Toby the Protector

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Toby the Protector Page 6

by Blue Saffire

  “Hey,” I turn at the sound of a voice to find a tall brunette.

  She’s pretty, light brown eyes, full pink, pouty lips. My eyes roam over her body and a smile comes to my face. I can definitely see myself with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “Hey,” I say back.

  “You’re Toby, right?” she says, with a seductive smile on her lips.

  I lift a questioning brow at her. Her smile brightens, showing her face to be prettier than I originally thought. I nod my head and step in closer to her. She smells sweet, but she also has a hint of a familiar smell, as if she’s been around something familiar to me.

  My brain tries to work out where I know the familiar scent from. It’s right there, I almost have it. Only, the girl before me, breaks the thread I’m getting ready to pull, when she places her hand on the bare left side of my chest.

  “I’m Gwen. I’ve been trying to get my roommate to introduce us for weeks. I’m so glad you’re here tonight,” she purrs.

  Yup, I’m hitting this tonight. I’m a little tired of tugging on my shit to fantasies of a girl I’ll never have. My eyes lock on Gwen’s glossy pink lips, imagining then wrapped around me.

  “That makes two of us,” I say, with a crooked smile.

  Gwen releases a small giggle, not too annoying. Or it could just be the music drowning it out. I take a sip of my beer and decide. To hell with it. Tonight, might actually turn out how I’d planned in the first place.



  I wipe my sweaty palms on my thighs. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I should have stayed in my dorm room. An hour ago, I thought I would.

  I have been trying to summon the courage to do this. I don’t even know why I think it matters, whether I show up or not. My roommate asked me for weeks to come to this party.

  Each time, I told her no. I already know Gwendolyn is nice to me because my brother is friends with Toby. She has been trying to get me to introduce them.

  Over my dead body.

  When Kwäzē told me he and Toby would be attending this party, I almost had a panic attack. Gwen would not need me to introduce her to Toby. She would have the opportunity to do it herself.

  Knowing this, is how I got the crazy idea in my head to come to this party. I even picked this crazy costume, thinking I would have the courage to wear it. I don’t know who I thought I was fooling.

  The only reason I stand here now, dressed like this is because Gwen sent me a drunken text. It was a picture of her dancing with Toby. I stepped into my heels and dashed out of my room immediately.

  I should have been here two hours ago. Now, as I stand on the front porch, I don’t know what I think I’m doing here. Gwen is gorgeous. Toby has already met her. I don’t know what I think I can do.

  “Damn,” a tall brown skin guy, drags out, as he steps out from the party. “You’re killing every girl in there.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  My cheeks warm and I tighten my fingers into fists. I refuse to fidget. I came here with a mission in mind and I plan to see it out.

  I step forward and the gold chains of my costume ring in my ears. I hear the guy behind me curse, before I feel his heat at my back. He places a hand on my waist and whispers in my ear.

  “I can’t leave without just one dance with you,” he breathes.

  I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I turn and place a hand on his chest. My brother is protective. Seeing this guy all over me, will be a problem. I want to kick myself for choosing this costume.

  “Thank you, but no thank you,” I say with a smile to soften the blow.

  He frowns, his eyes pleading for me to change my mind. I shake my head, before turning to enter the party fully. I scan the room and find the golden eyes, I’m looking for right away.

  Suddenly, the room falls away and he is all I see, all I can focus on. It doesn’t matter that I hear others around me trying to get my attention. My only focus is getting across the room.

  I have come for Toby and Toby alone. I feel the anger that burns my veins, when Gwen touches Toby’s arm to get his attention. She does not deserve my Toby. For her to have him, I cannot allow.



  I think I’m dreaming. I have to be. It’s the only explanation for what I’m seeing. Every girl in here is dressed as some type of goddess, but there’s one that has hit it on the head, knocking it out of the park.

  Kamara has taken this to the next level. She didn’t go with the simple toga dress or the silky fabrics that the other girls have on. No, not Kamara.

