Book Read Free

The Women of the Rose

Page 4

by Sara Estey

  “Who is next?” he asks.

  We all look at each other, and then I ask if there is a bridge across the river.

  “Yes, a short walk down the river there is a bridge,” Adam says.

  We follow him as he walks downstream and, in about ten minutes we come to a roughly-built, wooden bridge. We cross to meet him and find a wooden table, and bench, with a pot of tea waiting for us.

  “Water to wine?” I ask.

  “No. One of the monks set this up for us. They also had tea after they finished the river walk,” Adam says.

  “So, how did you do that?” Sarah asks.

  “It really is from the belief that I can. You will see if you stay here a while,” Adam replies.

  “I would love to stay here longer,” Sarah says.

  Not knowing exactly how long we can stay, I think to myself of how much I’m enjoying the moments here, in this magical world so far removed from all that is going on outside of us.

  “I did get word from the Community today,” Adam says. “I had actually come back to the library to let you know.”

  “What did you hear?” I ask, as I fill our cups with tea.

  “Well, a few of the Community have now had charges placed against them,” Adam says. “These are charges beyond the original charge, regarding Hepatitis A. Among those charged are Rob, for tax evasion with the business.”

  “What? The seminars have only been going on for seven months. How can such a claim of tax evasion be made?” Jacob asks.

  “I don’t have all the details. You can use our secure line, to check in, when we go back up the mountain,” Adam replies.

  “David?” I ask.

  “Something about him being charged with having stolen holy books from the Vatican,” Adam says.

  We quickly finish our tea, and walk back up to the library. The tranquility that I felt has now dissipated a bit. We knew that there would be charges. It still makes me mad, though.

  “Here, this way,” Adam says, pulling me out of my thoughts. “The communication room is past the library.”

  A small building, that looks to be no more than a tool shed stands before us. Looking at each other inquisitively, we follow Adam through the door.

  Once inside the shed, we note a few chairs, and a small window that looks out over the river below. It looks like nothing more than a spot to catch one’s breath.

  Adam lifts open a door in the floor. I had not noticed it when we walked in. We see a staircase and follow him down it.

  At the end of the stairwell another door greets us. Adam opens the door and we follow him in. Surprised, I look around me. There are monks, sitting at various work stations throughout. The space reminds me of a work space you may find in a high-tech company. The lighting is bright. Potted plants line the walls along with stands of bamboo. The fact that the space is below ground is forgotten, as it is bright and cheerful.

  We follow Adam into a conference space and he has us sit. We call via a speaker phone and Connie is on the other end. Having not seen Connie for a bit, it is good to hear her voice.

  “It is projected they will be in for at least a month,” Connie says. “The business tax evasion charge is of course false, and we are pulling all the information together on that. It doesn’t matter, of course. But, we do believe that if we call off the seminars, they will call off the hounds on Rob.”

  “What about the charges against David?” I ask.

  “We don’t know. The Vatican is in a world of their own,” Connie replies. “The charges say David stole some ancient books from the Vatican. That is, I dare say, a more serious charge. Of course, it is not true. But, as we know, truth has no substance here. So, we really don’t know how long he will be in. We have our lawyers assisting, of course.”

  Connie lets us know that Judy has decided to go back to Florence, and that she will join her. They want to be close to where Rob and David are being held. It is now confirmed that they are being held in Florence, so at least we know where they are.

  “That makes sense, to stay in Florence,” I say. “It is beautiful here, though. If you could join us, it would be nice.”

  “I would love to; but I think Judy needs me now,” Connie says.

  Following the group out of the communications room I look at the monks who are working on the computers.

  “They are keeping a pulse on what is going on in the world, so we don’t completely lose touch,” Adam explains. “We need to be ready when, and if, things change. We also need to protect the knowledge we have until the time is right to release it.”


  Nirvana: Sex and Kundalini

  The chants of Om in the Hindu temple are drowned out by the humming of aircraft. In the two months I have been at the monastery, I have not heard the sound of a helicopter until this week. The humming of the engine, and swishing of the rotating blades, is so loud it sounds as if it is hovering over the temple. I walk out, with Adam and another monk, to see what is going on.

  Looking up we see that the helicopter is fairly close to us. It appears to be hovering, and then it flies off.

  “We are under some form of observation,” Adam says.

  I have been spending the last few months deep in meditation, and absorbing the healing vibration of the monastery. Each morning at 6 am I attend the Hindu temple blessing. I have felt that I am living in nirvana.

  Like the plants that grow larger, and brighter, and the monks who appear not to age, I too have changed. This place feels like divinity to me.

  The meditations, offerings, and pyramid generators, help to keep the space in a bubble of protection, away from the outside world. This I have been told, and have come to believe. But now, the intrusion of the aircraft this past week has broken the peace.

  “What is happening?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “The shield of protection has thinned. We are not as safe from the outside forces as we once were,” Adam says.

  Sarah and Jacob join us outside the temple, having heard the aircraft as well. I see that David is also walking towards us.

