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Partners in Justice and Love: A Historical Western Romance Book

Page 24

by Lorelei Brogan

  Sara saw anything less than full disclosure with Janie to be an inexcusable wrong. And yet, Logan felt that protecting Janie’s marriage and family could only be right. Tired of wrestling with his own mind, Logan crawled back into bed and pulled the blanket over his head. Whatever points they’d disagreed upon, they’d been enough to convince her to leave. Ultimately, that was all there was to it. With a sigh, Logan slowly drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 21

  The following morning, Logan awoke to a knock on the door. Forcing his eyes open, he found that sunlight was already beaming through the curtains, suggesting that it was at least nine o’clock. He scrambled out of bed and opened the door.

  “It’s about time,” Eli laughed, smirking at Logan’s disheveled state. “Are you about ready to hit the trail? We’ve still got a man to bring in.”

  “Yes,” Logan nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  Eli nodded and left to saddle the horses. Logan glanced around the room. Things no longer seemed as downtrodden as they’d felt deep in the night. With newfound determination, he washed his face and readied for the long-overdue task of arresting Levi Moran.

  With the events of the previous day behind them, the ride back across the plains was much more enjoyable. The three lawmen were able to keep a good pace without having to look over their shoulders for any unannounced criminals. With the sun rising high overhead, the early December chill had lost its bite. The horses were eager to keep up a gallop, and they managed to arrive in Oakmede before suppertime.

  Sheriff Graves rode through town and stopped in at the office, but Logan and Eli passed around behind the building, tying their horses in the stable. Going in through the back door, they met him inside.

  “You both might as well go home. We can’t take Levi to prison until morning anyway,” the sheriff suggested.

  Logan adamantly shook his head. “This arrest has been far too long in the making for it to wait even one more night. After all the evidence trails that have led me nowhere, we finally have a solid testimony against him. Besides, whatever it might mean to you, it’s personal to me. That man nearly destroyed my family, and if it hadn’t been for their strength, he would have succeeded. This has to happen now.”

  Eli nodded his understanding. “I’ll be right behind you, but this one is all yours.”

  The sheriff agreed, leaving a cell unlocked and waiting for Levi. Together they started across the road.

  “Moran will be in his office above the saloon,” Logan told them on the way. “I can handle him, but make sure his men don’t try anything. They’ll be positioned throughout the building.”

  “We’ll make sure they don’t get in your way,” Eli assured.

  Logan took a deep breath before pushing through the double swinging doors. The entire establishment came to a momentary halt at the sight of the lawmen. The card games fell silent, and all eyes rested on them.

  Logan pointed directly at two of Moran’s better-known men. “Stay right where you are,” he demanded, motioning to Sheriff Graves. “Keep an eye on them. Eli, there’ll be at least two more around the bar.”

  “I’m on it,” he confirmed, keeping a steady hand over his revolver.

  Logan stormed up the staircase, bursting into Levi’s office. Levi nearly tumbled out of his chair in surprise. His eyes darted around either side of Logan, searching for Tucker.

  “How dare you barge in here!” Moran bellowed. “Boys! Come get him!”

  Moran waited, but a smirk spread over Logan’s face when there was no answer. “Your boys aren’t coming,” he told him. “And you are under arrest.”

  “What? You can’t arrest me! What charges are there?” Moran shouted.

  “I have proof that you hired a gunman to take down a deputy sheriff. Tucker is in prison, and he will be testifying.”

  Levi’s face suddenly fell pale, and he stumbled back into his chair. “Prison?” he squeaked.

  “Yes, your hitman failed you,” Logan growled. “Now, you’re coming with me.”

  “And what if I refuse?” Levi retorted, reaching for his desk drawer.

  Before Moran could even open the drawer, Logan had his gun drawn and had taken sharp aim. “That wasn’t an option!” he shouted.

  Staring down the barrel of Logan’s weapon, Moran froze momentarily as he assessed his new circumstances. A sly smirk made its way into Levi’s expression. “You won’t fire,” he murmured. “Your position in this town is not yet secure. What will the people think if they find out their new deputy is anxious on the trigger? You would have a riot on your hands!”

  “After the way you’ve treated these people? They would thank me,” Logan scoffed.

  Levi ran his finger across the edge of his desk, blatantly testing Logan’s patience. Glaring at the deputy, he dared to step around toward the front of the office. “You really think that you can tame this town, don’t you? Do you honestly believe that you can protect your beloved sister from everything?” Levi purred as he taunted Logan. “You can’t stop my kind. There will always be another swindler looking to lay claim to this town.”

  “Perhaps, but you won’t be one of them,” Logan growled.