  Fuck me.

  I don’t even know where to begin. The golden halo affixed to her head, is just the beginning. I don’t know whether she has on a full face of makeup. It’s not obvious like with other girls. Her face is glowing and her full lips have a gold gloss to them.

  My eyes lower and nearly pop from my head. The gold bra she has on has gold chains draping from and covering it. They give the illusion of fabric that’s barely covering her mid-section.

  Her taunt skin is on display, calling attention to her milk chocolate complexion. I’ve often wondered if her deep rich color is as even on the rest of her body, as it is on her face. Now, I don’t have to wonder anymore. She’s flawless everywhere.

  Her legs are bare, as more chains give a sporadic covering to her most sacred treasure and her upper thighs. Basically, she’s in her bra and panties with gold heels on her feet.

  She looks just like a fucking Egyptian goddess. I don’t hear anyone. I don’t see anything else but Kamara, as she enters the party and makes her way towards me. I had given up on her coming. I thought she changed her mind.

  Instead, she has shown up to make the entrance of all entrances. I don’t have to look to tell all eyes are on her. Her presence commands the room, as she seems to float forward. The bass of the music takes over the room, as I’m entranced by her movements. She’s not moving to beat of the music, the music is moving to the sway of her hips.

  I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight in my life. Her hair is wild behind the halo, adding to the dramatics of her overall look. The gold cuffs on her wrists just take the entire outfit over the top to perfection. Kamara is perfection.

  Her full hips sway, as she makes her way, it’s like she’s floating on air. I don’t even know if she’s aware of the sexiness she’s exuding. That long luscious body was made to grab for attention.

  “Toby, Toby,” Gwen calls drunkenly.

  Honestly, I lost interest in her an hour ago. I’m part Irish, part Scottish, I can hold my liquor. It’s never wise to try to follow me. Gwen has tried and failed, horribly.

  “Hey, I think you should go drink some water,” I say to Gwen, without looking away from Kamara.

  I can hear the pout in Gwen’s voice, when she replies. “But, I want to dance again.”

  “Hello, Gwen. Hey, Toby,” Kamara says, when she stops before us.

  It hits me right away. That scent, the one I caught a hint of on Gwen. It’s Kamara’s scent. I curse internally, as I play Gwen’s words back in my head.

  Kamara must be her roommate. I almost fucked her roommate. I feel sick to my stomach. I know it’s crazy, but I would’ve had a problem with that.

  I move closer to Kamara, crowding her space. “You look gorgeous,” I whisper for her ears alone.

  The smile that takes over her face is amazing. “Thank you.”

  I go to say something else, but Kwäzē appears, looking like a bull in a china shop. He grabs his sister’s arm and spins her to face him. His face is covered by a dark cloud.

  “What is this you are wearing,” his accent comes out stronger with his anger.

  “It is my costume,” Kamara defends.

  I’m at a loss for words. My own anger flares, now it is registering in my head, how the other guys were staring as she walked towards me. With Kamara’s back to me, I can see why.

  Those golden chains do little to cover her ass. In truth, they are
calling all types of attention to it, as they rest against her full globes. I can’t stop the instant erection I have. I was already semi hard, from watching her walk towards me.

  I curse under my breath and move closer to her to block anyone else’s view. Kamara and Kwäzē are in the middle of a heated agreement. It isn’t lost on me that I can’t understand them.

  I figured out a few years ago, that Kamara tends to speak in a different dialect from the one that Kwäzē taught me, when we were kids. This fact has peaked my interest more than once. I get the feeling that even now their use of this particular tongue is intentional.

  “We are leaving,” Kwäzē demands with finality.

  I don’t disagree. If he didn’t demand it, I sure as hell was. This party was over for me the moment Kamara walked in, grabbing my full attention. There’s nothing here for me.

  “Kwäzē,” Kamara challenges.