  David was released, after one month in custody, and the charges were dropped on the condition he not publicly speak about anything concerning the Vatican, or the church; and that he return all the books, given to him at one time, back to the Vatican.

  Rob had also been released; but, he is not allowed to leave Italy until the investigation into fraud is finished. Judy and he are holed up in the Florence house together, awaiting the progression of the false charges against him.

  David was able to join us, and we have been meditating and working on the project from the monastery.

  We had discovered that the Guru had channeled a book on kundalini energy. The book’s channelings were similar to what we had deduced. The Guru wrote of a time, where we were asexual and lived much longer lives than we do now. The kundalini energy was our life force. Fully open, it fed us with energy. We did not need to eat food, or drink water, he wrote, but merely lived from our life force energy.

  Through meditating with the monks, we had been practicing this. It was in line with the ancient tantric teachings. Though it is of the self; through a source. In this state, there is also no need, or desire, for sexual union with another.

  The other, similar, teaching of the Guru had to do with his channeling of the sacred heart. The higher heart energy would connect to source and, through the heart, one would connect with all that is in the world, and the cosmos. Through the heart connection, the ancient races spoken of would communicate with one another. It is a feeling of love that is beyond unconditional love.

  The awoken kundalini, as a source of the energy and vibration of one’s being, and also one’s heart energy, are the main components of the extended life span. This suffices; as well as living in a state of love, with a true knowing, and understanding, that one is connected to all.

  The works channeled by this man are fascinating, and in line with the Community’s work. We had started discu
ssing if we should, in fact, stay here permanently: move the rest of the Community to the monastery.

  Since David’s arrival, there had been some infiltration. This was the third time in a month that a helicopter had hovered over the area. A government agent had also visited a few days ago, saying he was just checking out the grounds, as they had received reports of disturbances there. When we asked what disturbances, he would not elaborate.

  It is unclear if David’s arrival had anything to do with the presence of these outside influences. But, there is a correlation in the timing.

  Walking to breakfast, David, Adam, and I, discuss what just happened in regards to the helicopter visiting the monastery.

  “Perhaps if I leave it will stop?” David asks.

  “That is doubtful,” Adam says.

  We discuss the predicament we are in. There is another reason to leave the monastery: the heart healing, or Christ Consciousness healing, and state of being. The Community has already worked in Egypt on the program, and I was part of that. However, I have not yet been to Jerusalem, and I have been receiving a strong inclination to visit the Holy Land, and experience Christ Consciousness, in the same place where Jesus spent much of his time.

  A large part of me does not want to go to Jerusalem. I already feel the heart consciousness here at the monastery, and I felt it when I was in Egypt. I feel the energy most of the time now. The monks live this way here.

  In the seminars the Community gave, we had not discussed this particular aspect of bringing our human selves to a higher vibration. What we taught was the healing of the kundalini crystalline energy, and awakening our DNA. This was through the ancient water blessing.

  The next piece had to do with the consciousness of the heart. We had known this, but did not fully understand the importance of it until living at the monastery. Somehow, these monks had known this before we did.

  “I have a question about sex. Why is the monastery exclusively men?” I ask Adam.

  “We follow the general principles of the Hindu monasteries,” Adam says. “Why?”

  “It is the same in the Catholic Church: how religions and practices are male dominated. I find this interesting,” I say.

  “Yes, there is much that was done to keep women from power. I’m assuming there may be a reason. Did the Guru write anything about this, Adam?” I ask.

  “I think it had to do with control in many cases,” Adam replies. “Also, as we are humans of lower vibration by birth, at the monastery we felt that there would be no temptation if we kept to just men. Of course, if you are homosexual, you could argue that the temptation is still there. We need to keep the kundalini clear and charged within, to get back to our original vibration.”

  “So, are you saying that, if you have sex, it will decrease your vibration?” Sarah asks, having joined us for breakfast.

  “It will, in most people’s current state of being. Not, however, if a person is living in a higher vibrational state. As we are just getting into that vibration here at the monastery, we felt it best to stick to the old ways,” Adam explains.

  “And, is their nothing written by the Guru on this?” David asks.

  “Actually, we found a manuscript just a year ago that he had written on this topic,” Adam says. “I will show you after breakfast.”

  After we finish breakfast, Adam takes us into the library. He unlocks a golden cabinet and takes out a book.

  “These are some of the Guru’s sacred teachings that he felt should be relayed only after the other teachings were,” Adam says. “It covers the topic of Woman in the evolutional flow.”

  We are all intrigued.

  Adam asks if we would like him to read that section out loud.

  “Yes, please do,” David says.

  Adam reads, So, it was on the day of the fallen, that the angels of the Reptilian race came and laid down the law. The people had already forgotten the way. They had forgotten their higher vibrational lineage. They had forgotten that when they split into two and birthed another they were asexual.

  They had also forgotten that in their asexual being they were both masculine and feminine. The feminine was the part of the being that had direct ties to the higher vibrational ways. The feminine had the aspect of splitting into two and birthing another. The female part of the person had the sacred knowings and codes of love and connection.