  Levi suddenly lunged for a shelf on the far wall of the office, barely getting hold of a revolver that had been kept out of sight. Logan snapped the hammer of his gun back with a striking pop. “Don’t move!” he shouted.

  Levi quickly lifted his hands into the air. Seeing that he’d pushed Logan too far, the fight left him. Logan stepped forward and took the gun from Moran’s hands.

  “You’ve terrorized Oakmede for far too long. I knew I shouldn’t have let you off over the charges against Tom. But your days here have come to an end!” Logan motioned for Moran to step toward the door and out of the office. “You know where we’re going,” he muttered, pushing him along. Down the staircase and out of the saloon, Logan escorted Levi Moran. At long last, the cell door clanged shut behind him.

  No sooner had the door locked, Eli grabbed Logan’s hand and pumped it up and down. “I knew you’d do it! Justice has finally been served!”

  “Congratulations!” Sheriff Graves told him, shooting a sharp glance toward his new prisoner. “I’ll stand guard tonight, and I expect you’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes, sir,” Logan confirmed. “The sooner the loose ends of this can be tied up, the sooner we can all get back to a peaceful life. I’ll be here at dawn.”

  With that, Logan and Eli hurried out of the office and retrieved their horses from the stable. Darkness had already begun to fall over the territory, and they were anxious to share the news with Tom and Janie. Swinging up into their saddles, they galloped out of Oakmede.

  Down the path, under the cover of darkness, the two men raced. By the time they rode up into the yard, the boys’ bedroom lamp had been put out. But Tom and Janie were sitting on the veranda swing with a lantern, hoping for their return. At the sight of the riders, Janie jumped to her feet and rushed out to meet them.

  Logan! Thank goodness you’re alright! We’ve been so worried!” she cried, reaching up and taking Logan’s hand before he even had a chance to dismount.

  “I told you there was no need for such concern,” he chuckled. “But thank you just the same. I have news that will change everything in Oakmede…”

  Tom then rose to his feet, as well, stepping toward the yard. Janie stared at her brother, not daring to speak what she hoped to hear.

  “Levi Moran is in jail!”

  Tom shouted and rushed to hug Janie. While embracing his wife, he shook Logan’s hand. “I don’t know how we can ever thank you!”

  “There’s no need for that. It’s enough to know that Levi will tyrannize the people of Oakmede no longer,” Logan smiled, nodding to Eli. “And he deserves just as much of the credit. I couldn’t have managed it without Eli.”

  “Then we are indebted to you both,” Tom said, turning and shaking Eli’s hand as well.
r />   “I’m just glad to know that everything will now return to the way it should’ve been all along,” Eli nodded, flashing a smile at Janie.

  “Eli and I will be escorting Moran to Pine Ridge tomorrow morning, and his trial should be in a few weeks. But with the charges that have been brought against him…he won’t be returning to Oakmede.”

  Janie reached over and gave Logan a hug. “Let’s move inside, and I’ll make you both some tea. You’ve had a long day!”

  Agreeing, they all followed Janie into the sitting room.

  “Logan, the boys are already asleep, but they’ve been waiting so eagerly for your return. Why don’t you go in and let them know you’re back?” Janie urged as she filled the kettle with water.

  Logan nodded and quietly opened their door. The dog lifted his head from the foot of their bed, wagging his tail. After giving him a quick pat on the head, Logan gently woke Charley and Carter. The instant they saw their uncle standing over them, they bolted out of bed and wrapped their little arms around his legs.

  “We’re so glad you’re safe!” Charley exclaimed.

  “Of course, I’m safe,” Logan chuckled. “And there’s no need for you to get so worried about me.”

  “But Mama said you were out chasing after the bad guys,” Carter innocently chimed in.

  Logan sighed and sat down on the edge of their bed. He pulled them up onto his lap, taking one boy on each knee. “Boys, it’s time that you learned that there will always be bad guys to deal with. But there will also always be good guys to step in. That’s why my job is so needed. And it’s also why I will always ride out and do it…because I want to know that you both are safe.”

  Charley nodded and wrapped his arms around Logan’s neck. “Then I want to be a sheriff when I grow up, too. That way, I can help make sure you’re safe.”

  Logan smiled, knowing how much Janie wouldn’t like that idea, but overflowing with pride at the same time. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, you both need to go back to bed and get some good rest.”

  The boys nodded and climbed back under the blankets. Logan quietly slipped back out into the sitting room, only to find his sister staring at him. He shook his head, already knowing what she was thinking.

  “I’m not the one who suggested it,” he said, raising his hands in surrender. “Charley decided what he did all on his own.”