  I place a hand on the small of her back. It’s a huge mistake. It’s like she arches into my touch and it feels so right, but I know it’s so wrong. I move even closer to her, allowing my body heat to blanket her, when I feel her shiver.

  “I’ll walk with you guys,” I say, effectively cutting off her protest.

  “Fine,” she murmurs to my relief.

  This girl is going to be the death of me. I have no right to want her the way I do. I don’t even know if it’s possible to have her and keep my friendship with my best friend.

  I’m in trouble.

  chapter Six



  It has been a month since that party Kwäzē dragged me home from. Gwen hasn’t spoken to me since. I don’t much care, I never really cared for her.

  One thing I have noticed, I have had a lot more invitations for dates. College is proving to be a different experience from high school. I have a few friends that I enjoy spending time with.

  I’ve had offers for dates in the past, but my brother did not approval of any of my suitors. Besides, I’ve been enjoying my studies too much to get involved in dating seriously.

  My goal has been to catch up to Kwäzē. I would like to graduate with my brother. It has taken some time and I’ve had to double my efforts, by taking the maximum class load, but I’m making it happen.

  My mother and father are very proud. I did not think my father was going to let me attend university, at first. At least not as a resident student. I thought he was going to force me to commute.

  Once I chose to follow Kwäzē and Toby to the same school, my father was more than willing to allow me to live on campus close to Kwäzē and Toby. Kwäzē wanted me to move into his apartment. It was my choice to live in the dorms.

  My brother and I are very different. He is still way more social than I am. I will admit, for the first year, I was gun shy, after my high school encounters.

  I’m much more confident in myself and my ability to make friends. I just didn’t think living with Kwäzē would be a match for me. I like the dorms, despite Gwen and her sense of entitlement.

  My freshman year roommate was much nicer. Cathy just decided to transfer this year. I was a little disappointed with that. She was the first friend I made.

  “I want to thank you for cooking,” Kwäzē says, sticking his face into the pot, bringing me from my thoughts.

  I’m making a stew for him and some of his friends. Like I said, I know we wouldn’t have been a good fit. Normally, I would be studying on a night like this. I am just as smart as my brother. I just believe in studying, he does not.

  Instead, Kwäzē likes to socialize. Tonight, he is having a few friends over to his apartment. I offered to cook to get an invitation. Not that my brother wouldn’t invite me.

  He just hasn’t pressured me into any of his events, since that party. I know the way to my brother’s heart. The moment I mentioned cooking stew, he was too focused on the stew to wonder about my sudden interest in coming to his dinner.

  “It is nothing,” I say, feigning nonchalance.

  Kwäzē moves to the oven to peek at the bread I have baking. I look up through my lashes to find the eyes I’ve felt on me all night. Toby is in the living room sipping on a beer, while talking to some of the others.

  He maybe in the conversation, but his attention is completely on me. It’s been this way since the party. Whenever I’m around, Toby’s focus is on me and mine on him. It’s like we’ve become magnets.

  “She’s here,” Kwäzē breathes, breaking my attention from Toby. I turn to see the excitement in my brother’s eyes, as he looks down at his phone. “How do I look?”

  I smile at my twin. He looks as handsome as ever. Kwäzē is a little over six-four, a whole five inches taller than me and more. We have the same dark brown complexion, Kwäzē’s thick black brows highlight his smooth skin and draw attention to his slanted brown eyes.

  His dark hair tapers into a clean cut that complements his handsome face and features. His lips are just as full as mine. This Celeste girl does not know how lucky she is to have my brother’s attention. In our country, to have the eye of Kwäzē is an honor.

  “You look very handsome,” I say with a smile. My brows wrinkle, as a thought comes to me. “Are you sure you want to do this? You seem to be attached.”

  Kwäzē looks away from me. “It is just a date,” he says briskly, walking off before I can probe any further.

  I watch, as my brother makes his way to the door. When he opens it, the pretty girl he has been pursuing, in the last month, is on the other side. She is a little one.

