of us growing up. Despite the fact that Warren was in Ace’s year at school, he just connected with Kenny and me.

  His eyes narrow on mine when he senses my stare, and I swear his grip on Kenny tightens. Surely, he can’t be feeling threatened by my presence. I haven’t spoken or even seen either of them since the summer. As much as I might like to steal his girl from him, I’m sure the reality of that happening the first time we see each other again after this long is unlikely.

  Ripping my eyes away from the couple, I stare at the coffee table in front of me. I don’t miss my brother’s burning stare, but I can’t look up at him. He’ll see too much, and the last thing any of us need tonight is me getting into it with someone who was meant to be my best friend over the state of my girl’s face.

  She’s not your fucking girl.

  Shaking my head, I push from the couch and stalk from the room in the hope of finding something stronger than the beer someone handed me when I first walked in.

  We’re meant to be celebrating tonight. It’s a new year, one where our lives are going to change forever as we finish high school and embark on our first steps toward our futures, and all I want to do is walk out and forget it’s even happening.

  How can looking at one person change everything so fast? I was pumped to be here tonight. To show Remi and Hadley just a bit of our old lives, to feel like the old me once again.

  But it’s too much.

  All of it is too fucking much.

  I find a bottle of vodka in the kitchen and twist the top. The first swig burns, but even with the strength of it, I fear it’ll never remove the image of her attempt to hide that bruise.

  “Are you okay?” A soft hand lands on my upper arm, and when I turn, I find Hadley staring back at me with concern filling her eyes.

  “Yeah. I’m great, it’s New Year’s Eve.” But despite the effort I put into my words, they fall totally flat. Hadley’s face drops, telling me she didn’t miss it either.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “And ruin your night as well? No, I really fucking don’t.”

  She smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Well, I’m here if you need it. Anytime.”

  “I know. Thanks, Hads. Things are just…”

  “Complicated?” she asks with a knowing glint in her eye.

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  She squeezes my hand. “If it’s meant to be, then it will be.” She smiles once more before disappearing into the crowd.

  I stay where I am, downing a little more of the vodka before wandering through the house to see what trouble I can find—or more specifically, who’ll be the first to offer me a joint. But as I step into the dining room, I find two fig
ures in the shadows. I recognize them instantly and freeze in the doorway, hoping that neither of them see me.

  Kennedy’s small body crashes back against the wall as an oomph falls from her lips.

  Not wanting to get caught watching them, I step from the room, lifting the bottle that’s still in my hand to my lips.

  After only a few seconds, footsteps rush my way before Kenny emerges from the room. Before I know what I’m doing, I wrap my hand around her upper arm and turn her to face me.

  “What—” My words falter at the tears pooled in her eyes. “Shit.”

  With her arm still in my grasp, I pull her from the house and into the trees at the bottom of Nate’s backyard.

  “Is he hurting you?” I bark, not bothering with any of the pleasantries that would probably be appropriate for how many months have passed since we breathed the same air.

  “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice cracks, giving her away. Not that I need it to. I’ve always been able to read her, and right now she’s lying through her teeth.

  “Don’t fucking lie to me, Kenny,” I shout, making her cower a little, and the bottle that was in my hand shatters against one of the trees behind her.

  “I-I’m n-not,” she whimpers.

  I step up to her and she takes one back, her eyes locked on the dirt beneath our feet, not willing to allow herself to show me everything she knows I’ll be able to read in her eyes.

  “Kenny,” I warn, although my voice comes out softer this time. It has the desired effect; her eyes find mine.

  She still feels the pull that was always between us, I can see it as I stare at her. I can feel it tugging me closer to her.

  “You’re lying to me. Why?”

  “You need to go, Conner. If he…”

  “If he what?”

  She shakes her head. “It’s nothing. This isn’t your life anymore. You shouldn’t even be here.”


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