  “I know,” she replied quietly. “And as much as I want my boys to be safe, I’m proud that they look up to you the way they do. If that is the course that Charley chooses, then I’m happy to know that he will learn from the best.”

  Logan smiled and opened his arms, welcoming Janie into a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  After enjoying their tea, Logan and Eli both turned in for the night. They had one last trip to Pine Ridge awaiting them in the morning. Tom and Janie sat up in the sitting room for a while longer, remembering the hopes for Oakmede that they’d cherished before running into Moran. Finally, they could begin working toward such things once again.

  Logan and Eli were up and saddling their horses long before daylight, hoping to be able to return home by nightfall. Logan stepped into the house just long enough to grab a few leftover biscuits and let Tom know they were riding out.

  The first hints of blue were just creeping into the sky when they arrived at the sheriff’s office. There, they found that Sheriff Graves had already made sure to feed the prisoner, and he had his hands bound and ready to get on the trail.

  “Thank you, sir,” Logan said, shaking the sheriff’s hand. “We’ll be back by nightfall, and I should be back on the job tomorrow morning.”

  “I’m the one that should be thanking you! And I think it’s safe to say you’ve earned a few days off. First-things-first, though, this man needs to be put where he deserves to be.”

  “Yes, sir,” Logan agreed, unlocking Moran’s cell. The crook dared not speak, knowing the weight of his charges. He walked willingly to the stable and, with much effort, managed to climb into the saddle. With a last wave to the sheriff, the three men set off.

  It was noon by the time they reached Pine Ridge, but their journey had been uneventful. The guard came out to meet Logan, surprised to see him back so soon.

  “Another one already, Deputy?” he asked, staring at Moran’s fine suit and slicked hair. “He doesn’t look like the same sort as the last one.”

  “They’re worlds apart, and yet very much the same,” Logan said, pulling Moran to the ground. “Just make sure he stays put in that cell. I want both men tried at the soonest possible date.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll see to it,” the guard nodded, taking Moran off Logan’s hands. “You won’t have any more trouble from him.”

  Those words rang in Logan’s ears for a few moments as he reveled in that reality. Finally, his work was done. The men decided to grab lunch from the restaurant and take it on the trail. They were both eager to have a good night’s sleep, knowing that they could now relax. Setting back out beneath a cloud-filled sky, the signs of the first snowfall of the year began to appear. Logan mused that it was a fitting close to the recent events.

  The men paused only momentarily in Oakmede, letting the sheriff know that their mission had been accomplished. Then, they set off for home and their chance to celebrate their victory.

  By the time Logan returned home from town that evening, Tom and Janie had a feast prepared to celebrate the return of peace to Oakmede. At long last, Levi Moran could no longer terrorize the people of the town with his underhanded deals and blackmail. And to make the victory even sweeter, Eli and Logan had now freed the region from the wicked ways of Philip Tucker. As the two lawmen stepped inside the house and hung their hats, Janie placed a roasted duck on the table.

  “My goodness! I can’t remember the last time I had a duck!” Eli exclaimed.

  “And it’s already got my mouth watering!” Logan added.

  “It’s only fitting for such a celebration,” Janie insisted, placing plates in front of each seat at the table. “Now, go and wash up, everything is ready.”

  The men quickly obliged, eager to return to the dining room. As Logan took his seat next to Charley, he stared at the table set before him. He was surrounded by family and friends who were so dear to him. Janie had prepared only the best for such an occasion as this, preparing a meal that must’ve taken hours.

  The tyrants of the area were now behind bars. Everything was as it should be…and yet, it wasn’t. Somehow, even in the midst of what should have been the highest point in his career, Logan felt utterly empty inside. The victory was hollow without Sara here to celebrate it with him. After all, she’d put plenty of effort into bringing out the truth about Moran’s dealings with Tom.

  Janie dished out the meal, and everyone dug in. Logan tried to put on a good face, complementing Janie’s cooking and trying to enjoy himself. But deep down, he knew he was doing little more than going through the motions. How could one woman have changed so much of his life? In only a few short months, how had she managed to alter his hopes and dreams? The future that once seemed so clear to him was now foggy and bleak at best.

  Nonetheless, he’d made his decision. He had chosen Tom and Janie’s happiness over his own and had run off the woman he yearned for in the process. The best he could hope for now was the courage to try to move on.

  After dinner, Janie ushered the boys into their bedroom to change into their pajamas while the men settled into the sitting room.

  “As much as I’m going to hate riding out of here, it’s time I got back to Mather’s Creek,” Eli said, glancing over at Logan. “Thanks to you, my work here is done.”


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