  Her skin is the color of chestnut and her shoulder length hair is a medium brown. Her brown eyes sparkle, as she looks up at Kwäzē. I know that look. I get a pit in my stomach, as I see it. This will not end well.

  “You don’t like her?”

  I turn to see Toby standing on the other side of the counter, watching me closely. His golden eyes are looking into me. I don’t try to shy away. I don’t want to hide from Toby. If I have to hide from the rest of the world, so be it, but not from him.

  I shrug my shoulders. “It is not her. I think she is very nice. I…I just don’t think it is wise for Kwäzē to lead her on,” I say low enough for only Toby to hear.

  Toby wrinkles his brows. His eyes search mine and the wheels turn in his head. “I don’t think he’s leading her on. I think he likes her. A lot,” Toby says cautiously.

  I know he knows my brother almost as well as I do. He is right, I believe Kwäzē has real feelings for Celeste. That is the problem. As much as I would like to explain, this is not my secret to share.

  I plan to share things with Toby, but they will only be my things. Although, lately, I get the feeling that I’m less aware of my own secrets than I think. My father has been acting a little strangely.

  “What?” Toby asks, still watching me.

  I look up at him, just taking notice of the fact that I’ve been frowning. When I lock eyes with him this time, it is like a pulse has formed between us. I can feel the thread that has somehow formed to tie us together. It has its own heartbeat.

  I blink, but the connection remains. I shake my head slightly, trying to remember what I planned to say. Toby leans into me, only frazzling me further.

  I clear my throat. “It’s nothing,” I say and shake my head.

  Toby presses his lips and rounds the counter. He crowds my space, never breaking eye contact with me. He reaches for my fingers, holding them in his large hand. My belly drops, from his simple touch.

  Toby only increases the growing fire within, as his thumb begins to caress the back of my hand. He is weaving a powerful spell, I don’t believe I have the strength to fight, not that I want to. He dips his head to my ear.

  “I remember a long time ago, we agreed you wouldn’t keep things from me,” Toby murmurs next to my ear.

  “Yes, we did, but some secrets you have to earn. They cannot just be given,” I retort.

  Toby closes his eyes. I watch his jaw work beneath his skin. I can feel the tension coiling
with in him. As if he is warring with himself.

  “You aren’t going to make this easy,” he breathes, without opening his eyes.

  “Make what easy?”

  Hearing the confusion in my voice, he opens his eyes. He gives me a disbelieving look. My brows knit further.

  “Nothing,” he shakes his head, releasing my hand and backing away.



  She doesn’t know. Kamara doesn’t have a clue how I feel about her. I can see it in her eyes. I’m much older and wiser now.

  I won’t make the same mistake I made years ago. I need to treat Kamara as the delicate flower she is. I’m afraid if I push the way I’m used to, I’ll destroy any chance I may have with her.

  Something has changed between us over the past month. I’m drawn to her more and more, with each passing day. I don’t think I can ignore my feelings for her any longer. Seeing the way guys have been following after her, it drives me crazy to even think of her dating one of them.

  I know all the reasons why I shouldn’t date Kamara. I just have so many reasons why I just don’t care. Although, this, her not knowing how I feel, is enough to pause my intentions.

  As I back away, I force a smile on my face. “Don’t worry about your brother. He’s a grown man. He will figure things out,” I change the subject.

  Kamara blinks in confusion. I reach over her to snatch a cracker from one of the platters laid out. I’m starving. I’ve been looking forward to Kamara’s stew, since Kwäzē told me she would be cooking.

  Kamara smiles. “You are going to ruin your appetite.”

  My knee jerk reaction is to say something dirty to her, but I refrain. I turn my eyes towards the rest of the group in the living room. I groan internally as the girl, our friend Janice brought along watches me, from her perch on the sofa.

  I can’t even remember her name. I just know she has moved closer to me, every time I move further away from her. I’ve been trying to give settle hints that I’m not interested.

  “Looks like you have an admirer,” Kamara comments to my silence. “She is pretty.”


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