  The beings had forgotten this truth and most of the lineage truths. The male aspect of the being was the part that opened to understanding of a singular self. I suppose it was since the masculine part was more of the splitting of the two from one. Perhaps that is why they understood, or felt more of a separate self, so to say. The masculine part was also more apt to tap into the mind at times, not the soul of heart consciousness.

  “The Guru explained to us that this masculine piece was not of the mind as we know it, now,” Adam says. “This aspect was through a keeper of thoughts.”

  “So, are you saying that the masculine part was our downfall?” I ask.

  “No, not our downfall. But, that part was more susceptible to Reptilian and Anunnaki influence,” Adam replies.

  “I see. Is there more?” David asks.

  Adam continues to read out loud, So, it was that the male domination was put into play. This was another tool to help assure that humans did not connect to their true source and self. The female aspect was now a woman. Her powers were stripped away and she became a servant to the male aspect, or man. In the splitting of the two this brought into play much chaos in our world. The chaos is the center of humanities attention. In seeing the chaos, we forget the lineage, we forget the truth of our beginnings and of our potential.

  “I suppose I understand why this is something to be addressed after the other topics,” David says.

  “Yes, I think, as men still rule the world, there would be backlash to this,” Sarah agrees.

  “I still don’t understand why you have not started allowing women into the monastery,” I ask. “I understand what you said earlier, that you are all working on raising your vibration, first. But, perhaps it is time now?”

  “Perhaps,” Adam says. “However, now that we are being infiltrated, we need to concentrate on raising our vibration even more, and quickly.”

  “Perhaps we should go meditate at the outdoor temple,” I say.

  Sarah and I walk to the temple. The men have opted to stay and discuss the current penetration of the energy field of the monastery.

  As we walk, my thoughts take me away from the beauty of this place. I wonder if we should go to Jerusalem, as I’ve been getting in my dreams. Jesus practiced in Jerusalem. I am also getting strong energies from Mary, and Mary Magdalene. Meditating in the Grecian-looking temple overlooking the gardens, will hopefully bring some clarity.

  Deep in meditation, sitting on the marble bench with my back against a marble wall, I am transported. I see a woman in robes walking towards me. Her angelic energy is overwhelmingly beautiful, and it radiates out to me, as if through me. I am walking toward her. I see light coming from her heart and she puts her right hand to my heart and her left hand to her belly.

  As she touches me, I feel her stomach, her ovaries, her belly. She is birthing another. With her hand on my heart and hers on her belly she births a child. I see the child is a girl. A golden heart essence is radiating out of the girl. She is beautiful and glowing; and heaven sent

  As I open my eyes and look out at the jungle around me I hear the word Sarah. I feel Christ consciousness in me and around me.


  Mary, who art thou?

  “Mom, our flight to Jerusalem has been canceled,” Sarah says, as she enters my room. “There has been a big explosion in one of the churches there, and they are reporting more bombs, and 150 dead.”

  I sit on my bed, with my head in my hands. Such violence is happening all around us, and escalating at a faster pace, than I have witnessed in my lifetime. Rioting and unrest, in Japan and China, has been all over the news this past
month. The United States and England have been having political unrest, and bombings, as well.

  The monastery has been somewhat jeopardized with military surveillance, and there are also warnings of the volcano erupting here in Kauai. I’m not sure where we should go at this point, or if we should stay at the Monastery.

  My visions over the past few weeks have been of Mary Magdalene, and her birthing a daughter in a sacred way. Also, of the Virgin Mary birthing a daughter. It has been a bit confusing. I am not sure if the teachings that I have been brought up with are clouding the truth. I am asking for clarification on my meditations. Was it Mary, or Mary Magdalene, who birthed a sacred daughter? Or was it both of them? I had hoped the trip to Jerusalem would help to answer these questions.

  Leaving my bags half-packed for the trip, we walk over to the eating area outside the library to find Adam waiting for us.

  “It is not safe to travel to Jerusalem ladies. May I join you for lunch?” he asks.

  “Please do,” I say.

  “So, there is another story I have not told you about yet, that the Guru told a few of us, including me,” Adam says. “It has to do with a group of women.”

  “Oh, like a monastery of women?” I ask.

  “Yes,” he says.

  Adam tells Sarah and I a story of a time well before Jesus, and before ancient Egypt: a time before Sumeria; a time when women had ascended. He tells us these women were descendants of a group of people living 44,000 years ago.

  “Did the Guru write anything about this time, or these women?” I ask.

  “He just wrote a few pages about them,” Adam says. “After we eat, we can go to the vault in the library, and I will show you.”

  After we finish lunch we follow Adam into the library. As I look at the books on the shelves, and also at the bright, blue sky and the jungle, out through the windows that line the library walls, I think to myself that I will never grow tired of this place, or this library. He goes to unlock the vault and pulls out a few documents.

  Adam reads to us, So, the spirits of love descended down and helped to populate the earth. They were female and pure and were from the crystalline pure race. They helped the others to ascend in vibration to a purity of being and are honored in a place most sacred and old, in a place where they had once helped those of a lower vibration to ascend. They still live in this land, and this holy spot will one day be known by many as the place of eternal youth and light.


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